Chapter 516: Long-lost Uchiha Art

The family secret technique of the mountain family is strictly speaking a shady way of using it.

This is somewhat similar to the Uchiha family, but the perception is also great.

For example, although the Uchiha family's Sharinyan is considered a performance of Yin Escape, they are more using the insight possessed by these eyes to fight, or relying on it to use illusions to reduce the difficulty and increase the power.

And the way the mountain clan uses, although it is not an illusion, it is also a means of using spiritual power in essence.

It's just that their method of use is more aggressive. Although the power is not necessarily terrible, it is also unique in collecting and interrogating intelligence.

If the members of the mountain clan in front of him face other ninjas, even members of the ordinary Uchiha clan, I am afraid they can succeed.

However, his luck was very bad, and the person he faced was Kai Uchiha.

This person with tenacity of mind and also possessing the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, I am afraid that this guy is really not afraid of anyone in terms of spiritual power!


A shrill scream rang out from the mouth of the root member of this mountain clan in an instant, and he slumped on the ground with his head covered.

At this moment, there was already darkness in his mind, only a full moon stood tall in the sky.

This moon is not a full moon, but a scarlet writing wheel with a strange pattern on it!

In an instant, this boy from the mountain family was defeated, and Uchiha Qi held the cut jade, and quickly moved sideways among the surrounding members of the root.

Those members of the root completely ignored the Qiu Dao clan who held their chests, let alone the mountain clan who was constantly screaming. Their targets were only Uchiha Kai and Kakashi.

"Fire Escape - Fire Phoenix Immortal Technique!"

Uchiha Qi kept wandering among the members of these roots, but every time he wanted to fight back, there would be people behind him.

Even if no one came over, there would still be a swarm of insects that appeared out of nowhere, or a very hidden one ready to control him at any time.

In fact, for him, using Susanoh directly should be able to handle them.

It's just that at his level, he's really starting to enjoy the battle more and more.

As his strength continued to improve, he became more and more aware of Madara Uchiha's thoughts, and it seemed to be clearer why the relationship between Indra and Asura was so complicated.

In addition to being brothers in the first place, the only recognition of strength also accounts for a large part.

It's a pity that the differences between the two people's ideas have created thousands of years of grievances and hatreds.

No matter which generation of reincarnators, they may be able to become friends and recognize each other, but they all have a disagreement with each other because of their ideas.

The strength is too strong, it will cause them to have no friends, and no one to restrain their expanding hearts.

However, Uchiha Kai is not like this, because he knows too well what is behind this world? What kind of superpowers are hidden in the end.

After countless edifications? He knows how exaggerated the powerful person he is.

Even now he feels like he may not have any enemies? But that doesn't mean he will swell? When in trouble, he will fire at full strength and not give any chance.

But it's not a troublesome thing to encounter relatively speaking? He is more willing to enjoy such a battle process.

The hands quickly seal, since there is no way to break through such a cover system through direct combat? Then use the escape technique to make their defense system problematic!

Hot flames spewed out of Uchiha Kai's mouth? These flames quickly spread around, and instantly enveloped the surrounding roots.

However, due to the characteristics of Huo Dun, it is basically impossible to cause any fatal damage to a prepared ninja.

Sure enough? Although these roots were slightly affected by the flames? But such an effect is completely without any trouble for them.

Fire escape, in addition to a certain amount of damage, is more used as an escape technique to attract attention and launch a surprise attack.

Just be careful and they don't think they're in any trouble.

However, soon, they found that their ideas seemed a little naive!

Uchiha Kai's figure is like a ghost? Even if he didn't use Susanoo, his fighting power has long exceeded everyone's imagination!

Under the cover of Huo Dun? Even just a moment of isolation makes it impossible for these guys to form a defense that takes care of each other.

And this moment? It's the time when Uchiha enlightens hard!


A ninja at the root looked for Uchiha Kai's movements, and he immediately shouted? However, the next moment he saw the ghostly figure quietly appear in front of his eyes!

"Perception? Or white eyes?"

Uchiha Kai asked in a soft voice? It's just that the movements in his hands have absolutely nothing to do with the softness.

Qiyu stabbed towards the abdomen of the root ninja instantly? The ninja reacted very quickly. He did not use a weapon, and put his hands in a 'palm' to slap the trajectory of Qiyu's movement.

The figures were staggered, and Qiyu's attack trajectory was indeed shot away by him, but at the moment of the wrong body, Uchiha Qi had already taken out a kunai with his left hand, and instantly inserted it into the ninja's chest, his scarlet pupils stared at him, especially fear.

"It seems to be a white eye, is it a member of the branch?"

Looking at Kai Uchiha at this time, the ninja at the root seemed to think of something, especially the scarlet that showed through the mask, which immediately made him extremely uneasy.

Unfortunately, he couldn't open his mouth at all. Every time he opened his mouth, a large number of blood bubbles spread out, and he had no way to convey the information he had discovered.

Suddenly, the three of them jumped high in the air, and the long knives glowed coldly downward. The next moment, the three long knives pierced into Uchiha Kai's body in no particular order.

The speed they stabbed was extremely fast, especially since they used the root of that Hinata as a bait, and they didn't care whether their ninja swords would kill their comrades.

Most people can't react to such an approach, but what makes them extremely unbelievable is that their ninja swords penetrated Uchiha Kaihou, and thick smoke burst out instantly.

In such a thick white smoke, Uchiha Kai's figure quietly appeared beside them.

These roots also reacted extremely fast, they immediately drew their knives and looked at Qi again, but Qi just turned slightly to the side, then avoided the fatal knife, and by the way also avoided the knife behind him.

The Kuwu in the left hand abandoned it high, and the cut jade in the right hand pulled horizontally, instantly slashing a long wound on the neck of a root ninja.

Kunai spun and fell in the air, and his movements did not stop at all. After beheading one person, the root ninja beside him also posted, but this guy noticed the terrible chakra brewing as soon as he posted it.

He didn't give this guy any time to react at all, he turned around directly, his scarlet eyes met this guy's, the movement of the root instantly stiffened, and the chidori in his left hand penetrated this guy's chest without any hindrance. !


Before he had time to pull his left hand out of this guy's chest, he heard the sound of a ninja breaking the air from behind him. This was the root ninja behind him.

This is because he didn't care too much about this guy, and when he tried to think of a pressure, the root that was killed by his Chidori looked up and fell down.

He also took this opportunity to jump up and pulled out his left hand, and then kicked the Kuwu that fell down from the sky!

That kunai was like a bullet, wiping the throat of this root ninja!

Uchiha Qi fell steadily to the ground. Although he couldn't see the face of the root ninja, he could imagine that his expression at this time should be quite wonderful, right?

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai turned around. At this time, the flames around him were almost extinguished, and they once again presented a surrounded posture to face Uchiha Kai.

It's just that they seem to feel a lot of pressure now, and they haven't taken the initiative to attack like before.

"It seems that you guys are not as powerful as I imagined." Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but chuckle: "But it's almost there, it's okay to be so hot, right, thank you You brought me some fun..."

"If it was normal, I would have a good time with you guys, but now, I'm in a hurry!"

The soft voice is like the current spring breeze that makes people feel comfortable, but for some reason, these ninjas at the root seem to be facing a severe cold wind!

"Be careful, his chakra isn't quite right!"

Suddenly, a root ninja seemed to sense something, and he immediately shouted.

But just after his voice fell, Uchiha Qi had already dispatched, and he didn't care about their number at all, and he didn't pay attention to the encirclement they formed.

I didn't even care about the dense shadows under my feet, and those **** bugs that might pop up everywhere.

He has long since been reborn. What he has now is not just pure speed, but even his strength is not bad at all!

What's more, since he is in a hurry, he will not limit himself too much with some abilities, and it is really enough to deal with these guys in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, Uchiha Kai had come to the ninja who reported the news, the scarlet in his eyes shrank slightly, and the root ninja immediately lost his mobility.

He slashed with one knife, without the slightest sluggishness, and then he took a step forward gently, the long knife glowing coldly slashed against his back, raised his left hand, and a kunai appeared in his hand.

The root ninja who attacked from behind even made a defensive posture, and he directly penetrated his chest with kunai!

A blinking technique, once again dodged the joint offensive of several root ninjas, and then his eyes met an unlucky root again, and Qiuyu instantly made him return to the pure land!

At this time, Uchiha was like a Shura, a tiger that rushed into the sheepfold.

No, it's more terrifying than that, because it should be said that a Tyrannosaurus rex rushed into the flock!

These root ninjas with excellent strength, perseverance, and a variety of methods have almost no enemies under his hands!

Uchiha Kai is in the crowd, like a dancing black butterfly, the movements of his hands are light, this is the art of fighting, this is the art of the Uchiha family.

"I finally saw it...." Kakashi stared at Uchiha Kai's voice and murmured involuntarily: "This is the real Uchiha, this is the real Uchiha battle mode. ..."

Kakashi is also a user of Sharinyan, and he almost went astray in the past, and went to a habitual way of investigating intelligence, relying on ninjutsu for cover, taijutsu suppression, and finally using Chidori to end the battle.

But after Uchiha Kai's advice, he found that that path really didn't seem to suit him, so he started to go to another path.

A battle mode that relies on the insight of the wheel eye, and cooperates with his own swordsmanship and the reproduction of Chidori to solve the enemy at the fastest speed.

After four years of tempering, Kakashi knows that his progress is very exaggerated, and it can be said that he has found the most suitable route for himself.

He will not forget who helped him find this route. The most important thing is that he noticed that this route seems to belong not only to himself, but also to Uchiha!

He has already experienced the power of Sharinyan first-hand. Only in such a battle mode can the power of Sharonan be brought into full play.

And Uchiha Kai, who put forward this advocacy, has always insisted on all this.

Kakashi was very curious about how powerful Uchiha Kai had become.

It's not the kind of mode that relies on Chakra giants. Although that mode is also a feature of the Uchiha family, it's beyond the imagination of ordinary people, isn't it?

He remembered that he had seen it once a year or two ago, but it was a pity that the enemy was too weak, and he was killed without even giving Uchiha Kai any room to play.

And this time, he finally saw that really belonged to Kai Uchiha, or belonged to the Uchiha clan, that was an art-like battle!

"And.... swordsmanship doesn't seem to be that important anymore...." Kakashi stared at all of this: "The easiest way to make a move is to see the weakness, cooperate with illusion, and then stab the weak point!"

Kakashi seems to understand something, Uchiha Kai's actions are too simple, everything seems too concise.

There is no bells and whistles, but all this is really solidified in his brain like a work of art.

Only those who really practice swordsmanship will understand how incredible it is that such a simple sword can end the battle, and how many swordsmen have the greatest pursuit in their hearts!

"As expected of you, Qi, as expected of you..."

Kakashi's heart is still surging, and at this time, Uchiha Kai has killed almost all the enemies.

Even the members of the Qiudao clan who attacked him at the beginning, or the members of the mountain clan who were countered by him with Sharinyan, were directly killed by supplementary swords.

The entire battle didn't even last for five minutes, and the entire war had already lost a strong **** smell at this time....


This Uchiha is too cautious https://