Chapter 628: I'm afraid I'll regret it

Uchiha Kai's body recovered very quickly. It only took three or four days for him to fully recover.

I have to say, Uchiha Kai's foundation is really good.

Whether or not the power in his body belongs to him, he is very familiar with it and has a certain degree of mastery.

This allowed him to have such a speed to quickly allow himself to use and master the current power.

The foundation is always the key to a person, and Uchiha Kai is lucky, his foundation in ninja has always been solid.

Although his performance was average in the past, he is a Uchiha, a group of people who will be reborn after opening the wheel.

Sometimes he really thinks, if he transmigrated into a civilian ninja, or if he was a Hinata, a thousand hands, etc., would he still have the achievements he has now?

But after thinking about it, he found that the results would not be too optimistic.

Mentality is a problem on the one hand, and secondly, in the low-level stage, there is really no such kind of blood successor, which can provide good help from the beginning like Sharonyan.

If he hadn't written the wheel eye, I'm afraid he would have died on it when he first went to the battlefield thirteen years ago!

The recovered Uchiha Kai also tried to maximize his power for the first time, so as to realize his upper limit.

The performance of the actual situation, Uchiha Kai found that it was still within the scope of his own prediction.

In the immortal mode, opening the Samsara Eye did give him the illusion of being invincible for a moment.

His perception, physical fitness, and chakra have once again been inconceivably strengthened.

Even though he has not yet used the fairy mode to fight, but through Kaguya's integration, the self-circulating thing in his body that belongs to the 'Tai Chi map' has not disappeared, but has been further strengthened.

However, Immortal Chakra and Tenseigan Chakra do not continue to circulate internally.

Originally, in addition to the Yin-Yang Escape, which belonged to Uchiha Qi's own power, the Tenseiyan Chakra and the Immortal Technique Chakra were not his own.

But now, these forces have been completely labeled as belonging to Kai Uchiha.

It can be said that what Uchiha Qi wanted to do was accomplished directly and inconceivably under the power of Kaguya Otsutsuki!

In addition, all the chakras in his body already have a characteristic, that is the characteristic of the original power of Otsutsuki.

This characteristic completely contaminated all his chakras, all his power.

Immortal Chakra and Tenseigan Chakra were separated from their original operation, but they did not disappear. Instead, a force came to Kai Uchiha's eyes, constantly improving the cycle.

The other one is completely integrated into his chakra, and it seems to be relying on his chakra, which has been contaminated with source power, to nurture himself and get more power!

Tenseigan Chakra is originally a power that bursts out of the eyes, and it does not seem surprising that it enters Kai Uchiha's eyes.

Moreover, it seems that the help it provides to Uchiha Kai's eyes is not too small.

Perhaps it is a newborn eye, the strength is not too high, its existence is constantly giving these eyes strength.

As for the integration of fairy chakra into his chakra itself, he really did not expect this.

But at this moment Uchiha Kai, he seems to feel that he can indeed discover the natural chakras that are ubiquitous in this world.

Even if the immortal mode is not turned on, without the terrifying perception, he can still perceive the existence of these chakras.

Probably this is the reason, plus the quality of his chakra has been improved again, so these fairy chakras will become like this, and their chakras and these fairy chakras seem to be quite similar.

"It seems that in the future, I can use the fairy chakra as my regular chakra."

Uchiha Qi is very satisfied with such a change, as long as the transformation of Chakra and Immortal Chakra in his body becomes faster, and he stores enough Immortal Chakra.

Then in the future, he can really take the fairy mode as his regular combat state.

Now he is probably at an extreme peak.

In the original work, Madara Uchiha did not have the peak before his death, and I am afraid it is not as good as him. After all, he did not have the magic Chakra at that time.

And after being resurrected, the speed of this guy's recovery of Samsara Eye is relatively slow.

Forcibly relying on the tailed beast to reach the sixth level, the whole body has completely developed towards the trend of Otsutsuki. In that state, Uchiha Qi felt that he was not an opponent.

But now, he seems to be able to sense which red line a little.

As long as he crosses that red line, I am afraid he can also become the so-called Otsutsuki state, or the Six Path Immortal Mode!

As for Madara Uchiha's path forward, he decided to continue to refer to it, although it was impossible for him to summon any divine tree and devour it.

But this road can at least reach a relatively good "six path state".

With this state as the basis, many troubles can be solved relatively easily.

Although the collection of tailed beasts is temporarily stagnant, this stagnation time will definitely not be too long!

In addition to collecting tailed beasts, Uchiha Kai has another plan to follow.

That is the most primitive and the most reliable solution, which is the fusion of chakra.

Only by integrating all the chakras, including Yin and Yang, and reaching the state of blood following the snares, can I be considered to have completely reached the strength of the Six Paths.

As for realm or something, that is probably to understand and perceive the essence of power.

Only with strength can you be qualified to understand and comprehend, and then you can go to a higher level.

Without strength, there is no way to solve some troubles that urgently need to be solved, and I am afraid that I will not have this opportunity to feel and understand in the future.


"This is Tensei Eye Chakra, can it achieve the effect in the body?"

Imai Kenta felt the unusually active Yang Dun in his body guided by the Tenseigan Chakra, and couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

After Qi Uchiha's body fully recovered, he directly chose to start action, perhaps because of the reason for joining forces, or because Kenta Imai's problem was relatively simple.

Therefore, he first chose to help Imai Kenta to solve some problems, that is, to activate the Chakras of those Tenseigans and let them play their due effect in this guy's body.

Uchiha Qi has done it very successfully. With his soaring power and his reincarnation eye, he can control these chakras with reincarnation very easily.

In fact, it seems normal to think about it carefully, Tensei and Samsara are essentially eyes at the same stage.

Even if Kai Uchiha's eyes are reincarnated eyes, the owners of these Tenseisen Chakras must have undergone three fetal movements.

But the essential difference is only in the strength of the eyes and the amount of power that can be exerted, not in the issue of chakra.

"It's alright, the quality of this chakra is not lower than the fairy chakra at all, and even to some extent it is much higher." Uchiha opened his Samsara eyes and glanced at Imai Kenta: "Make good use of this power. , it will be of great help to your yin and yang escape, and even immortal arts, there is absolutely no need to doubt it."

"I can feel it, but is there something I can discuss with you?" Imai Kenta nodded, then looked at Kai Uchiha with a helpless expression on his face: "I know, you are very excited to get these eyes, but Can you not show it casually. Even if you show it, don't stare at me, okay? Don't you know that I will feel uncomfortable like this?"

Imai Kenta did feel very uncomfortable. In fact, it wasn't just him, even Hyuga Aya, who was standing by the side, would have a very uncomfortable feeling.

This kind of fear that seems to be derived from blood pressure, even makes them have the illusion that they can't fight back at all.

Of course, it may not be an illusion. In the face of the current Uchiha Kai, they feel that they may be powerless to fight back.

Before he was the Eternal Eye, he was already too terrifying to resist, let alone now?

"Sorry, it's just to better check your current situation." Uchiha Kai shook his head indifferently, but he didn't close the Samsara Eye: "The insight of Samsara Eye is far beyond that of the writing wheel, even if it is the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel. The same goes for the eyes, if you don't want me to look more closely..."

"Okay, let's not talk about this question." Imai Kenta decided not to talk about such nonsense with Uchiha. Feeling the vigorous power in his body, he thought for a while and finally asked, "By the way, let me ask you a question."

"Tell me, what's the problem?" Uchiha Kiji basically finished his inspection, and he took out a scroll from the ninja bag.

Inside this scroll is the tin stick that controls Tenseigan, which is an extremely important prop.

After helping Imai Kenta deal with these things, he naturally found a way to help Hyuga Aya.

Although he has now reached the eye of reincarnation, strictly speaking, he does not need to rely on a tin stick at all, and he can control it as before.

Before, it was because he had the power of the source in his body, which allowed him to control the Tenseisen very weakly, and released the power to accidentally touch the caged bird of Hyuga Aya.

And now, although the power in his body is still those, but after Kaguya's integration, the source power has completely turned into his power.

Coupled with the reincarnation eye of the same level, he can indeed control this giant Tenseigan better.

But in how to control, being careful is also the most important thing.

There is no need to repeat the relationship between Hyuga Aya and him. He is absolutely unwilling and will not let this woman have any accidents.

"I remember, you said that Kaguya Otsutsuki used to be a ten-tailed person, and so was our ancestor, the six-path immortal." Imai Kenta hesitated, but after thinking for a moment, he continued, "I remember that you are also collecting tailed beasts. Chakra, although not sealing the tailed beast into the body, but just using their Chakra, how is your progress?"

"Progress?" Uchiha Qi glanced at Imai Kenta, he seemed to know what this guy was thinking, and soon he shook his head helplessly: "The progress is not bad, they have formed a new wave in my Susanoo. The power of their fusion. I did not put too much effort into their fusion, and to correct, they are not in my body, but in Susanohu's body."

There is really a huge difference between whether the tailed beast chakra is stored in the human body or in other places.

Because the tailed beast itself is a chakra aggregate, the chakra they split can be regarded as part of their body.

In other words, these chakras are alive!

That boy Sora has proved that even if there is only a little chakra of the tailed beast, as long as there is enough time to specify that these chakras will form a new tailed beast!

However, this tailed beast should have no self-consciousness. It is more like a beast-like existence, driving its behavior and actions completely with instinct and wildness.

Of course, the more wild you are, the more in line with Kai Uchiha's wishes.

With self-consciousness, it will become more and more intense. It only retains power but no consciousness. It is only driven by wildness, and there is no way to resist the control of Sharinyan!

But it's scary enough, and scary enough for everyone else.

Especially for those guys with poor physical fitness, not strong enough sealing technique, and average willpower, such Chakra is absolutely deadly!

There is a big difference here, even Uchiha Kai dare not try it easily.

Whether it was because he was unwilling to expose it or for other reasons, he kept the tailed beast Chakra inside Susanoo and had no idea of ​​taking it out and putting it in his body at all. .

"Is that so?" Imai Kenta frowned, and then he continued to ask seriously: "If.... I mean, if I seal the tailed beast Chakra into my own body, I can control them ?"

"I don't know." Uchiha Kai shook his head, he had already guessed what Imai Kenta was thinking.

When this guy mentioned this, he had already guessed it. After all, this is a huge temptation.

Just using his body as a 'tool' to store and fuse these chakras, Uchiha Qi himself doesn't know what the specific situation will be.

After all, no one in the original work has done this, and even if there is, they are forced to help, and in the end they can only choose to extract a little chakra to make up for it.

For example, the guy Obito completed his transformation by relying on the ninja tools left by the golden horn and the silver horn.

"Don't you know?" Imai Ken took a deep breath, and finally he looked at Uchiha Kai seriously: "I understand, but I made a decision, I plan to..."

"I know." Uchiha Qi nodded: "But you have to think clearly, this road is very dangerous, even if it is full of temptations, no one knows whether this road is feasible or not. Even me, it is not enough. It's just a few attempts. Or, I was just a coincidence at the time, my original intention was to get more chakra."

"Whether it's your coincidence or your intention, I've decided." Imai Kenta showed a smile: "Which of the two of you is not going to be extremely dangerous?"

"There is never a shortcut to improve your strength and pursue a further path. If you don't take risks, don't fight..."

"I'm afraid I'll regret it!"
