Chapter 551: Brothers in the Pure Land

"Does this dead dog mean I used to feel like a dead person?"

As Uchiha Kai walked into the cave, he kept cursing Parker's **** dog in his heart.

What does it mean to have the breath of a living person now?

This is clearly to say that he was not like a living person before?

The most important thing is that this dead dog means that he looks better now, but the essence has not changed.

It was the first time he had seen such a way of cursing people.

If this dog hadn't run fast enough, I'm afraid a dog meat hot pot would have been inevitable!

Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya obviously understood the meaning of the dog, and it was obvious that the dog was taking revenge on them by directly blocking his hearing.

It's just that it puts all the firepower on Uchiha Kai, and the way he speaks sounds like a compliment, but in fact they can hear the yin and yang.

It made them feel very funny, but they didn't say much.

In such an environment back then, who among the three of them was not the walking dead?

In order to survive, for their own purposes, they will do anything!


The words of the dead dog were completely removed from their hearts, and the three of them had already come to a lake.

Looking at the strange lake in front of him, Kai Uchiha began to recall the plot in the original work.

It seems that the lake water does not touch the body at all, or that these lake waters are actually an unusually special substance.

And the function of these substances is to allow people to transfer from one area to another.

However, these lakes do not seem to be without side effects. It seems that the lake in the original book also caused Naruto and others to fall into a coma.

Even because of some special things, he and Hinata had a heart-to-heart exchange.

It looks very beautiful, but this kind of thing really depends on the person.

No matter which of the three Uchiha Kai, I am afraid that they are not interested in their past memories and experiences.

Especially Uchiha Kai, the memory in this guy's head makes it possible for the whole world to be overturned.

Not to mention his memories of the future of this world, just what he learned in college.

To bring down this world is completely dragon slaying.

"Is this a lake?" Imai Kenta touched his chin. "How do we get there? Also, this lake doesn't seem right, as if it contains the power of space?"

"It should be, after all, if there is no accident, this may really be linked to the moon." Uchiha Qi sighed, and then his eyes turned to Hyuga Aya "Are you ready? Ask one last time, both of you. Yes."

"Of course you're ready." Hyuga Aya took a deep breath. "You know, how long have I been waiting for this opportunity? Once upon a time, I thought you were lying to me, but now the opportunity is right in front of me, I can't pretend I didn't see it!"

"I'll accompany you to take a look, but I only have one request." Kenta Imai spread his hands, "Even if you have a conversation between husband and wife, please don't hide it from me next time, okay? Of course, I don't know if you are satisfied with each other. I care, but it's about the three of us, so is it okay to talk about it?"

"You bastard." Uchiha Kai shook his head slightly, and Hyuga Aya also looked at Imai Kenta angrily.

Although this guy softened the atmosphere a bit, and at the same time expressed his own appeal, the words he used were really a headache.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot.

For some reason, he suddenly missed Kenta Imai who was still on the battlefield seven or eight years ago.

At that time, although this guy pretended to be stupid all day, he wouldn't be able to fight fire all day, wouldn't he?

As everyone became more familiar, the nature of this guy was exposed.

It's not that it's bad. In fact, everyone will feel relaxed with such a nature, but this guy is too good at fighting.

"Check if there are any special sealing techniques around, or if there is any way to activate the lake directly." Uchiha Kai said directly, "I don't want to passively activate the teleportation and then enter the moon unprepared."

"Yes." Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta both nodded at the same time, and then both of them began to perceive.

After three years of continuous study and enhancement, these two have already reached a remarkable level of strength.

In particular, both of them now have access to fairy mode!

That's right, in the past three years, while Uchiha Qi has stabilized his strength and constantly improved himself, the strength of the two of them has also grown greatly.

Immortal mode, both of them have mastered it one after another.

In fact, strictly speaking, Hyuga Aya should have mastered it first. She has been able to simply use the fairy chakra a long time ago.

It's just that she didn't get used to it completely, and without the help of that special oil, her progress was slow.

However, in three years, she also stored enough natural chakra.

And through the notes of Senju Hashirama, she has been able to use the fairy mode relatively completely.

There are still some problems with the duration, but it has been an incredible improvement compared to before.

She can completely maintain the fairy mode for high-intensity battles, and the duration is as high as 20 minutes!

And Imai Kenta can only say that luck is really good, although he really didn't get the slug's approval in the early stage.

But when his strength became stronger and stronger, the slug fairy also recognized his psychic contract.

Although I still don't like this kid, but it also gave enough help.

According to Slug Immortal's original words to Imai Kenta, you are a person who has the potential to surpass Hashima, but your heart is full of darkness, I just hope you don't go astray.

Kenta Imai doesn't know the words of a bird, a slug, or a fairy. Whether or not to go astray is actually the first determining factor.

Kenta Imai never felt that he was a good person, but he also never felt that he was a bad person.

Even if he is a bad guy in the eyes of many people, these people basically have a prominent label.

That is, they are not their own at all!

He won't have the fraternity of a thousand hands, he only cares about his own people.

With the help of Slug Immortal, and the fact that his body was originally transformed, his learning progress actually surpassed that of Hyuga Aya.

Both of them have mastered the fairy mode, and their perception ability can be imagined how strong they have become.

Asking them to investigate the surrounding situation is completely overkill.

However, Uchiha Qi doesn't care about these, he is more envious of these two now.

It's not that he didn't think about extracting their Immortal Chakra, but his preliminary work has not been completed.

For example, the immortal art materials from Orochimaru have not been sent, and the spell seal has not been handed over to Uchiha Kai.

Even though he has a wealth of information, he still wants to be relatively conservative.

Anyway, these two are by his side, so he doesn't need to worry at all, right?

After getting the person found by Orochimaru, and feeling it through the other party's non-attribute immortal art, and determining his own situation, he will start to act.

He has been waiting for these fairy chakras for many years.

"found it."

Soon, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya opened their eyes at the same time, and then Imai Kenta walked to this weird lake.

Looking at the strange lake in front of him, his hands quickly began to seal.

Chakra transformed into magical power with his knot, as if touching some peculiar laws, the lake began to wave.

When the waves of the lake resonated with his chakra, a silver light shot from the lake to the sky for a moment.

No need to look, even if it is blocked by rocks, Uchiha Kai knows that direction is the moon, and this light is like a road to the sky.

"Not bad, your level is really getting stronger and stronger." Uchiha Kai looked at the light path in front of him and said to Imai Kenta with a smile.

"It's okay, there is a special power in this lake, the power of space." Imai Kenta retracted his hand and said calmly, "But this technique is very interesting. If you can find the person who constructed this technique, or the notes he left behind, I am afraid"

"Then we need to be serious." Uchiha Qi interrupted him. "If there is no accident, if we defeat them, we will have a chance to get whatever we want, so"

"Let's go." Hyuga Aya said at this time, "It's useless to say that, it depends on the actual situation, but I don't think the three of us will lose to them."

"Exactly, I haven't really tried it since I learned the fairy mode!"

The pure land that people imagine after death is always full of light and hope, and it is the place where people yearn for the afterlife.

But in fact, the Pure Land is the place where all people sleep. It has no light or darkness, and it doesn't even have the flow of time.

To maintain self-awareness in the Pure Land requires great power.

Madara Uchiha can't, and neither can Senju Hashirama.

All those who enter the Pure Land lie peacefully in a place that embodies the place where they died, where they sleep peacefully unless someone can wake them up.

However, in this dark space, there is a place shrouded in sunlight.

This is a small thatched hut. The house is not big, but it looks a little elegant.

In particular, all kinds of scattered flowers are planted around it, which makes this small hut look more dynamic.

In front of the thatched hut, two old people who looked like they were playing with these flowers and plants.

The two of them looked very weird. If Uchiha Kai was here, he would definitely recognize them. The dresses of the two of them were typical of the Otsutsugi clan!

Suddenly, one of the old men seemed to feel something, and even the scissors in his hand accidentally cut off the flowers in the flowerbed.

However, he quickly came back to his senses, and indifferently condensed a little chakra in his hands, but in just a moment, the flower miraculously returned to its original state like a time-reversal!

The old man beside him looked at him a little surprised, but he could see that his eyes were more on the flower, and his expression looked particularly distressed.

"Really, I spent a lot of money on this flower to gradually adapt it to the environment here. You actually killed it." The old man sighed faintly, "Hamura, the dead thing, it has already died. If you die, you don't need to go back in time."

"Okay brother, don't talk about this, don't discuss the laws of things with me, it's useless at all." Hamura shook his head helplessly "Power is originally used, although it violates the laws, but our existence It was breaking the rules. I just found something interesting, and it just got out of hand."

"Oh?" The elder brother raised his head, revealing his own face, Otsutsuki Yui. "What's wrong? Is it the ninja world?"

"Well, yes." Otsutsuki Hamamura nodded, "Remember that little guy who unexpectedly appeared and gained incredible power, completely beyond our expectations?"

The movements in Otsutsuki Yui's hands also stopped, of course he knew the existence of that little guy, and he even remembered his name.

That little guy's name is Uchiha Kai.

He is a descendant of Indra, and technically he has his own blood flowing through him.

But his soul is out of tune with this world, and it can even be said that it does not belong to this world at all.

His arrival once also confused Otsutsuki Yui, but he didn't do anything.

Because the appearance of any creature has its own meaning, Otsutsugi Hamura will not destroy these things.

It's just that the little guy's performance is getting more and more strange and unbelievable.

Otsutsuki Yui remembered that he only used Chakra to spy on this little guy some time ago.

The result surprised him, because this little guy already has the blood of Indra and Asura!

Except that he didn't fully activate the chakra of this bloodline, he has reached the peak imaginable.

This made Yui Otsutsuki extremely puzzled. How did this kid do it, and how did he know these things?

The most important thing is that he does not doubt whether this kid can completely get the power that belongs to him.

Because this little guy actually has the reincarnation of Indra and Asura in this life!

With psychological doubts, Otsutsuki Yui started to understand this little guy thoroughly.

Through the feedback of Chakra, through the feedback of those who were sent to the Pure Land by this little guy.

He knew that although this little guy was ruthless, his heart was not necessarily bright.

But what he did was simply the lifelong dream of Indra and Asura.

He seems to want world peace, but it's not that Indra used force to subdue everyone, and it's not that Asura simply wants people to understand each other.

He is a combination of the two, and his means and personality are simply a combination of the two!

So he didn't show up, and he didn't show up from beginning to end.

He is waiting for to wait for this little guy to grow, and after reaching a certain level, he will consider whether to meet him or not.

However, things don't seem right now.

"What happened to him?" Otsutsuki Yui frowned, "I've been waiting for this kid."

"It's nothing, he just ran to the moon." Yui Otsutsuki smiled, "I probably know what's going on, this kid is really interesting."

"Is it the moon?" Otsutsuki Yui touched his chin. "I remember that you left a lot of good things on the moon. But those descendants of yours, it seems."

"Ah, they are very unfriendly, and they also went the wrong way." Otsutsuki Yui said flatly, "They also did some things that I can't forgive, so I won't care about them, not to mention the ninja world needs it. Normal development isn't it?"

"It's true, we've been watching it for years, not sure if we're doing it right. But this kid is really interesting."

"So, I'm going to meet him."

"See him? Are you sure?"

"Well, it happened to help him, and it happened to confirm some things."


This Uchiha is too cautious https://