Chapter 486: Doubtful Jiraiya

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Zilai also felt dizzy, as if someone had punched her hard...


Zilai also quickly woke up, and all the previous things quickly returned to his brain.

He was indeed punched hard, and the one who did it was the guy Uchiha Kai.

The one called the Konoha Young Generation, the strongest and most intelligent young man.

The guy who holds the power inside Konoha and has an extremely amazing and exaggerated influence!

I really don't understand why this guy would do such a thing, he is already so powerful!

"No, this information must be passed back." Zilai also thought silently: "Although I don't know why he didn't choose to kill me, it also gave me a chance!"

But Jirai had just moved, and he suddenly found that his chakra could not function at all, as if it was sealed!

This gave Jiraiya some headaches, these guys are really well prepared.

Although he is also very good at sealing, he doesn't know what kind of magic is sealing him, let alone how to seal it.

Therefore, it may take a lot of time to crack this technique.


Just when Jiraiya was about to sit up and look at the seals, he suddenly heard footsteps.

The footsteps were not light, and there was no intention of concealing himself, which made Jiraiya a little uncertain.

"Have you found me awake? Or are you expressing kindness on purpose?"

This kind of unhurried footsteps without the slightest hidden footsteps, really can't help but think about it, especially since his current situation is not very good.

In fact, Jiraiya can also use the greatest malice to speculate on those people Uchiha Kai.

But the problem is that Uchiha Kei didn't kill him, and it seems that there is no other action other than knocking him out.

In addition, Jiraiya's character was relieved, and he had some doubts about Orochimaru, so he simply closed his eyes and lay motionless on the bed.

Since there is no way to judge the intention of the other party, then gather information slowly.

Collecting information is a ninja's instinct, whether it is combat or other aspects, the ninja's grasp of information is extremely important.

Slowly let his breathing become calm, but in an instant, he seemed to have fallen asleep halfway through and never moved again.

Jiraiya's experience is very rich, both in terms of actual combat experience and acting skills!

"Don't pretend, it's not interesting to pretend in front of me, Lord Jiraiya."

At this moment, a slightly lazy voice came from Jiraiya's ear.

"I'm a perception ninja. I've noticed your every move, especially the seal on your body that I set up. Get up, sleep for a day, and eat something."

"Fraud me? Is it true?"

Hearing this voice, Zilai also did not move for a while, and was still lying on the bed in a coma.

"Okay, it's up to you." The lazy voice came again: "The door is open, we are outside, by the way, the money for accommodation and food is yours, whether you like it or not."

"My money?" Zilai's face turned green, and he wanted to touch the wallet, but he still didn't dare.

But what surprised him was that the voice that spoke seemed to really be too lazy to pay attention to him so much. After saying these words, he turned around and left.

This made Jirai a little bit baffled, but he still didn't move.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes of waiting, Zilai also found that the other party seemed to really be too lazy to pay attention to him.

Opening his eyes, Jiraiya almost subconsciously touched his pocket.

Then his face actually turned green as he found that his wallet had indeed disappeared.

"No lie, but why are these guys taking my money?"

Jirai is also a little puzzled. Although he is not short of this amount of money, it is not a small amount.

"And what is his purpose? Who are they?"

It's so weird, it's all so weird.

I still remember the battle with Uchiha Kai before. That guy's fighting methods are terrible, and this guy obviously hasn't done it seriously.

Just knock yourself out and there's no follow-up, don't you think...

Did you really misunderstand him?

Zilai was also a little confused, and after thinking about it, he decided to explore the bottom.

He doesn't seem to be able to do much in his current state. It's better to collect more information to understand what's going on.

"If things are more dangerous and complex, then you have to think about getting that information back."

Jiraiya made a mental decision, and then he stood up directly, rubbed his swollen neck and walked out.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to beat him." Jiraiya just walked out of the room, the lazy voice rang again: "But I have to say, Lord Jiraiya, you are indeed very resistant to beatings, and you beat Susa hard. It's incredible to be able to punch your neck without breaking your neck!"

"" Zilai also saw clearly who this person was, or who the two people sitting in front of him were!

The guy who had a lazy voice and had been talking to Jiraiya was actually Kenta Imai!

That is, the guy from the Tsunade family, who never changed his surname, but actually mastered the Qianshou clan.

And this guy is currently the head of the Konoha mission department, and he is also a minister with real power!

Besides him, there was another guy who also made Jiraiya feel incredible.

That guy is Kakashi, who has the same hair color as himself, the current Minister of Konoha Anbu and his own grandson!

Why them?

If it was just Kenta Imai, then Jiraiya might still understand.

Because Imai Kenta and Uchiha Kai are teammates from birth to death, the relationship between the two of them is really not comparable to ordinary people!

And the Qianshou clan was excavated and recommended to Namikaze Minato. This is all thanks to Uchiha Kai. It can be said that the bond between the two is beyond imagination.

But why is Kakashi with them?

Is it possible that there is really something here that I don't know?

"Lord Jiraiya..." Kakashi touched his head embarrassedly: "Are you all right?"

"Of course there is something, can you explain this matter well!"

Jiraiya sat down, his eyes flicking back and forth between Imai Kenta and Kakashi.

"Where's Kai Uchiha? And that... um, I don't know. I remember there are four of you. Where are the two of them?"

"I went to see Mr. Orochimaru." Imai Kenta spread his hands aside: "Because of your sudden appearance, our mission cannot continue, and in order to avoid exposure, we can only modify the meeting time."

"I have to say, Jiraiya-sama, you are really good at helping out..."



Zilai was also a little dazed, but soon he seemed to realize something, and then his face turned black.

Fetters are particularly important in this world.

Even if this feeling was almost annihilated during the war, it would not change a person's psychological perception.

Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo, this kind of split between "workplace" and "personal senses", still maintain a deep bond, which is not uncommon in this world.

And people like Jiraiya are more concerned about fetters than anyone else.

The character is part of it, and the other part is the life-and-death relationship that they have cultivated by sharing life and death for so many years, completely trusting each other and giving their backs to each other.

This kind of relationship has surpassed many things, especially when their former friends died in battle and left one by one, this relationship is even more precious.

When Zilai also investigated the information, his first reaction was disbelief, which is why he was so diligent in tracking Orochimaru.

The moment he caught Orochimaru, his attention was completely on Orochimaru, and he didn't have the heart to look and think about other people at all.

When he realized that the person Orochimaru met secretly was Kai Uchiha, he immediately thought of the message in the village.

And this guy's identity as a Uchiha clan made him subconsciously ignore other people.

Normally, such a fatal mistake would not happen to him.

But at that time, his heart was already in chaos, and the high-level people in the village were with his friend who seemed to be betrayed.

In addition to the identities of these two people and all kinds of coincidences, how can Jirai, whose heart is completely confused, pay attention to other people?

But now Zilai also seems to have calmed down, he calmly began to think about various issues, and he immediately realized that he seemed to have really done some stupid things!

"You....and Orochimaru...." Zilai also swallowed: "Does Minato know?"

"The teacher knows it, and in order to give Mr. Orochimaru some protection, the teacher also sent me here."

Kakashi honestly said what he thought: "Of course, the captain of this operation is Kai, and only Kai can explain some things to you."

"Is that so..." Zilai also looked a little embarrassed: "I..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly heard a voice from outside the guest room.

Soon the door to the guest room was opened, and Uchiha Kai walked in with a young man he didn't even know.

The most important thing is that the two of them didn't seem to have any strangeness about waking up, they just nodded lightly, and then directly found a seat and sat down.

This scene made Jiraiya slightly embarrassed, because he found that the four of them were together, and they didn't seem to have any idea of ​​speaking at all.

Is it because they are here, they don't want to communicate these things?

Thinking of this possibility, Jiraiya suddenly felt a little swollen in his head.

After all, you are also a Konoha ninja, right?

Although he has not been in Konoha for this period of time, he has not held any occupation in Konoha.

But with your own prestige and strength, and your own ninja ethics, it's not a big deal to know some such problems, right?

"Sir Jiraiya..."

After a long time, Uchiha Kai finally spoke: "This time you obstructed the mission, and the town was destroyed because of the battle with me.

I have sent the local ninja to send a message back to Konoha, and I also took your wallet and handed it to the local ninja.

Let them be the compensation for the first step, I think Jiraiya adults have no opinion, right? "

" opinion..." Jiraiya replied almost subconsciously, but he felt something was wrong just after he said it.

Why is he the only one who pays the compensation?

Isn't Uchiha Kai responsible?

If it wasn't for this kid who didn't want to explain these things at all, could they fight?

Of course, Jiraiya also knew how stupid he was at that time.

But Kai Uchiha said, "I'll deal with it" without saying anything. Who can understand this.

Shaking his head helplessly, he suddenly realized that Kai Uchiha did the right thing.

Because he doesn't have any Konoha position at all now, even if he is a Konoha ninja and is highly respected, there is nothing wrong with Uchiha Kishin's seriousness.

After thinking about it carefully, it is true that Konoha's situation is very bad during this time.

However, due to various personal reasons, he did not do anything for Konoha when Konoha needed it.

It's hard to say what kind of senses Konoha has towards him.

Perhaps, many people are not satisfied with him?

"That's good." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Then please ask Mr. Jiraiya, we will open another room for you, we may have to discuss some important things..."

"Uh, is it about... Orochimaru?" Zilai also hesitated, and then he asked.

"Yes, I hope that Jiraiya-sama will keep his mouth shut about this matter." Uchiha Qi glanced at Jiraiya after thinking about it, he said, "As for the specifics, I can't disclose it inconveniently. …”

"Orochimaru has always been my mission target, Minister Qi." Suddenly, Jiraiya's voice became a little serious.

"This is also the task that Hokage-sama gave me, although it is a bit presumptuous, although I also know that during this time I have been in love with Konoha...

But I'm always a Konoha ninja, and I hope to continue my mission, Minister Kai. "

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, what does this guy mean?

What is this time for Konoha....

Suddenly, Uchiha Qi seemed to understand, which made him a little dumbfounded.

To be honest, in the eyes of outsiders, Konoha has suffered many disasters in recent years.

But in Uchiha Kai's eyes, that seems to be the case.

The Nine-Tails Incident was deliberately indulged by Uchiha Kai, and he is also very sure that his plan will not go wrong!

And now, the war between Konoha and Yunyin is not planned by Uchiha Kai alone, but Namikaze Minato also participated.

And they, who are very aware of their own strength, really haven't completely taken these Yun Yin too seriously!

Even if it seems that they look down on Yun Yin, in fact, they are no longer comparable to ordinary people.

They can easily defeat these Yun Ren, and the facts have proved all this.

Jiraiya was obviously wrong, and obviously misunderstood something.

However, this kind of misunderstanding Uchiha Qi will not explain. Since Jirai also wants to know something, then Uchiha Qi will simply say something.

Although he doesn't really want to talk to Zilai about these things at all, it's good for him to be mentally prepared...
