Chapter 567: this can't be done

"This Uchiha is too cautious ( Find the latest chapter!

When the blue light shone on the earth, an unimaginably magnificent chakra covered the sky.

Above the earth, I don't know how many people have been completely dumbfounded at this moment, and they looked up at the miraculous scene in the sky.

Not long ago, after they witnessed the bright light of the moon erupt with their own eyes, they disappeared into countless fragments.

It was as if the end of the world was still rippling in their hearts, but the next moment everything seemed to be reversed.

They have now witnessed the reshaping of the moon with their own eyes. The shattered pieces of the moon seemed to be summoned, and then madly gathered towards the place where they were ejected.

It was just a dot at the beginning, but as those fragments continued to gather, it finally became the moon in their memory in their eyes!

The bright moon was still bright, the silver moonlight fell on the earth, the earth stopped roaring, all the changes were calm, and everything that just happened was like a dream of Nanke.

If it wasn't on the earth, the huge damage caused by the raging disasters reminded them that everything was real.

I'm afraid they all think that they have experienced a realistic nightmare.

This night has also become a scene that many people will never forget.

And Namikaze Minato is one of them, he stared blankly at all the changes in the sky.

He really couldn't imagine what all this was going on, especially since he knew very well that the power in the sky just now was the power of Chakra.

Does this mean that all of this is thought to have caused it?

However, who in the end has such strength to do such a scene?

"Could it be... Is there really a **** in this world?"

Minato Namikaze thought to himself, but soon he stopped thinking about these issues.

Because he knows that no matter what he thinks, I am afraid that with his current strength, it is impossible to get the answer he hopes.

It's not that he hasn't thought about whether the changes in the moon are related to Uchiha Kai.

It's just that after seeing the scene just now, he no longer thinks about these things.

Uchiha Kai's strength is indeed very strong, and I am afraid that no one can really answer how strong it is.

I am afraid that if this guy unscrupulously displays his power, he can completely destroy a village, right?

Namifeng Minato had not seen the great destruction of the forest in the country of the vortex.

The affected area, the terrifying destruction, once made him wonder if the tailed beasts were all involved in the war.

However, the nine tails in his body told him not, because there is no chakra of the tailed beast here.

There is only one huge and cold, the chakra that belongs to Kai Uchiha!

But no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to blow up the moon, right?

Even if your strength is strong and you really blow up the moon, can you still reshape the moon?

I am afraid that the only one who can do all of this is the six-path immortal who is known as the creation of the world, right?

He sighed helplessly, and Minato Namikaze was too lazy to think about these questions, because the more you think about this kind of thing, the more headaches you will feel.

"Kakashi." Turning his head, Minato Namikaze looked at Kakashi: "Notify, let all the ninjas who have not received the mission lead the team to set out to check all places in the country of fire. Destroyed villages or cities, immediately rescue."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kakashi immediately lowered his head. In private, he would call Minato as a teacher, but when facing the task handover, he would call Minato as Hokage.

"Also, inform Uchiha Chuan that he is now the acting head of the security department. Let him and Uchiha Ryukage be together. Only the security department will be ready to rescue at any time." Minato Namikaze thought for a while and continued.

"By the way, notify Minister Shikuji, Senator Hizu, and Mr. Fuyue, and let them go to the Hokage office for a meeting. You ask Anbu to mobilize as soon as possible, cooperate with the security department to appease the village, and at the same time send messengers to the frontier ninja army, let them pay attention to the movements of other countries, If a small country asks for help, let someone report to me immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" Kakashi said quickly, and completely memorized the words of Namikaze Minato.

"Very good, let's go. After arranging all this, come to the Hokage office for a meeting." After Minato Minato finished all the orders, he turned to look at Kushina and understand: "Sorry, tonight I may... ..."

"Let's go." Kushina didn't wait for Minato Minato to finish, then he pushed him with a smile: "Such a big thing happened in front of our eyes, if you don't deal with it and stay at home, then you can It's not a qualified Hokage."

"Come on, Dad!" Naruto also smiled and clenched his fists: "You are Hokage, the goal I want to surpass in the future. If you are too weak, then I will not have the joy of victory!"

"Thank you, Kushina, thank you, Naruto."

Minato Namikaze showed a smile, and after giving his wife a good hug, he reached out and rubbed Naruto's head.

"It's not difficult to surpass me, as long as you work hard. But don't put your goal on me. Your Uncle Qi, even I don't think he can beat him."

After saying these words, Minato Naruto quickly left the room without waiting for Naruto to react.

Kakashi bowed slightly to Kushina, and then quickly followed in Minato Namikawa's footsteps.

Tonight is doomed to be unsettled, I'm afraid all the shadows are the same.

Such terrifying and weird things happened above their heads, if they really did nothing, then they really didn't deserve to be the shadows.

Namikaze Minato did not use Fei Lei Shen, he knew that Uchiha Fuyue and others would not arrive so soon, and he still had some things to think about.

This mutation of the moon is indeed an incredible disaster, but the opportunity hidden behind such a big disaster is also huge.

For three years, Namikaze Minato has been thinking about how to promote the peaceful and prosperous Konoha system created by himself and Uchiha Kai.

And now this huge catastrophe seems to be an excellent opportunity!

Such a huge disaster, the ninja system of those small countries is not very good, it is even worse.

If they ask for help, this would be an excellent opportunity for Konoha to have a more legitimate reason to go in.

Whether it's borrowing money or helping to cultivate the system, these are the things Konoha pursues, just give them generously!

Even, there is no need to force the other party to change a leader.

Namikaze Minato has been trained, and he is not so kind-hearted, at least he won't be like that when facing people outside the village.

However, in the face of unnecessary killings, he would still choose this approach if he could compromise through some interests.

Of course, if the other party doesn't have the idea of ​​cooperating like that at all, he won't care whether to change people or not.

Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Namikaze Minato had a hard time telling how he was feeling right now.

Some are happy, some are complicated, and very contradictory.

But in the end, he shook his head slightly, and his expression became firm.

"I really want to thank the disaster this time. Although I don't know why it happened, I don't know what the next time will be, but it is really beneficial to Konoha now."

"However, it's time to invent some emergency measures in the face of another crisis on the moon..."


"Are you two okay?"

Uchiha Kai looked at Imai Kenta, who had a bewildered face, and Hyuga Aya, who lowered his head and wondered what he was thinking, and couldn't help asking curiously.

The moon is still the same moon, and the core of the moon is still surrounded by green hills, and the green water is flowing, and it looks like a fairyland on earth.

Except for the huge sun in the sky, it seems that a little change has taken place, and it looks a little dim.

But the people here, I am afraid, have undergone tremendous changes.

When Hao Otsutsuki used the power of a giant Tenseigan to reshape the moon, he disappeared without a trace.

As for his body...

It shouldn't be called a corpse, and the body that he gave up sat safely in the stone tomb where he had been sleeping.

Everything is like a miracle, in fact it is no longer any different from God.

No wonder the immortals of the Six Paths are misunderstood by some people and called them gods.

They do have this power, although the world was not created by them.

When everything returned to normal, Uchiha Kai also quickly went to find his companion.

His body has long been completely repaired by the 'Original Power' endowed by Yui Otsutsuki, and there is even some faint improvement.

After that, he was covered by Tenseiyan's vitality full of power. At this time, he had already reached the dual peak of body and spirit.

However, Otsutsumuya is also afraid that the situation is not so good. He is afraid that he has lost his vitality after using the 'Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion'.

He had almost stepped into the gate of **** with both feet, but Kai Uchiha didn't believe that he could still be alive, even with the power of Tenseigan!

"This.... what's going on?" Imai Kenta asked inexplicably for a long time, "Have we encountered illusions?"

"It shouldn't be, because the moon really exploded just now..." Hyuga Aya raised her head and looked at Uchiha Kai with a complicated look: "I used my white eyes to look for you before I lost consciousness, and I saw it. ....See...."

"A guy who doesn't look like a human, right?" Uchiha Kei didn't expect that Hyuga Aya was still looking for himself before the coma, just like he was also looking for Hyuga Aya, he nodded lightly: "Yes, I met a person, that person's name is Otsutsuki Yumura, the younger brother of Otsutsuki Yui."

"Otsutsuki Yumura?" Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya both frowned: "Who is he? Also, who is Otsutsuki Yui?"

"How do you say..." Uchiha Qi rubbed his chin: "Simply put, the two of them are brothers. Remember what the patriarch said before? Indra and Asura are brothers. , and the descendants of the two of them are Uchiha, and one is Qianshou and Maelstrom. Indra and Asura are both surnames Otsutsuki, and their father is Otsutsuki Yui."

"So, he is our ancestor?"

"Well, but he still has an identity. To explain it in a simple and easy-to-understand language, that is.... Otsutsuki Yuyi, in fact, is the Six Path Immortals in our mouths!"


"And Otsutsuki Hamamura is his younger brother, the one I just met. He is the ancestor of all Hinata."

Uchiha Kai looked at the two people who were completely sluggish in front of him, and shook his head with a smile.

The fault of the times is really too big. If he hadn't read the original book, I'm afraid it would be difficult to think of so many twists and turns.

Then he simply sat down and explained in detail what he knew about the Otsutsugi clan.

In fact, he wanted to say it a long time ago, but he didn't trust them both before.

But when he had enough trust, he was stunned to find that there was no chance to speak at all.

Simply put, he doesn't have an excuse, an excuse to get this information.

Is it possible that every time you use the reason of finding the 'Hyuga Family Ancient Scroll'?

Even a fool would know that this is impossible.

He now has a perfect excuse, so he's putting everything on the new guy Otsutsuki Hamura.

But he also kept an eye on it, and he didn't say it all.

It's not that he can't say it, but that he knows that some people are really paying attention to his words and deeds.

Therefore, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, he resolutely did not say a word about what Otsutsuki Hamura did not mention.

For example, the two of them actually sealed their mother, and the so-called moon is just a seal carrier.

Uchiha Kei spoke very slowly, while Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya listened to the more and more strange faces, and when Uchiha Qi finished speaking, Imai Kenta finally couldn't help it.

"Meaning that, Qianju and Uchiha have been fighting for hundreds of years, but it's actually a family ethics drama at all?" Imai Kenta's face is as ugly as it is ugly: "The reason is that your ancestors think that they are forbearance. The inheritor of the Tao, and in the end, the immortals of the Six Paths chose to be the ancestors of our family. As a result, the one in your family became insane, and a dozen of them lasted for thousands of years?"

"Almost.... that's what it means." Uchiha Qi spread his hands, and then he said with a mysterious expression: "Although it feels stupid, I think there should be something wrong ~In other words, someone here is deliberately provoking."

"No, I think it's normal." Suddenly, Imai Kenta said with a stern face: "You have to believe that there is nothing wrong with your ancestors, because you have a problem that is in the same line. That is, your whole family may have a mental illness!"

"Do you want to die?" Uchiha Kai's eyes looked a little empty: "I admit that many people in the Uchiha family have brain problems, but if you bring me in, I guarantee that Konoha Prison will have a place for you."

Hyuga Aya looked at the two in front of her and shook her head involuntarily.

She didn't bother to pay attention to these two people at all, and now she pays more attention to another topic.

That's what Uchiha Kai said, Otsutsuki Hamura doesn't seem to care about the descendants on the moon.

As for why, in addition to their infighting, I am afraid there are other things?

However, seeing that the moon was intact as before, Hyuga Aya clenched her fists as she recalled the apocalyptic catastrophe.

It turned out that the future of white eyes is so terrifying!

The flame in Hyuga Aya's heart was already burning, and she finally saw her future path, a clear and clear path.

But she turned her head to look at Uchiha Qi and Imai Kenta, and she was a little funny in her heart.

She seemed to understand why she had such a good relationship with these two.

It turns out that there is a layer of ancient blood relationship in it.

Imai Kenta and Uchiha Kai are brothers in terms of ancient blood, but the three of them are actually a family...

But soon she swept the idea out of her mind. If it is really a family, then Uchiha Kai is actually her own brother?

This can't be done!
