Chapter 468: potential plan

potential plan?

Kaleidoscope's potential plan?

When Uchiha Fuyue heard this sentence, his pupils suddenly enlarged, but then his expression became a little ugly.

Such a plan really made him feel very bad.

Because in the history of the Uchiha clan, there have been similar plans.

In other words, it is more appropriate from the experiment.

It was a period of time that was erased from the historical records, and there will never be any records of this aspect during that time.

Even during that time, many elite ninjas in the Uchiha clan disappeared and died accidentally, but no one was willing to mention these things.

That kind of blood and crime, even if it is spoken of, will feel fear.

The medicine that Uchiha Kai used to force Uchiha to open his eyes was handed down from that era.

Uchiha Fuyue didn't know why, but Uchiha Kai suddenly wanted to restart the plan.

Is it because this guy has a problem with his eyes?

Or did he start to feel restless in his heart?

"Why?" Uchiha Fuyue looked at Uchiha Kai with a solemn expression: "You are already so strong, why do you still do this?"

"Huh?" Uchiha Qi looked at Uchiha Fuyake inexplicably, but soon he guessed what this guy was thinking: "I said, you don't think I want to be like some idiots, forcibly open some excellent A kaleidoscope of ninjas, right?"

Uchiha Fuyue's expression suddenly became somewhat inexplicable: "Isn't it?"

"Osamu Uchiha and Yugi Uchiha are both kaleidoscopes that I forced out of my own hands. I have already said that such means are not acceptable."

Uchiha Qi chuckled lightly: "Since I feel that I can't do it, why do you think I have to go that way?"

Obviously, Uchiha Fuyue felt that Uchiha Kei wanted to follow the old path of the former family.

However, he already knew how to turn on the kaleidoscope, so he would not choose such a path at all.

He doesn't have other techniques like the gods, plus those guys who were forced to turn on the kaleidoscope, all of them are neurotic on the verge of collapse, and the threat factor is immeasurable!

Even if Uchiha Kai has almost eternal eyes, but in the face of unknown pupil skills, he may still roll over if he is not careful.

He didn't want such unfortunate things to happen to him.

In the face of the kaleidoscope, it is really too easy to go wrong without knowing the intelligence.

Don't look at Uchiha Kaimian alone Uchiha Fuyue's performance is so easy, that's because the eyes that Uchiha Fuyue is using now, he is fully aware of the ability.

In addition, these eyes do not belong to Uchiha Fugaku, so there are naturally some small flaws in use.

If Uchiha Fuyue used his own eyes, I'm afraid Uchiha Kai is really not that easy.

"Then....what's your plan?" Uchiha Fuyue hesitated for a while, and then he asked in a low voice.

The Kaleidoscope Potential Project, if Uchiha Fuyue is not interested in this plan, it is naturally impossible.

Uchiha Fuyue knows what the most powerful eyes of the Uchiha family are, but the foundation of all this is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

If Uchiha has more pairs of kaleidoscopes, it will be very encouraging for the family.

If Kai Uchiha's plan worked, and it wasn't what he did...

It's not like the crazy old clan elders did, so this plan can still be implemented.

"It's very simple, that's emotional cultivation."

Uchiha Kai sat down, then picked up the tea made by Uchiha Fuyue and shook it gently.

"Actually, cultivating feelings is just one way. I think the opening of the kaleidoscope is actually a manifestation of extreme emotions, either despair or anger.

But I have always felt that despair is the best medicine to open a kaleidoscope. "

"Cultivate feelings and create feelings of despair?" Uchiha Fuyue's face was a little weird when he heard the words: "This is too cruel, and feelings are really not so easy to cultivate, and they also need talent.... Wait, you are planning, yes The child starts?"

"Don't use words like start." Uchiha Qi sighed: "It can only be said that it is an attempt, and there is absolutely no problem with my goal and talent."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Kai stared at Uchiha Fugaku with an inexplicable smile.

And Uchiha Fuyue seemed to have reacted, his face became unpleasant: "Is it Itachi? Or Sasuke?"

Obviously, Uchiha Fuyue has noticed Uchiha Kai's thoughts.

This **** actually intends to use his own child to complete his plan.

Even if he is really interested in this plan, once it involves his children and his beloved family, it is not within his scope of consideration!

This kind of thinking is a bit double-standard, but in fact Uchiha Fuyue is really the kind of person who loves his family more than everything, even if he acts very implicitly.

"Two together." Uchiha Qi said bluntly without any scruples about Uchiha Fuyue's eyes.

"I have a whole plan, even though it's full of lies and deceit, and it's going to be very long.

But if the control is reasonable, Uchiha will have three more members of the kaleidoscope, and there may even be another user of the Eternal Eye. "

"Plan?" Although Uchiha Fuyue's face was still not good-looking, he was not angry, but asked patiently: "Can you talk about it in detail?"

"Of course, because this plan really needs your participation." Uchiha Kai showed a smile.

It's good not to be angry, which shows that there is something to talk about.

And Uchiha Qi felt that Uchiha Fuyue should agree to this matter.

After all, this incident involved the Uchiha clan, the three-member kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

And according to Uchiha Kai, I'm afraid it's very likely that a pair of eternal eyes will appear again.

The only thing that Uchiha Fuyue hesitates about now is the way to open the kaleidoscope, and two of the three are his sons.

How harsh is the opening of the kaleidoscope, and how much pain it has to bear, as the person who opened the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Fuyue is really clear.

That kind of pain is really unbearable for ordinary people, and he doesn't want his children to suffer such pain at all.

But for Uchiha Kai, he doesn't care about Uchiha Fugaku's so many ideas.

According to the performance in the original work, these three people are probably the most potential members of this generation of Uchiha members.

Especially Sasuke Uchiha, this guy's talent may not be so perfect, maybe because he didn't get the proper education.

However, he has a very important identity, he is the reincarnation of Indra!

Kai Uchiha wasn't sure when his Indra Chakra awakened.

However, in order to be fully prepared, Uchiha Kai must need him to open the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Because Uchiha, who has a kaleidoscope, is the beginning of a qualitative change...


Standing at the door of Uchiha Fuyue's mansion, Uchiha Shisui hesitated whether to knock on the door.

This is not the first time he has come here, because he has a very good relationship with Uchiha Itachi, and he used to come here often to find Itachi.

Even after studying with three generations of Hokage, he will try to teach Itachi when he has time.

In his opinion, Uchiha Itachi is a Uchiha ninja who is completely different from him, and who is likely to be recognized by Uchiha Kai and has a brilliant talent.

Such a ninja has an immeasurable future and will never make the same mistakes as himself.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Shisui walked forward and knocked on the door.

He has come, and he has no reason to retreat now.

In fact, he didn't come here to find Uchiha Itachi, or to communicate with Uchiha Fugaku about something.

The purpose of his coming here is actually to find Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Shisui saw Uchiha Fuyake return in the morning, and at that time, he thought about a lot of things.

He has made a decision in his heart, and he is also very disappointed with the practices of the three generations of Hokage and other families.

He knew that it might be very difficult for him to get the approval of Kai Uchiha, but he also knew what his advantages were.

Because he is now in the camp of the three generations of Hokage, and almost no one knows about it.

Even if he is just a pawn, he cannot get the true trust of the three generations of Hokage, at least not until now.

But his advantage is that he can get a lot of information.

Even if it is not the most core information, these things can provide a lot of help to Kai Uchiha!

Of course, he can also do a lot of things.

Uchiha Shisui has completely given up, and the relationship between the village and his family has always been the most painful and tangled thing in his heart.

However, now he found that many of his ideas and practices really couldn't get into the cards.

Maybe just as Uchiha Kai said, his vision determines his upper limit, and he is just a **** to be used from beginning to end.

However, even as a pawn, Uchiha Shisui is now more willing to believe in Uchiha Kai!

Even if Uchiha Kai's hands are full of blood, even if this person is sinister and vicious.

But the result of what he did was completely for the family, for the entire Konoha!

Uchiha Shisui can't compare to this at all. He knows how terrifying his childishness is, and he also knows how stupid his own thoughts were.

"I'm not the savior, I'm just an ignorant idiot." Uchiha Shisui couldn't help laughing at himself: "So, an ignorant idiot like me should do something that suits me."

Just as Uchiha Shisui sighed inwardly, the door was suddenly opened.

A beautiful woman came out, and Uchiha Shisui immediately bowed respectfully.

This woman is Uchiha Itachi's mother, the wife of the Uchiha clan chief, Uchiha Mikoto...


"Your plan is so... so huge..."

By the small pond, Uchiha Fuyue looked at Uchiha Kai with a dull expression, and even the way he organized his language seemed to be a little messy.

He felt shocked in his heart now, because he really did not expect that Uchiha Kai actually planned such a plan.

One includes his two sons, Uchiha Shisui, and even the three generations of Hokage and other people involved.

And it is an unimaginable plan that spans a long time, but the benefits are huge!

To be honest, this plan is almost the same as relying on the four generations of Hokage to save Uchiha and let Uchiha reintegrate into Konoha.

If we say that the last time was to save the family, or it was Uchiha Kai's self-rescue.

Then this time is to improve the strength of the family. From another perspective, it can also be understood that Uchiha Kai is improving his influence and right to speak!

It is true that the Uchiha family benefits, and the two children of Uchiha Fuyue may also be able to open the kaleidoscope.

But it is Uchiha Kai who has almost nothing to lose, because his goal is to attack the remaining power in the hands of the three generations of Hokage, especially this guy seems to be interested in the medical department!

It's just that there is a big problem here. This problem is the protagonist of this plan, Uchiha Shisui.

It doesn't really matter whether this guy is up to the task, because the role he plays here is his own role.

The most important thing is, which side is he on!

"Uchiha Shisui, how do you plan to deal with his problem?"

Uchiha Fuyue pondered for a long time, and then he slowly asked: "His position and his choice, it seems..."

"Actually, his stance is already biased towards me." Uchiha Kai smiled slightly: "Of course, I am not sure about some things, such as the curse mark on his tongue. I need to think about it and do a good job. I'll still meet him, and... I'm afraid Lord Fuyue has to make some preparations."

"I need to make some preparations?" Uchiha Fuyue was stunned for a moment, and immediately he understood what Uchiha Kai meant: "I don't seem to promise you?"

"Even though it's a little painful do you really want your children to live under your protection in the future?"

Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Fuyue with an indifferent expression: "We created such an environment, do we want to leave nothing after we die?

Although the patriarch is only the patriarch, it bears the key to the inheritance of a family. If the future patriarch does not experience the pain that he should have, and does not learn what he should learn, will he be qualified?

Can he grasp the situation and make the right choice? In the face of great changes, can he protect the village and protect the family? "

Uchiha Fuyue couldn't help but fell silent when he heard the words. He wanted to say that he could give his eyes to his children.

But he had to admit that Uchiha Kai's words made sense.

The eyes of others are always the eyes of others, and even the abilities belong to others, so there will always be many problems in using them.

Just like himself, although the intensity of his eyes is very terrifying, but because it is not his own, there are always some problems in his control of these abilities.

"Hey, I understand." Uchiha Fuyue sighed: "Do you want to use my own eyes to use illusion to control him?"

"There are indeed similar ideas, but it also depends on you and your own abilities." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Indeed, the younger generation has their own choices, but as the patriarch everything will be different, unless you don't want to let He takes on that, but it's too selfish."

Uchiha Fuyue closed his eyes, and finally he nodded helplessly.

But just when he was about to say something, Uchiha Mikoto suddenly walked in with someone...



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