Chapter 502: The new generation of 0 hands and Uchiha

"Hey, what's the matter with you two? So silent?"

Sitting in a tavern in Konoha, Kenta Imai looked at Kai Uchiha and Aya Hyuga with a puzzled look on their faces.

The two guys didn't know why, but they kept stinking faces when they came out of the Hyuga Clan's residence.

As if someone owed them money and didn't pay it back?

This state has continued until now and has not eased, which really made him feel inexplicable.

Not only him, but Kakashi and Uchiha Obito also felt a little baffled.

These two didn't just last night...

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Thinking of this, Kakashi and Obito both blushed.

But Kai and Aya-senpai are already so close, why are they still acting like this?

Could it be that someone really provoked them?

Probably not, although Aya-senpai's status in the Hinata clan is not high, after all, they still understand the concept of separation.

I don't know how many members of the Hyuga clan, who hate the identity of the split.

But Aya-senpai is taking care of Kai, if someone really provokes them.

According to Qi's temper and character, and the power in his hands, I'm afraid that guy will never have a good life!

The hidden resumes of Kai Uchiha have proved more than once that this guy is definitely not a broad-minded person.

Even Obito felt that, apart from realizing the internal situation of Kiriyin and intending to take away some of the Xueji family, the biggest reason for Qirun to go to Kiriyin to make trouble was probably that he was taking revenge on Hyuga Aya?

The death of that blue seems to be a good proof of this.

At that time, there were many people besieging Kai, and there were also many powerful guys.

These people basically have no good end, but only that Qing is the worst.

His death did not leave anything to prove his existence at all, it can be said that he was completely wiped out, and the ashes were raised for you!

You know, Qing Ke faced Uchiha Kai alone, as if he was deliberately forced to that place.

In addition, this guy has the eyes of the Hyuga clan, and from the mission history, he also coerced Hyuga Aya, forced Uchiha Qi to exchange Terumi Mei and successfully escaped.

Judging from these information, Qing's death was completely full of revenge and purpose.

It is to kill you completely and erase everything from your life!

Uchiha Qi didn't know that he did have the idea of ​​revenge even though he did so.

But more often, the practice of leaking information and not bothering to cause trouble was misunderstood as this.

"It's nothing, it's just that some people were in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Uchiha Kai crossed his hands in front of the bridge of his nose and said calmly with a calm face.

"Shut up for me!" As soon as he finished speaking, Hyuga Aya couldn't help but speak.

"And you, Kenta Imai, why did you come in and call us here? Tell us if you have something!"

"Have you eaten gunpowder?" Imai Kenta raised his brows, and then looked at Uchiha Kai a little pitifully: "It looks like your girlfriend is quite fierce, and you will be comfortable in the future."

"Heh..." Uchiha Kai rolled his eyes, not bothering to explain these inexplicable things.

The ghost knows when it will start, and there are more and more guys in the team who like yin and yang.

In the beginning, it was just Aya Hyuga, but after being taught by Uchiha Kai, Kenta Imai, the bastard, seemed to have discovered a new world.

Now Uchiha Kai himself speaks less yin and yang, but this guy seems to have inherited it all.

From time to time, it pops up to disgust you, and it's really depressing.

Shaking his head, he said directly: "Tell me, what do you want to say by calling us out this time?

I don't think you will entertain guests easily. If there is no purpose, I will think that you are at the weasel to give New Year's greetings to the chicken. "

"The weasel greets the chicken for the New Year? The chicken doesn't dare to open the door casually."

Imai Kenta probably understood what Uchiha Kai was saying, but after he also laughed, his face became serious.

"You want to attack Xiaoguo?"

Act on small countries?

Hyuga Aya and Uchiha Obito, who was still inexplicable, suddenly came to their senses, and the two of them turned to look at Uchiha Kai.

They really don't know what happened, because being invited over for dinner seems a little inexplicable.

Now it seems that I am afraid that the three ministers around them have had some kind of meeting, and now they plan to exchange it?

Just, why should such exchanges bring them?

Although they didn't understand, neither of them raised any objections, but listened quietly.

Uchiha Obito knew what his identity was, and now he was the man who actually controlled Kiriyin Village.

Uchiha Kai and the others talk about these contents to himself, the purpose is probably very obvious.

That is, if necessary, cooperate with their actions.

Uchiha Obito would not refuse this, but he just wanted to find out what Uchiha Kai was thinking.

And Hyuga Aya knew that Uchiha Kei always wanted to be the Minister of the Medical Department.

Even if this matter is difficult, firstly, she has not yet freed herself from the shackles of the caged bird, and secondly, the third Hokage still controls the medical department.

But all this is not without opportunities, she is now more and more confident in breaking through the caged bird.

Especially when she knew that her caged bird had a gap now.

As for the three generations of Hokage, it depends on whether he can survive the current stage.

"It is, it is not."

Uchiha Qi said calmly, glanced at Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta, he could only repeat his expectations for the past few days before finally ending it.

"In fact, strictly speaking, this is also good for them. They need to develop, and we help them. At the same time, we can also obtain huge benefits in the future, which is mutually beneficial."

"Your thoughts....really 'smart' as always."

After hearing Uchiha Kai's words, Hyuga Aya couldn't help but speak after learning part of the content of their meeting today.

"This is considered to have completely cultivated these small countries into Konoha's Alliance Ninja Village? Or to put it more bluntly, completely turned into a small Konoha, in a disguised sense, Konoha's agent in the area?"

"Although it looks a bit **** and cruel, but..." Uchiha Obito also said: "You seem to really bring the ability to protect yourself over there, and in a sense it is... Brings a certain level of peace..."

"Almost." Uchiha Qi nodded: "It's not wrong for you to think so, although I never thought I was a good person, but I must admit..."

"Perhaps the idea did help them, and also brought peace in some sense..."


Uchiha Kai never said that he was a good person, or that he didn't bother to express such a concept at all.

A good person is indeed a very good character. With such a coat, it can also facilitate him to do a lot of things.

But Uchiha Kei never thought he was a good person. He was a person who had experienced wars and had personally participated in wars.

He doesn't need to be a good guy for no reason, and a 'good guy' is not a very good 'coat' for his position.

He just needs to be himself, even though his label has gradually become "gentle on the inside and cold on the outside", but this can be regarded as an actual performance of him.

And the peace in Uchiha Obito's mouth is actually very simple.

As Konoha wooed these small countries and let them develop to be able to protect themselves.

And in some practical sense, the existence of Konoha's agent does help to achieve peace.

Whether any country will use force depends entirely on its own interests.

This is true of big countries, let alone these small countries.

In particular, the main battlefield of the big countries is always the territory of these small countries, and the damage they cause has also become a humble reason for the small countries to strive for balance and interests.

Our side has been damaged so badly, but your side has not suffered any damage, and we don't dare to trouble the big country.

That being the case, we can only trouble you, a country that has not suffered much damage.

This idea is despicable, but it is also a reality.

The small country Ninja Village has no money, so what about the huge losses caused by the war?

You can only recover yourself by attacking others.

Even if there is no way to recover oneself, making life difficult for others, and becoming the same as oneself, can be regarded as a means of balance.

But if Konoha intervenes, it will inevitably change this situation to a great extent.

Even in the future, there will be more and more such agents.

They surrounded the country of fire to form an alliance of interests, and the fighting power that erupted was completely unimaginable.

Anyone who wants to do something with Konoha must consider whether they can actually do it.

Because they are not facing a single Konoha, but a big alliance formed with Konoha as the core!

It sounds ugly, even if the fight really broke out, even if Konoha didn't make a move, there would still be a lot of small countries surrounding him.

No matter which major country wants to make a move, it may not be able to easily break through such a line of defense.

Konoha has time to assemble her own troops, and can even let these small countries and those big countries consume first, and wait for the entry!

Of course, such an approach will lose people's hearts, and Namikaze Minato obviously won't do it.

"Your approach looks really good, but I've always been curious..." Imai Kenta sighed slightly, his eyes seemed a little deep: "Do you... have bigger ambitions?"

"Greater ambitions?" Uchiha Qi was a little strange. After thinking about it for a while, he seemed to understand a little. The words of Kenta Imai: "You mean, the entire ninja world?"

"That's right." Imai Kenta nodded: "You know the situation in my house, and you know that there are two Hokage in my house, one of them.... once opposed certain things..."

"So do you think he's right?" Uchiha Kei interrupted Imai Kenta without waiting for his words to finish.

Imai Kenta's words were actually very clear, and Uchiha Kei probably guessed that he was a little weird tonight, and what was the purpose of looking for him.

To put it bluntly, in fact, this is still involved in the first generation of Hokage.

At the beginning of the battle between Chishou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara, although Chishou Tobirama was involved in it.

But in essence, this is also the final result of the huge differences in the concept of peace between the two.

Senju Hashirama believes that villages built by various countries and everyone stabilized will definitely be better.

Moreover, the tailed beasts were distributed, so that every village used a strategic-level deterrent, and everyone had fear in their hearts that natural wars would not be born.

But Madara Uchiha obviously doesn't agree with this idea. He agrees more that only after conquering the entire ninja world can there be true peace.

Because of the existence of many villages, various frictions will inevitably occur, and small-scale conflicts will not stop.

In addition, there will be various actions within the village in order to know what will happen to other villages.

Coupled with the contradictions within the village, all kinds of dark things are bound to happen.

Uchiha Itachi destroys the Uchiha family, even if it is the darkness that emerges from the intertwining of contradictions inside and outside the village.

If there is no outside interference in the village, it is naturally impossible to worry about what happened to a Uchiha clan.

Moreover, the size of a village is huge enough that the Uchiha family does not dare to think about a coup.

Once you do something, the whole village of ninjas will crush you to pieces!

At that time, even if there is a fight, it will be limited to the fight within the rules Naturally, the oppression of force or even the massacre of the village will not easily occur.

These problems were only realized after the death of Chishou Hashirama.

And Madara Uchiha had obviously thought of it, but he still didn't convince Chishou Hasuma in the end.

Of course, this guy was also seduced by Hei Jue Run Yu Silently, so he would have that battle with Qianshou Zhujian, right?

Through this battle, to test the obsession of Qianshouzhuma.

And the final result was that Chishou Hashima killed him, made him give up the pursuit of human nature completely, and decided to use illusion to make the whole world peaceful, right?

These are all guesses by Kai Uchiha, but based on the words of Qianshou Hashima in the future, as well as the performance of Madara Uchiha and Hei Jue, he doesn't think he guessed wrong.

"I... I dare not make these evaluations." Imai Kenta sighed helplessly: "I just feel that these things are beyond my imagination, and I don't know whether the actions of the first Hokage are right or not. Wrong. He has his reasons, you have your conclusions, and such an expansion..."

"I know your worries, and your worries won't be yours alone." Uchiha Qi leaned back a little, and he smiled: "Captain Minato and the others, in fact, they can't make up their minds, but now there are still Time to buffer, so don't need to pay too much attention..."

"Of course, I think the end result is that they will agree and try.

In fact, we should be fortunate that we are not Senju and Uchiha Madara, and we do not need to fight for this.

Why are we restless and silent, to see the result of all this? "



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