Chapter 655: Otsutsuki Hamura

"If you still have strength, what are you going to do next to my body?"

Uchiha Kai's consciousness became more and more blurred, and the pressure caused by lack of oxygen, weightlessness and space made him gradually become confused.

He couldn't struggle. After all, he still didn't go beyond a certain limit. He couldn't resist the erosion from nature at all.

However, when he just closed his eyes, a voice suddenly exploded in his consciousness!

This voice sounded more and more old, but it had an indescribable vitality.

Especially this voice is so soft and ethereal, but it makes Kai Uchiha tremble!

Opening his eyes hard, Uchiha Kai was stunned to find at this moment that he seemed to feel the pressure that had suffocated him before.

Everything around it seems to be frozen, whether it is people or things, they are all stuck in the air, and they can't move even a single step!

Especially the power that roams around here makes him feel unusually familiar, this power...  

It seems to be the power of time!

Raising his head, Uchiha Kai felt that he was no longer being oppressed by the natural forces around him, and he seemed to be able to move freely.

In particular, his right eye seemed to be able to open now, but he noticed that he didn't seem to be able to use even a little power at all.

Whether it's pupil technique or chakra, he can't mobilize.

This kind of feeling is a bit bad, but no matter how bad it is, it is better than dying in this star field inexplicably!

"Is this kind of emotion a blessing to survive? However, why do you think you must be alive?"

At this moment, the strange voice exploded in his mind again.

Uchiha Kai heard the sound this time without too many surprises. He didn't turn around to find the source of the sound. He probably knew where the sound came from.

His eyes were fixed on the huge Tensei Eye, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

However, in the end he sighed faintly, then turned to look behind him.

"Indeed, I'm not sure whether I'm dead or dead, but I still have my own will, so I naturally want to do something, but unfortunately..." Uchiha Kai shook his head, his tone full of pity.

"Oh? So, what do you want to do?" the mysterious voice asked curiously.

"I once got someone's notes, which recorded some interesting things. For example, there is an art called Reincarnation Born. Although I don't have a reincarnation eye, that huge eyeball is not a simple thing, right?"

Uchiha Qi said with some regret: "But unfortunately, I remembered for a long time before I noticed that there was no note on how to seal, and I'm not sure if I could mobilize the power of that huge eyeball."

"You are really interesting, little guy." The mysterious voice seemed to be smiling, without any anger at all.

Uchiha Kei didn't care about the smile in his tone, whether he was laughing at himself for lying or laughing at other things.

But it seems that all this is not important now, he should already know who he is facing.

If there is no accident, this mysterious voice should be the creator of the moon, the younger brother of Immortal Six Paths, Otsutsuki Yumura who once sealed his mother Kaguya Ji with Immortal Six Paths!

Sure enough, when Uchiha Kai's eyes locked on the dead bones sitting in the distance in the distance, he clearly saw a vague figure floating aside.

This figure looks a little old, he is wearing a black robe, and there are two horns on his forehead.

A pair of white looks unusually ordinary, but the blue streamer reflected from time to time in its interior speaks to its extraordinaryness.

And behind this figure, there are also nine seeking jades suspended!

"Who is Your Excellency?" Although Uchiha Qi already knew who he was, he still asked, "Your Excellency, do you know whether I am dead or alive?"

"It doesn't really matter who I am, what matters is..." Otsutsuki Hamamura smiled, and the next moment the jade behind him swelled slightly, and the space seemed to lose the effect of its existence at this moment.

Uchiha Qi felt as if he had collapsed into an endless space, and he just appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, and he continued with a smile: "The important thing is, who are you?"

"I'm just an ordinary ninja..." Uchiha Qi frowned, and then explained, but when he noticed Otsutsuki Hamamura's half-smile eyes, he hesitated, and finally he spoke. : "Perhaps, it's not so common."

The appearance of Otsutsuki Yumura was actually not beyond his expectations, but the time and method of appearance made him powerless.

In his original expectation, the appearance of this guy should be after he has cleaned up those Otsutsuki ninjas on the moon, and he will appear.

In fact, he is basically equivalent to cleaning up those guys.

The only thing that wasn't counted was that the maddened Otsutsuki Ya also shot him a golden reincarnation explosion.

In his opinion, it is unusual for a person who does not have Tenseisen to use a giant Tenseisen to use the Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion.

And even if his Susanoo couldn't match, it wouldn't necessarily cause too much trouble.

It's just that Otsutsuki is simply a desperado, and Uchiha Kai naturally can't sit still.

What made him even more unexpected was that at that time, the power of the blade and the golden wheel reincarnated together, and it actually caused the moon to collapse, thus putting him in such a doomed situation.

He really doesn't know now whether he is alive or has entered the Pure Land.

This feeling is really bad.

If he had known about such an event, he would definitely have learned to reincarnate the dirty soil ahead of time.

He has a confidence that according to his strength, he will definitely be summoned by Orochimaru and his like, and fight for it.

In that case, he would have a chance to find a way to live again.

But it's a pity that he didn't really get the reincarnation of the dirty earth.

"Still wondering whether you are alive or dead?" Otsutsuki Hamamura saw Uchiha Kai's thoughts at a glance, and he shook his head helplessly: "Young man, in fact, it is the same whether it is life or death. You can Think of it as a never-before-seen experience, or as a life cycle. Maybe you'll feel better about that."

"Sorry for disappointing Your Excellency, I'm afraid I really can't be so open-minded." Uchiha Qi sighed faintly: "I have always been an ordinary person, whether on the battlefield or after leaving the battlefield, I don't want me to die inexplicably. Although death is a self-cycle of life, I'm afraid no one wants to die by themselves, right?"

"That's not necessarily true." Otsutsuki Yumura shook his head: "When you are alive, everything around you has already changed, your knowledge and knowledge have been completely subverted, and the people he loves and is closest to have left you. , Are you still willing to live alone in this world?"

"Then why don't you think of a way to let them all survive?" Uchiha Qi asked curiously: "And if a person lives, he must have his own obsession, and he is willing to fight for this obsession and belief in his heart. What life is most afraid of is to have a clear goal, so as not to lose the mind to strive upward, I am a person with goals..."

"The goal is to live forever?" Otsutsuki Hamamura interrupted Uchiha Kai with a laugh. He looked very happy: "It is said that your kaleidoscope is only turned on because you are afraid of death!"

Looking at Otsutsuki Hamura who was laughing in front of him, Uchiha Kai didn't know what to say for a while.

But through this sentence, he realized a lot of information.

One of them is that I am afraid that I have been observed by Otsutsuki Yui all the time, and that guy also told Otsutsuki Yumura about his situation.

It seems that in the eyes of these big guys, there is really no secret at all about this little thing.

However, these big guys have been doing nothing. I don't know if they don't want to, or do they have other plans?

"Okay boy, don't think about it, we have always known your existence." After Otsutsuki Hamura finished laughing, he looked at Uchiha Kai and said with a light smile: "Since you were born, we have been aware of you, because You are out of tune with this world, and your soul is unusually unique."

"If that's the case, then why..." Uchiha Kai asked with a frown.

"Because, existence has its reasonable value. Although I am not interested in the laws of nature and the operation of the world, I sometimes use my power to exert influence, but my brother does not like me to do so."

Otsutsuki Hamura shook his head: "Of course, he won't stop what I really want to do. Most importantly, I'm also curious about what difference you will make."

Having said that, Otsutsuki Yui gently waved his hand.

In an instant, the giant Tenseigan burst into a dazzling brilliance.

Everything around became hazy, and then it reflected a picture.

Kei Uchiha glanced at these pictures and stopped watching, because the protagonists in them were all him, and the perspectives shown were from other people.

If there is no accident, I am afraid they are all the people who were killed by him, right?

Whether it's seeing his kaleidoscope from a weird angle, or using the half-finished Eternal Eye to kill the enemy, or has completely reached the point of Eternal Eye.

Various appearances of opening the Sharinyan, the display of various special abilities, it can be said that these pictures condense all the battles of Uchiha Kai from the opening of the kaleidoscope to the present, all the way down.

Uchiha Qi didn't speak, but watched quietly. He really felt more interesting seeing this scene from someone else's perspective.

At the same time, he also basically confirmed one thing, and that is that these two people are really living in the pure land now.

Otherwise, how could they possibly have obtained so much data and information?

"Except for the fact that your soul is a little weird, we don't know much about the rest, or we haven't understood it in depth." Otsutsuki Hamura said calmly: "But you have given us surprises time and time again, I'm afraid you are about to truly gain my brother's power now, right?"

"Your brother?" Uchiha Qi's mouth twitched, and then he continued to ask: "Your Excellency, it seems that you haven't really introduced yourself. My lord Uchiha Qi, I don't know your Excellency..."

"Really? You really don't know?" Otsutsuki Yumura once again showed a half-smiling expression, and then he nodded: "Okay, my name is Otsutsuki Yumura, and my brother is Otsutsuki Yui Of course, if you change it to a statement that you are familiar with, he is the immortal of the Six Paths in your mouth."

"Is that so..." Uchiha Qi wanted to pretend to be "I'm surprised", but looking at the expression of the old man in front of him, he knew that it was useless to pretend.

Obviously, this Otsutsuki Hamura would not believe that he knew nothing about their identities.

Even if you are acting stupid now, there is a limit to acting stupid.

Uchiha Kai understood, and Otsutsuki Hamura also understood, so he couldn't show it too much, he could only nod his head flatly to show that he understood.

Sure enough, Otsutsuki Hamamura smiled with satisfaction: "I thought you were going to pretend to be surprised, it would be too boring. But seriously, how do you know my brother's power, what should you do? How to get it? Also, that little girl with white eyes, if I remember correctly, she is Hyuga, but she has returned to a relatively initial state close to me. Oh, by the way, she is yours..."

"Girlfriend." Before Otsutsuki Hamura finished speaking, Uchiha Kai said directly: "In fact, whether it's me or she, what we do is very simple, but it is the most difficult thing. You say Yes, in a sense, I am indeed an outsider, and I am very grateful that you did not do anything to me Because I have no way to resist all this."

"Girlfriend? It's really a new word. You like her, she likes you, and both of you are from Otsutsuki. Isn't she supposed to be your wife?"

Otsutsuki Yui touched his chin, but soon he shook his head: "Forget it, the times are developing, my era has passed, and now is yours. Also, as I said before, your existence is inevitable. It's reasonable, one of us is looking forward to what you will do, and the other is wondering where you will go. Okay, let's move on to your discovery."

"Actually, my discovery is not too much, because..." Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "I'm actually using a method to find the source."

"Simply put, through genes, by repairing our own genes, we can return to the state of our ancestors. Whether it's me, Aya, or Kenta. Of course, I also extracted some reference objects and checked them out. Some historical materials have led to a new path. For example, the stone monument of the Uchiha clan, the transformed Uchiha Obito, and the documents of the Hinata clan."

"Is that so?" Otsutsuki Hamura was listening seriously.

The stone tablet was left by his brother, and he naturally knew that although it was tampered with, Uchiha Obito was integrated into the kind of white living body cells, which they saw in some ninja chakras.

It does not seem to be a problem for Uchiha Kai to study, and the literature of the Hyuga family does provide a lot of ideas.


"What is the gene in your mouth?"
