Chapter 448: Intimidate

"Huh, huh..."

The fourth Raikage looked at the pale golden giant in front of him and breathed heavily.

He was so tired that he even felt like he fell to the ground and could fall asleep immediately.

He didn't even know how long it had been since he had encountered such a situation.

Even if he lost to Minato Namikaze at the beginning, he was not as weak and embarrassed as he is now.

Uchiha Fuyue, this guy is really a human-shaped tailed beast. It's really no surprise that this guy can deal with the nine tails at the beginning.

However, it seems that according to the information, this guy used illusion to deal with the nine tails?

The fourth Raikage shook his head, no matter how this guy subdued the nine tails, now it seems that this guy is really more dangerous than he imagined.

The fourth Raikage is now full of injuries, and the only bone left in his arm has been broken.

His feet were also damaged to varying degrees due to the excessive use of ninjutsu.

He knew that he couldn't keep fighting, and if he kept fighting, he would really die here.

But he also knew that the **** guy Uchiha Fuyue was not in a good condition.

There was a lot of blood coming out of his eyes, and the guy's breathing became a little heavy.

The most important thing is that the pale golden Chakra giant is not as huge as before.

This may be the performance of his transitional effect. After all, this kind of battle still behaves like a normal person, so it will be strange.

"Let's retreat while you can move now."

Fourth Raikage took a deep breath, and even if he moved now, he felt as if his whole body was about to be torn apart.

But if it really doesn't move, then he will really be torn to pieces in this place.

Glancing at the large troop standing behind him, he didn't know what the casualties were, but it was definitely not less.

The situation on Konoha's side is definitely not optimistic, but he knows that this time he basically failed.

But he was still relatively happy, because he had already mastered the information on the technique of Uchiha Fuyue!

"I'll meet you next time, Uchiha Fuyake."

The fourth Raikage stood up straight. Although he felt like he was about to be torn apart, he still maintained his pride.

"Next time, I will definitely kill you!"

"Hmph, if you only have this level, then you will definitely die next time." Uchiha Fuyue is not a guy to mess with, his tone is extremely indifferent.

"Retreat!" The fourth generation of Raikage stared at Uchiha Fugaku, stared at the huge pale golden Chakra giant, and then waved his hand and retreated directly to the rear.

Those Yun Ninjas looked at this situation and quickly followed their commander to evacuate.

They all saw clearly, in fact, Raikage could ignore Uchiha Fugaku and turn around to attack those Konoha ninjas.

But in this case, the outrageous guy who is extremely good at ninjutsu and powerful will attack them.

If so, they are probably all dead by now.

Although they can't see what the result is now, but this nightmare-like battle is over, and they naturally don't want to stay here.

That's right, for these Yun Ninjas, and even for those Konoha Ninjas, this battle between these two is a nightmare!

Look at the topography and landforms of several kilometers in this area that have been completely deformed, the huge deep pits and the burning flames.

In other words, who could have imagined that this place used to be a lush forest!

And now?

There is only a ruin and desolation here, and there is absolutely no life in sight.

Uchiha Fuyue silently watched the four generations of Raikage and those Yun Ren evacuate, he sighed deeply, and then closed his Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker.

He is really feeling dizzy now, and his consumption is very large, which is beyond his own imagination.

He is also feeling very bad now, but he still stands in place without any movement.

He was really worried that if he moved a little, he would faint directly in place.

"Captain Fuyue."

At this moment, Saito Hyuga came to his side, along with Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage.

"Can't we catch up?"

The three of them are now covered in blood, but it can be seen that the situation is a little worse than Hinata, and Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage have no problems at all.

Although Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying were besieged by Yun Ren, their strengths were no joke.

Especially his writing wheel eyes are double hook jade, this level is already a very strong existence on the battlefield.

As long as they don't seek death themselves, it is basically difficult for them to be killed by chaos.

"Forget it, don't chase." Uchiha Fuyue sighed, and he shook his head to deny the proposal.

"However, Raikage's injuries are very serious now." Saito Hyuga said regretfully, "If he catches up now, I'm afraid he won't be able to resist at all."

"Go back and count the casualties."

Uchiha Fuyue shook his head, then turned around and planned to leave, but he turned around a little staggered, and finally he said helplessly.

"It can only be said that it is the fourth Raikage. Although I am not injured, my current consumption is not easy. Moreover, I can't catch up with him."

Uchiha Fuyue is indeed depressed enough, he really can't catch up with the fourth generation of Raikage.

Not to mention that his third stage Susanoo has no ability to act at all, and even if he has the ability to act, he may not be able to catch up.

He really can't do anything about these speed ninjas. He feels that he has the ability to act in the state of Susanoo, and 80% of the time he can't do like Uchiha Kai.

This is his fault, his strengths are as obvious as his weaknesses.

"Are you alright, the patriarch?" Uchiha Chuan supported Uchiha Fugaku, and Uchiha Ryukage stepped forward.

"I'm fine. As I said before, I've consumed too much." Uchiha Fuyue shook his head: "Let's retreat, I think we need to take a good count."

Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage nodded, while Hinata was honestly not speaking.

Indeed, the exaggerated speed and destructive power of the Fourth Raikage also left an indelible impression on them.

And Uchiha Fugaku, who has been fighting with this guy for so long, would be really strange if there was nothing wrong with him.

It's just that they don't know, Uchiha Fuyue is still thinking about other things, that is the troop on Yun Ren's flank?

It seems that I haven't seen it from beginning to end. Could it be that the three generations of Hokage led the team to lead out that troop?

Uchiha Fuyue thought silently in his heart, although he himself didn't like the three Hokage very much, but now is the time of war, and he doesn't want any trouble in Konoha's troops...


"Cough cough cough..."

Sarutobi Hizan clutched his chest and coughed a few times. He now feels that his situation is very bad, even to a certain extent.

This damned eight-tailed man, Zhuri, doesn't seem to be fighting on the instinct of beasts.

But have a certain tactical literacy!

Although this is likely to be the ability of the eight tails themselves, but he clearly saw that in the head of the eight tails, there are actually a few Yun Ren who are protected by his chakra.

This can only mean one thing, and that is that this damned eight tails is simply an existence controlled by Ren Zhuli.

In other words, his hunch was right, Yun Ren actually has the perfect human pillar power!

This information made the three generations of Hokage feel incredible, and at the same time there was some despair in his heart.

The perfect human pillar power, which is in harmony with the tailed beast and has been recognized by the tailed beast.

In other words, its own strength and seal are strong enough, forcing the tailed beast to cooperate with the person who exerts its full power.

Originally, the perfect person's pillar power basically existed in Konoha, but now it seems that Yun Ren has created such a terrifying existence in silence!

Sarutobi Hizan has no other thoughts now, and his heart is very contradictory now.

When encountering such a guy, he didn't want to follow his Konoha ninja to come to support.

Because they may not be able to settle this terrifying behemoth at all, it is the best choice to spread out and retreat quickly.

But he also hoped that someone would come to support him, not that he wanted to survive.

As a ninja, like everyone else, he was ready to die.

But he prefers to pass on the information that 'Yun Yin also has the perfect human pillar power'.

Taking a deep breath, Sarutobi Hizan reluctantly made himself stand up.

He felt that he didn't know how many bones were broken all over his body, and his internal organs should also be damaged to a certain extent.

In the face of the **** tail beast jade, he almost tried his best to use chakra, plus the golden hoop in his hand to resist.

But the final end turned out to be like this, and his weapon turned into smoke and returned to the psychic world.

But he knew that he still needed to fight now, and he still needed to finish the final battle.

If necessary, he hopes to catch this guy and perform that last spell.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

"Tu Dun · Earth Dragon Bomb!"



At this moment, countless escape techniques suddenly flew out from behind Sarutobi Hizan.

Their goals were all concentrated on the huge Eight-tailed body!

Violent explosions continued to sound, and Sarutobi Hiizan was also a little unlucky, and was knocked flying by the impact force caused by ninjutsu.

If it was a few minutes ago, I am afraid that he would not have been affected by such an impact at all.

But he is a little too weak now, he can't bear it at all!

"Three generations of Naruto." A Sarutobi Ninja Shunshu quickly appeared beside him, and then hugged him Sarutobi Hizen: "Are you alright?"

"Quick retreat.... This is the perfect human pillar..."

The third Hokage just opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, but he didn't care about it at all.

"Quickly withdraw, we must pass this information back to Konoha, and let them... let them send Kushina, it's not enough to let the fourth generation come..."

The perfect human pillar?

The Sarutobi ninja was stunned for a moment, but he didn't have time to say anything, and suddenly he heard a roar coming from the front.

This roar directly shook the smoke away, revealing the huge body of Yawei.

This guy has endured more than 3,000 ninjutsu baptisms, and it turns out that he can't tell whether he is injured or not!

The tentacle slammed into the ground fiercely, and a crack appeared on the ground.

It shook like an earthquake. It made the ninja on Konoha's side a little unsteady all of a sudden.

His head was raised high, and his mouth opened again.

The huge round **** converged on his mouth, this is the tailed beast jade!

The three generations of Hokage saw this scene and it was almost flawed. He had seen the nine-tailed beast jade to destroy Konoha for a long time. How could he forget the power of this technique?

He pushed away the Sarutobi ninja beside him, and then quickly formed a seal with his hands. He only hoped that he could drag this **** guy a little.

"Lord Hokage, is he really the perfect person?"

The Sarutobi ninja also saw this scene. Although he was also very panicked, he asked another thing.

"In other words, he still maintains the sanity of a ninja?"

"That's right..." Sarutobi Hiizhan tried to keep himself from talking as much as possible: "Leave quickly, let everyone leave, and retreat, I will hold him back. You must send this information back to Konoha!"

"If that's the case..." the Sarutobi ninja muttered to himself, "I'm afraid, we're all fine..."


Sarutobi Hizan really wanted to take out the kunai and give it to him, is this okay?

Now he really doubts whether the ninja of his own family has a problem with his brain.


What amazing decision did that kid from the Nara clan from the security department make?

Just when Sarutobi Hizan was puzzled, he suddenly found that at least hundreds of ninjas ran to their side and there were quite a few Yunyin ninjas in their hands!

"Lord Kirabi, I know your situation."

Just when Sarutobi Hizan was in shock, he suddenly heard a voice he was familiar with, the voice of that Nara clan kid!

Nara Lucheng slowly walked out of the crowd, but he did not go too far.

He looked at the eight tails that were ready to go, and the dark chakra ball on his mouth with a serious expression, and he was also afraid of it.

But he knew that at this moment he could only gamble, that the information that Uchiha had given him before he set off was right.

He is actually very strange, why Uchiha Kai knows this information.

After he was selected into the Sarutobi Hiizan team and clearly served as a staff member, the minister of his family found him and gave him this information.

Now he can only believe it.

"My minister, Uchiha-sama, told me that you are a perfect person, Zhuli, and I should be careful about your situation."

Nara Lucheng gritted his teeth and continued: "Although you are now in a tailed beast state, I believe you still maintain the sanity of a ninja.

So, do you have the heart to annihilate these subordinates who came here with you while destroying us? Sir Kirabi! "

Nara Kajo's voice was very loud, and it was completely transmitted to Kirabi's side.

And he couldn't help swallowing after saying this, he just hoped that Uchiha Kai's information was okay, otherwise they would be dead!

Eight tails' huge body was still standing there, and suddenly the black chakra in his mouth spewed out all over the world!

However, when he launched, he had already turned his head away...



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