Chapter 476: i only trust you

Sending this guy Tutai back to the Security Department was something Uchiha Kai had never thought of before.

Because this guy was thrown to Kakashi by him a long time ago, which means that this guy is eating in the prison of Anbu.

The treatment of Anbu Prison is not the same as that of the Guard Prison.

That is one of the darkest and most inhuman places in Konoha.

The torture squad where Ibiki Mori was in was actually serving Anbu's prison.

The only thing comparable to Anbu Prison, or even surpassing Anbu Prison, is probably the torture room at the root.

However, very few people know how the torture room at the root works and what methods will be used to extort confessions from others.

Probably the most common method is to directly ask the people in the mountains to forcibly probe the information in the prisoner's brain.

Ignore the resistance and struggle of the other party, so as to obtain the information you want.

This approach is crude and direct. The only bad thing is that the prisoners struggle and resist, which will lead to their brain confusion and eventually death.

To put it simply, there was basically no thought of leaving prisoners on the root side.

Anbu Prison would also use this method, but it was a last resort.

They usually let the people in the torture class go through all kinds of mental and physical torture first.

Destroy the prisoner's mind, make the prisoner feel extreme pain, and finally let them tell the information they should have.

Or let them put down their vigilance and defense, let them have no energy to resist, and finally let the people of the mountain family come.

All in all, it is basically a waste for prisoners to enter such a place.

But Konoha Prison is different, Konoha's prisons generally do not do such things.

Because the prisons under the supervision of the Ministry of Guards do not have the right to use torture to torture prisoners.

But the Ministry of Guard also uses some special techniques, that is, illusion.

People from the Uchiha family have been doing this since the Guard was still Uchiha's private department.

Even after this private sector was broken up by Uchiha Qi, these "traditional arts" were still preserved.

Namikaze Minato naturally knows this, and he knows that Uchiha Kai's illusion will definitely not be bad.

That's why he was thinking, should he simply hand over the soil platform to Kai Uchiha to deal with it.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, placing the soil platform in Konoha Prison is also a message to the outside world.

In Konoha Prison, the prisoners inside are not without a chance to come out.

And in the prison of Anbu, the prisoners inside may have no chance to come out.

Some things don't need to be said so clearly, just do some simple things to express yourself.

Uchiha Qi naturally understood the meaning of Namifeng Minato, but he really had no idea about what kind of information he got from Tutai.

Because he was ready to go, how could he have the time to deal with this kind of thing.

Guys like Tutai must have undergone severe illusion resistance training.

And that kind of illusion that makes people tell the truth, Uchiha Kai is really not good at it.

What he is good at is to make people dazed for a moment, so as to create illusions that give him a chance to kill with one blow.

Of course, he was not involved in such illusions.

It's okay to deal with ordinary people, but it may not be very easy to deal with people like Tutai who are determined and trained.


"Are you going out of the village?"

In the underground laboratory in the forest behind the Uchiha clan, Aya Hyuga looked at Kai Uchiha in surprise, while Kenta Imai sat beside her and rubbed her arms.

He was injecting serum just now, but after Uchiha Kai said a word, Hyuga Aya didn't respond a little, and the final result was that he himself suffered a disaster.

Hyuga Aya really didn't know that Uchiha Kai was going out, because Uchiha Kai never said it.

In addition, Konoha and Yunyin are currently negotiating. As an important official in the maintenance of public security in the village, is it not suitable for him to leave the village now?

Of course, there is another most important reason, that is, the Ministry of Guard is now expanding.

The expansion of the Security Department is tacitly understood by everyone, especially since there have been some rumors in the Ministry of Government Affairs, it has basically been regarded as a real hammer.

But what is interesting is that no one seems to have jumped out against this matter.

Even those who were very unhappy with Uchiha Kai and the security department did not jump out of nonsense.

Maybe they were already mentally prepared, or maybe they also thought that the importance of the Security Department to Konoha was indescribable.

Perhaps it was Uchiha Kai who broke the monopoly of the family model and made them feel like they had a chance too.

Or maybe the unhappy guys are now negotiating slowly and have no time to pay attention to this kind of thing.

But in any case, the expansion of the security department is in full swing, and the civilian ninjas are excited one by one, and even many family ninjas are also interested.

At this time, it doesn't seem right for Uchiha Kai to leave?

"Yes, I do have to go out of the village." Uchiha Kai nodded while looking at the notes of the immortal mode: "Didn't I tell you? Well, maybe I forgot, and Kenta didn't say anything. Well?"

"What did I say?" Imai Kenta complained and said, "You two are lovers, so what do I have to say about these things?"

Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya raised their heads and stared at him at the same time, and such eyes suddenly made Imai Kenta shut up.

He complained a little psychologically, this couple is simply sick, this was known to them during their last meeting, the ghost knows that Uchiha Kai didn't say it.

Well, even if Kai Uchiha didn't say it, didn't Hyuga Hizu also know about it?

Why didn't that guy say anything?

Isn't Hyuga Aya from your clan?

"I'm going to see Orochimaru." Seeing that Imai Ken was too quiet, Uchiha Qi lowered his head in satisfaction and continued to read the notes: "There are some things that need to be found in Orochimaru, and I'm also thinking about one thing. ."

"What's the matter?" Hyuga Aya threw the needle tube into the trash can, and then asked curiously.

"I was thinking, should I ask Orochimaru to study the caged bird." Uchiha Qi said calmly.

"Of course, although I don't think he can really research anything, this guy is almost the best at this kind of mess.

Moreover, the research on caged birds can only be regarded as a preventive measure. I actually hope to find him to learn about other things. "

"A bird in a cage?" Hyuga Aya paused for a moment, and then she shook her head directly: "No, if you want to study caged birds, you need a living Hyuga branch, and I can indeed provide such a person. But... ..”

"I don't trust him, for me, I only trust you..."


Aya Hyuga only believes in Kai Uchiha, or she can only believe in Kai Uchiha, whether it is rational or emotional.

Hyuga Aya really won't trust Orochimaru.

She is not a person who can easily trust a person, and Uchiha Kai and reaching this point can already be regarded as the product of various coincidences.

Because Uchiha Kai can be said to have given her a special thing, the name of that thing is hope!

Whether it is the counterattack of the most desperate marginal characters, or the eyes are gradually improved through their own understanding and experiments.

Uchiha Kaito is showing her an unprecedented and unbelievable leap.

Such a leap is inconceivable for her, who also uses the pupil technique.

And with the help of Uchiha Kai, her strength, state and her eyes are rapidly improving towards a stronger state.

These kinds of things brought her great hope, her vision for the future, and her strong belief.

So she trusts Uchiha Kai, or now she only trusts Uchiha Kai.

But even if she trusts Uchiha Kai, she is an independent personality, and her suspicious nature will not be offset.

Therefore, even if Kai Uchiha proposed to let Orochimaru participate in the study of caged birds, she would choose to refuse.

If she was just looking for the traces of the Hyuga clan a thousand years ago, she would not refuse.

Because they don't have that time, they don't have enough manpower, and they don't have so much energy to waste time.

But when it comes to Hyuga Aya itself, plus the state of Hyuga Aya is no longer comparable to the general branch, so she doesn't think Orochimaru can research anything.

All kinds of distrust added together, it would be **** if Hyuga Aya would agree to this plan.

Uchiha Kai didn't force it, and he didn't talk about it when he saw Hyuga Aya objecting to him.

In fact, Uchiha Qi had long thought about whether to ask Orochimaru for help, but at that time he didn't know Orochimaru at all.

And now, they are not without a plan.

In addition to unlocking the genes and allowing the bloodline of Aya Hyuga to return to the state of Otsutsuki, there is also a plan that uses the eyes of the sect as the bottom line.

Although the second plan is still being researched, it can be regarded as a bottom-up plan, and there is no need to let Orochimaru waste energy and time.

Although Orochimaru is scary, he is also a person, and his energy is limited.

In particular, he still has a lot of things he needs to study. Even if this study is left to him, it is still a question when he can complete it.

What's more, entrusting him to do this kind of thing is equivalent to exposing some of Uchiha Kai's thoughts, and he is considered to have personally handed the evidence to him.

Even if Orochimaru already has a lot of Uchiha's secrets in his hands, this kind of evidence, which is equivalent to substantive evidence, will still cause a lot of trouble to Uchiha.

"Okay, I know what you mean." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Then give up this option. In addition to this, I also want Orochimaru to help refer to the fairy art."

"Xianshu?" This time, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya were both curious: "Let Orochimaru refer to Xianshu? You won't hand over the diary, will you?"

"Am I that stupid?" Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Orochimaru's psychic is the ten thousand snakes of Longdidong, and Dilongdong is good at one technique."

"You mean.... Immortal mode?" Imai Kenta seemed to have thought of something.

"Also, as Sannin, their Sannin psychics are opposed to each other and restrain each other.

The Wet Bone Forest where the slug is located will be in fairy mode, and the toads in Jiraiya's hands will also be in fairy mode.

Then the snake in Orochimaru's hand will be in fairy mode, it's not a strange thing. "

Indeed, Kenta Imai, who was originally from the Thousand Hands clan, of course knew about the Shibone Forest Immortal Technique.

And that guy from Jiraiya is an immortal all day long, and he has performed his own magic.

So it's not surprising that both places have fairy mode to learn.

Then, it can be compared with these two places and restrained from each other. In the place called Dilong Cave in Uchiha Kai's mouth, will it also have this immortal mode?

The answer seems obvious. If there is no such powerful model, it seems that the Dilong Cave is really unworthy, and it is on a par with the Shibone Forest and Miaomu Mountain.

Let Orochimaru to refer to fairy magic?

I'm afraid that I don't want Orochimaru to help me study fairy magic, right?

Imai Kenta looked at Uchiha Kai with some contempt, this guy really has something to use, and he will never let it go.

But I have to say, this seems like a good choice.

Although it is not clear whether Orochimaru has mastered celestial arts, it can be recognized by places that have mastered celestial arts and is willing to sign a psychic contract.

It can make it channel a powerful help, which also explains a lot of problems.

Look at Uchiha Kai, this guy is obviously not recognized.

Although he also signed a contract, it seems that this guy has only channeled some small snakes from beginning to end.

What else do those little guys do other than pass on information?

"Let Orochimaru refer to Xianshu? It seems to be a good choice Hyuga Aya pondered for a while and nodded: "However, I feel that your purpose is more than that, you are planning to take advantage of the Taking this opportunity, let's fuse the chakra of the eight tails as well? "

"As expected of you, you know me so well." Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly and chuckled: "Yes, this trip to find Orochimaru, in addition to some necessary tasks and some optional tasks, there are also It's about the fusion of the eight tails' chakras. As for immortality..."

Immortality, both Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya guessed wrong in this regard.

His idea is actually more radical and simple, that is, he wants to see if there is some information on Orochimaru, some information about the guy called Chongwu.

Orochimaru didn't seem to have learned the fairy mode in his life.

On the contrary, the pharmacist took this guy and completed the cultivation of this immortal mode.

So looking for Orochimaru for reference, maybe he will give the answer, but it is obviously not as good as his future subordinates, and Chongwu, who was born with immortality, came more directly.

"Things like immortality are just incidental." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then continued: "What about you, who will go with me?"

"I'm afraid I can't be with you."

Contrary to Uchiha Kai's expectations, Hyuga Aya spoke first.

"The situation in the Hyuga clan is not stable now, and Hyuga Hizu wants me to help.

Although I don't want to pay attention to him, this is also a good opportunity for me, and I found that Hyuga Hizu seems to have a change in attitude towards those clan elders. "

"Also, I'm going to conduct one last experiment..."



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