Chapter 500: Aya recognized and recognized people

Uchiha Kai really noticed that his own affairs seemed to be much more than he imagined.

Some are accumulated, and some are what he needs to solve quickly at the moment.

This makes Uchiha Kai helpless, but also full of strange fighting spirit.

It took him four years, from the age of thirteen to the present, to polish his abilities and powers to a top level in all aspects.

Although it seems that it is almost the same now, Uchiha Kai feels that it is not enough. People go to high places and water flows to low places.

He naturally knew what he had to do in order to truly stand at the top of the world.

Even if it is only the pinnacle of the mortal level, this is enough to be proud of Uchiha Kai.

What's more, in his memory, there is a route to continue upward for his reference.

All he has to do is go through those references and choose a route that works for him.

And step by step to stabilize the previous, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of their own heart!

Uchiha Kai thought about these messy things in his heart, and he didn't fully react until the small meeting was over.

But he doesn't care that much anymore, it's over when it's over.

He doesn't really need to care about that much, anyway he's just the Minister of the Guard, or he just wants to do what's within his purview.

Sometimes he's happy to intervene, but more often he doesn't want to cross the line too much.

This is obviously not a good thing, even if no one dares to say anything, let alone say anything, but Uchiha Kai still maintains enough restraint.

Even if he is not afraid of these people or these things, it has always been his philosophy to specialize in the arts.

If you don't have a specific need, you should leave these things to professionals.

Even if he comes in person, he will only give a general framework so that others can perfect and implement his ideas and concepts.

"Hey, Kai." As soon as he walked out of Hokage's office, Imai Kenta chased after him: "Are you in a hurry?"

"It's not in a hurry, what's the matter?" Uchiha Kai looked back at the guy, and the kid Kakashi followed, which made him a little puzzled.

"I'm not in a hurry to have a seat." Imai Kenta said directly: "It just so happens that I still have questions I want to ask you."

"Isn't it?" Uchiha Qi rubbed his head helplessly: "I only went home in the morning, but I was stopped by those Yun Ren, making me unable to run to a meeting in the afternoon. But now, you still Looking for me?"

"My treat, call Aya?"

"It's up to you, why don't you call Kakashi and...Lin, it's more interesting to have more people."

"I thought you just wanted to call Aya, tsk tsk."

In the face of Imai Kenta's teasing, Uchiha Kei didn't care at all.

After everything yesterday, even if the ending is not so wonderful, Kai Uchiha's heart has changed to a certain extent.

In fact, he also knew that the inexplicable relationship between himself and Hyuga Aya was a little too complicated.

But the characters of the two of them also make it difficult for them to directly pierce all this.

Everything yesterday was almost the limit, but Kai Uchiha felt in his heart that he did not meet this limit.

Just how dissatisfied, he also knows that they need time to buffer.

This morning, Aya Hyuga ran away in a hurry. I'm afraid Uchiha Kei is asking her out alone, and it's not an easy thing.

If that's the case, let her come out by taking advantage of the crowd.

Buffering their current embarrassment, let her adapt to such a change a little bit, no matter how you look at it, it seems a lot better than finding him alone.

"Sorry, you are too bright, I can't stand it." Uchiha Kai glanced at Imai Kenta and said indifferently: "Besides, there are some things I prefer to handle alone."

"Too bright? What do you mean?" Imai Ken was too stunned, but he quickly realized: "You mean, I'm a light bulb?"

"When you are alone, you are." Uchiha Qi nodded seriously: "But normally, you are not."

"Cut." Kenta Imai couldn't understand Uchiha Kai's words, which made him shake his head.

Being alone means these two guys are going on a date.

Then he appeared there, obviously when he was a light bulb.

This kind of thing is obviously inappropriate, and Imai Kenta is disdainful to do it.

As for the so-called normal time, I am afraid that they are doing experiments together in the laboratory, right?

Imai Kenta didn't care about this, because he didn't like Hyuga Aya's crazy character.

He is also not interested or disturbed, the daily interaction of these two 'mentally troubled' guys.

However, due to his relationship with his collaborators and even his allies, he is very sincere in approving the result of the combination of the two.

At least the two of them are together, and the problem of this woman, Hyuga Aya, has finally been completely solved.

This woman is too important. Although she is a lunatic, her purpose is extremely in their interests.

Especially her level of experimentation and what she has mastered, it can be said that Imai Kenta and Uchiha Kai are inseparable from her.

If in the future she really marries a stranger who doesn't belong to their circle of interest at all, it will be really troublesome.

Fortunately, Uchiha Kai seems to be attracted by a lunatic.

In the same way, the lunatic Hyuga Aya seems to have completely tied his heart to the neuropathy of Uchiha Kai.

Imai Kenta looked at Uchiha Kai with a smile on his face, and then he pulled Kakashi, who had a confused face, and separated from Uchiha Kai.

The two of them went to Uchiha Lin, and Uchiha Kei went to Hyuga Aya.

In fact, it would be better for Uchiha Qi to find Uchiha Lin, but Imai Kenta is not a fool.

Kai and Ling are fighting hot now, he won't do that kind of annoying thing.

And he wasn't sure, if he went to find Aya by himself, that woman would come out.

If that woman doesn't come out, then Uchiha Kai doesn't come either, which is really embarrassing.

"Let's go, Kakashi." Imai Kenta put his familiar hand on Kakashi's shoulder, and then said with a smirk, "Let the two of them handle it themselves. ."

"Yes...Yes, Kenta-senpai." Kakashi was a little unnatural, he nodded and said, "Then let's go to the residence of the Uchiha clan?"

"Well." Imai Kenta nodded, then walked straight ahead: "To be honest, I really didn't expect the two of them to come together."

"No one can say this kind of thing." Kakashi didn't know what Imai Kenta meant, he said directly based on his own feeling: "I think the two of them are actually quite good."

"Ha, maybe, by the way, how about you? I remember your kid was quite popular before, did you secretly develop one?"

"How is this possible... How about you, senior? Qi and Aya-senpai have come together. You are a team, are you still single?"


Facing Kakashi's question, Imai Kenta's face turned slightly dark, and he suddenly really wanted to punch the white hair in front of him...


Imai Kenta's current situation is really a single type.

Even though many young girls in his clan had hinted at him, his parents also mentioned these things to him intentionally or unintentionally.

But Imai Kenta was a little indifferent, maybe he was thinking about his own power, maybe he was thinking about his own strength.

Or, his two teammates with mental problems are always a problem, so he has no ideas for the time being.

But now it seems that the situation is not quite right, my two teammates with mental problems.

Even his best friends and collaborators have come together to solve some problems.

And was he still alone?

I was actually overtaken by my friend, who was one to two years younger than me, overtaking a corner?

Shaking his head helplessly, Kenta Imai also began to think, should he find someone who suits him?

But as soon as the idea emerged, he hesitated.

Because if he thinks he is looking for it, I am afraid it will be a person who is difficult to integrate into his circle, right?

After all, their small circle is too secretive, and what they do is probably not something that can be recognized.

Therefore, Imai Kenta can only sigh, and this kind of thing can only be discussed later.

Although he will be disgusted by Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya during this time, he can only endure a little.

"Let's go and find your friend."

Imai Kenta slapped Kakashi **** the back, and then he said with a smile.

"Instead of caring about me, you might as well take care of yourself, don't you think, Kakashi?"

"Yes yes yes." Kakashi rolled his eyes, he knew that this senior, senior, and his colleague had such a personality.

Such a character is neither good nor bad, but Kakashi can still accept it.

And he also knows that this guy is definitely the one who wants to have a good relationship.

Not only because this guy is Uchiha's teammate, but also a very good friend.

Also, this guy is the head of the Konoha mission department.

Although Anbu and the mission department may not have any intersection, they are also the most trusted person by their teacher.

Everyone is the main participant in that kind of private meeting, and the relationship must be good.

Shaking his head helplessly, Kakashi followed in Kenta Imai's footsteps.

In fact, he also had some doubts about calling Uchibo Lin, why did he call this kid?

His identity does not seem suitable for participating in this dinner, right?

Kakashi is very clear, he knows what Imai Ken is likely to ask.

But he is too lazy to think about these things now, Uchiha Qi personally invited this guy to come, he must have his own purpose.

Besides, Kakashi was still happy inside.

Because in his heart, he really recognized this guy very much.

Such recognition is unclear, but it exists.

The most important point is that Kakashi also wants to get along with this guy more.

Because he knows that this guy won't be around for a long time in Konoha...


"Minister Qi?"

Outside the headquarters of the Hinata clan, Uchiha Kei stood in front of the gate, looking at the place he had only been to twice, and was a little brooding. To be honest, he was a little tangled now.

He was suddenly worried about gains and losses, because he didn't know how Hyuga Aya was thinking about her heart now.

But as a man, Uchiha Kei still knows that sometimes he can't tangle with these messy things.

The big deal is to take the route of the straight man of steel. In fact, he has been taking this route almost all the time.

Just drag the person away, isn't it over?

But just as he was about to walk in, he suddenly heard someone calling him.

Turning his head to look, he unexpectedly found that it was Hyuga Risari who was walking back with a group of people.

These people are all from the Hinata clan, and obviously they are all members of the security department.

When they saw Uchiha Kai, they couldn't help showing a respectful expression on their faces.

Most of them are members of the branch, and their attitude towards Uchiha Kai can be imagined.

"Oh, it's a day difference." Uchiha Qi nodded at Hyuga, and then he said with a smile, "Did you just come back?"

"Yes, Mr. Minister." Hinata Risari immediately lowered his head, to be honest, he didn't expect Uchiha Kai to appear here.

Before, he just noticed a guy wearing the Uchiha clan's logo clothes standing at the door of the Hinata clan, he hadn't thought about it too much.

Now the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan is still good, and it is not strange to have a Uchiha clan.

But when he walked in and suddenly found that it was Uchiha Kai who came to the door of his clan, Hyuga Hipsari was startled, which made him lower his head immediately.

"Don't worry, I'm here to find someone." Uchiha Qi smiled slightly: "Just as I was still thinking about how to find it, you came here. It seems that I can save a lot of things."

"I understand." Hinata Rizari nodded immediately, indicating that he understood.

The guy Uchiha Kai came here, obviously the person he was looking for was not himself.

Even though he is an important member of his subordinates, Hyuga Risari knows that he has not yet gained his complete trust.

And his brother, Hyuga Hizu, is not in Konoha now. He went to the front line with Uchiha Fugaku.

That being the case, then Uchiha Qi came here to look for, I am afraid it is only the one who had no voice in the family, and then most people are not welcome, until now, there are not many people who will oppose her voice. .

This girl can almost be said to be a legend of the members of the branch.

However, this girl seemed a little out of place in the whole family, as if there was no one worthy of her recognition.

But she recognized a person, and she also got the recognition of this person.

And this person....

But it is Konoha who is powerful and has mastered the most violent department of Konoha, Uchiha Kai!



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