Chapter 527: cruel choice

Minato, the patriarch of the Xuezhi clan, led his people off the boat, and he was a little confused when he looked at the unfamiliar things in front of him.

It's not that he never came to the country of vortex.

But that was a long time ago, and if I really want to trace it back, I'm afraid I have to go back to the Second World War of the Ninja World.

At that time, he was still a young man, not even the patriarch of the Snow Clan.

How high-spirited he was back then, but now he ran here like a lost dog.

just like

The ancestor was driven out of the sea by the guy named Madara Uchiha and went to the land of water.

In fact, there are not many of the older generation in the entire Wuyin Village who do not hate Konoha or the Uchiha family.

Although when they do do it wrong, it goes against the wheel of history.

But you, Madara Uchiha, can't just kick them out and force them to leave the land where they used to live for a long time, right?

Of course, if only from the results, it seems to be good.

At least their lives were saved and they were able to reproduce.

In the end, it created an existence that is not weaker than Konoha and not weaker than several other powerful Ninja villages.

However, these people remembered this account.

Even in the years to come, these immortals will jump out whenever they have the chance.

They will encourage, inspire, and even mobilize their own influence and political power to let Kirigakushi attack Konoha.

But the problem is that the Konoha they attacked is no longer the Konoha it used to be.

Madara Uchiha is already dead, and this era is not an era of personal bravery.

Because times have changed!

"However, personal bravery can still play an unimaginable role, such as"

At the thought of Uchiha Kai who attacked Kirigakushi and caused huge political, financial and personnel losses in Kirigakushi, Minato shook his head helplessly.

This Uchiha Kai is really scary to an unbelievable level.

The terrifying Chakra giant and the means of controlling the tailed beast have really surpassed the imagination of ordinary ninjas.

It was at this moment that Minato seemed to understand what happened to the ancestors back then.

Also, can Kai Uchiha really break out the terrifying power of that year?

Just when the "Patriarch" was full of thoughts, a member of the Snow Clan ran to his side: "Now that everyone has landed, what shall we do next?"

"Have you all landed?" Minato sighed: "Then, let's follow the original plan."

"Yes, the patriarch." The clansman nodded, and then he said helplessly: "We have reached this stage, and I hope the patriarch will persevere. I think everyone is willing, after all, if we don't go."

"Okay, let's make arrangements." Minato interrupted the clan's words, but there was a hint of sadness in his tone.

He turned his head and looked at the clansmen behind him, looking at their slightly uneasy and some people who were obviously desperate.

He quickly turned his head back, feeling that he couldn't stand it any longer.

But he also has to make such a decision now, after all, he has really reached this stage, and he must also be cold.

The ghost knows what's going on with that **** Mizuying, or what's wrong with that madman of the damned Kaguya clan.

The entire Kaguya clan launched a rebellion and attacked the Shuiying office in an attempt to seize power by arms.

However, Sui Ying seemed to be prepared again. After a tragic fight, the Kaguya clan was wiped out.

And what this clan did aroused Sui Ying's anger, and he began to fully extend the butcher knife to all the blood descendants.

If it was in the past, perhaps the Xueji family was really not afraid.

But that **** blood fog policy made them lose too many people.

And in recent years, the brutal infighting within Wuyin has caused many families to lose their mainstays.

In such a state, no one could stop the water shadow.

Maybe there is, that is Yuan Shi, but this guy is obviously unwilling to confront Suiying head-on.

To be honest, Minato has always felt that if it wasn't for Suiko's policy, the Kaguya clan might not have exploded.

But he felt even more that maybe this was Shui Ying's inner thoughts, and he just wanted to deal with these **** family members!

Although I can't figure out what the purpose of this **** **** is, but now this **** has done it.

To be honest, Minato was actually desperate at first.

Because they themselves know that they have no way to fight against the fog hidden army.

In such a desperate situation, Minato suddenly thought of someone.

The one who once visited him once called Wuyin into a pot of porridge.

One of the most powerful people in Konoha, Kai Uchiha, who had cleaned up Yunyin's army not long ago!

With this idea in mind, Minato couldn't sit still.

He took the initiative to meet with several families that were obviously targeted, and one by one he excluded people who Kei Uchiha had not met.

In the end, he was stunned to find that when Uchiha Kai came over, he didn't see many people.

Perhaps, others have been cleaned?

I can't figure out these things, and I don't want to worry about them anymore.

He took the initiative to find the patriarchs of these families and revealed his plans.

The final result is that everyone ran here together, and they have no idea how many people have died along the way.

But it doesn't matter, at least for them it's already considered good.

Now they have landed in the country of vortex, but this is not a victory.

Because they are still a long way from Konoha, and there is this pursuer behind them.

They came to the country of the vortex without notifying Konoha. Wuyin is so strict to guard them that they have no chance. If they really do it forcefully, they may reveal their whereabouts.

This also means that they have no support now, and they can only find a way to face the pursuit.

And this method is actually very simple, but also very bloody.

That is to let important members of the family go first, such as children and elites.

Then there are some relatively important members, some ordinary ninjas acting in the middle.

In the end, it is naturally those who have not opened the bloodline limit.

They'll be the ones to attract, or even hold back, the pursuers.

The number of these people is the largest in the entire ethnic group, and they are also the weakest in this ethnic group.

It is conceivable what kind of tragic situation it will be once they encounter the chasing troops of Wuyin!

But at this time, Minato had to make a choice, because they had no choice at all now.

He sighed silently, Minato didn't want to see these things again, and didn't want to think about it.

Because he knew that in addition to his choice, other families who came with him would also make the same choice.

Children are the most important, they represent the future.

Family leaders are also very important, they decide how the family will develop in the future.

Elite ninjas are the key to protecting their own clan, at least from being bullied.

while others

I have to say, the world is so cruel sometimes.

If the people living at the bottom cannot change their fate, then they must be abandoned at a critical moment.

They are, in the traditional sense, real cannon fodder.

The former Uchiha Kai is like this, and the former Hyuga Aya is also like this

Not long after the Snow Clan and others landed, several huge ships stopped at the port of the country of vortex.

The patriarch of the Ghost Lantern Clan quickly got off the boat with the Ghost Lantern Manmoon and a group of ninjas.

Behind them, the patriarch and members of the Fuuma clan, the patriarch of the dried persimmon clan and the members of the dried persimmon ghost shark.

There are also members of Anbu, as well as all kinds of Seven Swords, and even the woman Terumi Mei is among them.

In fact, Master Yuan was really reluctant to send this woman Terumi Mei, but unfortunately he couldn't refuse.

The woman Terumi Mei was full of guilt and hatred for Konoha because of the last time Kirigakura was attacked.

She hated all the family members who wanted to defect to Konoha, and she didn't think about why these guys ran away.

Maybe for her, she won't think about these things.

Because her mind is full of that damned mysterious Uchiha who killed the Quartet in Kirigakin.

Even she herself knew that the mysterious Uchiha had nothing to do with Konoha.

Even Konoha was tortured by that guy once, and even Kyuubi was released.

But Uchiha and Konoha are almost connected, if not your Konoha ninja, at least once!

In addition to the blow that Ka Qing's death caused him, and the powerlessness that he once faced Uchiha Kai.

All of this has become her motivation, and she wants to participate in this action!

If, even Uchiha Kai, this bastard, can't solve it.

Facing that mysterious Uchiha in the future, how will she take revenge for Qing?

Therefore, she strongly requested that she hope to participate in this operation.

No matter how the Yuan Shi was opposed, she ignored it, and she also gave her own reasons.

Her bloodline limit needs to be exercised. If she stays in the village, how can she improve herself?

For this reason, Yuan Shi seems to be unable to refuse. Of course, Yuan Shi can also refuse if this is the case.

What surprised him most was that Shidai Mizukage seemed to know all this and ordered Terumi Mei to participate.

Master Yuan is really angry and wants to fight with Uchiha Obito, Terumi Mei is someone he has carefully cultivated!

But reason prevailed over his impulse, and he finally agreed to the choice.

But in his heart, the four generations of water shadows really hold a grudge, and such a reckless approach is really problematic.

This is no longer simply revenge, or to suppress political opponents.

This is simply to destroy the foundation of Wuyin Village, this is to destroy the entire Wuyin Village!

He decided that he must investigate this fourth generation of water shadows.

If there is no problem, then find a way to overthrow this guy.

If there is really a problem, then everything will become easier.

It's just that Master Yuan probably never dreamed that Uchiha Obito sent Terumi Mei out.

In addition to destroying Wuyin Alien, there are other selfish intentions.

He had read the mission briefing and knew that Qing had coerced Aya Hyuga, embarrassed Kai Uchiha, and exchanged the prisoner Terumi Mei.

The relationship between Kai Uchiha and Aya Hyuga has basically been confirmed now, right?

Uchiha Obito had left Konoha before the two confirmed their relationship, so he didn't know much about what happened next.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand it, you should basically be unable to escape from that look.


These two also did something that made people blush!

In this case, Qing has been killed, and Terumi Mei still has grievances with them.

Then let her go to the country of vortex and solve these grievances!

"It looks like it's all here, right?"

Ghost Lantern Yinyue glanced at the dark ninjas all around, and then asked directly.

He is the commander-in-chief of this operation, although in his heart he is not willing to accept this position.

After all, it was his own people who were going to kill, and even if he had defected now, he could understand the thoughts of these people.

The rabbit is dead and the fox is sad, and this is how the ghost lamp Yinyue feels now.

But the situation is stronger than people, even if he doesn't want to do it, he has no choice.

If he doesn't act, then he may be attacked.

Don't look at his family, there once appeared a second-generation water shadow.

But after the infinite exchange of the ghost lantern Huan Yue and Yan Yin, the ghost lantern family began to go downhill.

Shaking his head helplessly, Ghost Lantern Yinyue didn't think much about these issues, because the patriarch of the dried persimmon clan had already come to his side.

The people of the dried persimmon family are really very strange in appearance.

The pale complexion, plus the shark-like wrinkle on his face, is very recognizable.

This family used to live in the country of the vortex, but unfortunately they met Uchiha that year.

Konoha chose to support this country because of the whirlpool family, and because they refused to cooperate, their fate was that they were finally driven out of the sea.

"All the staff are here, I think it's time for us to act." The patriarch of the dried persimmon clan's voice was low and indifferent.

Those inky black eyes looked like sharks waiting for their prey, dead silent and cold.

Ghost Lantern Yinyue nodded: "According to the original plan If there is no accident, they will act separately, and they will be separated layer by layer, you, me, plus the Fengmo clan, the Baijing clan, the Yuyi clan The patriarchs will act together, and we will directly kill the high-level executives of the Snow Clan. As for the rest."

For the rest, Ghost Lantern Yinyue didn't say much, and in fact there was no need to say it.

The remaining few families, their reputation and strength are not very good.

At least compared with the Xuezhi Clan's bloodline limit, they are really a lot worse.

So let your subordinates, or people in the family do it, all this is enough.

The patriarchs of the Dry Persimmon Clan, the Fengmo Clan, the Shirai Clan, and the Yui Clan nodded when they heard the words.

Although this guy is not obvious, his strength is still worthy of recognition.

"Then, let's act directly." Ghost Lantern Yinyue did not talk nonsense: "Let the perception ninja lead the way, they should land in less than three hours, and they won't run far. And we"

"I see, let me come." Patriarch Baijing turned around and walked forward.

Soon, an eagle suddenly landed on his shoulder, as if telling him something

This Uchiha is too cautious https://