Chapter 547: Sorry, not next time

"Ding Ding Ding!"

In a relatively hidden training ground within the Uchiha clan, two figures are constantly intertwined.

Their movements are quick and graceful, and they look like two dancers.

What's more interesting is that the two of them don't look big, one looks like thirteen or fourteen years old, while the other is in his early ten years.

But these two little devils, their eyes are already scarlet, one can imagine how talented these two people are.

These two are Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, and such battles have long been accustomed to the two of them.

The two of them have known each other for a long time, and their relationship is also very good.

Especially two years ago, after Sasuke also began to join their training ranks, their relationship is even better like brothers.

The two people's duel training continued to heat up, and simple physical skills were no longer able to meet their fighting needs. Suddenly Itachi jumped up and threw several kunai.

The kunai looked disorganized, and they even collided with each other in mid-air.

What's astonishing is that after some collisions, these Kunai actually changed their flight trajectory and stabbed Shishui's back precisely.

Shishui didn't even have time to react, and he was stabbed to the end by all these kunai.

But the next moment, his body rolled out for a while, and then he had appeared behind Itachi.

"I saw your action, Brother Zhishui."

Itachi's voice was very flat, the double hook jade in his eyes turned slightly, and the next moment he deftly blocked Shishui's ninja sword.

"You lost, Itachi." Zhi Shui's voice was gentle, even with a slight smile: "You shouldn't have given me a chance to meet your eyes."

After the speech was closed, Shishui's body in front of Itachi began to twist, and after a while, it turned into a crow and disappeared in front of his eyes.

And the real Shisui, the ninja knife was already on Itachi's neck.

"Brother Zhishui's illusion is still so powerful."

Itachi didn't seem to take this matter seriously at all, he didn't even look at the ninja sword on his neck.

"In that case, how could I be unprepared?"

Zhi Shui was stunned when he heard the words, and only then did he notice that the 'Itachi' Chakra in front of him was not right.

It's just that before he had time to make any moves, this guy's voice sounded behind him.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

A huge orange fireball rushed towards Zhishui, and the scorching temperature made the grass on the ground spontaneously ignite.

However, at the moment when the fireball was about to hit the water stop, he had already avoided this trajectory with a teleportation technique.

As expected of the person with the title of Shunshi Shushui in the original work, his Shunshu technique can really be said to be divine.

What Shishui didn't expect was that when he just turned to look at the caster, he immediately noticed that the fireball behind him had disappeared.

"This time, you really lost, Brother Zhishui."

A ninja knife was already on Shishui's back, the one captured by Shishui before.

"Oh? Are you playing big?"

Shisui now seemed to understand Itachi's tactics, which made him laugh.

"The use of the shadow clone and the main body is very good. The shadow clone is divided in advance. After I catch your main body, the shadow clone will start immediately. Although the main body has been hit by an illusion, there is a writing wheel eye resistance. Hit the trick. Trick me that I can't control the chakra when dodging, and quickly dispel the illusion. Not bad, the brain is very useful, but "

"It was still seen through by Brother Zhishui at a glance."

Before Shishui could finish speaking, Itachi shook his head helplessly, and then he simply raised his hands.

"I lost, I'm afraid I'm still in the illusion?"

"That's right." Zhi Shui was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "It's true that you are still in illusion."

As Shishui's voice fell, a distortion occurred around him.

Uchiha Itachi felt that his eyes flashed, and the next moment he noticed that Shisui was standing beside him with his arms crossed.

The three-gou jade's writing wheel eyes slowly spun in his eyes, and it looked so weird.

Itachi took a deep breath, he didn't feel angry at all.

It seemed normal to lose to Zhishui, he basically never won.

But every time he played against Zhishui, he would have a huge harvest.

Whether it's combat experience, the use of art, or the control of Sharotun's eyes, it's an unimaginable improvement.

"As expected of Brother Zhishui, this illusion is really powerful." Itachi said with a smile, "However, I also learned a lot of useful things."

"The use of illusions depends on the grasp of reality and the requirements for the operator's control." Zhi Shui patted him on the shoulder: "And I also took a lot of advantage, your writing wheel eyes are double Gouyu, and I have been three Gouyu for a long time."

When it comes to writing round eyes, the two suddenly fell silent as if they had a tacit understanding.

The opening or promotion of Sharinyan has an extremely deep and unforgettable memory for them.

It has been many years since Uchiha Zhishui opened the writing wheel.

But this is nothing, the thing that really stimulates him and makes him grow to Sangou quickly is a task performed at the root.

At that time, he killed everyone in a small village, regardless of gender, age, or age.

Ignoring their struggles, not asking about their past, and doing it all numbly and indifferently.

At that time, his heart was about to collapse. If he hadn't been thinking about fulfilling his promise and completing his real task, I'm afraid he would have collapsed.

Not long after he returned to the village, he found that his eyes had evolved into a pair of three-hooked jade.

Seriously, he'd rather his eyes hadn't evolved because he did nearly break down.

However, it is precisely because of this mission that he has become more and more ninja-like, and has become more and more appreciated by the three generations of Hokage.

As for Uchiha Itachi, it was also opened in a mission.

About a year ago, he and Junmarou carried out the task of Anbu together, led by Kakashi himself.

It's just that there were some accidents in that mission. They met two bounty hunters, wearing robes with red clouds on a black background, and their strength was also very terrifying.

Kakashi faced a guy named Kakuto alone, who claimed to have played against the original Hokage.

But in fact, it didn't take Kakashi more than five minutes to beat this guy to death.

It's just that Uchiha Itachi and Junmalu have some problems. They are facing a guy named Hidean.

To be honest, that guy is average in physical skills, and the regular ninjutsu has not been released.

But in the absence of intelligence, they have no idea of ​​each other's capabilities.

As a result, after they got the guy in a few strokes, when they planned to support Kakashi, an accident happened.

This guy named Feiduan, who should have died, suddenly slashed at Itachi.

If Junmalu hadn't reacted and pushed Itachi away, things would have been unimaginable.

At that time, Itachi thought that Junma Lu was dead, and at this moment, he opened the writing wheel.

But just as he was about to fight Feiduan for life and death, Kakashi didn't know what move he used from a distance, and directly cut off Feidan's hand holding the weapon.

In the end, the two mysterious guys escaped, and at the critical moment, Junmalu used his own bones to block Hidean's fatal blow and did not die.

Although the ending seems to be happy, Itachi is deeply aware of his own shortcomings.

He knew that without Junma Lu, I'm afraid he would be dead.

"Okay, let's not talk about this issue, I believe your talent will come to this point sooner or later." Zhi Shui shook his head, he smiled and patted Itachi on the shoulder: "Go back, prepare, you will be there at night. I'm going to attend the birthday of Lord Qi."

"Well, let's go back together." Itachi thought for a while, then said with a smile, "Mr. Qi has invited a lot of people for his birthday. Let's prepare to go together when the time comes."

"Sorry, Itachi." Zhishui sighed slightly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to pass."

"What?" Itachi's expression changed slightly: "What's the matter, Brother Zhishui, why don't you go to Lord Qi's birthday?"

Uchiha Kai's birthday can be regarded as a grand occasion in the Uchiha family.

Although Uchiha Qi has always been reluctant to do this, but he can't do anything about it, as the "pride of the Uchiha family", he can't avoid many things.

He is not just as simple as Uchiha's pride now, he is a sign of the Uchiha family.

As a person on an equal footing with the patriarch, his every move was really noticed by all the clansmen.

Uchiha Itachi took it for granted, even though Uchiha Kai never became his teacher.

But didn't this Kai-sama introduce his good friend, Anbu Minister Kakashi-sensei to him?

Itachi has also learned a lot from Kakashi, and has many good friends.

Especially Junmarou, this guy is a little bit younger than himself.

In particular, Junmarou is also a member of the Uchiha clan, and they are now best friends.

Shishui didn't go to the birthday, or even the blessing, which made Itachi wonder.

And Itachi also noticed now that it seems that his brother Zhishui is always very busy with tasks.

"Because, there is a mission." Zhi Shui shook his head helplessly, and why didn't he say: "The mission is coming, there is no way to refuse it, right? I think Lord Qi will understand."

"But" Itachi wanted to say something, but Zhishui had already clapped a hand on his shoulder and said to him with a smile: "Forgive me, Itachi. I'm sorry, it's my fault this time. ."

"I" Itachi opened his mouth, and before he could say anything, he suddenly noticed that someone was coming.

Turning to look, a smile appeared on his face.

It is his younger brother Sasuke, and Naruto, the son of the fourth Hokage-sama.

He didn't care too much when Naruto came over, he knew that his brother and Naruto had a good relationship.

And the appearance of Sasuke made him happy. He still has Sasuke. Although he and Shisui are not brothers, their relationship is better than that of brothers!

Shishui also saw Sasuke running over, and a smile appeared on his face as well.

It's just that when he thinks of some troubles that follow, he feels a bit of a headache.

"Brother Zhishui, Brother Itachi."

Sasuke's expression was very happy, he rushed to the front of the two people, only after noticing the signs of damage around him, he pursed his mouth.

"Your training is over, really, why don't you wait for me."

"I'm sorry Sasuke, I'll call you next time." Shishui walked up to Sasuke, then squatted down and said softly, "Because my brother has something important to do today, I didn't have much time to rest, so I forgot to call you. please forgive me?"

"Oh" Sasuke lowered his head, his voice was low, and he could see that he was a little disappointed.

But soon he seemed to have reacted: "Wait, Brother Zhishui, today is Lord Qi's birthday. You said the task just now, is it difficult?"

"Well, sorry." Shishui suddenly stretched out his finger, and then lightly flicked on Sasuke's forehead: "Next time, Sasuke, I will teach you and Itachi well next time."

"But" Sasuke rubbed his forehead, he didn't know what to say for a while.

However, what he wanted to say was not about training.

Seeing Shisui and Itachi have turned and left, Sasuke sighed helplessly, while Naruto frowned at all this.

Although he is only six years old, his cognitive ability is already very strong, perhaps because his father has taught him all the year round.

He could perceive that Uchiha Shisui was deliberately disturbing Sasuke's thoughts.

He didn't want to go to Uncle Qi's birthday party at all.

Just why?

In the middle of the night, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya held hands and walked towards the Hinata clan's clan.

The birthday party is over, and everyone who attended this party had a great time.

The Uchiha clan also prepared a lot of things in order to cooperate with this gathering, in short, it will not make all the visitors feel bored.

And this time, almost the core figures of Konoha's high-level people came with their children.

It is conceivable how lively this party was. The children took this opportunity to play together and have a deeper connection with each other.

While adults try to expand their own network, or try to cooperate with other departments.

It was not until late at night, when the children were tired of playing, that the adults chose to leave one by one.

After everyone had left, Kai Uchiha was responsible for sending Aya Hyuga home.

In fact, according to Aya Hyuga's strength, this matter does not need to be done at all.

But needing it is one thing, and doing it or not doing it is another.

Konoha looked extraordinarily quiet in the dark of night, maybe it was due to work tomorrow, the residents had already fallen asleep early, and all kinds of small vendors had closed their stalls long ago, only Uchiha Ki and Hyuga Aya walked slowly on the street.

"Speak, why don't you stay?" Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "It's not necessary to go back in the middle of the night, right?"

"Is it necessary for me to have the final say, I don't trust you." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai: "Besides, I promised my parents, so naturally I will go back. Most importantly, I am afraid that some people will jump over the wall."

"Isn't the daily difference watching?" Uchiha Kai shook his head: "I really thought he was on duty today because he didn't come? I arranged for him to pay attention at home, and at the same time not let him be distracted, let Neji and his wife I came with Hizu. Do you think I will not arrange these things?"

"Of course I know, but" Hyuga Aya showed a smile: "But I just don't worry about you, you bastard"

Halfway through the sentence, Aya Hyuga suddenly stopped, and Kei Uchiha looked forward with a faint gaze.

Because not far from them, there is a member wearing Anbu hiding in the corner

This Uchiha is too cautious https://