Chapter 619: scarlet full moon

The activity of the source power in Kai Uchiha's body has not stopped since he came to the moon.

Such a strange feeling made him really not know what happened, although he felt that the effect of this seemed to be quite good.

As this power became inexplicably excessive, the power in his body began to become active.

Whether it is Yin-Yang Escape, Immortal Chakra, or Tenseigan's Chakra, under its influence, it begins to become more and more massive.

This is really completely beyond his imagination, and he himself can't judge whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya noticed his abnormal state early in the morning, but he didn't want to say more, so the two of them could only give up.

After attending the dinner held by the Otsutsugi clan, Uchiha Kai returned to his room alone.

The room for the three of them is not big, but it is definitely one of the best rooms in the palace.

This room is very characteristic of the Hyuga clan, luxurious and low-key, or the characteristics of the Hyuga clan are inherited from them.

Lying in your own room, you can see many beautiful scenery outside, just like the moon hanging in the sky made by Tenseigan Chakra.

The moon looked good at first, at least much better than when looking up at the stars from the ground.

But it was so good, it lost some of its features.

The moon is cloudy and sunny, and the last time Uchiha Qi came here, he noticed that the moon has always been so bright and complete.

"I'm afraid, this moon is the same as Otsutsuki. They have never experienced hardships. Before that genocide operation, I'm afraid they didn't experience joys and sorrows, right?"

Uchiha Kai smiled disdainfully, but his expression soon became serious: "The sun and moon in this place are actually made by Tenseigan Chakra, and as soon as I came here, I changed. Is this because of Tenseigan Chakra?"

Uchiha Qi didn't really want to understand this question, but he couldn't help thinking about this aspect.

The giver of this source power is the master of Tenseigan himself.

The two are attracted to each other, and it is hard to say that the current situation will not occur.

If this is the case, Uchiha Kai can still be a little more relieved, even if this did not happen the last time he came.

But what he is more worried about now is another situation, a situation that he is more reluctant to think about.

"The moon, after all, is the seal of Kaguya Otsutsuki." Uchiha Qi sighed faintly: "Could it be that she used too much force last time and let her escape, and ended up hiding in the moon?"

To tell the truth, this is not the case, after all, the moon was blown up by him, and Otsutsuki Hamura was deceived.

He has encountered so many outrageous things. If Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly pops up at this moment, I am afraid he will not be so surprised, right?

It's just that this kind of thing is definitely not a situation he is willing to face, and it is definitely not something that Otsutsuki Hamamura is willing to happen.

Some things, Uchiha Kei is thinking, did he and that Otsutsuki also blow up the moon, Otsutsuki Kaguya might get out of trouble, and Yumura just tricked out the corpse, right?

"Even if that's the case, Kaguya Otsutsuki probably won't have a chance to run out, right? After all... that old man is not slow to appear, and he has restored the moon. At most, it may be the same as making Heijue. Some chakra or something?"

Uchiha Qi sighed faintly, and then he simply sat up.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky and feeling the fast surging power in his body, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He made a decision. He wanted to take a good look at the reasons for the throbbing of the 'source power' in his body, and carefully investigate what caused these powers to become active!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai simply activated his kaleidoscope, and then slowly closed his eyes.

If you want to observe your own chakra, you can actually perceive it to a certain extent just by closing your eyes.

But in order to be more accurate, a ninja with perceptual ability will be much more convenient, and a Hitomitsu ninja like Kai Uchiha has better methods to use.

With his movements, he has clearly 'seen' the flow of those chakras in his body.

Just like the black 'guardian' Susanoo who entered the consciousness space and saw him before.

It is the same as mobilizing one's own yin and yang to escape Chakra and controlling those fairy spells and Tenseigan Chakra.

He didn't know why he did this kind of skill, maybe it was because he had this ability after turning on the kaleidoscope. He really didn't know what he was in the state of Sangouyu.

But now he doesn't think so much. As his consciousness deepens, those chakras that are hidden in the deepest part of his body, and also the most obscure, begin to appear in front of his eyes.

It is very active, but its activeness is not autonomous, just as Uchiha Kai thought, it is affected to a certain extent.

"I seem to feel that it has become what it is now, something is attracting it, or it is..." Uchiha Kai frowned and thought to himself: "It is afraid? No, angry? Not right, such emotions are too complicated, **** it, a force has emotions, this feeling..."

Power has emotions, Uchiha Qi knows this kind of thing, but he feels a little weird at this moment.

The power of this strength is indeed quite special. Simply put, it may carry the will of the user!

The original Zhongbo Feng Minato took advantage of this to meet his son, and silently protected his son. Kushina also did similar things.

He is really not unfamiliar with this, but the power that Otsutsuki Hamura gave him is obviously not Chakra!

He can't tell the difference between Chakra and the power that is different from Chakra.

The power that Otsutsuki Hamamura gave him was obviously not chakra, but a power so special that he couldn't even name it himself.

Could this kind of power have its own mind?

Is it possible....

This kind of thinking and emotion is actually Otsutsuki Hamura's?

Thinking of this possibility, Uchiha Kai's face became ugly again, but he still maintained his sanity, and he didn't make any conclusions easily.

"It seems that we must check it carefully." Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, he had already begun to brew his own strength: "In such a situation, it is better to use the immortal mode."

In the immortal mode, his perception ability can be improved to the extreme, maybe he can find something in pursuit of the "Original Power".

He really thought about it before, and he is also trying not to turn off the fairy mode.

But after such a long expansion of the fairy chakra, he would also feel uncomfortable.

So every now and then he would stop and recover for the day, then turn it on again.

Right now, he is in a recovery period, but at this moment he can't take care of that much.

With the surging of the immortal chakra, his body covered by the clothes soon appeared six hook jade.

The pitch-black gouyu quickly lined up in front of his chest, and he had already completed the fairy mode in his breath!

It's just that when he just turned on the fairy mode, a woman's voice sounded softly in his ear.

" kids..."


Uchiha Qi immediately stood up, and a dark chakra appeared on his body, which was Susanoo.

The voice just now made him shudder, soft like a saint.

But it has a special gloomy feeling, just like a female ghost that makes people desperate.

Uchiha Qi glanced around, and he found that no one appeared in his field of vision, which made him a little relieved.

It's just that he never relaxes, so he won't feel that he has hallucinations.

"The child....belongs to the power of my child..."

Sure enough, just a moment later the voice sounded again.

It is so clear, compared to the previous appearance that seemed far and near, this time it seemed to be ringing in his ears!

"Who the **** are you!"

Uchiha Kai's chakra surged throughout his body, and he was already at the peak of his fighting state.

This voice, even with an inductiveness, made him feel unexpectedly comfortable.

It's just that the more comfortable he is, the colder his heart becomes, and a name seems to have appeared in his mind.

"My child, don't you remember me in just a thousand years?" The voice became vivid and seemed to become emotional: "Don't you already know who I am?"


Uchiha Qi secretly scolded, but it was too late to do anything, but everything in front of him had changed in a moment.

The bright full moon in the sky seemed to start to rotate, and the ripples spread out, and the gouyu began to line up one by one.

When the ripples are completely covered with the full moon, when the nine gouyu are arranged according to the unique rules, the full moon blooms with dazzling brilliance, and it becomes extremely scarlet in an instant...


"This is... the power of a mother!"

In the Pure Land, Otsutsuki Yui, who was sitting in front of the thatched hut drinking tea, was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly stood up and looked up at the sky.

The sky in the Pure Land was so gray, but above the hut they were in, there was a ray of ray that did not know whether it was moonlight or sunlight falling down, bringing a little vitality to this dim Pure Land.

Yu Yi stared at the sky for a long time, he seemed to be in a struggle, and finally he shook his head and sat down.

"What's the matter, brother, aren't you going to take a look?" Seeing this scene, Otsutsuki Yumura couldn't help but shake his head with a smile: "It is indeed the power of the mother, very subtle and hidden, but I have already noticed it. "

"Did it leak out after that kid and your descendants blew up the moon last time?" Yu Yi thought for a while, and finally asked, "Didn't you block everything?"

"Didn't you also say that you don't want to worry about these things anymore? Let this world develop in a natural state?" Hamura looked at Yu Yi with a half-smile, and finally he said leisurely: "Sure enough. , the weapon in the hand can be put down, but the weapon in the heart is not so easy to put down."

Uchiha's guess was correct. His battle with Masaya Otsutsuki broke the moon, and also created a chance for Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was sealed in the moon.

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What he didn't guess was that Otsutsuki Hamura had already noticed all this, although he appeared in time and repaired the moon.

However, he seems to have deliberately left some gaps, so that the seal is no longer intact, which allows Kaguya Otsutsuki's power to reveal a little bit.

"It is true that psychological weapons are not so easy to put down."

Yui took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down before turning her head to look at Hanamura.

"I've calmed down, can you tell me now, what are you thinking?"

"It's very simple, that is to let this thing go with the flow."

Yumura also raised his head slightly, looking at the light in the sky, his expression became a little serious.

"I don't know. In fact, when the moon was blown up, my original intention was to save the child and his companions. But I didn't control myself, maybe I was afraid, and finally sealed my mother."

"You know, after I started, I regretted it." Hamura took his eyes back and looked at Yu Yi seriously: "That is our mother after all, no matter how different our ideas are... But considering Because of my mother's stubbornness and her character, I can only make what I think is the right choice, but she has been sealed for a thousand years, so I left some 'seams' for her."

"Don't you worry that she will follow the seam you left on purpose and finally escape from trouble?" Yu Yi sighed helplessly: "Indeed, she is our mother, but she is too dangerous. Moreover, her strength It's too scary, ten years, twenty years, fifty years at the longest, I'm afraid she will once again dominate the world."

Yu Yi did not doubt his mother's strength at all. Back then, the two of them fought back and shattered the entire ninja world.

If it wasn't for the strength and peace of the two of them to create the strongest force to seal her, I am afraid this world is a dead zone at this moment.

Stubborn, domineering, and distrusting anyone but his own family, these are his memories of his mother.

"Ten years, twenty years, or even fifty years, I'm afraid that kid has grown to an amazing level." Hamura smiled indifferently: "Even, the reincarnations of your two children have grown up completely. It's extremely terrifying, even if she comes out, I'm afraid she won't be able to escape being sealed again, right? I've read Kamamaru's prophecy."

"Haven't you never believed in these things?" Yu Yi glanced at her brother strangely: "Apart from being relentless and planning to let your mother see the outside world, you should have other plans, right?"

"Of course." Hamura nodded earnestly: "I also plan to let that suspicious little kid calm down. He scolds me behind my back all day for cheating, even if I have come here for thousands of years, I'm not happy to hear it.. …”

"Besides that, it can be considered as letting him know some things that he should know..."
