Chapter 458: let them take the blame

Nara Shikahisa's statement and commitment made Uchiha Kai very satisfied.

No matter what they were like before, I am afraid there will be a new performance in this meeting.

Nara Lucheng this kid, Uchiha Kai does plan to promote him at night.

Because this kid's performance really surprised him.

However, he is also used to the performance of various 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' inside Konoha.

After going through so much, he has seen too many characters that did not appear in the original works, shining and shining beside him.

It can only be said that the original work completely focused on the absolute protagonist, slightly ignoring other ninjas.

There are so many Konoha ninjas, and the number of tens of thousands is really no joke.

If the story is really interspersed with these people, Kishimoto probably doesn't have the energy.

The time point at which Uchiha Kai is located is not the time point of the original work.

Therefore, the people he came into contact with were naturally not all those in the original book.

For him now, those people in the original book can only be regarded as those who will surely shine in the future.

Those hidden and unknown guys don't mean they can't.

Make a deal with Nara Shikahisa with Nara Shikatori, who is bound to be promoted by himself.

Whether it was on the surface for others to see, or he had planned to do so in the first place, at least that would explain why they met tonight.

Sure enough, the news of their meeting was quickly spread.

After all, when the two ministers of Konoha met, they still did not seem to have a good relationship.

Even if they made the same choice, it would leave others wondering and trying to figure out what kind of deal they made.

Just a few days later, at another meeting held by Namikaze Minato, these people seemed to know what the two of them were talking about and what they had traded.

In this meeting, Nara Shikahisa put forward a revised opinion just like negotiating with Uchiha Kai.

And Namikaze Minato was also "unexpected" and agreed with the results of this revision.

However, this revision is not a big one, it can only be regarded as a supplement to the results of the previous meeting.

But this time the supplement has given these big families a good buffer.

It's just the one-vote veto proposed by Namikaze Minato, which made them a little less satisfied.

But in the next vote, the Uchiha family directly chose to support it.

Others were not surprised by this, but what surprised them was that Nara Shikahisa actually supported Naikaze Minato directly after Uchiha Kai took the pig deer butterfly.

As for those civilians, there is no need for any consideration at all.

They directly cast their votes for Minato Namikaze.

In short, this vote is actually similar to the resolution of the previous meeting, or even smoother!

It can be said that there is no difficulty at all, and Minato Namikaze has also won over almost all the civilian ninjas in Konoha through this incident!

Such means and tactics have really filled the hearts of those opposition parties with panic and anxiety.

They suddenly felt that the fourth Hokage was really full of wings.

And he chose a path that is completely different from the three generations of Hokage!

Unfortunately, how uneasy they were, the results of the meeting were finally settled, and the official implementation time of the resolution was also determined.

"The reform plan will be officially launched in two months." Namikaze Minato's tone seemed so undeniable.

"Within two months, my only requirement is to complete the collection of ninjutsu statistics.

I will hand over this task to Nara, Akimichi, Yamanaka, and Hinata! "

Two months, these two months are time-limited!

The patriarchs of some of the families who were present couldn't help but turn ugly when they heard the news.

This is exactly the tone set for them, the tone that they cannot refute at all!

Especially Sarutobi Kento's face is even more unsightly, because the three generations of Hokage are still in a coma, and there is no way to wake up and deal with this matter.

Those ninjutsu are the key to opening the huge gap between their Sarutobi clan and the civilian ninjas. If they really want to hand over them, what advantages do they have?

But it is also good, at least two months as a buffer.

He can only hope now that Sarutobi Hizen wakes up during this time.

"Besides, because of the injury of the three generations of Hokage, I decided to send a new commander and combat force up."

Namikaze Minato didn't care about them so much, and his eyes were placed on Uchiha Kai.

"Minister Qi, you've been preparing for so long, is it alright?"

"Of course, Hokage-sama." Uchiha Kai stood up and smiled.

"Then, I will appoint you as the commander of Konoha's second unit, and you can choose some fighters to supplement." Minato Namikaze said directly.

"Lord Hokage, I don't really need it, I only need to bring two people." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then he said seriously.

"I think the replenishment of the front-line troops has been completed. I only need two people who can cooperate with me."

The frontline supplement is actually going on all the time, and Konoha's fighting ninjas are not as many as Yun Ren.

However, with the number of frontline ninjas maintained, it is impossible for them to fall behind in such an inevitable event.

Could it be that when the ninjas are wiped out, they are supplementing?

That's a fart!

Even the front-line troops will not send all their combat power to fight at one time, otherwise who will be stationed?

After being attacked by the enemy, they lost their strategic location, which is equivalent to the complete opening of the door of the country of fire to the enemy.

"I see." Minato Minato nods his head.

Of course he knew who Uchiha Qi wanted, naturally his two teammates.

There is absolutely no problem with Hyuga Aya, after all, this girl is a member of a branch, and she does not have an important enough position.

So choosing her is absolutely no big deal.

But another person is worth noting, that is, Imai Kenta, who has become the head of the task department.

This guy is a little troublesome, after all, his position is very important.

Fortunately, the mission department is running well now. Although Nara Shikahisa's father is old and retired, it is not that he can't help control the mission department for a while.

Namikaze Minato knew that Uchiha Kai and Nara Shikisa had met alone, but he didn't know what they said, and he didn't need to know everything.

He only needs to know that today, Nara Shikahisa took Yamanaka and Qiu Dao to express his position after Uchiha Kai, and this attitude is much better than before.

From this, we can also see a lot of clues, and this kid Kenta Imai can go to the front line with confidence.

Thinking of this, Minato Namikaze said directly: "Minister Qi, just hand over the list of personnel you need to Minister Shikajiu, no matter who it is, I will support you!"


The support of Namikaze Minato is still very effective, especially now that he has an unimaginable public opinion base and support.

After waiting for a few days, Uchiha Kai set off with Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta in a low-key manner.

This time, there was no report, no order, and no one even knew that they had acted!

Everything is so low-key, everything is so sudden.

With the help of Namikaze Minato, they directly used Flying Thunder God to appear in Uchiha Fuyake's camp!

Uchiha Fuyue was looking at the report, and after so long of training, he has almost recovered.

However, after recovering, he did not go to fight the fourth Raikage.

It's not that he didn't want to, but he knew that if he was dispatched, Yun Ren knew that the Konoha troop behind him had no commander-in-chief and no powerful ninja.

So what they may have to face on the front is the siege of the fourth Raikage and the eight tails!

Facing a fourth-generation Raikage, he already felt that it was difficult enough, even if he had never been injured, and beat the fourth-generation Raikage badly.

But that battle also made him realize that the two people he was facing might not be able to fight one against two.

His ability to act is really too weak, and this is indeed the ability to act. Facing the fourth generation of Raikage and the eight tails, this is simply fatal to him!

But Uchiha Fuyue is not in a hurry, he knows that Uchiha Kai is coming soon.

Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Qi already knew the internal situation of Konoha through the exchange of letters.

Now Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato have completed the final step of the reform plan they discussed a few years ago.

And through the precipitation of these time, as well as the guards of Uchiha Kai, the situation inside Konoha may have almost stabilized.

In this case, it also means that Uchiha Kai is about to come to the battlefield.

Almost half a year ago, Uchiha Kai had already prepared so many rumors in order to be able to play.

Now the whole Konoha almost knows that the powerhouses of the Uchiha family can use a chakra giant called 'Susanoo'.

And the color of this giant has certain randomness and certain coincidence.

Uchiha Kai's Susanoo is black, and the mysterious Uchiha who attacked Kirigakura also has a black Susanoo.

It seemed like a coincidence too much, but Konoha's ninja believed it anyway.

What on the other side of Kirikin thinks has nothing to do with their Konoha.

Anyway, they won't ask Konoha about this matter. It may be that he thought Uchiha Kai was too dangerous, and Hei Jue gave up this idea.

And Konoha is naturally impossible to take the initiative to explain this matter, Uchiha Kai is a minister-level figure of Konoha.

Therefore, this matter has been silent.

To put it simply, Uchiha Qi even ran to the battlefield to make waves.

As long as he doesn't go too far, almost no one will connect him with that guy Kiriyuki.

At least Konoha won't...

Well, at least the people inside Konoha don't ostensibly.

As for other Ninja villages, I am afraid it is not so easy to say.

But anyway, Uchiha Kai has already made the preliminary preparations.

Silently watching the report from Konoha, Uchiha Fuyue suddenly frowned.

Because he seemed to sense someone beside him, which made him turn his head immediately.

"Huh?" Uchiha Fuyue froze for a moment: "Lord Hokage, Kai, and Minister Kenta, are you here?"

"Ah, here we are." Minato Minato smiled and nodded, but Kai Uchiha tilted his head.

This guy Uchiha Fuyue is really careful, deliberately ignoring Hyuga Aya.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to care about him. This guy seemed to be a little unhappy about his unclear relationship with Hyuga Aya.

In the end, this guy still has some bloodline ideas, or as the patriarch, this guy doesn't think that the people in his family will be inferior to the people next door who don't deal with the family.

Especially this person is a branch of the Hyuga clan.

"The Konoha matter is almost done, so we're here." After Uchiha Fuyue brought them all down, Uchiha Qi said directly, "Is there any problem with the front line?"

"There is no problem for the time being, but I am a little surprised by the strength of the fourth generation of Raikage." Uchiha Fuyue shook his head: "And they also have an eight-tailed human column force, I can deal with one by myself, and I can't stay strong. But you're here, and I feel like things should be a lot easier."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi listened to Uchiha Fuyue's words, and couldn't help rubbing his chin, and suddenly he said.

"If, I mean, if I go to raid Yunyin's camp at dawn, what do you think?"

"Assault on Yunyin Camp?" Uchiha Fugaku, Namikaze Minato, Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya all looked at him in disbelief.

But soon the four of them calmed down and began to seriously think about the meaning of Uchiha Kai's words.

They are not fools, and they immediately thought of the meaning of Uchiha Kai's words.

They came by the flying thunder **** of Namikaze Minato,

But other people don't necessarily know that Namifeng Minato's technique can carry so many people and fly such a long distance!

The current wave Feng Shui, even if it is not reincarnated from the dirt, has the ability to not lose to him in the original book with infinite chakra.

As a hidden nine-tailed man Zhuli, after borrowing the nine-tailed chakra, he can teleport a very long distance.

His farthest teleportation, but with Uchiha Kai and four others, teleported from Wuyin Village to Konoha together!

At that time, his strength was not as powerful as it is now, or the relationship between him and Nine-Tails was not as good as it is now, and the Nine-Tails Chakra that can be used is not as good as it is now.

No one knows when Uchiha Kai set off, but after Namikaze Minato was able to go back, he revealed that he set off 'last night'.

Then when Kakashi deliberately let Kakashi meet with his classmates, it was enough to disclose this information 'casually'.

A normal ninja would need at least several days to get here even if he was in full hurry.

Then Uchiha Kai tomorrow attacked Yun Ren early in the morning, and it seems that he can get rid of the relationship.

As long as he shows up at Konoha's camp in a few days, all this will be fine.

Thinking of this, everyone seems to think this is very good!

Namikaze Minato nodded: "You can try, but what reason are you going to use??"

"Actually, the reason is very simple. Didn't Konoha and Kirikin suffer?" Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "The goal of that organization seems to have always been clear."

"In the name of the tailed beast, is the main target also the tailed beast?"

"Of course, those guys may have to take the blame for me again..."



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