Chapter 611: excellent kid

Remember for a second【】

"This is where we are going to attack, and according to the intelligence, it is here."

Dried persimmon ghost shark and ghost lamp full moon walked towards the front, while looking at the park in front of them, and whispering something.

This park was pryed out from the mouth of the dead Kirigakure Anbu. It can be said that the ghost shark, who has thoroughly figured out what he wants to do, has no hesitation at all.

At that moment, it was as if everything he had learned in Anbu Kirigaka was recalled.

That cruel and **** means to the extreme, even the ghost lamp full moon looks a little chilly.

That Anbu actually didn't intend to reveal a word, but when he noticed that the information they wanted was about Sandyin Village, he couldn't help but be moved.

Where is the place where Sha Yin's various sealed and forbidden spells are stored, as the director of this base, how could he not know?

He just knew that he had never gone in. After all, it was the most important place for Sha Yin.

There is basically no chance for outsiders to go in and find out, and the defense there is extremely terrifying.

Whether it is sealing technique, enchantment or puppet mechanism, it can be said to be everything!

These two want to die, why should they stop them?

And if they can really make Shayin unlucky, why not do it?

After thinking about this clearly, he didn't hesitate to tell them everything he knew.

But what he said was only about the place where the forbidden technique was stored, and the related arrangements that could be detected. He didn't say anything else.

These materials and content are completely enough for Gui Sha and Man Yue. They don't even know where they are now. These materials can be said to make them a little relieved.

It's just that the two of them are still suspicious of this information. After all, as Anbu ninjas and performing tasks in other villages, everything must be careful.

So they understand that the guy will never say a word or give them any documentation.

They simply killed the guy, and then came here to investigate.

As it turns out, that Kirigakure Anbu didn't seem to be lying, this place looks unremarkable, but as long as you look carefully, you can immediately feel the difference.

This is a park, where people come and go as the best cover, and there are some obscure nodules here, even if ninjas notice it, they won't take it too seriously.

And there are many regular vendors in this park, as well as some homeless people who spend the night here.

The existence of these people is neither obtrusive nor noticeable, but if you observe carefully, you will find that they actually have some careful sound transmission equipment on their bodies, and you can even detect traces of their seals.

However, who would take the initiative to observe such people?

Even in the face of those homeless people, those who come here are too late to escape.

"However, it's not easy to attack, it seems that they should be underground." The ghost shark turned into a tourist, looking left and right, and said in a very small voice: "Also, can you let go? , you turned into a woman and held me like this, it's disgusting!"

"Damn, you think I think so! Shut up, hurry up and find the entrance!" Man Yue kept a smile on her face, but her mouth was full of resentment.

Although there are no restrictions on who can come to this park, it looks weird how two men run over at night.

So they just pretended to be a couple and mixed in, so that it wouldn't be so abrupt. After all, this park is still very suitable for couples' trysts.

The woman transformed by the full moon transformation technique is still quite beautiful, and her posture, tone and movement are very like a woman.

This made the ghost shark know the real gender of this guy, and felt abnormally twisted.

I have to say that Man Yue's performance was a perfect performance, but he just felt sick.

What's more, even if you don't think about this guy's true identity, the ghost shark somehow feels a sense of guilt.

But in the end, he is still an excellent ninja. Although he feels disgusting in his heart, there is no expression on his face.

Even when the two of them are together, they seem to be very harmonious, not only have some young people's unique greenness and restraint, but also have a little deep love in it.

"I haven't found it yet, but there are already some clues." The ghost shark said in a low voice and slowly: "At nine o'clock, the homeless man's eyes will stay on some sensitive places. I tried it specifically, The fountain behind us at four o'clock will be watched by him as long as we stay, but he won't look at other places at all. As for other people, they should be specially responsible for tracking."

"Is that fountain?" Man Yue thought silently, and soon he frowned and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Are you sure, forget? We stood there for a long time just now, and we even leaned over to observe. This is what I tried on purpose, and that guy really kept his eyes on us. And we were lucky today, except that we could No one else is parked there anymore."

"No wonder, you stopped in that broken place for a long time, and looking back now, the fountain seems a little weird." Man Yue frowned and thought carefully: "There is a seal on it, and... I thought I was wrong before, I seem to see that there is an organ on it, but it is too concealed, and there are vegetation blocking it, so I am not 100% sure."

^0^ One second to remember【】

There is no doubt about the observation ability of the ghost lamp full moon, especially after he has seen something, when he recalls the details, he can even reshape everything just now in his brain.

This is a kind of talent, a talent unique to genius!

Otherwise, it is impossible for this guy to use all the ninja knives incisively and vividly by himself in the original work. After all, every knife needs severe and long-term training.

It is the longest thing he has done to perceive and understand swordsmanship and swordsmanship in this way.

This method is also extremely convenient for intelligence gathering.

"It seems that it is definitely that place, but it should be regarded as an emergency exit." The ghost shark nodded, and then walked outside with the full moon: "It is absolutely impossible to set this place alone, and Have you noticed that this place is actually very close to the Fengying Building?"

"Of course, this does not need to be reminded, I am afraid that the real place to store the forbidden art is in a room in the Fengying Building, or even in the basement." Man Yue smiled and said, "This is the emergency exit from that place, and it may even be possible It's the emergency exit of the Fengying Building, is that guy hiding a lot of things?"

"It's not surprising, if it was us, we might make such a choice." Ghost shark said flatly.

In exchange, he faced the enemy's questioning. If the interests of his own village were not involved, and what the enemy had to do might kill him, or even attack another enemy, then expelling wolves and tigers would be the best choice.

No one who can enter Anbu is stupid, especially after they enter, it is equivalent to having their humanity erased, and they will only rationally choose the way that is most beneficial to their village.

In the process of performing the mission, in order to protect the secret, the ghost shark really did not kill his former teammates less.

"That's you, if it's me, I'm afraid I'll choose to surrender and kill the enemy." Man Yue pursed his lips in disdain: "Anbu's method is not the rule set by my Mizukage-sama for a long time. Don't talk about it. What are you going to do?"

Follow the public .. public account to draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"What and how to do it? Naturally, I want to find a way to get in." Gui Sha shook his head and replied in a flat tone.

"Of course we have to go in, I mean, where do we go in from." After Man Yue glanced around, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Let's play bigger, go directly from the Fengying Building to find the entrance to the basement. It's better to be safe, from Go in here."

"There is no difference. Entering from Fengying Building will attract a lot of people, and there may even be some unpredictable things." The ghost shark thought for a moment and said directly: "Entering from here, you have to kill some people first. I am afraid that people will also know our purpose, take precautions and issue warnings. For us, it is the same no matter what.”


"Do it directly, don't waste time."


"It's so fast, is there a new breakthrough?"

In Konoha's underground laboratory, Uchiha Qi looked at Iori curiously.

It is now six or seven o'clock in the evening. Normally, he should go home for dinner, but just after get off work, he saw a dead servant from Uchiha Fuyue.

Uchihazong, this guy is very familiar to him. After this kid was taught a lesson by himself seven years ago, he became completely honest.

And it can be said that the degree to which he executes his own orders is not weaker than Uchiha Fugaku.

So meticulously treating him as his own master, Uchiha Kei also thought about it for a moment, whether to try to subdue this guy.

But such thoughts quickly dissipated, because he knew that this guy probably still belongs to Uchiha Fugaku.

That being the case, let him be an honest tool person, and there is no need to waste time and energy to accomplish some unrealistic things.

What's more, as long as the relationship between himself and Uchiha Fuyue is still the same, then Uchiha Fuyue's resources are also equivalent to his own resources?

The purpose of Uchihazong looking for him is very clear, he is to send a message to Iori.

As the younger sister of Uchiha Kei, even if she was adopted into the Uchiha family, but she entered the Uchiha Kei family.

In addition to the fact that this girl assisted Aya Hinata in her research, Uchiha Fugaku has always known, so he chose to give this girl a certain amount of respect, and his subordinates did the same.

After getting the news, Uchiha Qi naturally didn't waste time, and he rushed over immediately.

At first, he really didn't know what was wrong with Iori finding him, but when he came here, he realized that it was Iori who made new discoveries and breakthroughs.

When Uchiha Qi brought back Masaya Yui's body three years ago, it took them more than two years to crack the first stage, and they could try the fusion of two chakras.

How long has it been now, has it broken through to the fusion of three chakras?

To know that the fusion of two chakras and the fusion of three chakras is not a concept at all!

The entire ninja world seems to be able to do this, and only the old man Onogi.

It is precisely because of the elimination of Xue Ji that he still maintains an extremely terrifying peak state in his seventies!

Of course, his blood succession is completely dependent on Chakra, and the physical quality of a person will decline as people get older, but Chakra is increasing over time.

"Yes, brother, there is indeed a new

^0^ One second to remember【】

breakthrough. Iori said with a smile: "Although it is very difficult, breaking the barrier of 'zero to one' will actually make it easier to go from 'one to two'. Although it is still difficult to go from 'two to three', we can also try to find a pattern. "

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he smiled and rubbed Iori's head: "Thank you for your hard work, especially Aya's recent situation is a little...not stable, and she has to study There are so many things, so many things need you to do."

"It's okay brother, I'm very happy about this." Iori also replied with a smile.

She was really happy. After she figured out some things and overcame her inner discomfort, the speed at which she entered the state was unbelievable.

Even after Hyuga Aya let go of this part of the research, she quickly took over and showed incredible talent!

This time, the results of this research were done by herself.

Such an achievement made her extremely happy, and this kind of happiness was no less than watching the healthy growth of the children in the orphanage.

She understands that although what she has done is bloody, but to help her brother, in a sense, she is helping Konoha.

The orphanage has always been within the protection of Konoha. Without the shelter of Konoha Village, the orphanage would have long since ceased to exist.

She did not participate in the war, but she knew that the ninjas who participated in the war, especially the ninjas who participated in the Third Ninja World War, were all heroes who were desperately trying to protect Konoha.

Which of them is not full of blood, which of them is not murderous?

For Iori, as long as she doesn't attack her own people, she will never hesitate to others.

"By the way, brother, recently I heard that Itachi is going on a mission with Junmarou?" Iori seemed to have thought of something, she hesitated and asked.

"Yes, Kakashi intends to train the two of them. These two boys are geniuses." Uchiha Qi nodded with a smile.

Jun Maro and Uchiha Itachi are now Kakashi's disciples.

Although Kakashi, every time he meets him, will tell him how troublesome these two little devils are with dead fish eyes.

But as the two little guys got older, he took them on missions more and more frequently.

It can be seen that he still cares about these two guys and likes them very much.

"But..." Iori gritted her teeth, and then said, "I heard that Itachi intends to let Sasuke train with Shisui while he is away?"

"What's so strange about this?" Uchiha Qi smiled and shook his head: "The three of them are now as close as brothers, so this is the most reasonable."

"But, I didn't hear my brother say, Shishui..."

"Okay, Iori, you can't just look at the surface of a person.

Shishui, he's an excellent kid..."


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^