Chapter 520: The will to be kidnapped

It can be said that Koharu and Mito Menyan were arrested, which was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Such a sudden attack did not give any chance to react at all.

Even the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden knew about it that night.

And when Sarutobi Hiizan knew about this, he was shocked and angry at the time. He never thought that Namikaze Minato would actually do this!

That was his old classmate, the only old classmate he had left, who could still maintain a good relationship.

Although he still had a classmate who took the style of autumn, but the practices of the Nara clan had a profound impact on the other two clans.

My old classmate also began to slowly disconnect from him, and as time went by, it was basically detached by now.

Before Sarutobi Hizan didn't take these things too seriously, but now he can't.

Maybe it was really old, and he began to cherish the fetters of the past more and more.

But some things have passed, and it is really difficult to make up for it, so he can only cherish the present more.

Shimura Danzo, Shun Koharu, and Mito Gate Yan, can be said to be Sarutobi Hijen's best friends.

At the same time, he is also a member of his own think tank, as well as his own assistants and helpers.

The death of Shimura Danzo made him feel lost for a long time.

He vowed that he would never want to encounter such a situation again, and he definitely did not want such a thing to happen again.

But he never expected that Namikaze Minato would strike again, without any warning at all!

"Could it be that the actions of the roots were discovered?"

Sarutobi Hizan thought silently while wearing his clothes.

"It shouldn't be, very few people at the root can be captured alive, and even if they are captured alive, it is impossible to tell the information."

After getting dressed, the third Hokage walked out of the house and walked towards the Hokage building.

"According to Anbu's way of doing things, if you catch a living person, you will be tortured, so the ninja at the root will die, and there will be no evidence left after death.

If they are seriously injured in battle, they will also find a way to activate the mark on their body and let themselves die. This is the end"

Could it be that you have met a powerful person?

Suddenly a not-so-good idea appeared in his mind, which made him feel a little uneasy.

For example, if the person carrying out this **** mission is Uchiha Kai or Kakashi, then it is not incomprehensible.

Uchiha Kai and Kakashi, one is the Minister of the Security Department and the other is the Minister of the Anbu Department.

The identities and strengths of these two people are destined to be if Sarutobi Hizan has any extreme actions, such as surveillance.

Then this will become their means of attacking, and Sarutobi Hizan doesn't want to provoke these guys.

But this time, he still used some power, and even made Hinata's ninjas dispatched.

But even Hinata's ninja didn't dare to pay too much attention to these two.

God knows if the two of them have a certain perception ability, and long-term staring will definitely cause trouble.

What's more, near Konoha Prison, and even in the neighborhoods close to the prison, there are many seal formations.

These sealing enchantments are used to counteract the peeping of the Hyuga clan, or the peeping of any ninja with the ability to see through.

According to the report of the root ninja, although the two passed by Konoha Prison, they never entered.

The route of their actions is completely irrelevant, because that route is the most hidden and the fastest route to reach their destination.

Could it be that those two damned guys really moved the article here?

But even if the article was moved, Hiruzen Sarutobi really didn't feel that it was impossible for a team of 20 people to face these two people, and it was impossible to kill even an escorted prisoner, right?

Even if you can't kill them, you won't be able to guess their identities, and you won't be able to escape at the same time, right?

There are too many questions here.

There is no doubt that the members of the root are absolutely strong in combat.

And Uchiha Kai's power is also very exaggerated, and Sarutobi Hiyzen will not deny it.

But Uchiha Kai's fighting style and fighting performance seem to be very recognizable, right?

If Sarutobi Hizen is a member of Uchiha, at that level of his strength, he will directly use Susanoo in the face of trouble, and will not give the enemy any chance to resist.

In this way of fighting, if you still can't tell who you are facing, it's not stupid.

That is simply not qualified to continue as a ninja!

"Susanoh, mastering such power, the Uchiha clan can be regarded as mastering the real power."

While walking the three generations of Hokage, I thought to myself: "Even if you use the Shaker Eye with illusion and physical skills, you can still show terrifying power, but when your strength reaches that stage, you will only be able to use the basic abilities in front of so many people. ?"

"You really think that you are Madara Uchiha, or that mysterious Uchiha who wants to be a 'butterfly in the battlefield'!"

With deep doubts, Sarutobi Hiizhan quickly came to the Hokage Building.

Looking at this building that once belonged to him and made himself stand at the highest peak of power, Hiruzen Sarutobi had mixed feelings for a while.

The former self was in high spirits, and the former self gave orders in this building.

But now things are different. If it wasn't for his friend being arrested by Minato Namikaze, he wouldn't even come to this building.

This filled his heart with sadness, the building that kept bringing back his memories.

Taking a deep breath, Sarutobi Hizen walked in directly.

Without the slightest obstruction, the ordinary ninjas had basically returned home at this time, leaving only a lot of Anbu ninjas.

And these Anbu ninjas seem to have been notified long ago and didn't care about his appearance.

It didn't take long for Sarutobi Hizan to the door of Hokage's office.

Looking at the door that he had pushed open countless times, Hizan Sarutobi took a deep breath, and then pushed it open with force.

"You're here?" Minato Namikaze sat alone on the chair in front of the Hokage office.

His head did not look at Sandai Hokage, but at the photo hanging on the wall beside him.

These photos are not many, there are only a few in total, but these are the ancestors of Hokage.

After a long time, Minato Minato withdrew his gaze and looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi: "Long time no see, Lord Sandaimu."

"If I can, I don't want to come here at all, and I don't want to see you at all! Especially you have done something that I can't understand at all!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Minato Namikaze with a stern face, and he said coldly, "You're crazy, do you know what you're doing?"

"Of course I know, in fact, you know too, don't you?" Minato Namikaze sighed slightly: "Lord Sandaimu, the feeling of an interest group's will overriding his own."

"Isn't it bad?"

Sarutobi Hizan didn't answer this question, but looked at Minato Namikaze with a solemn expression.

He refused to answer this question and could not answer.

Indeed, there were some things he couldn't change.

Even if he felt that his will was kidnapped, he couldn't change it!

At the beginning, he had nothing, and some were just orders left by the second-generation Hokage.

This order even bypassed the daimyo, bypassed the Ministry of State Affairs, bypassed the mechanism of elections.

It was almost directly appointed in a tough stance, leaving no room for anyone to maneuver.

Such a tough attitude naturally aroused everyone's dissatisfaction.

This is the first time that Sarutobi Hizen has faced an unbelievable dilemma other than war.

But after all, he is a ninja with a resolute temperament, and he tried his best to maintain and stabilize the power he gained.

Naruto is always the dream of Konoha ninjas.

Especially as the disciples of Hokage, their inner dream for Hokage has reached a peak.

He continued to win over and lure various ethnic groups through various means, and finally brought together his own political interest groups by cracking down on differentiation.

It can be said that he spent his life experience creating a Konoha that belongs to him.

But he is also clear in his own mind that this Konoha does not belong to him entirely.

This belongs to him and the interest groups that support him, this group!

He is the de facto top leader of Konoha, but also a de facto representative of an interest group.

With these, he can stabilize Konoha's situation and maintain Konoha's stability.

However, the maintenance of interests will always be rewarded with effort.

Through these interest groups, he realized his life dream and showed his life value.

However, those interest groups relied on his protection to obtain unimaginable benefits and rights.

They are a whole and cannot be easily taken apart.

He must take care of all his ideas and every move, even if he is strong, he cannot act arbitrarily.

He can be said to be kidnapped, kidnapped on a chariot of interest, and there is no way to make a choice easily.

Even if this chariot was created by him at all, there is nothing he can do.

This is the reality, the will of an individual cannot be compared with the will of a group.

Even if Sarutobi Hizan knew that the changes Minato Minato had made were actually, strictly speaking, he didn't feel that there was any big problem in his heart.

But his interest group does not allow such a thing to happen, and he naturally does not allow such a thing to happen!

"What about you?" After a long time, Sarutobi Hizan said with a cold face: "You look beautiful now, but the price you paid is probably not small, right?"

The Uchiha family is a group of greedy guys in the eyes of Hiruzen Sarutobi!

When he was still Hokage, especially when he just got the news that his position was unstable, these guys didn't know how many times they attacked him.

Even after his position was stable, these guys were still restless.

And Namikaze Minato actually chose to cooperate with this group of guys, as you can imagine by looking at the current security department.

Although I have to admit that the performance of the Security Department is indeed very good.

But it cannot be ignored that the Ministry of Guards has now expanded to a terrifying level!

"The price I paid?" Minato Namikaze didn't react for a while, what did Hiizan Sarutobi mean.

But soon when he realized what it meant, he suddenly became silent.

Obviously, what Sarutobi Hizan said was the subject of the Uchiha clan.

Isn't the most primitive basic plate of Namikaze Minato created by Uchiha Qi?

But the problem is that he suddenly discovered that the Uchiha family rarely kidnapped him and did things he didn't want to do.

Of course, he also had to admit that he was guided by Uchiha Kai all the way to where he is now.

But in fact, all this now, although his most primitive concept is a bit off, but the essence is exactly what he wants!

Even if the means are cruel, even the style has become a little dark.

But he can't deny that he at least sees a bright future in Konoha, and has the ability to spread to the entire ninja world!

"Have you noticed it?" Sarutobi Hizan saw that Namikaze Minato was silent, and couldn't help sneering: "Actually, you can get there better than me? You exchanged his support this time, but what does he need to pay? Have you thought about it?"

"Sorry, it's not because of this that I lost my mind." Minato Namikaze immediately came back to his senses when he heard his words, which made him sigh: "You know, Lord Sandaimu, the biggest difference between us is that you were kidnapped. , and I didn't!"

Having said that, Minato Namikaze paused for a while, and then he slowly opened his mouth when he saw Sarutobi Hiizan's stunned expression.

"I know what you mean, Mitsuyomi-sama.

In fact, now that I think about it, I think everything is very incredible.

Because Qijun has never made any excessive demands with me, never!

Admittedly, he did lead me to do quite a few things, but thinking about it, the nature of these things is also what I hoped for.

He taught me a lot and made me a more qualified Hokage.

To be honest, in my heart, in fact, he has long been a very good friend of mine.

Everything he got now, I gave him voluntarily, and he did a good job, didn't he?

There is no need to doubt what I said, because he is fundamentally different from those behind you. "

Minato Namikaze stood up with a smile, and slowly walked to Hizan Sarutobi's side.

"I know the purpose of your coming here, right?

Sorry, I won't let them out, at least not yet.

Because neither I nor Qi Jun realized that you were going to take revenge.

Even if it is not your personal opinion, it also represents the thoughts of your interest group.

Therefore, I decided to promise him to strike first, and he did not ask for the vacated position of the two.

Finally, by coincidence, you also left a root member, a member of the Nara clan. "

Hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi's pupils instantly enlarged, and his face gradually became gloomy.

However, he didn't speak, but listened quietly. Similarly, Minato Namito didn't give him a chance to speak.

"The members of the Nara clan are still in Anbu Prison, and if you are interested, Mr. Sandaime can visit with Kakashi.

Don't worry, I won't tell Lu Jiu about his existence, but I won't kill him either. I hope Lord Sandaimu can do it for himself.

By the way, are you wondering why Qi Jun made such a choice, right? "

"Because to him, power is a **** to him.

Inflated ambitions can never be suppressed, no matter whether it is strength or power.

But he used his power wisely, put himself in a suitable position, and bound himself within a framework of rules, not letting himself get carried away.

He, like all of you, is different."

This Uchiha is too cautious https://