Chapter 492: If you don't speak, I will take it as your promise

"This Uchiha is too cautious ( Find the latest chapter!

Uchiha Qi told Obito about this, but in fact, he made the move after some thought.

He knew things that Namikaze Minato didn't know, and at some level he was expressing some trust.

As Obito's immediate boss, the person who is solely responsible for Obito's tasks.

Uchiha Kai's trust is sometimes more important than Namikaze Minato's trust.

And what he himself has done from start to finish, no matter who it is, is for Konoha.

Even if some people know that he is really just for themselves, these people will not reveal what they know.

Uchiha Obito has been pretending and controlling Mizukage for so many years, and his history has grown a lot.

After some thought, he seemed to understand what Uchiha Kai meant.

First of all, after this kind of thing is known to Minato, maybe his teacher will not express any dissatisfaction, but he may have other worries in his heart.

Because my teacher's whole family is Ren Zhuli, and it's the Nine Tails' Ren Zhuli.

Secondly, even Uchiha Kai can't attack other people at will.

If it was to cover Konoha's actions, I'm afraid Minato Namikaze wouldn't say anything, but doing so recklessly will inevitably lead to bad results.

This kind of thing is sometimes said, which may lead to greater unnecessary misunderstanding.

What's more, Uchiha Kai really has to restrain himself, and there is also a limit to the limit of that **** onmyoji.

Therefore, it is better to tell yourself about this matter, and let the queen let yourself cooperate with his actions to complete it.

After all, it is very simple to cooperate with those mysterious organizations to capture those tailed beasts and get some chakras from them.

Thinking of this, Obito basically understood what Kai Uchiha meant.

And he also thought that Uchiha Kai might be getting some people in, which would be more convenient.

As for how Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato will deal with that organization, Obito is unclear.

But no matter what, he absolutely believes that his teacher and his boss will definitely handle this matter well.

After a simple inquiry, Uchiha opened the tailed beast Chakra that he had fused, and Uchiha Obito was even more relieved.

Nine tails, the most critical chakra, already has it, so there is nothing to worry about Obito.

The second is the three tails and the eight tails. Now Uchiha Qi only lacks the other six tailed beasts, chakras.

"The trouble is finally resolved."

After getting Obito done, Uchiha Qi was relieved, after all, this guy sometimes behaves very hard.

After this matter is settled, Uchiha Kai can also save a lot of trouble.

The residence of Uchiha Obito is very well arranged. After Uchiha Kai directly brought him to Uchiha Fuyue to tell some situations, Uchiha Fuyue directly arranged a place for him.

This residence was once the home of a deceased clan. He hesitated that this clan did not have any other relatives, so the residence was immediately vacant.

Now it's not a problem to use it for Uchiha Obito to live in, as long as this guy is careful not to be found by the neighbors around him.

As for him wandering around during the day, there is no problem. Uchiha is so big, unless it is a neighbor, everyone is not so familiar.

As for the inside of Konoha, there is no problem. The Uchiha family may not be able to discover the situation of Uchiha Obito, let alone in Konoha.

Uchiha Qi is too lazy to take care of Uchiha Obito. He has experience returning to Konoha before, and he knows how to deal with these things.

After a good rest for a day, Uchiha Kai ran directly to the underground laboratory the next day.

Hyuga Aya is going to conduct the second experiment. He really doesn't know the specific situation, and he doesn't even know if the experiment is done or not.

What surprised him was that when he came to this underground laboratory, he actually found Jun Malu sitting there a little bored.

"Master Kai." Seeing Uchiha Kai walking in, Junma Lu immediately stood up and bowed respectfully.

"Well." Uchiha Kai nodded: "Is her experiment not finished yet?"

"Sister Aya's experiment has been completed."

Junma Lu said honestly, and this clever kid immediately understood what Uchiha Kai meant.

"I'm staying here to see where Sister Ling needs me to help. Master Qi has already come, so I'll retire first."

"It's okay, you stay, I'm just here to see." Uchiha Kai shook his head, then walked directly to the room behind.

Junma Lu is almost five years old, and he has been in Konoha for two years. Basically, he can't see any connection between this guy and the original book.

He is not indifferent now, on the contrary, this person is more cheerful.

Even though he usually trains with Kakashi, his daily life is still with a large group of children of the same age, as well as the elders who take care of him and love him very much.

In such an environment, his performance and change are amazing.

In particular, he also received the dual teachings of Konoha and Uchiha, coupled with his already extremely loyal heart.

It is conceivable that a guy with exceptionally good ninja qualities will really be born in the hands of Uchiha Kai.

The only thing that has something to do with the original book is probably his appearance and his loyal character.

With a chuckle, Kai Uchiha came directly to the room where Aya Hyuga usually did experiments.

He knocked on the door lightly, and without waiting for a reply, he opened the door and walked in.

"Anyway, you won't wait for my answer, why are you knocking on the door?" Hyuga Aya raised her head and glanced at it, then simply lowered her head and continued to look at the document in her hand: "I heard that you came back yesterday?"

"Well, I came back yesterday." Uchiha Ki nodded, then found a seat and sat down: "I'm too tired, I'll just come over after a good rest for a day. How's your experiment? The boy is still waiting outside."

"Iori can't count on it. I can only find other people to help. I just need the blood of this kid, so I let him stay."

Hyuga Aya said without raising her head: "As for the experiment, it's not ideal, but it's also rewarding, but it's basically certain that this experiment doesn't need to continue, it must have reached its limit."

Hyuga Aya's attitude was relatively flat, and she couldn't see how disappointed she was or how happy she was. I'm afraid all of this was within her expectations, right?

Uchiha Kai nodded, then stretched out his hand, and Hyuga Aya didn't hesitate at all, and handed the document in his hand to Uchiha Kai.

Bowing his head, Kai Uchiha began to read the contents of this document.

It's all about her body changes and the changes in her eyes. It's very detailed, but the only regret is that the improvement this time is not too much.

Probably, the bloodline of the Kaguya clan has indeed reached its limit...


"Actually, the effect is not bad."

After looking at it for a long time, Uchiha Keicai put down the document.

The data obtained from this fusion is still relatively objective, but compared to the previous one, this data can almost be described as 'no growth'.

This time the fusion, there is almost no growth in the white eye.

As before, the physical aspect has been enhanced, and now Hyuga Aya's physical fitness is probably terrifying.

Not only did she inherit the terrifying recovery ability of the Kaguya clan, but it might not be easy for her to be injured in terms of strength alone.

The Kaguya clan who opened the boundary of blood continued to use their bones as weapons all day long.

And after the bones are separated from the body, they can also quickly let the bones grow back.

The most important thing is that pulling the bones out of the body will damage the body, and if they don't have a strong recovery force, bleeding can kill them.

In addition to these two aspects, the most important thing is the unlocking of genes.

On this data, Hyuga Aya also made a relatively brief description of this place.

Through this brief description of Uchiha Kai, we learned that her genes still have not changed.

Nothing but a term 'relatively loose'.

Aya Hyuga still lacks the unlocking of the first three sets of genes, but she seems to have found through monitoring data that her closed genes have begun to become active to a certain extent.

"It looks like this, but it doesn't really improve me too much." Hyuga Aya sighed: "Especially the caged bird. Although this technique is constantly loosening, it has never been broken."

"Don't worry, didn't you say before that your caged bird is loose?" Uchiha Qi put down the document in his hand and asked curiously, "How loose is it now?"

"Although it is very loose, it is still firm." Hyuga Aya sighed: "Probably this is also related to the improvement of my eyes, which is not enough to break this technique. But anyway, the route you gave me is very good. Effect."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded, the firmness of the caged bird was indeed terrifying.

Anyway, he had never seen anyone who really got rid of the shackles of the caged bird.

Of course, excluding Hyuga Hizu broke through the shackles of the clan and the idea of ​​separation.

In the future, caged birds will no longer be set up for the descendants of the Hinata clan, and clans and branches will no longer be established.

But this kind of thing, Uchiha Kai thinks Hyuga Hizu should not have the courage.

There may be Hinata Hana in the future, but how does he know exactly?

It would be good for him to know that Naruto's son is called Bo Ren, and he also knows a ghost.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai suddenly thought of a question.

That is, it seems that he has never used his eyes to probe the caged bird of Aya Hinata.

Although it is said that the Sharinyan really cannot pass through the human body and look directly at the situation in a human body, how do you know if you don't try it?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai made a decision, that is, try it out, even if you can't see anything, you can tell Hyuga Aya about her own changes.

"Can I look at your caged bird?" Uchiha Kai said directly: "Although my eyes may not be able to see anything, but...why not try it?"

"Do you want to take a look?" Hyuga Aya frowned, but she soon sighed: "Okay, let's try it out for you."

Saying that, Hyuga Aya took off the forehead guard tied to her forehead.

She naturally knew what Uchiha Kai meant, which was to use the kaleidoscope to observe the situation of some caged birds.

But she and Uchiha Kai thought about the same things. The caged bird printed on her forehead was always just a spell mark, and the spell mark really worked on the brain.

The Kaleidoscope Shaker has a very strong insight, and its combat ability is also extremely terrifying, but it does not have the ability to see through.

Seeing Aya Hyuga's actions, Kai Uchiha slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment when he opened his eyes, an extremely strange pattern appeared in his eyes!

Hyuga Aya naturally noticed Uchiha Kai's eyes, and she was stunned.

These eyes did not show any power fluctuations, but just being stared at by these eyes, she would have a feeling of heart palpitations!

In particular, she also noticed that Kai Uchiha's eyes had changed a lot.

She is very familiar with Uchiha Kai, how could she forget what this guy's eyes were like at that time?

It can be said that she is looking at Kai's eyes step by step, from only having a strange triangular shape to a double image, and watching this double image become more and more obvious.

But she didn't expect that the icons in Kai's eyes had completely merged and were exceptionally clear.

It can be said that the double shadow pattern has completely merged with the original pattern to form a brand new pattern!

"Your eyes..." Hyuga Aya was a little stunned: "Is it the eight-tailed Chakra?"

"Yes, I didn't expect to reach this point by relying on the eight-tailed Chakra alone."

Uchiha Kai nodded slightly, and then his eyes stared at the curse mark on the forehead of Hyuga Aya.

"Although I'm excited too, it still deviates from my plan, and it's not good or bad overall."

While talking, Uchiha Kei observed Aya Hyuga's caged bird, but after looking at him, he sighed helplessly.

All he can see is the trajectory of Chakra, and he can also see the trajectory of this technique.

But what he can see can only be the external situation, and he can see some lines on the inside, but that's all.

There is no way to see into the internal situation, and he really can't make judgments on many things.

But one thing he can be sure of is that there is already chaos inside this spell.

This kind of confusion shows that the maintenance of this curse seal has already experienced huge problems.

This is a crack. As long as the crack is continuously expanded and the internal situation of the curse seal is completely disrupted, the curse mark will naturally be useless.

However, to completely break this curse mark, I am afraid that what is needed is the continuous improvement of her own eyes.

And through the improvement of the eyes, the upper limit of this seal is exceeded, so that the caged bird is completely destroyed!

"It seems that you do need some time to improve your eyes." Uchiha closed his eyes, and then sighed: "But the route is absolutely correct, your feeling is fine, the caged bird has been destroyed by you Part of it, and I'm sure you can do it."

"I will definitely do it, I have bet everything I have." Hyuga Aya nodded seriously: "If you can do it, I will do it too. You broke your destiny, so can I!"

"Nah, of course you can." Uchiha Qi walked over with a smile, then picked up her forehead and tied it to her head: "I'm still waiting for your fairy mode, waiting for your fairy magic. What about Chakra?"

"You..." Looking at Uchiha Kai who was so close, Hyuga Aya didn't move, although she was a little uncomfortable: "Isn't Kenta Imai also practicing, isn't it bad to find him?"

"Forget it, I said that I don't want a man's chakra in my body." Uchiha Kai shook his head and continued to help her fasten her forehead seriously.

"What about the cells?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head and asked maliciously.

"Don't talk, okay?"


"Come to my house in a few days for my birthday."


"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your promise."

