Chapter 630: Is there a reincarnation eye chakra pattern?

It can be said that Hyuga Aya obtained Tensei Eyes, everyone is very happy, this woman has paid so much to get to this point, it can be said to be a matter of course, but also can be regarded as extremely lucky.

Fortunately, it seems that in the original book, apart from Totoro Otsutsuki, no one seems to be opening these eyes!

After obtaining Tenseigans, Hyuga Aya also took the time to understand and appreciate her own power.

The new power is too powerful, it can be said that it has completely subverted her previous cognition, and she really needs to spend time to polish all this.

So several of them stayed on the moon for more than a week before deciding to leave the moon and return to the ninja world.

During this period, Hyuga Aya basically revealed the ability of her Tenseigan to Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta without concealment.

Whether it was out of trust or because he felt that a certain guy was not a threat, there was no need for Hyuga Aya to hide it.

Uchiha Qi also understood the unique and detailed difference between Tensei and Samsara.

In fact, he really did not think wrong, the basic abilities of Samsara Eye and Tensei Eye are very similar.

In addition to the 'Three Creation Abilities' - 'Earth Blast Star', 'Shen Luo Tianzheng' and 'Vientiane Tianyin', there are also abilities such as exploring the soul, absorbing chakra and sealing.

It can be said that these abilities are the basic skills of this 'advanced eye'.

But other than the basic skills, the other abilities are not the same.

For example, Tenseiyan seems to have evolved the skill of 'control' in the process of exploring the soul.

This 'control' is somewhat similar to the puppet technique, and they had already seen it when they first came to the moon.

Through Tenseiyan, Hyuga Aya discovered that this 'control' was not just a puppet, it seemed that he could not even control the real life.

But this has a premise that the life to be controlled does not have self-awareness.

In addition, Tenseisen has several very powerful abilities, the first of which is the 'Tenanshinyan Chakra Mode'.

This mode is to completely activate the Chakra of Tenseigan, and during the activation process, even things like Gudaoyu can appear!

This is extremely high-end, and requires all attributes, including the ability to control Yin and Yang, to be the most powerful weapon that can appear.

After Aya Hyuga activated the Tenseigan Chakra mode, she also activated the Gudaoyu for the first time.

It's just that her Tenseigan is not strong enough, and her own chakra development is not complete - Lei Dun's performance is not even as good as Uchiha Kai's Feng Dun.

In the end, in the Tenseiyan Chakra mode, she only appeared with one jade, which is still very reluctant.

But this is exaggerated and incredible enough. It can be said that in this mode, Hyuga Aya has almost no rivals.

Even Uchiha Kai felt that unless he worked hard, he might not really be an opponent.

In addition to Tensei Eyes Chakra mode, Hyuga Aya also understood two very interesting abilities, one is the golden wheel and the other is the silver wheel.

It can be said that with these two abilities, Aya Hyuga's attack methods become even more unmatched!

It's just that Aya Hyuga's performance made Kei Uchiha fall into deep thought.

"Tenseisen and Samsara Eye are eyes of the same stage. Why do I feel that the development of Samsara Eye is completely inferior to that of Tenseisen?"

This question really made Uchiha Kai extremely puzzled.

Everyone has the same level of eyes, and the owners of these two pairs of eyes are a pair of brothers. It's hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

But thinking about the strength of the two of them, I am afraid that there is not much difference at all, and maybe even the same.

But now the problem is coming. The reincarnation eye in Uchiha Kai's memory seems to have few attack methods, except for the power obtained by himself after opening his eyes.

For example, "Round Grave · Frontier Prison" and "Heavenly Hand Power", at most Uchiha Madara evolved a technique like "Heavenly Obstruction Star".

There doesn't seem to be a stronger combat performance. It must be said that it may be the control of the tailed beast, and the unbelievably powerful illusion.

But Uchiha Qi felt that this should not be the case.

He didn't dare to make judgments before because he didn't have these eyes at all.

But at this moment, he has already opened his eyes, even if he didn't reach the point of Uchiha Sasuke's six-hooked jade reincarnation writing round eyes, but he seems to have this foundation.

He felt that the development of the eye of reincarnation seemed to be really incomplete, or that no one was serious about developing the potential of this eye at all.

The Six Paths Immortal does not develop his feelings for reasons, his strength has reached his level, and he has the terrifying power of Susanoo, I am afraid that there is no need to put too much energy in other places.

In addition, he also needs to pass on his will, so that the ninja world can leave the truth of 'love'.

Prepare for some people to find a firm line in the future war and chaos.

Therefore, when he was alive, I am afraid that he really did not have the time and experience to develop it.

Of course, it may also be that his child was born too early. After all, Kaguya knows Indra and Asura. It seems that it is not impossible that some abilities he developed were not passed down through the blood.

But Otsutsuki Hamamura is different. He probably got married and had children after the war, and in the end he simply brought his descendants under the seal of the moon caretaker.

Therefore, whether many of his abilities were recorded, or the transmission of the giant Tenseigan, his skills and abilities were already engraved in the 'DNA' of the descendants' bloodlines.

The ability of Tenseisen was basically passed down, or the Tenseisen power developed by him was preserved and spread.

"If my judgment is correct, then can I use the power of Hyuga Aya's Tenseiros to try something new to expand the power of my own Samsara?"

As soon as this idea appeared in Uchiha Kai's mind, it immediately began to spread like a virus, and there was no way to remove it from his mind.

Tenseiyan Chakra mode, the power increase of this mode is definitely more terrifying than fairy magic.

Uchiha Qi has obtained the power of Samsara Eye, and even has the power of Tenseigan in his body. It can be said that his basic conditions are absolutely sufficient.

In particular, he also possesses the 'Original Power' of Otsutsuki.

This power will not show too many characteristics in terms of attack, but its existence and its complete integration into Uchiha Kai's body can really be said to have brought him infinite possibilities!

Under such conditions, if he didn't try it, he felt that he would definitely not be reconciled.

Thinking of this, he had already made a decision in his heart.

That is, after going back, you must study Aya Hyuga's Tenseigan Chakra pattern, and then find certain skills in it.

"If you need to, take a good look at the 'Lei Dun Chakra Mode' that I got from Yun Yin last time. Since they are all Chakra modes, I am afraid there are certain commonalities among them.

If I can really come up with a 'Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode', I am afraid that I will deal with the Otsutsuki Peach and Otsutsuki Jin types that will come to the ninja world in the future, and I will have a better grasp! "


"It's finally back."

In the land of fire, in a remote mountain peak, not long after the obscure light beam from the moon fell, three figures slowly walked out of the mountain peak.

These three, the three of Uchiha Kai, have returned to the ninja world from the moon.

The trip to the moon this time was not as long as the last time, and it may be a full month in total.

But this month has been incredibly rewarding for them.

Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly and looked at the sunlight on the sun. To be honest, he didn't think clearly about one thing, that is, how exactly the moon was positioned to this place.

Even if the moon in this world is artificially created through ninjutsu, but even so, it is probably revolving around the earth with a certain pattern, right?

But now it is clear that it is daytime, but they are still accurately delivered to this place, which really makes Uchiha Kai a little curious.

"This is probably the power of space, right?"

Uchiha Qi thought about it for a long time, and finally shook his head involuntarily. Finally, his eyes were aimed at his ninja bag, and a smile appeared on his face.

The three of them left, and Otsutsuki Yangsuke really felt that he wanted something.

Because the three of them stayed on the moon, the influence was just too terrifying.

Especially the throbbing unique to Tenseigan that erupted not long ago made them extremely uncomfortable.

These Otsutsuki on the moon have no idea what Uchiha Kai and the others are really doing.

But they knew, I am afraid that these three people really have completely grasped the power of Tenseisen in their hands.

Therefore, when the three of Uchiha Kei proposed to leave, Otsutsuki Yosuke was really happy.

Uchiha Kai and the others are here. Obviously, the Otsutsuki on the moon are afraid to do many things, or they are embarrassed to do it.

Now they have completely transplanted the eyes that Hyuga Aya brought, and even Otsutsuki Tototo also got a pair of white eyes.

It can be said that what they have to do now is to develop their own ethnic group well, increase the population and nurture new life.

Uchiha Qi naturally knew their thoughts, the only thing that made him feel interesting was Tototo Otsutsuki.

He was thinking, after this kid got Hyuga's white eyes, he seemed to be able to master the power of Tenseigan just like in the original book.

After thinking about it, it doesn't seem like a big deal for him now even if this kid gets it.

The control of the giant Tenseisen is completely in his own hands, not to mention Aya Hyuga also has the power of Tenseisen.

Even if he didn't have the control of the giant Tenseigan, I'm afraid this kid would be crushed to death in a fight, especially since neither he nor Aya were Naruto.

If that's the case, why should you care about this kid?

What's more, the Otsutsuki on the moon also gave Uchiha something to them.

That is the plan they used to free the caged bird after a period of research and restoration!

This plan may not be useful to Otsutsuki, but it is definitely enough for Hinata.

"Yeah, I'm finally back." Hyuga Aya also nodded, glanced around and smiled slightly: "I don't know if it's a psychological effect or something else, but I feel more comfortable than being on the moon after coming back. less."

"After all, I was born here. The moon is beautiful, but I'm afraid it's not as good as ours." Kenta Imai shook his head: "How is it now? Are you going back?"

"Go back, I don't know how long it's been out, but I think it's been a month or two." Uchiha Qi touched his chin: "It's just right to go back now, of course, if you have any ideas, we can also do it. Some."

"Are you thinking?" Imai Kenta touched his chin: "How about we go to raid Yunyin? Eight-tailed man Zhuri, four-tailed man Zhuli, and the ninja tools used by these two guys, Jinjiao and Yinjiao, it seems that these two The guy spent a lot of time in the belly of the nine tails, he should have his chakra, maybe..."

"You bastard..." Hyuga Aya glanced at Imai Kenta, and finally shook her head involuntarily.

Not only Hyuga Aya, but Uchiha Kei also gave Imai Kenta a weird look.

This guy seems to be so impulsive.

Although strictly speaking, it is not a problem for them to really go to Yun Yin, but Uchiha Qi has already had a plan.

He doesn't want to break this plan yet, he still needs to wait and see.

Of course, the plan in his heart was still just a plan, and he might overthrow it at some point.

"Wait, it shouldn't take long you can get everything you want." Uchiha Qi thought for a moment: "If it is fast, it will take a few years, and if it is slow, it will take ten years. Fusion is not What an easy thing, you need to do it step by step."

"Really, he knows." After Kenta Imai listened, he could only nod his head: "I just want to confirm in advance whether these powers can be sealed in my body, and whether I can use these powers. However, I will still To be honest with you, I just hope it's not too slow."

"Don't worry, I can't slow down..." Uchiha Kai smiled, but the next moment his face changed slightly.

His appearance naturally attracted the attention of Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta, but he didn't reply immediately, but quickly made a knot, and then pressed it to the ground with one hand.

As the runes scattered in all directions, a thick plume of smoke suddenly came out.

This thick smoke came and went quickly, and soon the figure hidden in the thick smoke suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.

It was a snake, a snake covered in snow.

"Orochimaru?" When Hyuga Aya saw the snake, she immediately thought of something: "This guy is looking for you?"

"Maybe so." Uchiha Ki nodded, then he squatted down and stared at the white snake in front of him.

The white snake spat out a letter, and soon spat out a scroll.

The scroll was automatically presented, and there was no writing in it, but there were a lot of symbols like ghosts.

"This is... a code word?"

Imai Kenta squatted down and glanced, and then his expression became extremely strange, and it took him a long time to ask inexplicably.

"Reincarnation Eye? When did you attack Orochimaru?"


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