Chapter 620: brutal truth

"A question for you when you came into this world and knew that the world was in great danger in the future.

And in your hands you have two choices, the first choice is to trust your own judgment and your own strength, and give it action.

The second choice is to believe that those weak ants can stand up and fight against all this.

For you, how would you choose? "

Kaguya looked at Uchiha Kai indifferently, and then slowly asked her own question.

This question is still strange and bland, and even Uchiha Kai looked at the woman in front of him with a strange expression on his face after hearing it.

Because he really didn't expect that this woman would ask such a question.

This question made him think for a moment, is this talking about himself?

Because strictly speaking, the future as he knew it was pretty much the same.

Madara Uchiha, Hei Jue, and the woman in front of him are all enemies he may face in the future!

Could it be that he sensed some of his subtle thoughts through his own Chakra?

After thinking about it, Uchiha Qi thinks it is unlikely, the ancestor of Chakra, I am afraid it is not so boring to explore these things.

Combined with the Otsutsugi Hamura that he had foreseen before, and the information that the guy had revealed a little bit, Uchiha Kai seemed to be more and more sure of something.

Raising his head and looking at the woman who looked like a **** and demon in front of him, he hesitated for a while before slowly asking, "Why don't you try to unite those weak people to deal with the danger you say?"

"This sentence, it's not like you can say it, but it seems to be in line with what you do."

Kaguya looked at Uchiha Kai indifferently, and nodded for a long time.

"Your chakra told me that you are an extremely selfish and extremely life-sucking person. The endless war has created you and changed you. No matter what you do, whether it is good or bad, it is actually for yourself. "

"I have never said that I am a good person." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "I have never denied that everything I do is not for myself."

Knowing his own situation through Chakra's perception, Uchiha Kai can only be amazed by such a perverted approach.

Xiangling in the original book can judge a person's character through Chakra, so there is nothing strange about him, but the woman in front of him is even more terrifying.

Indeed, everything Uchiha Kai does is for himself.

No matter how 'sacred and majestic', how 'cold and bloody' what he does, he is an undeniable source of motivation.

This is the case with the killing of Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Yu, the eradication of the Uchiha clan, and the integration of the security department and obtaining a powerful voice through various means.

In the same way, breaking the cage of fate, saving Minato Namikaze from Kuokou, and turning against Obito.

Make Konoha stronger and better, still so!

These two very different approaches are both improving his strength in all directions, and making necessary preparations for what may happen in the future.

"That's why I asked you this question." Kaguya looked down at Kai Uchiha: "I'm not satisfied with your answer."

"Actually, no matter whether you are satisfied or not, senior, you can't change many things."

Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then he said seriously: "Senior said before, this is a sealed place, the reason why you sealed it here is that your idea has failed, right?

I've seen some pictures before I came in, I'm afraid my memory is more accurate, right? Your choice is the first, and the person who sealed you is the second, right? "

"So, your answer is also the first?" Kaguya looked at Uchiha Qi silently, and she shook her head for a long time: "Yes, you guessed it right, I did fail, or I didn't want to. Play **** them. Forget it, don't talk about this, do you know who the enemy I'm going to face is who?"

"Sorry, I don't know, although I read some memories that my predecessors gave me, but..." Uchiha Qi thought for a while before continuing: "I know a lot of things too well, whether it's the enemy you have to face. , or why you made such a decision, I don't know."

Uchiha Qi is really not very clear about these messy things. Although he already has some guesses in his heart, he needs more information to confirm his judgment.

And he also found that the severity of this incident seemed to be much more terrifying than he imagined!

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to calm down. He had been through so many things, and he was not scared by the speculation in his heart.

Even if his conjecture is true, what if the big deal is to completely rewrite his destiny and save himself?

"This thing is actually a bit complicated, but it's not that complicated."

Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at Kai Uchiha indifferently, and then spoke slowly.

"You have the blood of my descendants in you. Even if Hamura recognizes you, you will be the same life as us sooner or later. It's not a big deal to tell you some things. Just in time, I also plan to do an experiment."

"Experiment?" Uchiha Kai frowned, but he didn't have time to think about it, Kaguya Otsutsuki had already spoken.

"I'm not a life on this planet, I'm from another planet..."

Kaguya Otsutsuki began to tell her story, and her story also changed Kai Uchiha's face slightly.

"The Otsutsugi family treats the universe as a pasture, and this is one of our pastures..."

"Otsutsuki usually performs tasks with two people, who are defined as 'guardians' and 'protected'. I am the 'guardian', but I am tired of this kind of life, constantly killing and destroying one by one. The planet is constantly cultivating the divine tree with the life of the entire planet, and..."

"In order for the fruit of the divine tree to bear fruit, a large tsutsutsuki must be sacrificed...As a 'guardian', the person who sacrificed is naturally me, and the 'protected' needs to bring the fruit back, or even You can enjoy the fruit."

"So, I killed the 'Guardian', sacrificed him, and finally got the fruit. It's just..."

Speaking of which, Kaguya Otsutsuki paused for a while, and she looked at Kai Uchiha indifferently.

And Uchiha Qi was completely dumbfounded at this moment. He really didn't expect that this world still has such a complicated story?

Guardians and Guardians?

Isn't this the same as the Otsutsuki Peach Style and the Otsutsuki Gold Style?

Sacrifice the guardian can get the fruit, this sacrifice.... Is it eaten directly?

Or, take it to the legendary divine tree to eat?

Uchiha Kei remembered that the peach style swallowed the gold style, which seemed really scary!

In addition, Kaguya typically didn't finish her sentence. According to her statement, she sacrificed her protector, and then she got the fruit.

To be fair, this should be considered death, right?

But after thinking about it, Uchiha Qi felt that this was not very accurate, because the Otsutsugi clan might not be so easy to die!

Look at the monster that has been sealed for thousands of years in front of you, and look at the two brothers Yui Hamura, who are still alive and well even without a body.

Does this mean that the 'protected' is actually still running away?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi really felt a little scalp numb. He originally thought that Yu Yui Yumura and even this Kaguya were all guarding against Otsutsuki that might come in the future.

Now it seems that he guessed right, and then this matter is worse than he imagined!

"It's just that he's not dead, right?" Uchiha Qi sighed helplessly: "Your family are all monsters, it's really hard to die."

"It's not a strange thing that inferior creatures can't understand us." Kaguya Otsutsuki said indifferently: "Your lifespan is only a moment to us, and your power is also the same in our eyes. It's ridiculous. I don't want to kill, I don't want to destroy, it doesn't mean I agree with you, you just treat me as crazy and have sympathy that I shouldn't have."

"Yes, yes, then senior, the person you said is really not dead?" Uchiha Qi didn't bother to tangle with this old monster, he asked directly.

"No, he escaped through the 'wedge'." Kaguya Otsutsuki shook his head: "The 'wedge' can gradually revive him over a long period of time, which is what I worry about. I know that they will definitely come over. , and I wanted to protect this place. So I made a decision..."

"There's a good part of this world, and there's a side that I hate.

Everyone hopes that their inner wishes can be realized, but the reality is often the cruelest.

So I decided to fulfill their wishes and let them get everything they want in their dreams.

Power, money, sex, or unrivaled strength, I can satisfy them all.

But in exchange for equality, I need their bodies, their chakras, which I will forge as a weapon to face the troubles that may come in the future, the troubles and dangers of invading this world. "

"It's just that my actions were denied by my two children.

It was wrong to do so, they thought, and our perceptions were sharply divided. therefore....."

So they did it, and they sealed you here.

Uchiha Qi thought silently, what Otsutsuki Kaguya said, combined with the various messy things in his memory, he found that the correctness was probably very high!

The two people of the Otsutsugi family acted, which was reflected in the theatrical version, and also in the theatrical version at that time, it seemed that the relationship between the 'guardian' and the 'protected' was also reflected.

And Kaguya Otsutsuki's view of ordinary humans seems to be in line with what she has always done.

And the method she said was essentially the same infinite monthly reading?

Through Infinite Monthly Reading, let everyone immerse themselves in illusions and get the happiness they dream of. In exchange for the equivalent exchange, Kaguya Otsutsuki uses their bodies as weapons to cultivate Bai Jue to resist Otsutsuki?

In the same way, using Infinite Moon Reading to condense Chakra and awakening the divine tree can still rescue her from the seal?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but take a deep breath. Obviously, he didn't need to think about the next things, but he still had a lot of doubts.

"Your two children, they believe that people like us can also be an important force in resisting those clansmen you speak of, and they oppose your approach."

Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "I really should thank them, but I have some doubts, why did they ignore the disputes in the mainland after defeating you? Also, what is a 'wedge'?"

"You also underestimate yourself too much. As a descendant of Indra, although the power of your bloodline has been disintegrated, you still have the power that belongs to me." Kaguya said indifferently: "And you also use various methods to Its complement, or even better, even Hamura has provided you with a lot of help."

"Then what do you mean?" Uchiha Qi frowned. He found that Kaguya Otsutsuki's attitude towards him was not as bad as he imagined.

"As my descendant, how could you be the same as those inferior creatures?" Kaguya gave her answer directly: "As for the departure of Yui and Yumura, it is not difficult to understand. They believed in those inferior creatures from the beginning to the end. When the creatures can stand up, it only takes time to brew and let them develop naturally."

Is that so?

Natural development, hearing this sentence Uchiha Kai finally figured out a lot of things!

Otsutsuki Yui has such an idea, so everything that follows will not be abrupt.

With this idea, and the threat of the alien invasion of Otsutsuki, then he naturally won't care about many things.

For example, in the battle between his two children, even if he knew that Indra had been deceived by Hei Jue, he would not take action.

The entire Ninja continent has been strife for thousands of years, and he will not pay attention to it.

For human beings to stand up against those big tube trees, it takes time to grow and the pressure of constant growth.

The inner self is the best training ground.

Through thousands of years of war, human beings have become proficient in those unfamiliar chakras and turned them into their own power to continuously expand. This is a natural development!

No wonder Otsutsuki Yui and Hamura are still alive but doing nothing, it turns out that they have this goal in mind!

Is this the so-called truth?

It's really, cruel enough...

"As for the so-called 'wedge', that's just a way for Otsutsuki to resurrect himself."

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Kaguya paid no attention to Uchiha Kai, whose face became a little gloomy, she said to herself.

"You immediately understood it to be a spell seal, which contains a series of materials such as the chakra, memory, will, etc. of the condenser during his lifetime.

After the 'wedge' enters a person's body, the person can use the power of the 'wedge', but the more he uses it, he will gradually lose his self-consciousness and be controlled by the host, and the more active the 'wedge' will be. and began to wake up. till the end....."

"The real master of the 'wedge' will be resurrected and become the original Otsutsuki again?" Before Kaguya could finish speaking, Uchiha Kai interrupted: "Then this power in me is ' wedge'?"

"You are very rude."

Kaguya looked at Uchiha Kai coldly, and finally she shook her head.

"'Wedge', that's what those big tube woods use. My child, it's not ordinary..."
