Chapter 569: Guessing and Orochimaru's Decision (Eight K2 in 1)

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Looking at the back of Otsutsuki Yangsuke leaving, Uchiha Ki shook his head in disdain.

He can basically judge that this guy may still have a little flame burning in his heart.

It's just that this flame has changed from dealing with ground ninjas to dealing with or defending the 'Uchiha Kai Trio'?

Showing everything is an expression of surrender, but such surrender is incomplete.

Because he deliberately hid Toto Otsutsuki, who could resonate with Tenseisen.

Uchiha Qi didn't expose it at the first time, just wanted to see his attitude. Now that he knows, he naturally won't play hide-and-seek with him.

He didn't have so much time to stay on the moon all day, and naturally he didn't have the time or energy to play with him.

If he's going to be on the moon for a long time, he might have a good time with this guy.

Therefore, he directly used the simplest and most effective method, which was to dismiss all his thoughts very simply.

Tell him clearly that he knows all these things, and don't have any illusions.

Although he didn't say what would happen if he was disobedient, it was impossible for Otsutsuki Yangsuke not to know what this ending would be like.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't mean to play the bad guy completely. He slapped a candied date, which would be very effective in any occasion.

Now the remaining members of the Otsutsugi clan, adding up to fifty people, are very uncertain.

And among these fifty people, there are many people whose eyes were directly sucked away by Tenseisen.

If there is no accident, they will basically be blind for the rest of their lives.

Otsutsuki Hamura channeled the power of Tenseigan to heal the wounds in their bodies, but there was no way to repair their lost eyes.

"Don't you want to use our Hyuga's eyes for them?" After Otsutsuki Yosuke completely left, Hyuga Aya asked directly, her face looking a little weird.

"That's right, it is indeed your Hyuga clan." Uchiha Ki nodded, then said slowly: "If there is no accident, I am afraid that Hyuga Hizu will not hold back. Of course, even if there is an accident, I will Let those accidents disappear. Use the eyes of those who are mortal to make another group of slightly useful people honest, what do you think?"

"It's really useful, their strength is much more powerful than your Hyuga." Imai Kenta touched his chin and said, "Although it's a bit silly, considering that they never left the moon, there's nothing decent. It seems normal for your opponent to be a little stupid. Qixiang can be used as a waste power, and maybe it can win people's hearts."

"It doesn't matter to me, it's just that the whereabouts of those eyes are not easy to explain." Hyuga Aya didn't hesitate at all: "You know, in fact, our blood Ji family is similar. Those eyes are really difficult to deal with. Of course. , if there is no body..."

Having said that, Hyuga Aya will not say more, how to make the corpse disappear, or if there is nothing to be found when examining the corpse, the best way is to burn the corpse.

Obviously, this kind of thing is not difficult for the two people around him.

Especially Uchiha Kai, he will definitely intervene in some battles within the Hyuga clan.

And he also had reasons to do so, because Hyuga Aya was involved.

"Okay, wait for these things to go back, and plan well." Uchiha Qi didn't talk to them so much, he waved his hand and said directly: "The next time is to take a good look at the content here, and wait at the same time. News from Orochimaru."

"I don't think you need to worry so much." Imai Kenta said suddenly: "Anyway, we should have a certain amount of time next, why don't you talk about some of the next plans or ideas? For example, this moon?"

Is it the moon?

Uchiha Qi stopped, he thought for a while and immediately understood what this guy meant.

I'm afraid he wants to use this as their experimental center, after all, this place is really good.

First of all, stay away from Konoha. They are now more and more powerful in Konoha. Once they are caught, it will be absolutely disastrous!

In particular, they also have a laboratory, although the things that were once researched in it have been completely destroyed, and even the experimental records are closely collected by Hyuga Aya.

But there was still Masaya Yui's body in that place. Human experimentation, even if it was a test item from another village, would be a source of attack for Kai Uchiha and the others.

But this place can really avoid a lot of right and wrong, and even this place has a lot of ancient information for them to check.

It can be said that this place perfectly meets all the requirements of a hidden laboratory. The only trouble is that if you leave here, you need to leave Konoha.

"Actually, I have considered turning this place into a laboratory." After Uchiha Kei probably figured out Imai Kenta's idea, he couldn't help but say directly: "The problem is that we can't leave Konoha for a long time, and transfer the experimental equipment. These things are very troublesome. In addition, I don’t think some studies are suitable for this.”

"You mean...then about that Otsutsuki Totoken just now?" Hyuga Aya is not stupid, she thought of something at the first time: "What are you going to..."

"Get some blood and organize your body back." Uchiha Qi said directly: "I don't plan to kill that kid, at least until I show too many problems, I won't do it without an excuse. You all know the reason, After all, that's a guy who can resonate with Tenseigan."

"Indeed, this kind of person should not do anything casually, but it should be no problem to study some valuable things." Hinata Aya's eyes became a little dangerous: "Maybe, we will still have a lot of gains."

"It's you, not us." Imai Ken too spread his hands, and glanced at Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya with some amusing: "I don't think this experiment will have any effect on me and Kai. Only you will only It's you, work hard, maybe Kai will be pinned to the ground in the future."

"The dog can't spit out ivory. I think the most troublesome person is you." Uchiha rolled his eyes and said with a look of disgust: "Although you seem to be okay now, but in the future you will probably be punished. The two of us were left behind."

Speaking of this, Imai Kenta's face suddenly stiffened, and then he touched his chin and began to think seriously.

I have to say that this question really gave Imai Kenta a bit of a headache, because he is not a member of the Hitomi family.

He doesn't have the natural pupil technique, is it difficult to transplant a pair?

Don't be kidding, once Uchiha Kai suggested him to use Uchiha's cells, he refused, let alone transplanting other people's eyes.

After thinking for a while, his eyes turned to the library, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's impossible to leave, I don't think I'm so inferior." Imai Kenta smiled slightly: "Maybe there is something I want in the library here. Then, what are your thoughts on this moon? ?"

"Let's keep it for these Otsutsuki, so that they can live normally, but there are some things that we must master." Uchiha Qi said quickly, his eyes became a little dangerous: "For example, teleporting to The gates of the moon must be in our hands, and..."

"This giant Tenseigan!"


Mastering the way to the moon, and mastering this huge Tenseigan, can completely control the big tsutsutsuki on these moons.

Although specifically how to do it, Uchiha Kai has not yet thought of a way to do it.

But he believed that some information could definitely be found in these, even if it was not detailed, there was still some content for reference.

If it really doesn't work, just take Toto Otsutsuki away!

Although he is willing to leave this kid on the moon, as a way to leave some hope for these big Tsutsutsuki.

But if it's for his own safety and what he wants, he doesn't mind doing something.

People who don't do it for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth.

Although this sentence is often said by villains, Uchiha Keiko never feels that he is a good person.

In fact, he has always been very clear, his current personality plus his story.

If it is released as an anime, I am afraid he will become one of the super villains, right?

And he also copied so many lines from Uchiha Madara, even if he didn't have Madara's domineering, at least it was definitely the kind that made people grit their teeth.

So if he really wanted to do this, he would definitely not have any big problems.

At least he has no psychological pressure, and there is no moral restraint.

As for Imai Kenta, he doesn't actually need to think about it himself, Uchiha Kaito has already thought of a good plan for him.

That is to take the fusion road of Chakra!

This road is actually the best method Uchiha can think of, and it can be regarded as some of his small experiments.

In the original book, he remembered that the fusion of all attributes of Chakra, including yin and yang escape, was able to build the most powerful bloodline—the blood snares.

If Uchiha Kai was a civilian ninja back then, I'm afraid he would go this path unswervingly.

This may also be left on purpose in this world, a way to let everyone "up the channel".

Even if there are many difficulties, and there are almost no people who know it in the ninja world, it is conceivable that once the news spreads, I am afraid that all ninjas will frantically explore this path.

It's a pity that he doesn't have this idea, not to mention whether those people have this potential, even if there are people who don't belong to his family, why should he let him grow up?

The ninja world is already chaotic enough, and he doesn't want to inexplicably have a few more people in the future who are not in the original work, but are enough perverted.

It was never his style to add enemies to himself, and even if he noticed something else from Otsutsuki Hamura, he would not choose this way.

"Otsutsuki Hamura gave me such an obvious hint, I am afraid there is something uncertain about the future."

Kei Uchiha, who had never calmed down and thought about it before, now seems to feel that he can think about it.

He took out a book and pretended to look, but in fact he quietly took out his diary.

This diary has been with him for many years, and it not only records his early conjectures about Sharinyan, but also his assumptions about the power behind the kaleidoscope.

There are also some ideas about the reincarnation eye after getting the eternal eye.

It can be said that if anyone can understand the words above, and this person is still a Uchiha.

It's hard to say whether someone will actually be able to copy his route all the way forward.

Of course, there is also a premise here, that is, he can open the kaleidoscope.

Turning the diary to the front, Uchiha Kai began to read it carefully.

The first half of the diary completely recorded his memories of the entire Hokage plot.

Although these things are actually not very useful, because the entire Naruto world has been changed beyond recognition by him.

But a lot of the following things are still worth referring to. He has not read the biography of bloggers, and naturally he does not know the stories of Naruto's children.

But he'd seen some separate movies, otherwise he wouldn't have remembered Tensei Eyes.

And as he flipped through the pages, two names suddenly appeared in front of him - Otsutsuki Momo-style and Otsutsukiura-style.

The plot he recorded before was a bit sloppy, but he still remembered that both of them were from aliens.

That is, these two people, let Uchiha Qi clearly know that the so-called Otsutsuki is an alien at all.

This story probably tells the story of Naruto after he had a child, and in the end this Otsutsuki was also solved by Boren.

But these are not important, the important thing is the origin of these two people!

In his diary, the reason they came to the ninja world was because they lost contact with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

In addition, it is also recorded that the Otsutsuki Mokura style is actually the fruit of the **** tree, and it is gone after being eaten.

There are not too many records of this in his diary. Maybe it's because Uchiha Qi didn't like these things in his previous life, right?

Although it was a little pity, he also seemed to have caught some key points.

Could it be that this guy, Otsutsuki Yui, is unwilling to take action and stay in the ninja world too much, is it because of these aliens Otsutsuki?

They gave up their bodies, could that be the reason?

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, he felt that there were too many things hidden in it.

There are too many things that he can't explore by himself, and he has too little information to figure it out.

"It's really a pity." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "But although I can't fully understand it, I probably also thought of something. It's just that I can't be sure at all..."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but let out a wry smile. Indeed, he had nothing practical at all to prove what he thought.

Neither his memory, nor the key figures, could indicate all of this.

In particular, the deeper you think about some things, the more you feel that something is not right.

Shaking his head fiercely, Uchiha Qi simply put away his diary.

The way of using Yangdun and Yindun has always been a key to his headache, and he must understand it.

"Only with enough strength can you dance in this world!"

Uchiha Kai took a deep breath and started looking for the book he wanted.

Only at this time, a clan of Otsutsuki suddenly ran in.

"Your Excellency, we have found the Orochimaru you mentioned..."


Orochimaru was slightly miserable and was supported by two Otsutsuki clansmen, all the way to the inside of the castle.

There was blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. These bloodstains looked very fresh, and it was obvious that they had just been punched out.

Moreover, his body also looked very strange, his hands were almost twisted and broken, and his chest was also dented by the beating.

There was even one leg that had been drooping on the ground, dragging out a long bloodstain.

It's not hard to see how bad this guy's current situation is.

No matter how bad it was, his face was very calm.

Orochimaru once seriously thought about one thing, that is whether there is really a **** in this world.

Because no matter how the legendary Six Paths Immortals look, they seem to be characters at the stage of gods, right?

It's just that he wasn't quite sure whether there really was a **** in this world.

God is immortal after all, this is what a true **** in legend should have.

It's just that the Six Path Immortals seem to have already died.

Even if this news is not 100% certain, but it has not appeared for so many years, it is difficult to say whether it is really dead.

This kind of situation also once made Orochimaru doubt whether people can really achieve the step of immortality and immortality.

Until he actually completed the reincarnation, he believed that it was indeed possible.

Even though he knew that his reincarnation seemed to be a big problem, he believed that with constant transformation, sooner or later these problems could be solved.

As for why the Six Paths Immortal finally died, was it because of the fantasy of the outside world after he was hidden?

Or do you feel that you have lived too long and just choose to die?

It's just that, these are just his guesses. Without real research materials or corresponding character deeds, he will not make judgments easily.

This is a kind of rigor, the rigor of research methods and the pursuit of truth.

However, just today, he truly saw the power of God.

True, the power of God!

The power of Kai Uchiha, he had thought before that, this is the power of God.

The power of that Otsutsuki Yaya is also very strong, and the two of them can be attributed to the existence of gods in the strict sense.

The confrontation of these two forces actually blew up the entire moon!

At that time, Orochimaru was already shocked, he had never seen such terrifying power.

The moon, he has lived in the ninja world for so many years, something that he can see almost every night.

However, this behemoth that he has become accustomed to, was forcibly destroyed by two ninjas with their own strength, which is not the ability of human beings at all.

But soon, he was really stunned, and he swore that he had never encountered such a bizarre scene!

Time seemed to stand still, and a figure appeared beside Kai Uchiha.

They seemed to chat for a moment, but it seemed like an eternity.

Then, the strange figure appeared beside a huge eyeball.

The power that the eyeball radiates, Orochimaru, is exactly the same power that Otsutsuki Ya also uses.

Does this mean that Otsutsuki Ya just used the power of this eyeball to achieve this step?

But he didn't have time to think about it, when he saw that strange figure completely controlled the eyeball.

That's right, it's control!

The power of that eyeball was completely controlled by him, and then he only heard a sound, and the moon was completely condensed!

"God Earth Blast Star!"


This is God!

This is the real God!

Although this **** also used that huge eyeball, if the power of this eyeball didn't belong to him, how could he use it so lightly?

If this power does not belong to him, how can he control such power so easily?

Time seems to have returned to calm, and the power of fear has stopped beating.

The fragmented moon that was hit by Uchiha was completely reorganized at this moment and returned to its original appearance.

Under the blue light, Orochimaru recovered all his injuries, and he felt that his body had completely returned to its peak at this moment.

Unfortunately, these powers are only useful to the body, but they can't help him completely control this body.

But Orochimaru didn't care, he found a place to sit down.

Looking at the scenes in front of him, looking at the completely restored, intact moon.

He was stunned, he seemed to realize that he had really seen God, the real God in this world!

"Just, who is this god? The Six Paths Immortal? Why is he so good to Uchiha Kai? Is Uchiha Kai so special? Or..."

"He thinks Uchiha Kai can reach the same level as him. So do you not hesitate to save him and talk to him?"

Thinking of this conclusion, Orochimaru's heart ignited a fire of jealousy.

People are people because they always have all kinds of weird emotions.

The interweaving of these complex emotions makes people have vitality and become individuals with complex souls.

This is human nature, and it is also the most basic thing of human beings.

Orochimaru is also human, and he naturally has his own humanity.

He is also jealous, although he has always felt that there should be nothing in this world worthy of his jealousy.

But at this moment, he was really jealous.

Kai Uchiha, this guy actually got the favor of God, but he survived because of the favor that guy got?

This kind of thoughts kept spinning in Orochimaru's mind, which made him very uncomfortable.

But Orochimaru was Orochimaru after all, and he quickly calmed down.

Now, he suddenly has a new pursuit!

Gods, obviously, don't die, they just hide from mortals.

And Orochimaru has always been committed to researching and excavating all the truths of this world.

God, nature is also the scope of research!

Perhaps he is not qualified, nor does he gain the favor of those aloof gods.

So why not help a qualified person to be a part of it?

And he participates in this process, understands, digs and knows everything he wants to know?

Once this thought appeared, it kept circling in his heart, and there was no way to stop it.

He seems to have found a new way, a way to understand the truth of the world more easily!

And the ultimate guide along the way must be the Uchiha Kai who he has deep contacts with and has many connections with.

The one who was favored by the gods did not hesitate to show up to meet him in person, and had a long talk.

And personally rescued, restored the entire moon, and saved everyone on the moon, Uchiha Kai!

"He's a gust of wind, a gust of wind that can blow me to the road I need at last!"

Thinking of this, Orochimaru sighed softly.

And at this moment, a group of people from Otsutsuki appeared beside him...


Uchiha Kai looked at Orochimaru who was kneeling on the ground with a strange expression on his face.

It can be seen that these Otsutsugi clansmen did not show any mercy when facing Orochimaru.

They may even arrest people without explaining any situation, the purpose is to want Orochimaru to resist, right?

It just makes Uchiha Kai a little strange that the strength of this guy, Orochimaru, is not that bad, right?

After their own repeated battles, Otsutsuki and the others can basically be sure that they are a group of guys who have no real strength but no actual combat experience.

It's really easy for Orochimaru to deal with such a guy.

But this guy looks like this ghost now, it's really difficult to connect him with the cruel, skilled and experienced ninja in his memory.

What's wrong here?

Are those Otsutsuki enlightened, or is there something wrong with Orochimaru?

Uchiha Kei couldn't figure it out, he looked at Otsutsuki Yosuke who nodded to himself and he simply walked over.

"Orochimaru?" Uchiha Qi frowned and said, "What's your situation?"

"Cough, it's nothing." Orochimaru's face finally changed, he raised his head slightly and looked at Uchiha Kai in front of him and subconsciously licked his tongue: "I didn't expect that you and these guys actually reconciled, As expected of Qijun."

"Your Excellency Yangsuke, can you explain what's going on with this guy?" Uchiha Qi didn't get the information he wanted from Orochimaru, he turned his head and looked at Otsutsuki Yangsuke: "You caught him. When did he do something, or was his mental state always that bad?"

Orochimaru didn't explain it to him, then he would naturally go to other people, and what he needed to know wasn't just why Orochimaru was so miserable.

He had already noticed that there seemed to be some problems with Orochimaru's mental state at this time.

If it was before, maybe he hadn't noticed these problems so easily.

But after coming into contact with Yui Otsutsuki and accepting that power, he found that he seemed to be particularly sensitive to spiritual perceptions?

Perhaps it is because of mental problems, but it is actually closely related to Yin Dun, and he himself is a ninja who has made great achievements in "Yin Dun".

Therefore, he has been incredibly strengthened in this regard, so that he can easily perceive that the situation of Orochimaru seems to be a little different.

This made him think of something, but it was still uncertain. He needed to ask the Otsutsuki who caught Orochimaru earlier to learn more.

"He?" Otsutsuki Yangsuke looked at Orochimaru, and then a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes inadvertently: "This guy's situation seems to have gotten worse, but what is certain is that the first time we caught When it came to him, his mental state was not very good. Patriarch.... We have discovered some situations before, his soul and body have an extreme mismatch."

Otsutsuki Yangsuke stopped when he mentioned his patriarch, and then looked carefully at Kai Uchiha.

Otsutsuki Ya also went shopping with this guy in front of him, causing the moon to explode. Although they were all rescued, this guy, Baobuqi, was upset when he heard that name.

Fortunately, this descendant of Indra didn't seem to hold such a grudge against their patriarch, which made Otsutsuki Yosuke a little relieved.

Although this made him feel a little shameful, but the other party was too terrifying.

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded, his eyes were on Orochimaru once, and he thought silently: "It seems that this guy has already completed the reincarnation technique."

No wonder there is such an unstable mental state, it turns out to be because of the reincarnation technique!

After carefully observing this guy, Uchiha Qi increasingly felt that Orochimaru's soul and body seemed to be very strange.

After a little thought, he seemed to realize that he knew where such a strange feeling came from.

Although Orochimaru's body is still his original appearance after dressing up, the female elements contained in it are more and more prominent along with his unstable soul.

And this guy, Orochimaru, is a man!

As for why he came to the moon when he was so unstable, Kei Uchiha felt that there might be something else going on here.

For example, what kind of art did he use, or what kind of art did the ninjas like Otsutsugi use on him when they tortured him?

But Uchiha Qi didn't bother to worry about these things. He had already figured out how to deal with Orochimaru and this guy who came to the moon privately.

Taking a step forward, Uchiha Kai came to Orochimaru, and the next moment, his eyes had turned scarlet.

He grabbed Orochimaru's chin, his eyes looked directly at the pair of snake pupils, and his voice seemed silent but soft and asked: "Master Orochimaru, have you forgotten the agreement between us."

As he spoke, the three gouyu in his eyes began to turn slightly and Orochimaru's originally calm complexion suddenly changed, and the originally pale complexion suddenly became more frightening .

Sweat the size of soybeans flowed down his forehead, and his eyes looked even more blurred, as if endless pain was released from his soul.

But he couldn't struggle at all, and couldn't resist the pain at all.

"I.... I didn't forget." Orochimaru's voice became weaker: "I just came to detect it in advance. It seems that Minister Qi is not satisfied with my approach."

"Ah, I have done a lot of things to Lord Orochimaru, but in fact, I have always maintained this attitude that is not very satisfactory."

Uchiha Kai's voice was still so soft, just like facing an old friend, but the speed of the three hook jade in his eyes became faster.

"Don't tell me the location, you should have found the descendant of the vortex, but you just stayed for the experiment, right? And the guy who was born with natural power, I think you found it too, right? But Lord Orochimaru , did not say a word to me from beginning to end, not even willing to say a specific exchange time."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Kai suddenly let go, and Orochimaru fell to the ground.

With his hands around his chest, the scarlet Sangou jade instantly turned into the state of eternal eyes, and the terrifying pressure was directly poured on Orochimaru.

At this moment, Orochimaru really has the illusion that he may be killed at any time!

"We're in a partnership, and I've paid you my money back. You want to experiment, that's fine, but at least you have to tell me instead of sneaking it up on your own."

"A collaborator like you really embarrassing me, Lord Orochimaru!"
