Chapter 529: fierce fight

With a strong blade, the ninja sword that exudes a cold light cuts straight to the head of the persimmon ghost shark.

However, at this critical moment, the dried persimmon ghost shark's whole body chakra shook.

The next moment, the ninja knife slashed, and the dried persimmon ghost shark turned into a pool of liquid at this moment.

"It's pretty good, you can actually react."

The dried persimmon ghost shark stood firm on the branch beside him, and a slightly playful voice came from behind him.

In this situation, it was exactly the same as when he faced the ninja of the Snow Clan before he disappeared.

The dry persimmon ghost shark clenched the ninja knife in his hand. He turned his head and saw a young man with slightly brown hair standing there.

This man is very handsome, but these are not the point.

The point is, this guy knows the dried persimmon ghost shark.

"Kenta Imai?" The dry persimmon ghost shark's voice was still indifferent: "The head of the Konoha mission department?"

"Oh?" Imai Ken too tilted his head, and then asked amusingly: "I didn't expect that my information would be leaked. Judging from your dress, you are a member of Anbu, right? And you Shark face, from the dried persimmon family?"

"Here, dry persimmon ghost shark." Dry persimmon ghost shark seems to have regained his calm: "I am afraid your name is much louder than you think. After all, your Excellency also participated in that mission, and your teammate is also the minister of the security department. Where's Kai Uchiha?"

"Is that so?" Kenta Imai nodded.

Then he looked at the dry persimmon ghost shark's face, and his expression became a little weird.

He didn't care about anything, he was Uchiha Kai's teammate, and he became more famous.

What he was a little pondered about was that Kai Uchiha had mentioned before that those who met the dried persimmon family stayed a little bit.

Unexpectedly, he encountered one directly at this moment, and this guy seems to be quite powerful.

Imai Kenta doesn't care why Uchiha Kai wants them to stay, maybe it's because of some other purpose?

But since he has already agreed, naturally he will not do some disgusting things on purpose.

"Go back a little bit and find a place to stop the bleeding yourself." Imai Kenta turned to look at the ninja of the Snow Clan: "As for your companions, you don't need to worry too much."

"Are you, Konoha's ninja?" The leader looked at Imai Kenta in amazement, and immediately nodded: "I understand, thank you."

After saying this, the guy immediately ran to the side.

While running, he did not forget to take out a hemostatic bandage and wrap it around his broken arm.

Fortunately, he was a ninja, although the bleeding made his complexion extremely pale.

But anyway, he still maintains the ability to move, and did not die in place directly because of excessive blood loss, although his current state is also very bad.

Kenta Imai didn't pay much attention to this guy, his eyes were always on the dried persimmon ghost shark, and the same was true for the dried persimmon ghost shark.

"How did you get the information?" Suddenly, the dried persimmon ghost asked: "Our actions should not be exposed, and those guys have no chance to pass the information to you. After all, we have people from the Baijing family who have been watching. with them..."

"The people of the Shirai clan? Those who play with birds?" Kenta Imai shook his head: "It's interesting, I thought that clan was dead. Forget it, it doesn't matter? You don't have to guess? Maybe you can think of it? Maybe You can't imagine it, but I'm here."

The dried persimmon ghost shark looked closely at Imai Kenta's face, and suddenly his shark-like complexion changed again.

Especially when he suddenly heard the sound of a large number of ninjas moving? As well as the sound of weapons colliding and ninjutsu exploding? His face became extremely ugly.

This shows that the other party actually came prepared, and also brought a lot of ninjas!

Why did they come prepared? It was because the information was leaked? And the time of the leak was earlier, otherwise how could they have made these preparations?

"It seems that this battle is inevitable." The dried persimmon ghost took a deep breath, and the next moment his eyes became full of murderous intent: "I heard that you are actually from the Qianshou clan? But it never changed back to the original one. Last name."

"Well, yes." Imai Kenta nodded indifferently, and then an inexplicable smile appeared on his face: "By the way, the patriarch of the ghost lamp clan, and the ghost lamp full moon, as well as the patriarch of your family, the patriarch of the wind demon clan, Let's go to the top of the Xuezhi clan together. Master Yuan, you really made a lot of money."

"You..." The dried persimmon ghost shark clenched the ninja sword in both hands, and at this moment Kenta Imai disappeared!


Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark cursed loudly, then turned around immediately.

The ninja knife in his hand lifted slightly quickly, but he was still slow.

Imai Kenta's ninja knife had already cut open his chest, leaving a deep knife mark on it.

But in an instant, Imai Kenta suddenly disappeared in front of the dried persimmon ghost shark again, and the ghost shark slashed directly into the air.

And just when he didn't have time to make any defensive moves, he suddenly felt that there was a force that kicked him off the tree and fell to the ground.

"How can a ninja not be shameless, stop joking."

Imai Kenta's voice was still lazy, his figure appeared on the tree before, as if he had never moved.

"Ninjas have always been bloody, cruel and omnipotent. If you don't know this, then you can really kill yourself."


The dried persimmon ghost shark stood up quickly, and looked vigilantly at Imai Kenta standing on the tree.

He didn't understand at all how Imai Kenta moved.

That terrifying attack didn't seem to be speed at all, and it really made him stunned.

Moreover, his heart was also influenced by Kenta Imai. The words of Kenta Imai, this dog thing, were too inductive.

In other words, the current water shadow is really the master who does nothing.

Ninjas shouldn't question the orders of their superiors, and Dried Persimmons have no such habit either.

But as long as it is a person who has not been completely wiped out and lost his judgment, he will naturally have a certain ability to question.

Dry persimmon ghost shark is a qualified ninja, he will meticulously complete these orders.

But his heart will also make a judgment, whether this matter is right or wrong.

Clearly, there is too much wrong in this.

Even though he knew that Kenta Imai might have said this on purpose, some things really didn't stand up to scrutiny.

"Are you also suspicious?"

Imai Kenta didn't give the dried persimmon shark any time to adjust his mentality at all, and he continued to smile.

"After all, it's all just a coincidence. You're here, and we're here too. The right time, the right place, we even know who you sent out. Tsk tsk, is there too much wrong? "

"It's true that there's a lot going on here."

However, what surprised Imai Kenta was that the dried persimmon ghost shark suddenly took a deep breath and his face became extremely serious.

"However, I don't have time to worry about what's wrong now, or I've never thought about it. Because..."

"I'm just a ninja, I'm only in charge of the mission!"


"Is it quite capable..."

Imai Kenta looked at the slightly ugly shark face of the persimmon ghost shark and his sonorous words, which made him laugh a little.

It seems that you are still a villain in vain?

But Imai Kenta doesn't matter, the battle will continue anyway, it doesn't matter if it doesn't affect this guy's emotions.

He seems to understand a little bit now, why Uchiha Kai has thoughts about this family.

These guys are the purest ninjas.

No matter who it is, there will be some who want to subdue them and finally use them for themselves.

However, there are also some doubts here. Is this the case for everyone in this family, or is it just this person in front of me?

Also, are you sure you can conquer such a pure ninja?

Shaking his head, Imai Ken was too lazy to think about these questions.

If it can be subdued, then it would be best, although Kenta Imai felt that letting him die here directly would be the greatest respect for him.

"However, although you are worthy of respect, it has nothing to do with me, doesn't it?" Imai Kenta's eyes became a little sharper: "Let this madman Kai play with you slowly!"

Thinking of this, Imai Kenta's figure disappeared instantly, and he slashed directly at the back of the dried persimmon ghost!

The dry persimmon ghost shark suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and he had already noticed the movement behind him.

Just the moment he turned around, before he even had time to wield the knife, he felt a burning pain in his back.

In the next instant, he once again felt the vibration of the ninja knife cutting through the air.

It was his back again, and this time he didn't even have a chance to turn around!

"This is not done by speed at all!"

Once again slashed, the dried persimmon ghost shark rolled over and quickly jumped out.

"This kind of power, this kind of speed, could it be..."

This kind of speed is not possessed by humans at all, and I am afraid there is only one explanation.

That is what this guy uses, the technique of flying thunder god!

Namikaze Minato is famous all over the world, and the most terrifying record is that he killed 50 Iwayin elites in an instant.

Even the other party didn't even have time to react, and the other party was beheaded collectively in less than a second.

Such a terrible thing, no matter who it is, can't easily forget it.

And it seems that the older generation of ninjas have the impression of this technique, because some people have used this technique before.

That is the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, that is the technique of flying thunder god!

"However, this technique seems to require a guide to perform, but where is this guy's guide?"

While thinking, the dried persimmon ghost shark was slashed again.

He has been slashed several times in a row by Imai Kenta, but none of them seem to be fatal.

This made the dried persimmon shark quickly perceive that the other party didn't know how to hold

With what kind of mentality, it seems that he does not intend to kill himself.

Are you planning to interrogate information?

Or is it like cat and mouse, planning to slowly kill yourself?

Either way, it's good news for him.

Being treated as a wanton fooled mouse, the mentality of the dried persimmon ghost shark has not changed in the slightest.

Because the other party is strong, the other party has this qualification.

If you don't have this ability, you can only blame yourself!

Blame yourself for not having enough talent, blame yourself for not working hard enough, and blame yourself for being able to gain insight into the enemy's techniques when fighting.

Besides, as long as you don't kill yourself, then everything has a chance, right?

However, the dried persimmon ghost shark is not one to sit still.

Since I can't catch your position, let you fight in the sea!

"Water Escape, Big Water Burst!"

The moment he felt the ninja knife falling and made a cut in his chest, the dried persimmon ghost shark quickly formed a seal.

He is already a one-handed seal, and even because of his familiarity with Water Dun, he has only made one seal.

In this way, I am afraid that few people can reflect it.

However, reality taught him a lesson. The Imai Kenta he faced was someone who could definitely react!

With one kick, he directly kicked him in the stomach, and the dried persimmon ghost shark flew upside down.

The most deadly thing is that this kick even disrupted his chakra cohesion.

The unwilling dried persimmon ghost shark forcibly kept the seal, and he once again gathered Chakra in an attempt to display this technique.

However, the next second, he was stunned.

Because Imai Kenta is really like a ghost!

Silent and suffocating.

He actually appeared beside him when the dried persimmon ghost shark flew out backwards.

Then he grabbed his knotted finger and twisted it hard!

Pain, severe pain irritated his nerves.

However, the dried persimmon ghost shark did not give up, the right hand could not be used, that is, the left hand!

But before he had time to raise his left hand, the ghostly man struck again.

With one knife, the dried persimmon ghost shark fell to the ground.

This knife is unremarkable, but as a swordsman, Kanaki Onishi obviously feels that Kenta Imai seems to be serious.

This knife completely made him lose his combat effectiveness.

"It's really not a one-dimensional battle."

The dry persimmon ghost shark clutched his chest, and he was really a little embarrassed in this battle.

The opponent's speed is really too fast, so fast that it doesn't give him any chance to perform ninjutsu at all.

It's almost enough to tease him unscrupulously, and even control his life and death at will.

Now he has really experienced it first-hand, what is the feeling of 'empty but unable to exert one's strength'.

"It's frustrating, isn't it?"

Imai Kenta indifferently looked at the face of the shark lying on the ground in front of him, the ninja knife in his hand was still dripping with blood.

He slowly reached the dry persimmon ghost shark's side, stepped on the guy's head, and then reached out and grabbed the index and middle fingers of the guy's left hand.

"The dried persimmon family is born with powerful chakra, and is very good at water escape. Your physical fitness is very good, physical skills... Forget it, I didn't realize it, no evaluation..."

While speaking, Imai Kenta twisted his hand hard, and the sound of broken bones rang in their ears.

The dried persimmon ghost shark froze all over, and his body couldn't help shaking.

However, he was also stubborn, and he didn't let out a scream.

"But Since I know that you have powerful chakras and are good at water escape, will I still give you a chance to perform ninjutsu?"

After twisting this guy's fingers, Imai Kenta suddenly showed a smile that was as harmless to humans and animals as sunlight.

"Don't be too naive, although your casting speed is fast, you are really not as fast as me. Also, your troops are finished..."

While speaking, the screams around him had slowly ceased, and Konoha ninjas kept approaching.

Some of these Konoha ninjas are from the garrison, and some are from Anbu. All this shows that Konoha really came prepared!

"Finally, let me tell you something interesting."

Imai Kenta Yuyin sealed the dried persimmon ghost shark Chakra, and finally said with a smile on his face: "We only found out when we received information that someone from your side defected to Konoha. And the person who sent the message was still a sea eagle. , don't you think this is very interesting?"

The dry persimmon ghost shark listened quietly, and he didn't reply.

But he was so happy that he was completely messed up.

The sea eagle is the letter eagle used by the Anbu of Wuyin Village!


This Uchiha is too cautious https://