Chapter 623: My descendants, welcome back to the embrace of Otsutsuki

"This.... what the **** is going on here!"

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai in disbelief. At this moment, the power in his body began to appear unbelievably violent!

The power here is not just Chakra, but all the power contained in his body, whether it is fused or not, the power that belongs to him or does not belong to him begins to riot in his body!

This kind of previous behavior really makes it difficult for Aya Hyuga and Ken Imai to judge.

Although Hyuga Aya could no longer open her white eyes at this time, her white eyes seemed to be still sealed according to Uchiha Kai.

But even if she doesn't turn on the white eyes or the fairy mode, she can still clearly perceive the current situation of Uchiha Kai.

Is it good or bad?

Hyuga Aya couldn't tell, but as Kai Uchiha's breath became stronger, she felt that it should be developing in a good direction.

"Unbelievable.... Really incredible..." Imai Kenta murmured at the side: "This guy.... His yin and yang escape power began to explode, and it was getting stronger and stronger, what the **** is going on? ?"

"I don't know either, but such a yin and yang escape..." Hyuga Aya bit her lip, and she is also puzzled now.

Having studied the yin and yang escape materials of the Otsutsugi clan, plus the information Uchiha gave them from Obito, they can be said to be relatively complete people who have learned yin and yang escape.

And they themselves began to control the yin and yang escape, although the fusion has not reached the standard, but at least they have a method, they can control the yang escape relatively easily.

Therefore, they are not unfamiliar with such power, and they can clearly feel the horror of Uchiha Kai at this time.

The terrifying yin-yang escape broke out, which was completely beyond their imagination. You must know that Uchiha Kai's yang escape was very mediocre not long ago.

And although Yin Dun is powerful, it has Susanoo as the foundation, even if they are strong, they can accept it.

But at this moment, such power is really beyond imagination, and they even have a feeling that they are facing the abyss.

With the continuous intersection of these two forces, it also led to the fusion of other forces in Uchiha Kai's body. They all clearly felt that the comatose guy in front of him seemed to be transforming!

"Aya, do you feel..." Suddenly, Kenta Imai frowned and said, "This is somewhat similar to you?"

"Indeed, there are some similarities." Hyuga Aya nodded: "Although I can't open my eyes, I can feel that the power in his body, except for Chakra, is probably merging. It's just..."

"Just what?" Imai Kenta asked. At the same time, he also turned on the immortal mode. After careful observation, he still found nothing: "It seems that there is no problem."

"Maybe I felt wrong, maybe you didn't notice it." Hyuga Aya hesitated for a while, and finally she said slowly: "I can feel that there seems to be a very special power in his body, this power It's guiding all the changes in his body. And this power... gives me a strange... closeness..."

Hyuga Aya's words meant Imai Kenta was stunned, he really didn't know what was going on.

Intimacy, you and Uchiha Kai have such a good relationship, is it strange to have a closeness?

However, he didn't say it stupidly, because he could still hear it clearly. What Hyuga Aya said was that there was a power in Kai Uchiha that gave her such a feeling.

But what exactly is this power, why he can't feel it, and where did Uchiha Kai get it, all these made him wonder.

Shaking his head and looking at Kai Uchiha lying on the bed, Kenta Imai sighed slightly.

He found that the understanding between himself and his old friend and teammate was still too little.

Of course, it's already very good now, and I'm afraid he himself has to think whether there is a problem with Uchiha Kai.

Standing up, Imai Kenta patted Aya Hyuga on the shoulder, and then slowly said, "Go, I'm watching here, there will be no problem."

"How long do you think this situation will last?" Hyuga Aya didn't refuse, she stood up and asked silently.

"I don't know, but considering your past experience, I'm afraid it won't be less than a week. This is the best estimate." Kenta Imai shook his head: "So, take a good rest, and remember to make some nutritional supplements when you wake up. Give it to him. Although it can be maintained with Yang Dun Chakra, of course, I don't think he needs it in his current situation, but things like water are still needed, so let's inject it to maintain what the body needs."

"I see, then I'll leave it to you next." Hyuga Aya nodded, staring at Uchiha Kai, who was still asleep, before turning around and leaving the room.

Imai Ken too shook his head, he felt that his stomach was really stretched, and these two guys were too hypocritical.

He seemed to remember that Uchiha Kai said that 'sluts are too hypocritical'?

Looking down at the figure who was still in a coma, he thought for a moment and simply took out a book to read.

He will naturally take care of Uchiha Kai's job seriously, but now this guy doesn't seem to have any big problems, so it's not a big problem to learn the knowledge he needs.

"You two guys, you are really throwing me away more and more. If we continue like this, our trio will be a bit unworthy of the name."

Imai Kenta opened the book and found the page he read last time: "Is the fusion of Chakra my way? I will walk this way well, but..."

"You are too cheating, why do I feel that the quantity and quality of your chakras are getting more and more terrifying?"


Uchiha Qi didn't understand what Kaguya Otsutsuki meant at all, but at this moment he found that he seemed to be speechless at all.

Although he is not in his body now, he is completely in the state of the soul.

But strangely, he could clearly perceive what was going on in his body!

With Kaguya Otsutsuki mobilizing the "source power" in his body, although Kai Uchiha didn't know what was going on outside the body, he could clearly perceive what was going on in his body.

He was able to perceive the power in his body, and now he began to try to merge.

This kind of fusion is very strange. Chakra, which belongs to him, did not start to fuse under the guidance of the 'source power'.

It is still the previous two Chakra fusions, and there is a slight third Chakra fusion state.

However, his chakra did not fuse, but the other forces in his body began to quickly fuse with each other.

Although these powers do not belong to Uchiha Kai, strictly speaking, they all have one thing in common.

That is, they all belong to Kaguya Otsutsuki's split power!

Whether it's the cells that helped Uchiha Kai spawn the Eternal Eye, Bai Jue's cells, the power of Tenseigan, the celestial chakra with Hyuga Aya's characteristics, these things are all!

That 'source power' was guided to become more and more active, and it began to spread wildly and devour and fuse other powers.

At the same time, Uchiha Kai seems to be able to clearly 'see' a huge change in his body!

There is no way to express such a change in words.

He could feel his physical strength begin to increase unbelievably, and his chakra began to improve significantly in both quantity and quality.

Even Yin Dun and Yang Dun are rapidly increasing!

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he seems to clearly feel that his eyes that have changed into eternal eyes have also begun to be driven by the power of this source, and they have begun to produce some incredible changes!

"This is... Kaguya Otsutsuki's so-called experiment?"

Uchiha Qi can see the changes in his body, but he can't understand what kind of feelings such changes will bring, such as pain.

This allowed him to analyze some things with peace of mind and quiet. He didn't really understand what Kaguya Otsutsuki said.

According to the actual changes in her body, this woman is probably going crazy!

Otsutsuki Yui and Hamura, the invincible brothers, why did they choose to give up their bodies and hide in the state of their souls?

Isn't its purpose just to avoid those Otsutsuki from aliens?

Keeping Otsutsuki's characteristics, I'm afraid it's really easy for those guys to notice something.

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Otherwise, when Otsutsuki Yui gave Naruto and Sasuke a plug-in, why not give it all?

Even after taking care of Madara Uchiha and Kaguya Otsutsuki, do you want to take back these powers?

It's just that Uchiha Madara opened his eyes of reincarnation very early?

Although this old guy died after not using it a few times, Nagato didn't use it much.

And after that, didn't Kaguya Otsutsuki come out the same way?

Could it be that it was because of her appearance that Otsutsuki Momo-shi and Otsutsuki-jinshi came to the Ninja world?

Kai Uchiha feels that his mind is in a mess now, and Kaguya Otsutsuki, a lunatic woman, intends to directly help him open up that 'source power'!

And turning on the 'Original Power' gives me the characteristics of the Otsutsuki clan, and naturally with the outbreak of such characteristics, it will attract those Otsutsuki!

"This mad woman!"

Uchiha Qi gritted his teeth and scolded secretly, admittedly he knew that to some extent he really needed to thank this woman.

But obviously this woman's purpose and motives are not well-intentioned. Obviously, she wants to take revenge. She just wants to prove that she is right like the two corpse cheating guys like Yuyi and Yumura!

I am afraid that in her opinion, the so-called ninja world and her have no blood relationship, they are just inferior creatures.

Back then, Yu Yi and Hamura were openly opposed to her for these inferior creatures and even sealed her.

Now, after thousands of years of tempering, she just wants to see if those 'inferior creatures' have the power to fight against Otsutsuki!

But in her eyes, the answer to all this has long been doomed.

His descendants, especially the guy in front of him who didn't know how to know it, or who happened to restore the original power of Otsutsuki, are not necessarily the opponents of those guys.

How could those inferior creatures be the opponents of those guys?

"Aren't you going to protect all of this?" Uchiha Kai, who was in a state of soul, already felt that his eyes seemed to gather a powerful force, and he couldn't help but grit his teeth and asked, "Aren't you afraid that the people you worry about will come and destroy everything? "

"Don't worry, let them live again when they are destroyed."

Kaguya Otsutsuki was still as cold as Zhen Bing.

"I told Yui and Yumura long ago that they are a group of guys with extreme indifference and terrifying power. For them, love doesn't work, and they can only speak with strength. Unfortunately, Yui and Yumura don't believe it, whether it is To say 'love', it is better to use 'love' to experience those inferior creatures."

"So? Do you think Yui and Yumura will come out to fight?" Uchiha Qi tried to struggle, but he found that he couldn't move at all: "Prove this with the lives of everyone on the continent, even the lives of your own children, Isn't it too cruel?"

"My children won't die. I said that I'm no longer the same as them, even if we don't use the 'wedge'." Kaguya Otsutsuki shook his head: "Even if they fail, when their strength reaches When I was weakest, this seal was naturally weakened, and I could come out again."

"In the end, you're still for yourself!"

"It goes without saying that you are so tall, aren't you the same?"

Uchiha Qi was silent, indeed, he couldn't deny this at all, and even according to some of his own dark thinking, he wouldn't think there was anything wrong with what Kaguya Otsutsuki did.

Just from the perspective of others, this woman is really crazy to the extreme!

No wonder Otsutsuki Yui and Hamura chose to seal this female lunatic.

It's him... well, I'm afraid it's him, he really doesn't really do that.

"What are you going to do to me?" Feeling the power of his eyes getting stronger and stronger Kai Uchiha couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with my eyes?"

"Evolution." Kaguya Otsutsuki said indifferently: "Although you have been returning your bloodline to the ranks of Otsutsugi, you have always lacked some power, and this power has hindered your evolutionary path. But thank Yumura, He left you some great gifts."

Speaking of this, Datong Muhui Chakra began to become more and more terrifying, and the almost suppressed Uchiha Kai had a feeling of being unable to breathe.

He felt as if his eyes were about to shatter, whether it was his body or his current state of soul!

"The only pity, you are not a descendant of Yumura, otherwise everything would be much simpler." Suddenly, Kaguya Otsutsuki shook his head, as if a little disappointed, but such disappointment soon disappeared: "But it is enough, only It is necessary to find the strength of Indra and Asura to complete it, and to take it to a higher level.”

"My descendants, welcome back to the embrace of Otsutsuki..."
