Chapter 639: crazy plan

"It seems that we have a headache next."

Minato Namikaze rubbed his swollen head, looked at Kai Uchiha who had closed his Samsara eyes, and said with a complicated expression.

Nine tails borrowed his body to talk to Uchiha Kai, he could hear and see, and he even thought he could get his body back.

But he didn't do it, and through the dialogue between Nine Tails and Uchiha Kai, he could basically confirm that what Uchiha Kai said was 100% true.

The eye of reincarnation, Uchiha Kai actually mastered the eye of reincarnation!

And it is the real ancestor of Chakra, the eyes opened for him by himself!

Although that...

The mad woman in Uchiha Kai's mouth has an impure purpose. She helped Uchiha Kai just to prove that her original choice was right.

However, Uchiha Kai also did acquire such power.

In addition, there is also Otsutsuki Yumura who has met him, and the elder brother of this Otsutsuki Yumura is a six-path immortal.

All of this is to make Minato Namikaze feel that the world he has lived in for twenty or thirty years is so unreal.

For the first time, he discovered that his understanding of the world was so narrow.

But when he now really recognizes this world, he feels that he would rather not know anything, and even he hopes that none of these things have happened.

Because of that crazy woman, the reason for helping Uchiha Kai open the Samsara Eye is to attract other Otsutsuki, other Otsutsuki who have the power to destroy the world!

"It is indeed a bit troublesome, but the ninja world has been trained for so long, and resistance should not be impossible." Uchiha Qi also sighed slightly, and then continued: "And that woman has also created a good one for us. opportunity."

"Kai, it's true that the ninja world has been trained for so long, but..." Minato Namifeng helplessly rubbed his eyebrows: "But what is the result of the training, I think we all know it well. , and even we have been involved in wars time and time again. The ninja world has long been divided.... wait, you mean..."

Although Namikaze Minato was very distressed, he wasn't really shocked or even lightly by this incident.

After all, after being Hokage for so long, even though he was shocked so much, his brain remained calm and sober, and he seemed to understand what Uchiha Kai meant.

Recalling what Uchiha Kei told him back then, the two paths to make the entire ninja world peaceful, Minato Nakaze couldn't help touching his chin.

These two roads, one is to conquer the entire ninja world, and the other is...

It is to let the ninja world have a common enemy!

"You mean, tell everyone about this?" Minato Namikaze thought for a while before slowly saying: "Tell them that the entire ninja world is facing a huge disaster, and at the same time you have to show your eyes of reincarnation? But , even if the entire ninja world unites, can they really deal with those guys?"

"It's better than doing nothing, isn't it?" Uchiha rubbed his chin before continuing: "I'm afraid it's useless to resist, but if we do nothing, then we're really finished. Besides, This time, I am not without information, although I am not sure whether this information is useful or not, after all, I am not sure who will come to give me the information, but..."

"Indeed, non-resistance is really just waiting for death, and the entire ninja world will be destroyed." Namikaze Minato's expression became serious after thinking about it: "Then I will contact them and hold the Five Shadows Conference!"

"No, don't be in a hurry." Uchiha Qi immediately pressed Minato Minato: "It's useless to say, and we have more important things to do before that."

The Five Shadows Conference was both unfamiliar and familiar to Kai Uchiha.

It is familiar that this incident is an inevitable result. In the original book, a similar meeting was held because of the continuous attack of Ren Zhuli.

But what is strange is that at this time period, there is a Five Shadows Conference in this time period, and it feels strange no matter how you look at it.

It is not unusual to unite the five major ninja villages to fight against those Otsutsuki.

But within the Ninja world, there are still a lot of things that have not been done, and even if they are united, there will be a lot of problems.

The first point is the issue of trust, because there is no actual enemy, even if Kai Uchiha said so much and showed the eye of reincarnation.

But without an enemy as a foil, the level of trouble in this matter will definitely not be small.

I am afraid that the best result is that everyone will unite in the end, but those guys will also have various internal struggles because of their own interests.

In the original book, the Five Shadows Conference at the beginning was also tit-for-tat, and Raikage and Tuikage fought on a par for the position of commander-in-chief.

If it wasn't for Wuyin and Sandyin who knew that they didn't have any qualifications - one was that Shuiying had just been named to take the stage, and the other was that Fengying was too young.

And Tsunade is not very interested in this matter, otherwise the five are fighting for that position together, it will definitely be another big show.

As for now?

Onogi is not that old yet, and the fourth generation of Raikage is ambitious and hates Konoha.

Hidden fog... The ghost knows what's going on now.

Because of the invasion of the ghost shark and the full moon not long ago, Luo Sha of Shayin has become increasingly suspicious of him from the inside. He must find something else to prove his ability and relieve his pressure.

And Konoha, Namikaze Minato is young and strong, and at the same time there are Uchiha Kai, Imai Kenta, Kakashi and Hyuga Aya.

The pig deer butterfly, Uchiha Fuyue, Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Ripa, whose strength and energy are at their peak.

And the three generations of Hokage are still alive and well, and the interior of Konoha has made rapid progress because of the development of these years.

It can be said that Konoha is definitely the most ideal, but also the least ideal, to hold a five-shadow conference in this way, and to decide a commander-in-chief.

Konoha is strong, but just because you are too strong, everyone does not want to give their authority to you.

The Five Great Ninja Villages, I am afraid that except for Kiriyin, Obito will give some support to Konoha—maybe they will not dare to give it.

Because the struggle between Obito and Yuanshi had already reached its cliché earlier, giving it was really equivalent to admitting defeat.

What's more, even if it is given, there are only two votes. There are five major Ninja villages in the ninja world.

After Uchiha Kei told Minato Namikaze about these things, Minato Namikaze immediately turned ugly: " shouldn't have developed to this point, and if we don't contact them, we... ..”

"Captain Minato, do you think crossing the stars is easy?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head and asked curiously, "And you think Kaguya Otsutsuki is a crazy woman who wants to prove herself right, then Proving that doing is the right thing for her?"

"What do you mean? We still have time?" Namikaze Minato is not stupid. Hearing Uchiha Kai's words, he immediately understood something: "But this kind of thing can't be optimistic, and if you prepare early..."

"It seems that I didn't make it clear. The opportunity I said was not just for the entire ninja world to unite."

Uchiha Kai smiled, then he pointed to himself, then to Hyuga Aya, and finally pointed to Imai Kenta with a little hesitation.

"The three of us are also an opportunity, and we still have a chance to practice."

"A chance to practice... You mean, you want to find that guy?" Minato Namikaze recalled Uchiha Kai's words a little, and he immediately thought of something.

The Otsutsuki who was resurrected through special abilities, and now does not know where he is hiding in the Shinobi world.

Just trying to find that guy, I'm afraid it's really not an easy thing.

After all, the ninja world is so big, how could it be so easy to find someone?

Think about those rebels, aren't they just as hard to find when they are hidden?

Besides, what does Uchiha Kai mean when he refers to his team?

Uchiha has a reincarnation eye, which is indeed a good bargaining chip.

Although he has never seen the power of the Samsara Eye, even Uchiha Kai, who is in the state of Eternal Eye, has never really seen him break out completely.

At that time, he thought of what Kakashi told him, that this guy had defeated a Samsara user, which made Minato Namikaze feel that there was indeed a chance for Kai to face a big Tsutsutsuki.

But what happened to Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya?

Could it be that they also have reincarnation eyes or something?

That's not right, didn't the nine tails say that writing the eye of the wheel is the basis of the eye of reincarnation?

"Yes, I want to find that guy." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Otsutsuki Kaguya hopes to prove herself, I am afraid that according to her idea, the whole ninja world should be united. Of course, one thing cannot be ruled out, that It's just that she doesn't know what kind of chaos the ninja world has become now. But anyway, interstellar crossing will not be a simple matter, so we still have time to do some preparatory work."

"Do you want to find that guy to exercise your Samsara eyes?" Minato Namifeng frowned: "By the way, are you using the fight with that guy to make the whole ninja world tense?"

"It is, but it is not." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Remember, I said I have seen Otsutsuki Hamura? You think the two of them will really watch the ninja world being captured by those two guys. I'm afraid they have already begun to monitor at this moment. If it really comes, I don't think they will tell us in advance."

Indeed, Uchiha Kei really doesn't think Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura really don't think that this has not happened.

Especially since it was their mother who did it herself, they were definitely more nervous than everyone else.

However, it is not realistic to expect them to take action, and their greatest possibility is to serve as the bottom line.

When the ninja world really can't hold it anymore, will they appear?

After all, they have to believe in the ninjas in the ninja world.

"Actually, my real plan is not only to use those big tube trees, but also to use that mysterious organization."

Uchiha Qi made a seal with one hand, and instantly his eyes became Samsara eyes, and the next moment he directly entered the consciousness space of Namikaze Minato.

Not only him, Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya also appeared here at the same time.

Minato Namikaze didn't come back to his senses for a while, but when he saw Nine Tails beside him, he immediately understood what was going on.

"According to Obito's information, the target of the mysterious organization is tailed beasts. When all nine tailed beasts are captured, then the final result..."

Uchiha Kai raised his head and stared at Kyuubi, who was grinning at him, and showed a smile.

"That is equivalent to the ten-tailed pillar power, and at the same time, it can summon the divine tree."

"You little bastard, you know a lot, but your eyes are still evil even if they have become reincarnation eyes!" Nine Tails also stared at Kai Uchiha, with alertness and a little fear in his eyes: "Indeed , the nine of us are completely fused, and we will become ten tails. You can even summon the divine tree, but there is one thing..."

"I can summon the body of the ten tails, don't forget that I said before that I met a user of the eye of reincarnation." Uchiha Qi interrupted the nine tails: "I'm afraid that guy is a member of that mysterious organization. Right. His eyes are Madara Uchiha's eyes."

"You mean, Obito's information..." Minato Namikaze immediately thought of something, and he asked directly.

Obito's information, at the request of Uchiha Kai and the agreement of Minato Namikaze, the information he gave in order to avoid his exposure was relatively obscure.

Among them, the description of the reincarnation eye is "Uchiha Madara created a pair of more powerful eyes and gave them to others".

Namikaze Minato immediately thought of this, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai inexplicably, which made him a little inexplicable.

He didn't know, just not long ago, Uchiha Qi deliberately pretended not to know and led the two to think for themselves.

But he didn't care too much, he just asked inexplicably: "Since the key has been found, why don't you just... wait, your real purpose, shouldn't it be them?"

"Yes, they are also part of my plan." Uchiha Kai admitted frankly.

"I told you the plan to bring peace to the ninja world back then. In fact, I have long thought about it, that is to use the deterrent power of this organization to force the entire ninja world to unite against them.

Only when there is an enemy that is almost impossible to defeat, I am afraid that we will think of unity and unity to fight against these enemies, right? "

"Crazy plan... So what about now?" Minato Namifeng nodded seriously: "Now you plan to use them to unite the ninja world? Wait, I seem to understand what you mean... You are I plan to use them to initially let the ninja world unite against to gain experience, can it be used to fight against those Otsutsuki in the future?"

Namikaze Minato's reaction speed is definitely not slow, he quickly guessed some ideas of Uchiha Kai!

Unfortunately, his idea is indeed correct, but it is not comprehensive.

Uchiha Kai is not only trying to use them to integrate the ninja world, but also considering whether to rely on them to deal with Otsutsuki together in the future!

However, these plans still need to continue to deepen, and finally reach a real balance.

What's more, before that, they still need to constantly improve themselves, whether it is Uchiha Kai or Hyuga Aya, or Imai Kenta.

"It's almost, but it may be even more crazy. I need to think about it." Uchiha Kai nodded, then shook his head again: "But before that, the three of us need to train ourselves and improve ourselves at the same time. Me and Aya Both need to be familiar with their own strength, especially I need an enemy, and Kenta needs the chakra of the tail beast."

"It's true that you are Samsara, but Aya..." Minato Namikaze was a little confused: "Also, why does Kenta need the chakra of the tail beast? Could it be..."

"Wait a minute, this woman..." Before Namikaze Minato finished speaking, Kyuubi seemed to have thought of something: "She shouldn't...impossible, how is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" Hyuga Aya, who had not spoken for a while, then slowly raised her head: "The reincarnation eye has appeared, do you think anything else is impossible?"

Saying this, Hyuga Aya slowly closed her eyes.

The next moment when she opened her eyes, her eyes were already bright blue...
