Chapter 646: candidate

"Looks like we're lucky."

In Hokage's office, Minato Minato Namikaze couldn't help but sighed in relief when he saw the report in his hand.

"It's a good thing that the place we fought against is so remote. At present, only some small towns and villages have been affected by the earthquake, causing some of their houses to collapse. Fortunately, no one was killed, but a lot of people were injured. "

"That's good. If you are injured, let the local medical ninjas treat it. As for it, you can let them build it up by the way."

Uchiha Kei sat aside and thought for a moment, then said quickly, then his eyes turned to Nara Shikahisa: "Minister Shikahisa, please trouble you with this matter."

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect that I would miss so many important and wonderful things because of some small things." Nara Shikahisa nodded, but he seemed a little regretful.

He did feel very regretful, because he did not choose to go with him when Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato competed not long ago.

The reason is very simple, that is his son Shikamaru, who was caught by the teacher while sleeping in class.

Then he was thrown out of the classroom, along with Naruto, who was fighting, Choji, who was eating in class, and Teeth, who made the dog run around.

I have to say that if I change a teacher, I'm afraid I really don't dare to throw these boys out and punish them all at once.

After all, their surnames have said everything, what kind of terrifying figure or family is standing behind them.

But unfortunately, what they encountered was Iruka Uno, who was called the 'most responsible'.

This teacher has a forthright personality and is serious and responsible in his work. The most important thing is that he has a good relationship with Kakashi and Uchiha Kai.

Therefore, he became the head teacher in the class where the "Second Generation of Quan" gathered. Although he was reasonable, he would never be soft-hearted when it came time to punish him.

Iruka's character is similar to the original, but the only difference is probably in the Nine-Tails Incident. Although he lost his father, his mother was rescued by the security department.

In addition, knowing that Nine Tails is actually quite innocent, and he was completely controlled to cause damage to Konoha, so he did not dislike Nine Tails in his heart.

After becoming a Chunin, he knew that his talent was not enough, so he went to the Ministry of Education and became a teacher.

Positive, optimistic and responsible have become synonymous with him. It can be said that his current performance is very good.

However, he performed well, and these parents had some headaches, not because they thought it was bad.

Instead, they are all people who came down from the battlefield, even basic education and the importance of obeying orders.

Therefore, they did not oppose Iluka's approach, and they all supported it.

The headache is that they find that their children are sometimes so uneasy.

Lu Jiu felt the same way in his heart, of course he knew why his son was sleeping.

Very simple, that stinky boy has completely learned what the teacher taught.

But why doesn't this brat look at Sasuke Uchiha?

Isn't that kid also excellent in character and study?

Haven't heard of others falling asleep in class?

But when he thought of that kid Uchiha Sasuke, Shikamaru couldn't help shaking his head.

That kid is fine in everything, but his relationship with the fourth generation son is a little weird.

These two guys have not fought once or twice at school, nor have they been called by their parents to lead them once or twice.

Simply, their mother's relationship is quite good, so there is no problem.

"We'll see you later, and it won't be easy for us in the future." Uchiha Qi smiled and shook his head: "After all, it's about the safety of the ninja world."

"It's true, the future is really not easy." Nara Shikaku nodded: "Then I'll go to inform first, if you need my help, just tell me."

After Nara Shikahisa finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Namikaze Minato, then turned and left the office.

After Namikaze Minato came back, he told him everything without any concealment.

This made him suddenly realize that the two earthquakes he felt in Konoha before were caused by Uchiha Ki and others.

The first time was an enemy, and the second time was with the Fourth Hokage.

The information that Namikaze Minato told him really shocked him, because he really didn't expect the truth of the world to be like this.

What shocked him even more was the statistics of the damage caused by the battle between Uchiha Kai and Namifeng Minato, and some photos from the scene were sent back.

Only then did he realize how powerful the two of them were.

He is now seriously thinking about a question, that is, Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato are both so strong, so how scary are those Otsutsuki?

Also, when did the Fourth Hokage become so powerful?

It's a pity that no one can help him answer these questions, he can only find a way by himself.

"Ki, how are you going to find that reincarnated person over there?" After Nara Shikamaru left, Minato Namikaze asked, "I've been recovering chakra these days, so I haven't been looking for you, and it seems that I can say it now. Did you say look at it?"

"Indeed, it's really not an easy thing to find him. But it's not that I can't do anything, it also requires your cooperation." Uchiha Qi smiled, and then his face became a lot more serious: "I know, nine tails Although this guy has a bad personality and his strength is not very good. But his perception ability is absolutely fine, especially I heard that he can perceive a person's good and evil."

As soon as Uchiha Qi's voice fell, a golden chakra appeared on Minato Namikaze. This chakra condensed a miniature nine-tailed head.

It can be seen that the expression on the mini head looks a little angry, and at the same time his voice is the same: "You **** fellow, it's too much!"

"That, Kai, Kurama can hear our voices." Minato was extremely embarrassed, he had already discussed with Kushina, and got a part of the Yang Dun chakra belonging to the nine tails, and also changed the seal incidentally.

This made it smoother when it came to synchronizing myself with Nine-Tails, but the Nine-Tails guy also became much freer.

Uchiha Keicai was too lazy to care how Minato persuaded Kushina, he just glanced at the angry fox head with interest, then spread his hands and said he didn't care.

After the nine tails were quiet, he continued: "The truth is, facing the eye of reincarnation and the eye of reincarnation, I am afraid that the tailed beast will not have the ability to resist. Even if I don't use the eye of reincarnation, my kaleidoscope... .well I won't say it, but I do need your power to find that guy."

"Hmph, didn't you already let this guy from Minato give me some of my chakras to the thousand-hand clan boy?" Kyuubi tilted his head in disdain: "Why, you still want Hokage to leave Konoha and go. Looking for that guy?"

"No, there is actually a better person who can do this. But he basically won't become a human pillar, so we need to think of something. For example, he has a scroll that seals your chakra, and this scroll can be used in encounters. When I have Otsutsuki Chakra, there will be some reactions." Uchiha Qi said calmly, he really has a good candidate.

That person, of course, is Jiraiya!

This guy stayed in Konoha, he was not at ease.

It's not that he has any ability to do things that shouldn't be done, but this old pervert was the owner of the custom shop back then!

And this guy's latest novel in the "Intimacy Paradise" series has written the story of the related custom shop.

It's not that Uchiha Qi is sensitive, he is too lazy to pay attention to this guy when he writes normally.

But the problem is that this guy has a special note to thank some people. Although he didn't write his name, the characters in it...

"Teacher Jiraiya?" Minato Minato frowned, "If you ask him to look for it, in case..."

"I don't think Lord Jiraiya is so stupid that he knows he's invincible, and he has to find trouble." Uchiha Kai smiled: "Of course, in order to avoid him intending to sacrifice himself to provide us with information, I suggest to let Toad Follow him, and at the same time, the nine-tailed chakra scroll he is holding must be able to remind us. Like..."

"Automatically activate Flying Thunder God?" Minato Namikaze's eyes lit up, and then he nodded: "Indeed, if that's the case, then there's no problem!"

As a ninja, especially a ninja like Jiraiya, sometimes he really makes some incomprehensible, but very touching decisions.

It's hard to say that he met that reincarnated person with great luck, then he is likely to collect information on the other party, and even exchange his own life for this information.

The safety of the entire ninja world is at stake, and a guy like Jiraiya who is full of love is absolutely obliged.

"It seems that Kushina will be busy recently." Minato Minato rubbed his head: "Fortunately, Naruto also likes to eat ramen, otherwise we may not even have breakfast and lunch. By the way, Otsuki Do you have a wooden chakra?"

"This kid's chakra is now extremely close to Otsutsuki." Kuo's slightly rough voice came from the mini head: "Use his chakra as a reflection, as long as you notice similar obvious Chakra, that's fine."

"If that's the case, then it's convenient." Minato Namifeng laughed: "I'm afraid I'll need to trouble you to provide chakra, and how about Kenta's chakra fusion with the nine tails? I found out these days, Does he go to work in shadow clones?"

"He, there is nothing wrong with the seal, and his physical strength is not bad, but he is a little impatient..." Saying Kenta Imai, Kai Uchiha couldn't help sighing.

Since he returned from fighting with Minato Namikaze, Minato sealed the nine-tailed chakra within a few days and handed it over to Kenta Imai.

The number of these chakras is not large, but at least it is more than what Uchiha Qi Cong and Ma grabbed.

And this chakra has both Yin and Yang attributes, which can be said to be the complete power of the Nine Tails.

This guy Kenta Imai was overjoyed. Originally, he didn't plan to ask Namifeng Minato for help, and even started to plan things about Yunyin.

As a result, he turned his head, and Minato Namikaze gave him these things directly. How could he be unhappy?

However, happiness and sadness are always accompanied by various accidents or inevitable factors.

After this guy was too happy, he sealed these powers into his body without hesitation.

The normal seal is fine, but after seeing the Namikaze Minato battle, he chose the light seal state.

Although the tailed beast Chakra is unconscious, it maintains the characteristics of a beast.

These chakras attacked the seal directly and then flowed into his body, and even began to destroy his body.

If it wasn't for his yin and yang escape, he also had a high-level chakra like Tensei Chakra in his body, and he would also have an immortal mode.

Otherwise, those tailed beasts Chakra will definitely kill him!

But it is a pity, even if he defeated the tailed beast Chakra, and then resealed it honestly, there was still some problems with his body.

It's not because of the attack, but because he needs to get used to the nine-tailed chakra in his body and think about how he wants to use them.

"Okay, I understand." After listening to Uchiha Kai's remarks, Minato Minato also understood Imai Kenta's situation: "It's okay to take a good rest, I hope Kenta can also master these powers. He has mastered it, and the future We also have more control.”

"Don't worry, there will be no problem with this guy." Uchiha Kai nodded: "Me and Aya will help him, and he will also master the power of the nine tails, I am afraid the only headache is how the other chakras came. ."

"This question, I think you've already figured it out?" Minato Namikaze looked at Kai Uchiha silently, but he didn't want to talk about this topic at all.

Maybe it's because it's really seen too much, and it has developed to the point where it's not surprising.

Or maybe the world is under threat, and he can't say anything about what Uchiha Keizhen does.

Of course, perhaps he is also looking forward to bringing everyone together through their actions, so that they can get those chakras peacefully, right?

Shaking his head, Minato Namikaze changed the subject: "By the way The secret of Samsara and Tensei, I'm afraid Fuyue and Hizu both want to know? Last time they asked you, you said back. Besides, did they find you and Aya later?"

"Of course, it's strange that they don't look for it." Uchiha Qi smiled, but he still remembers Uchiha Fuyue's urgent look.

But unfortunately, no matter how urgent he is, I am afraid there is no way to open the eye of reincarnation.

Even Tenseisen is the same, even if Kai Uchiha has a way, he doesn't have the idea to do it.

It is indeed necessary to improve the overall strength to save the world, but there are some things he will not give out easily.

What's more, what if it was given?

You and Aya have come to the present step by step, only they know how many dangers there are, and only they know how many times they almost died.

The success rate is really low for someone else to go their way again...  
