Chapter 425: weird behavior

Latest website: Atsby is very aggrieved now, really aggrieved.

He expected that he might encounter some troubles, but he really didn't expect that the troubles he would encounter would be so big!

Uchiha Kai this guy, he obviously knows.

He knew that this sixteen-year-old kid was a war hero, and he saved the trust of Uchiha Tomitake and the Fourth Hokage.

Besides, he really didn't take this young kid too much into his own eyes.

Even if he heard that this kid had dealt with the Nine-Tails, he never took it too seriously.

The person who dealt with the nine tails, but Minato Namikaze, who had fought against the eight-tailed person Zhuri and the fourth Raikage.

There is also this Uchiha Fuyue, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, this kid is probably just making up the number.

But now he found that although this kid's strength is uncertain, his mouth and brain seem to be really useful.

I don't know if he has detected his specific information, or if he is just guessing.

But his words really put Atsby in a very embarrassing situation.

Especially the last sentence made his heart full of anger, and at the same time, he also started to feel a little flustered.

Death is really not scary for him, but what is scary is that he didn't complete his mission at all.

He didn't let Yun Yin get the benefits he deserved in this incident.

Thinking of this, Atsby gritted his teeth.

Finally, he took a deep breath and showed a forced smile: "Minister Qi, I think we have some misunderstanding..."

"Is it a misunderstanding?" Uchiha Kai looked at him blankly, and after a long time he sighed slightly: "Really, is it really just a misunderstanding?"

"Of course it's a misunderstanding." Atsby looked very firm, and he bowed slightly to Uchiha Qi: "Minister Qi, maybe I'm being reckless, but please don't question me as a Yun Ninja towards Raikage. Loyalty, loyalty to Yunyin."

"Really?" Uchiha Qi smiled slightly, and then he shook his head: "Okay, no matter what you say or do, but you are a special envoy after all. So what you say is what it is."

Uchiha Kai's attitude is so frivolous and looks so disdainful, but Atsby really can't do anything about it.

He knew that nothing he could say would help him, so he decided to just shut up and say nothing.

Instead of wasting time here talking a bunch of nonsense, it's better to think about how to get those tasks done.

This is a mortal mission, and those who can set off to Konoha are actually prepared in their hearts.

It's just that the difficulty of this mission requires them to cooperate with each other.

Once they have an inappropriate idea in their hearts, or simply don't trust Arsby, then the task this time is really troublesome.

Therefore, he simply didn't speak, and stopped wasting words with the kid Uchiha Kai, and honestly followed Uchiha Kai and the people from the security department into the Konoha.

The next thing is very smooth, and it can even be said to be a bit magical.

Although it was still due to various reasons, the signing of the treaty ended in the evening.

But the process went so smoothly that people wondered if he was dreaming.

I don't know if Atsby was frightened by Uchiha Qi, or Yun Yin had planned it originally.

Or maybe they really can't stand it and waste time and energy fighting with Konoha in the Iron Country.

They almost completely accepted the series of conditions that Konoha proposed.

Whether it was mission losses, casualties, or even the guard ninjas dispatched to protect and assist mission ninjas, they all accepted and agreed!

This incident made the three generations of Hokage overjoyed at the same time full of doubts, and Namikaze Minato also looked incredible and embarrassed.

what is this

These conditions were drawn up by him and Uchiha Kai together, and it can be said that they are the conditions for the lion to open his mouth.

And choosing such a condition is purely for negotiating with Yunyin. In short, Konoha lion opened his mouth, and Yunyin wanted to bargain with them.

But now Yun Yin doesn't seem to have any interest in discussing these messy conditions with them at all, and simply accepts it completely.

How could this not make Namikaze Minato dumbfounded?

Although it seems that Konoha Blood has made a fortune, in fact, doing so will not achieve his goal at all.

He was waiting for Yun Yin's envoy this time, and did not accept these messy treaties at all.

On the other hand, if you are tougher on your own side, it is very likely that some conflicts will break out.

But what's going on now

Haven't you been preparing since last year?

Aren't you unusually belligerent?

Why did this give up

Namikaze Minato couldn't figure it out, but he subconsciously thought that there might be some problems, some serious problems!

So in the end, he chose to sign all these treaties quietly, and then discuss it with some people.

Like Naikaze Minato, the three generations of Hokage, who felt that something was wrong, was also weird and suspicious, and he was even a little angry.

Are these **** Yun Ninjas deliberately playing tricks on themselves, deliberately wanting them to go to war with Minato Namikaze?

Whether it was true or not, Hizan Sarutobi didn't believe these things at all in his heart.

As Hokage, even if he has left the job and has failed in the infighting, he will not betray the interests of his village.

Then, as the current Raikage, he would not do such a thing.

What the **** are these guys doing, what are they thinking?

Others were full of doubts, but Kai Uchiha was different.

He knows the plot of the original book, and based on the current situation, he can easily analyze the thoughts of these people.

Although the process does not necessarily change, and the starting point does not necessarily change, but the mentality, the way of doing things, etc. have undergone huge changes.

That's why this phenomenon is confusing, but it always makes people feel that there is a big problem.

After Atsby and the messengers representing Yun Yin's negotiation left, Minato Namiba directly called Uchiha Kei and Nara Shikahisa to his office.

But this time, there are other people who followed, that is, the three generations of Hokage and his think tank, Mito Gate Yan and the transfer of Koharu.

These two people Uchiha Kai really haven't seen for a while, but they are still holding some important positions.

It's just because the main voice is Namifeng Minato, and they rarely show up except for necessary work reports.

"I won't say more polite words. Although there are many people here who are more or less contradictory, what we are facing now is something we must work together to deal with."

Minato Namikaze glanced at everyone present and said directly.

What he said meant something, and everyone present knew it.

Of course, they also knew better who he was speaking to, not to the three generations of Hokage and Uchiha Kai, but to Mito Menyan and Koharu.

Although these two people are still active and serving in Konoha's core power circle, they are in fact excluded from this core power circle.

Coupled with the fact that Namifeng Minato was worried about the influence of the Shimura Danzo incident, he had to say hello first.

"Don't worry, Fourth Generation." Third Hokage said flatly.

"Although we all know some things, I'm afraid it's not so easy to be resolved.

But we know better that Konoha is the ultimate goal we want to protect and fight for.

Without Konoha, we would have no home, and we would be just a bunch of lonely ghosts, otherwise I wouldn't have spoken out about it. "

"Don't worry, Lord Naruto, I am a reasonable person." Uchiha Qi also said calmly: "This time I came to us, I think Lord Naruto has doubts about the actions of the special envoy of Yun Ren this time."

"Indeed, these Yun Ren's actions this time really made me feel very wrong." Minato Namifeng nodded directly.

"They look very wrong, so I need to judge what these guys are thinking. I have asked Kakashi to follow them, and I always have a bad feeling."

"Indeed, Lord Hokage for the fourth generation, Lord Hokage for the third generation." Nara Shikhisa also nodded: "They must have their own goals, and this time...they have lost too much, which is not logical at all, unless ..."

Uchiha Qi turned his head and glanced at Nara Shikahisa, this guy may have guessed something.

I have to say that some of this guy's actions really made Uchiha Kai unpleasant, but his ability is completely without any problems.

Uchiha Kai knows the whole thing roughly, so he can judge what Yun Ren is doing through the current situation and other aspects.

But this guy doesn't have any other information at all, it's really not easy for him to judge like this.

"Oh, what do you think of Mr. Shikahisa?" Minato Namikaze, Sandaime and the others all turned their attention to Shikahisa Nara: "Let's talk about it."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Nara Shikaku nodded, and then he quickly said: "Their actions are very strange, first they shrank in the conflict over the Iron Country, then they took the initiative to announce a truce, and in the end they didn't refute at all. Under the circumstances, these treaties are fully accepted...."

Nara Shikahisa took a deep breath: "I'm afraid their purpose is to create a brand new political image, and..."

"Prepare for war." Uchiha Kai said now.

He has already judged that Nara Shikahisa has thought of what he should think, and this guy really cannot be praised too much.

"That's right, just as Minister Kei said." Nara Shikahisa glanced at Uchiha Kei, then nodded: "I'm afraid they are really preparing for war."


This word really silenced everyone present like a dream demon. This word is not a good word to listen to at any time.

The three generations of Hokage looked at Uchiha Kai with a complicated look. He really didn't expect this kid to think of these things like Nara Shikahisa.

And Namikaze Minato's expression is also a little inexplicable, he feels that things don't seem to be that bad...
