Chapter 660: Spring Festival

Jiraiya also left Konoha, silently.

I am afraid that the whole Konoha is strange except for some hot springs. Why doesn't the ninja with white hair who is stealing chickens and dogs take care of them?

But Jiraiya's departure is also a good thing for them, at least they don't need to worry about losing many female customers because of the appearance of this guy.

In addition to Jiraiya leaving, there is another person who also chose to leave, and this person is Obito.

Obito stayed in Konoha for almost half a month, which was too much for him.

But he didn't care too much. He is now much freer than when he was in Wuyin Village.

But in freedom, it is also impossible for him to leave for so long without going, so he also has to return to the Land of Rain.

He still has a lot of tasks to do, and these tasks are all he has to do, as a Konoha ninja.

"I didn't expect so many people to leave at once."

Uchiha Kai wore a black kimono and walked towards Konoha's largest square with Hyuga Aya.

Today is the new year, which means that the time of a year has passed like this again, a new year, a new beginning, and a new beginning.

Every New Year, Konoha organizes a Spring Festival festival, and this year is no exception.

At this time, almost all families will bring their children to Konoha, even Uchiha Kai cannot avoid this kind of thing.

Even if he didn't like it all, he got used to it over time.

"Go? Do you mean to leave Konoha?"

Hyuga Aya was wearing a white kimono with a little makeup on her face, which she wore when she and Uchiha Kei were alone.

"Yeah, Jiraiya, Obito, it's all the same." Uchiha Qi stretched out his hand and held Hyuga Aya: "They either have their own tasks, or they have more important things. And there will be more people in the future. Leaving Konoha for a while, honestly, I have a feeling that we are facing war. If not at this moment, this situation reminds me that it is still a matter of peace..."

"What we are facing is a war." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "Although this war is very different from the past, one thing will not change, that is, I am still your teammate this time."

"You mean, will you be with me?" Uchiha Kai smiled: "Thank you, I always believe that."

Aya Hyuga glanced at the hand she was holding, and then at Kai Uchiha, but in the end she didn't refute this sentence.

Because this is the truth, they have gone through so many things along the way, and they have always been on the same front.

And this time, Otsutsuki is really not a simple problem, recalling how terrifying their ancestors were, but they were all very worried about the arrival of these guys.

From here you can see how annoying these guys are.

If it were the normal ninja wars in the past, I am afraid that such a guy would not be able to turn himself.

No matter how powerful you are, you must take on many responsibilities. This is constant on the battlefield, unless you completely hide yourself.

But now, they really can't hide, because those Otsutsuki are going to destroy this ninja world!

"Do you think Jirai will be successful?" Hyuga Aya followed in the footsteps of Uchiha Kai, and she asked in a low voice, "Also, you didn't ask Obito to help you find it together, which I didn't expect. "

"Obito is inconvenient to be distracted, and his task is also very heavy." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "As for Jiraiya, although I don't think he can really find it, it's good to try it. Besides, I I think I might find something with this guy."

"You believe him that much?" Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai curiously: "I didn't see any difference in this old pervert."

"Well, it does look like a hopeless old pervert, but maybe this guy is really different." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Of course, this is just my own feeling, I don't know how. Good to say."

Uchiha Qi really thinks that this Jiraiya is really not simple, his life looks like an inspirational story of a civilian ninja.

However, he had a deep understanding of many things in this world, and after reading the original book in combination with his previous life, he had already noticed the extraordinaryness of Jiraiya.

This guy, Jiraiya, is a person who has completely inherited the will of Otsutsuki Yui.

He is the kind of person who yearns for world peace from beginning to end, and at the same time he is constantly conveying the existence of the concept of mutual understanding between people.

Even though he participated in the Great Ninja World War and killed many enemies, his belief was very firm.

I'm afraid it was after such a war that he had such a belief, right?

In addition, he entered Miaomu Mountain for the first time when he tried spiritualism.

Toad Maru reminded the existence of Otsutsuki Yui thousands of years ago. This old toad is still alive today. Although his strength is unknown, what he can represent is too complicated.

In the end, none of his disciples were simple guys.

The Fourth Hokage, the Seventh Hokage, the two Hokage were both cultivated by him.

And to be honest with the father and son, Uchiha Kai was once thinking about whether they were all reincarnations of Asura.

In addition to these two, Yahiko, Nagato and Konan are also his disciples, and these three are also the ones who changed the ninja world!

To put it simply, none of his disciples are ordinary people, each of them is a legendary existence.

With such luck, in other stories and worlds, Kei Uchiha may feel that he is the proper protagonist.

But it is a pity that in this world he is more of a 'guide'.

Everyone he trains can be regarded as a 'savior' - as long as they don't go the wrong way, or die young.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai will consider letting him play the role of "guide" again. This time, what he needs to guide is not what kind of growth he needs to cultivate.

Instead, he wanted to use his luck to truly guide Uchiha Kai and the others to find the guy who was left behind in this world, who ran into this world a thousand years ago and died unexpectedly and was forced to reincarnate!

Otsutsuki is definitely someone who will change the world, or in other words, someone who can destroy this world.

If Jiraiya can really play his role, or Uchiha Keishan bet right, then they can indeed solve some problems relatively easily.

For example, the most basic, kill a potential enemy.

With a little more thought, they can even find enough information in this guy's brain, such as what weaknesses those **** Otsutsuki have.

Of course, there is also the active resurrection technique called 'wedge', which was learned from Kaguya Otsutsuki, which completely records everything about himself on the resurrection body.

This technique, he is also very interested, very interested.

"Okay, as long as you are optimistic about him, I trust your judgment." Hyuga Aya didn't know what Uchiha Kai was thinking, she looked forward, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Fortunately, this old woman The ghost is gone, otherwise, I am afraid Konoha will not be so lively, right?"

"That's not true, this guy is still relatively..." Uchiha Qi wanted to say something nice to the guy who invited him to the custom shop, but he was embarrassed as soon as he opened his mouth.

He wanted to say that this guy was fairly well behaved, but after thinking about it carefully, when he peeked at the hot spring hall and the bathroom, he felt that he really couldn't tell.

If I really want to say that he follows the rules, I am afraid that he will not force others to mess around, at most...

According to Uchiha Kai's understanding, it is this guy who is charitable and willing to help those girls who are forced by life with the money he desperately earns?

After all, if it wasn't really forced by life, that girl would be willing to become like this?

War, natural disaster, no one can do anything like this.

There are also some bandits, robbers, and rebels. These guys are people who may change their lives among ordinary people.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi felt that he should not consider things so comprehensively. Is this a reversal of the verdict for Jiraiya?

This guy is a lecher, it seems that it doesn't make much sense to talk about other things, right?

"What is the relative comparison?" Hyuga Aya's eyes were a little blank: "You mean, you are more in favor of his approach?"

"If 'why did the girl do this' is taken into account, then it is understandable that Jiraiya really helped people. Maybe without his care, the girl would starve to death."

Uchiha Kei didn't turn his head for a while because he was thinking, but when he noticed the increasingly dangerous eyes behind Hyuga Aya, he immediately continued.

"Of course, that doesn't change the fact that the guy is an old pervert."

"If it were you, would you help those girls?"

"Hey, it's up to you to see."

Uchiha Qi pondered for a while, and said directly, and then without waiting for Hyuga Aya to react, he led her directly into the temple fair.

The person they came has walked into the largest square in Konoha. At this moment, there is a lot of people here, and almost all the residents of Konoha have gathered here.

Whether they are ordinary people or ninjas, regardless of their status, they are like ordinary people at this moment to welcome the arrival of this new year.

"Minister Qi, Miss Ling, hello."

"Master Qi, hello."


Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya walked all the way to the innermost side, and many people greeted them warmly when they saw them along the way.

And while saying hello, they will also take the initiative to let them in, and walk to the core of this Spring Festival festival.

The person who presided over this sacrifice was a witch from the land of fire, so it would be better to call it a witch.

The sacrifices she has to do are actually praying to the gods to make the new year good weather and so on.

When the two of them went to the deepest point, Uchiha Qi immediately saw a lot of acquaintances.

The three clans of the Pig, Deer and Butterfly have long been standing there, and standing beside them are people from the Inuzuka, Youru and other families.

Standing in front of them are Uchiha, Hinata, and Minato Namikaze and his wife.

Not far away, Uchiha Qi also noticed that Sarutobi Hiizan was leading a few people, probably Shimura, Chuan, Mitomon and the like, who completely followed his family, and there were also a lot of people behind them. people.

In addition, there are many other jounin standing nearby.

It can be said that the innermost members are the core members of Konoha.

It's just that this core is still cut into two parts, one part belongs to Namikaze Minato, and the other part belongs to the three generations of Hokage.

The confrontation between the old and new forces seems to be incompatible, but at this moment, everyone is still very restrained in their emotions.

But the most interesting thing for Uchiha Kai was that he saw the new generation playing together at this time.

That little pineapple head should be Shikamaru, and if that chubby guy is right, it's Dingji.

Tooth is with the dog, and Shino is with the hood and sunglasses.

In addition, he also noticed that the two guys Naruto and Sasuke were also hanging out with them, and he didn't know what they were talking about.

As for Hinata and Neji, they stood beside them and did not participate, but they were still very interested.

"The new generation has grown up." Uchiha Kai couldn't help but smile when he saw all this: "Besides, is their relationship good?"

"No matter what their relationship is, anyway, I only know that you will only make me angry." Hyuga Aya glanced at him slightly, and then said to herself: "Look at me? You mean, your If the hormones that belong to men cannot be released, will you learn to come back?"

"Impossible, I won't be like him." Uchiha Kai shook his head decisively: "Please, I won't be a guy like Jiraiya, okay?"

"Really?" Hyuga Aya sighed faintly: "Then why is there a paragraph in Jiraiya's book 'I want to thank a friend for his help, he is a blood follower ninja from Da Ninja Village, and he is the Important job. Sorry I can't reveal his name, but I want to thank him for the inspiration'."

Just as Hyuga Aya spoke, Uchiha Kai suddenly felt the cold sweat pouring out of his back.

That **** from Jiraiya also wrote such a sentence in the special thanks, which really made him want to tear this guy apart.

However, Jiraiya has also left Konoha now, and he couldn't tear it off if he wanted to.

But in the end, he has also been a minister for a long time, and he was used to wearing various masks, so he behaved very calmly.

"Big man, blood ninja?" Uchiha Qi frowned, and then he pretended to think for a moment before saying: "If the two are separated, then there will be quite a lot of candidates, such as Kakashi. But how to put it together, I am one, and Imai Kenta is also one."

"Really?" Hyuga Aya raised her eyebrows: "I remember that description, it was about a custom shop. You said, who would it be?"

"I think it's Kenta. After all, you didn't go on a mission. We met Jiraiya and Kenta and Jirai also went out that night..."

Uchiha Kai said without blinking, but soon he seemed to think of something.

"Speak, why do you read this kind of book?"

"Er..." Hyuga Aya was stunned for a moment, and there was a little stunned expression on her face, but she soon recovered to calm: "It's just boring, let's see what this guy Jiraiya wrote. thing."

"Really? Isn't it... not looking for some experience? Or..."

"Shut up, you bastard! If you're talking nonsense....I'm definitely not finished with you!"

"Sorry, I'm afraid your life may really end with me..."


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