Chapter 489: Customs Museum

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

"This, is your so-called second plan?"

In the evening, in the land of fire, in a small town relatively close to Konoha.

Uchiha Kai stood behind Jiraiya with a dark face, looking at the store in front of him.

Not only his face turned black, but Imai Kenta, Kakashi and Uchiha Obito all looked a little weird.

Because they are standing in front of a custom shop right now!

A few of them would probably never have dreamed that they would be brought to such a place by Zilai also, what is this?

"It's all men, what's wrong with coming here?" Jiraiya looked excited with his hands on his hips.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it, although you unkind little devils took my wallet away.

But how could this immortal only put money in his purse?

Come on, after returning to Konoha, Uncle Ben doesn't have so much leisure time. "

After speaking, Jiraiya walked in directly, leaving only the four of Uchiha Kai to peek at each other.

The four of them were really hesitant, they had never been to such a ghost place.

Come on, they didn't even think about it.

That's why Uchiha Kai made a joke about this place yesterday, but it's okay to let him come.

There is a huge difference between joking and reality.

Even if he was not a pure-hearted creature in his previous life, his sense of need in this life seems to be really low.

Perhaps it was because of the separation between life and death that it really gave him too much stimulation, and the number of female ninjas he killed on the battlefield was not small.

Now in his opinion, women are actually the same, and there is nothing sensual to him that can attract him.

Unless he has a different temperament and a cognitive ability similar to his, there is actually no difference to him.

Uchiha Qi probably never thought that he would become like this.

"Hey, can we go in?" Imai Kenta hesitantly tugged at the corner of Kai Uchiha's clothes: "Jirai has already entered."

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Uchiha Qi also had a headache, and then he simply looked at Kakashi and Obito: "How about you? Are you going?"

"This..." The two of them seemed to be confused too, I'm afraid at this moment they will completely overturn their understanding of Jiraiya.

Yesterday, they kept saying that the guy who goes wild will never be a strong man.

But Jiraiya is not a strong one, there is no doubt about that.

Don't look at how easy it is for Uchiha Kai to fight him, but they all know how terrifying Uchiha Kai and this guy's full strength is.

To put it simply, it is not difficult to fight against Uchiha Kai and make him suffer.

But it's really hard to beat him, or to beat him when he's serious.

Such a strong person showed something completely different from what they imagined, and it could even be said that it subverted their cognition, and it was really difficult for them to adapt all of a sudden.

If Kei Uchiha knew what they were thinking now, he would definitely tell them they didn't need to worry so much.

Because the legends of 'yellow, gambling, and poison' are no joke.

Tsunade is also a strong guy who is addicted to alcohol and gambling, and Orochimaru was taught a lesson by the soil.

"How about... go in and have a look?" Kakashi hesitated for a long time, and finally asked tentatively.

"Hey, hey, you guy, aren't you?" Obito looked at Kakashi in disbelief, as if he didn't understand at all.

"I also think you can go in and take a look." Uchiha Qi touched his chin: "Anyway, it's better to go to the hot spring, it's no big deal."

"I'm free, whatever you want to do or just soak in the hot springs."

Imai Ken too spread his hands, but when he noticed that everyone was looking at him, he still explained one sentence.

"Although ninjas can't let go, but it's not impossible to relax when it's time to relax. Otherwise, it's not a good thing to be tense for a long time."

Okay, although Kenta Imai is hard enough, he is not an ascetic character.

Uchiha Qi glanced at him with a little disgust, this kid really knows how to play, after all, he brought him the first time he soaked in the hot spring.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi was too lazy to think about it, he had been standing at the door for a long time, and it attracted the attention of many people.

Rather than standing here, it's better to relax in a hot spring, as a celebration of the completion of this mission.

Raising his feet, Uchiha Kai walked directly into the store, while Imai Kenta kept a smile and followed Uchiha Kai's footsteps.

Kakashi and Obito were a little hesitant, even though Kakashi was the first to express his opinion, but this guy still seemed a little cowardly.

After all, this place is not a regular hot spring.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I thought that Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta had gone,

Jiraiya is also his teacher's master, so it's not a big deal if you think about it.

So he just followed without a word.

"Isn't it, you?" Uchiha Obito's scalp was numb, and now he is standing outside alone.

He himself doesn't know what to do now, whether to follow up or continue to wait here, which is indeed worth thinking about.

But Uchiha Obito finally thought about it, he could only sigh helplessly, and finally followed their footsteps towards the store.

As he walked, he was still muttering in his heart: "Lin, I can't help myself, these guys are too hateful!

But I will definitely control myself, I didn't expect Kakashi to be such a person, and you didn't expect it, did you..."


"Huh, it's so comfortable!"

Jiraiya leaned against the hot spring pool and sighed comfortably, which seemed to be very enjoyable.

The three of Uchiha Kai, without exception, held towels on their heads, and lay on their backs in the hot spring.

For these battle-hardened ninjas, the temperature of this hot spring is strictly indifferent.

Whether it's severe cold or sweltering heat, they've experienced a lot more than that.

But taking a hot spring is nothing more than a process of relaxation and enjoyment.

The pressure on the ninjas is actually a lot, whether it is the pressure of strength, the pressure of the task, or the pressure of various places that they can't expect.

Relaxation is invaluable for ninjas.

At least for them, the hot spring is a very good place to relax, even Uchiha Qi will think it is very good here.

"It's ok. In fact, whether it is a hot spring for us doesn't seem to be a big problem."

Uchiha Qi raised his head and sighed: "However, since it is the situation of Jiraiya-sama, then we are naturally disrespectful."

"Come on, I don't like the way you talk."

Zilai shook his head disdainfully, and then a strange smile appeared on his face: "By the way, little devils, since you all know what this place is, why don't you experience the characteristics of this place?"

What are the characteristics of the custom shop, I am afraid no one does not know.

Jiraiya's words directly made the four of them roll their eyes. If they hadn't met or had just fought, it would be hard for them to believe that this guy could be such a powerful ninja.

Ninjas have three prohibitions, the first of which is money.

The mission gold should be saved and not spent indiscriminately. After all, the ninja has a high probability of being injured. If you are not careful, you may retire for life.

For future consideration, the money earned from the task is naturally best saved.

The second rule is alcohol. Ninjas can't drink until they reach adulthood, which is actually very understandable.

After all, drinking too much will delay the task, and even if the task is not delayed, it will hurt the body.

And the third and most serious one is women.

To say that it is a woman is actually too much, the most accurate is a certain aspect of desire.

There is a knife on the head of the color, and too much energy is put on it, and it is unimaginable that it will have a great impact on the ninja.

But this guy, Jiraiya, doesn't seem to have the concept of saving money at all - they don't even know it.

He didn't quit drinking, so there was a pot of warm wine on the bank next to this guy.

As for women, this guy's current performance is simply an out-and-out hungry wolf!

This made Kei Uchiha sigh involuntarily. Not only him, but Kenta Imai's eyes looking at Jiraiya were a little weird, but they really couldn't understand it.

"What kind of eyes do you guys look at?" Jilai also glanced at them inexplicably: "It would be weird if you don't try it here, right? And Kakashi, why are you always burying your face in the water?"

"Forget it, Lord Jiraiya has an idea, it's better to experience it yourself." Uchiha Qi decisively shook his head: "We'll just take a bath in the hot spring, remember to go back to your room and call us when you're done."

"What?" Zilai also raised his brows, and then smiled slightly disdainfully, "Are you guys timid?"

"No, I'm just..." Uchiha Qi gave Jiraiya a flat look, hesitated for a while, but said implicitly, "I just don't want to be a fellow with you."

Jiraiya also looked puzzled, what does this guy mean?

Implicitly expressing that you don't want to join forces?

Zilai also looked even more disdainful.

The next moment, Jiraiya's face turned green.

Especially when he looked at Uchiha Kai's weird eyes, he felt that he had thought of something, and he guessed it right!

"Hey! What you said..." Zilai also sat up straight: "Is it a big problem! And I don't have that kind of hobby!"

"Exactly, I'm not interested either." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Especially, I don't want to make friends with you."

"..." Zi Lai was also a little stunned.

He found that he didn't seem to understand what Uchiha Kai said at all.

But when he thought about it carefully, he realized that he seemed to understand.

However, when he turned to look at the other three, he was stunned to find that the three were looking at the two of them with a bewildered expression.

Obviously, they have absolutely no understanding of what the words of this kid Uchiha Kai mean!

To put it simply, only Jiraiya understood Uchiha Kai's words.

This can't help but make Zilai also a little confused, how is this kid so skilled?

Could it be...

"Awesome!" Zilai also thought to himself: "This kid is not only powerful, but... Sure enough, such a powerful person is definitely the same as me, no wonder I am so powerful!"

Thinking of this, Zilai also burst into laughter: "I underestimate you, Minister Qi, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

"Really?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "Maybe, but I won't be like you, and I'm not interested in these people."

Not interested in?

I'm not interested, you would say something that I can't even say?

There was a smile on the corner of Zilaiye's mouth: "Is that so? I don't think so?"

"You think it's useless, I think it's fine." Uchiha Qi leaned back a little more: "I heard that Lord Jiraiya has been pursuing Lord Tsunade, but it has always been fruitless, have you considered why? ?"

The relationship between Jiraiya and Tsunade is not a secret, but the two of them seem to be the type of 'only they can't figure out their feelings'.

Maybe they all know it, but they don't dare to express it.

Tsunade can be said to have a reason, because anyone who had a deep relationship with her died horribly.

Her brother Senju Roshu died, and so did her lover Kato Dan.

In her heart, she considered herself to be a disaster star to a certain extent.

In addition, this was a difficult hurdle to overcome, so she pretended to be completely ignorant of some of Jiraiya's thoughts.

And Jiraiya is just an idiot.

He likes a person has never been expressed, maybe expressed, but the way he expressed it is too childish.

Like right now, it's attractive to present yourself?

Or to show that you have no shortage of women?

This kind of 'showing oneself' will only make girls more and more distant from him. Who knows if this guy will be so foolish after marriage.

But these are their own things, Uchiha Qi can't be bothered to say so much, he just wants to change the subject.

"Tsunade?" Jirai was also stunned: "Cut, that plane... no, that guy is no longer the washboard he used to be. She..."

"I heard that you like her very much." Uchiha Qi stretched his waist: "If you like it, go and confess. Why do you fool around in such a place all day?"

"Little devil, you know shit!" Zilai said disdainfully: "I heard that Minister Qi has refused a lot of marriage contracts, and you have a girlfriend who has no definite relationship so far. understand the same."

"Ah, I really don't understand." Uchiha Ki nodded: "But I just heard that if a woman has a crush on you she will repay you."

"What the hell, shouldn't there be grace.... Something's wrong, you little bastard's words have always been wrong, so... why does a man have a good impression of a woman?"

"Take all the money?"

Jirai was also stunned for a moment, then he looked down at him subconsciously, and then he looked at Uchiha Kai with a flushed face.

At this moment, Jirai also seemed to realize that this little **** with a serious face in front of him was definitely a more powerful guy than him!

He felt as if he was in some "professional field" and couldn't compare to this guy.

Jiraiya quickly coughed to hide his embarrassment, and at this moment, the owner of the store knocked on the door and came in.

"Everyone, welcome to our store." The boss looked at everyone with a smile: "I wonder if you need company?"

"I want it." Zilai also said directly: "As for these guys, just ask them."

"I don't care." Uchiha Qi shook his head directly and then stood up, following his movements, the other three simply got up: "Enjoy your golden years, you will have no chance in the future. "

"What do you mean by that?" Jiraiya said angrily, but soon he became suspicious: "Are you sure you don't want it? Especially you, Minister Qi?"

"Let's put it this way..." Uchiha Qi sighed faintly, then looked at Jiraiya: "The green shady path you long for is actually covered with hoarfrost every morning and night. ..."

After saying this, Uchiha Qi turned around and left, and Jirai pondered a little at this time.

Suddenly, his face turned completely green...
