Chapter 545: rush 3 years (2)

Iori is now thirteen or fourteen years old, and now she has successfully graduated from the ninja school and passed the medical ninja certification.

It can be said that this girl has shown a very high talent for medical ninjutsu, and her regular academic performance is also excellent. She was once considered an emerging genius.

In particular, she also has an identity, that is, the identity of Uchiha Kai's sister, which gives her a halo.

After graduation, she did not choose to join a certain team, which once made her students who graduated at the same time sad.

Thirteen or four-year-old Iori has outstanding looks, and her approachable temperament makes people feel good.

Especially her bright and big eyes, even though she has experienced too many things that she should not touch and make her extremely uncomfortable.

But these eyes are still so bright, and they will still make people love them from the heart.

Uchiha Kai finally did not erase her memory, not because he was merciful, but because he was persuaded by Iori.

When Kai Uchiha had almost dealt with the matter on Mizuki's side, he started to deal with Iori's problem.

And Iori also seemed to realize that this was coming. On the night that Uchiha started his hand, she told Uchiha Kai her answer directly.

She prefers to live a complete life, rather than relying on false memories to reluctantly maintain this happy and undisturbed life.

If this is the case, Uchiha Kai will definitely not agree.

But Iori gave him a reason that he couldn't refuse.

"I know that brother Qi is going to carry out new research. Please forgive me for going to the laboratory quietly. Those people know who I am and won't stop me at all. The last time my brother was angry because of my ignorance, then this time I will give I have a chance and I will re-prove my worth."

"Why? Be my sister well, isn't it bad not to involve these dark things?"

"In these years, in addition to my father and mother, my teachers and my friends, I grew up with more stories from my brother's past.

Whether it's from Sister Aya, or Brother Kenta, or Brother Kakashi, and everyone.

The answer I got was that everything my brother did was right.

No matter whether it is dark or light, my brother makes Konoha better and better and everyone better, this is the most real thing.

I have grown up, I have grown up, and I hope to help my brother in a real sense! "

Iori's reason made Kei Uchiha not knowing what to say, because he knew that no matter who he got his story from, it was probably in a good direction, right?

Whether it is Hyuga Aya or Imai Kenta, or Kakashi.

However, after some consideration, Uchiha Kai finally agreed to Iori's conditions? And gave her three months to express herself.

And Iori also made good use of these three months? Even though she was still a little uncomfortable, she became a good assistant to Hyuga Aya by relying on her medical knowledge.

In Uchiha Kai's research on the secrets of the blood of the Yuyi family? She is really in addition to a lot of power.

The most important thing is that what she and Aya Hyuga are good at are completely different? But they do complement each other.

Strictly speaking, Hyuga Aya is best at genetic research.

She used to be involved in cells? But there wasn't much to design? After getting the results she wanted, she let it go.

And Iori took over this aspect at the time, and it took her a while to study hard.

The complementarity between them is a bit like the complementation between 'genetics, evolution and cytology'.

After getting this result, Uchiha Kai also thought about it in many ways? In the end, he decided not to start with this girl.

After learning of his decision, Iori seemed to have put down a heavy burden, and the whole person seemed extraordinarily happy.

In a way, she has proved her worth.

Because of Iori's excellent performance, Uchiha Kai also found Namikaze Minato when she was about to graduate.

Minato, who had originally planned to assign an excellent Joinin leader to Iori, smiled and said that there was no problem at all after knowing his thoughts.

So Iori didn't join that team after graduation? You can freely choose what you want to do.

And her choice is also very interesting, that is, to become a volunteer nurse at the orphanage.

Didn't she forget? She came from there.

Iori's current state of mind is getting better and better, and she has gradually adapted to various experiments.

Of course, this is not her happiest? The happiest is naturally the experiment, their experiment has made a breakthrough some time ago.

Iori herself also tried what they newly researched? Although the effect is average for her? But for Uchiha Kai and the others, it is very good.

Today is Kai Uchiha's 20th birthday? They had planned a long time ago that they would have a meal with familiar people at noon and dinner with everyone at night.

She was also a little curious as to who came over at noon.

"Sister Iori!" As a result, the professional just opened the door, and two children's voices rang at the same time.

Iori looked down subconsciously, and her face suddenly became a little weird.

It was Naruto Naruto and Sasuke Uchiha who ran to Kei Uchiha's house.

The two little devils are now six years old, and they have both been in school for more than a year.

The relationship between these two little guys is a bit strange. They say that they have a good relationship. The two of them often quarrel over some small things.

After the development, there will even be a fight, and the parents of both parties have to go to the school to lead people.

Say they have a bad relationship, these two guys play together all day.

No matter who is looking for who, the two of them basically say that the other party is annoying, but as soon as the other party comes, they will immediately follow up.

To be honest, Iori himself is quite strange, why the child of Hokage-sama has such an inexplicable relationship with the child of the patriarch.

However, she thinks this is probably a boy, right?

"Why did you two come here?" Looking at the two little guys in front of him, Iori showed a kind smile: "Did you go out to play? Why did you come here? It's quite far from the gate?"

The place where Kai Uchiha lives now is where Shin Uchiha once lived, which is the bamboo forest.

After the death of Uchiha Shin, the place was vacated for renovation.

There used to be many people who were interested in this place, but no one dared to live in it from beginning to end.

Uchiha Kai actually had an idea about this place for a long time, but for various reasons, he has not moved.

Knowing that in the past three years, Hyuga Aya has often come to his house to take care of him, and Keisuke and Ryoko can't stand the old hut.

Although it is very warm, many things are unusually inconvenient.

Especially attentive Ryoko did not notice the little act of intimacy between Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

Therefore, she proposed to simply buy a new set in the clan, and Uchiha Kai remembered this bamboo garden.

At almost no cost, Uchiha Fuyue simply gave this place to Uchiha Kai.

And let Uchiha Qi laugh and cry, after he moved, his subordinates actually started to move.

It is conceivable how long those guys have been suppressed, and you can also see how prestige Uchiha Kai is.

He didn't choose to move, and none of his subordinates dared to move.

"Isn't it Big Brother Qi's birthday today?" Naruto said loudly with a smile on the side: "Although it is said that we are going to have dinner tonight, I can't help it. I want to give Big Brother Qi a gift in advance!"

"Idiot, call it uncle or an adult." Sasuke couldn't stand it any longer, and he immediately pulled Naruto's clothes.

Almost no one can shake Uchiha Kai's position in the family. He is almost on an equal footing with Uchiha Fuyue.

Even in some cases, his orders are even easier to use than Uchiha Fugaku.

However, Uchiha Kai clearly expressed a point of view at the clan meeting, that is, the clan and Uchiha Fugaku, and the security department listens to him.

This rule did not clearly express the difference between him and Uchiha Fugaku, and some people dared to easily go beyond the rules he made.

Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Namikaze are people who grew up listening to the stories of Kai Uchiha.

Naruto is okay, after all, he has a Hokage father.

But in his heart, he also believed that his father was definitely the most powerful, and this Big Brother Qi was the second most powerful.

But when it came to Sasuke, everything changed.

No one around him would think Uchiha Qicha.

Whether it's his older brother Itachi, his parents, or his best teacher and older brother Shisui.

They are not telling once or twice how powerful Uchiha Kai is.

He even knew that his two older brothers were both rejected by Uchiha Kai.

In particular, his own brother was rejected in front of his father and finally threw it to Kakashi.

This once made Sasuke very resentful. He felt that his two older brothers were geniuses. Why should Master Qi make such a choice.

It was not until Sasuke saw his brother and brother Shisui, who faced the test of Mr. Kai's friend, Konoha Anbu Minister Hatake Kakashi.

Only then did he realize how naive he was.

His two older brothers attacked this alien with a wheel-shattering eye together.

It was easy to be solved by the other party holding the book in one hand and the knife in the other, such a shock can be imagined.

And this Lord Kakashi also sighed that Lord Kai is one of his best friends and his life mentor.

The transformation of his strength is inseparable from the help of three people, one is Lord Hokage, one he did not say, and the last one is Lord Qi!

So Sasuke's respect for Uchiha Kai is unimaginably high.

He even had a decision in his heart, or he wanted to make up for the regrets of his two brothers.

He wanted to find a way to worship under the command of Lord Qi and become a disciple of Lord Qi.

Therefore, he has been strict with himself since he was a child, and he never slackens any training.

Today is Master Qi's 20th birthday, and he didn't want to disturb him.

But he came over with Naruto to give gifts to express his blessings. He felt that he could not refuse at all, so he followed.

"You're an idiot." Naruto muttered dissatisfiedly and looked at Sasuke: "Brother Qi is so young, why do you call him uncle?"

"Because Brother Qi and your father are the same generation, they are good friends." Iori smiled and touched the heads of the two of them: "Strictly speaking, you should also call me Auntie, but... Forget it, as long as Brother Qi doesn't object, it's fine, but Naruto, you should pay attention."

"Yes yes yes." Naruto spread his hands helplessly: "Okay, I understand."

"Come in." Iori opened the door completely: "It's cold outside, and Big Sister Aya and Big Brother Kenta are also there."

Hearing Iori's words, Naruto and Sasuke couldn't help but look at each other.

The names of Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta are also very familiar to them. One is Uchiha's lover and the other is Uchiha's best brother.

They didn't expect that the two would actually be with Uchiha Kai at noon.

This made these two little devils very envious, but Naruto didn't think too much, but Sasuke pouted again.

He didn't even call his father, which made Sasuke a little uncomfortable.

However, he also knew that the two and Uchiha Qi lived and died together, and it was normal for them to have such a good relationship.

It's just... Probably due to the influence of his father, Sasuke also criticized Hyuga Aya quite a bit.

He felt that the white-eyed beads of the Hyuga clan had actually kidnapped the most powerful people in his clan.

This made him unhappy with the Hyuga clan when he was at school.

He didn't dare to say anything about the young Tian in the class. After all, the girl's father and his father had a good relationship, and they had met many times before entering school.

But the senior Neji Hyuga, he had gone to trouble a few times.

The father of the other party is a subordinate of Brother Qi, and he is not afraid of any trouble.

Of course, no one will avenge him if he loses.

"Why are you two little guys here?" When the two of them entered the house, Uchiha Kai looked at them with some amusing: "Didn't we have dinner together at night, if I remember correctly, it's only twelve noon now. Didn't it arrive?"

"Grandpa Keisuke, Uncle Kenta, Kaida...Uncle Kai, we came early!" Naruto almost shouted, but when Sasuke bumped him, he immediately reacted: "It's been too long at night, we're early. Come here. Here is a present, happy birthday, Uncle Qi!"

"Grandpa Keisuke, Uncle Kenta, good noon. Lord Kai, happy birthday." Compared with Naruto, Sasuke was much more disciplined. He and Naruto took out a small box and put it in front of Uchiha Kai.

"Thank you." Uchiha Qi took the gift with a smile: "I didn't expect to receive the gift so quickly, you are still the first."

When Naruto and Sasuke heard this sentence, they immediately raised their heads and looked at Imai Kenta sitting aside.

And Imai Kenta also cooperated and spread out his hands, saying that he really did not send it.

This move immediately made these two little ghosts happy, because they actually became the first place.

However, they were quite sensible, and they didn't commit any sickness, so they went to ask the two of them who was the real No. 1.

After the gift was delivered, the two of them said goodbye immediately.

They ran over because they couldn't hold back, and now they won the first place and they were naturally satisfied.

Besides, for their age, play is probably more important, right?

"It's so energetic." Looking at the two people who went out, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but smile as he looked at the gift in his hand.

"Indeed, but I seem to have heard that the kid Sasuke and the kid Shisui have been training together for a long time." Kenta Imai also said with a smile, but the words in his mouth were somewhat inexplicable: "Is there something else in your housework? plan."

"Well, yes." Uchiha Qi nodded: "But this plan was laid out three years ago, and now..."

"It can only be said that everything is working normally..."

This Uchiha is too cautious https://