Chapter 669: traitor

"Konoha Ninja, is Konoha always my home?"

Walking on the street, Shishui's mind kept echoing what Uchiha Kai had said to himself before.

This sentence really gave him great encouragement, and inexplicably he was willing to believe it all.

Uchiha Kai has done so many things for the Uchiha family and Konoha over the years, what qualifications does he have to not trust others?

What's more, there is really nothing to be picky about in my current situation, and the situation in the entire ninja world doesn't seem to be much better.

Thinking of this, Zhishui's expression became serious.

He knows what he has to do, that is, he must find a way to gain the trust of the so-called 'Uchiha Madara'.

This matter is not easy in Shishui's view, but even if it is not easy, Obito will never give up easily.

This is doing things for Konoha, and he is also doing things for the entire ninja world. He will never allow himself to fail!

Thinking of this, Zhishui walked directly towards Hokage Rock.

His goal is very clear, that is to meet the three generations of Hokage, he needs to have a good talk with the three generations of Hokage!

After the Shisui incident was exposed, although he has been serving the three generations of Hokage, he never discussed these matters with the three generations of Hokage.

Now is a good opportunity, although Shisui knows that Uchiha Kaixin can't be trusted by this old Hokage, Shisui himself is not too trustworthy in some cases.

But he now needs to cooperate with the three generations of Hokage, and he can only cooperate well.

"Why are you here?" In Genbu's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Uchiha Shisui strangely: "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Zhishui was half-kneeling on the ground, his expression was calm and he couldn't see any problems at all: "There are indeed some issues that need to be discussed with Lord Hokage."

"Is it for the mission, or for other things?" Sarutobi Hizan waved his hand, and after waiting for a while, he asked.

The command room at the root, the current alert has been strengthened a lot again.

The main reason is because someone broke in, and one person solved everyone. The impact and impact of this incident on the roots are huge.

Before that, no one could have imagined that someone could do this step under such strict guards.

But the fact told everyone that there is indeed, and if the other party really has the intention to kill, then the whole root will be burnt!

Inevitably, the defense of the roots was strengthened, even if Hizan Sarutobi felt that it was of no use.

"For the mission." Shisui said calmly, "The mission that Master Qi gave to Master Hokage."

"I see, shouldn't you talk to Uchiha about this matter? Why did you come to me?" Sarutobi Hizan asked curiously, he stood up and walked to Shisui's side: "Get up Well, now it's just me and you."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Zhishui stood up calmly, and then said respectfully: "Although Lord Qi has assigned me a task, I think the cooperation between the two of us is the most important thing in this matter. Especially, those Someone came to find me."

"Those people?" The third Hokage frowned, and suddenly he seemed to know something: "Those people from mysterious organizations?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"As expected, they are probably really familiar with Konoha."

Sarutobi Hizan's expression also became a bit ruthless, and he could never forget that figure back then.

The guy who killed all of his Anbu guards alone, and also killed his wife, and robbed Naruto and threatened Minato Namikaze.

The **** guy who unleashed his nine tails in Konoha, caused huge economic losses to Konoha, and destroyed Konoha's image in the ninja world!

Sarutobi Hizan has hated many people in his life, but like that guy, who caused so much damage to Konoha, the anger in Sarutobi Hizan is still difficult to quell!

"Yes, very familiar, he found me easily." Zhi Shui lowered his head and said calmly: "At that time, I was in the clan of the Uchiha clan."

"Even Uchiha Kai didn't find him?" Sarutobi Hizen seemed a little surprised, but he didn't seem too surprised: "The guy who looked for you is very familiar with Konoha, and I am afraid he is also very familiar with Uchiha. Moreover, The ability that guy is good at is spatial, right?"

"Lord Hokage has seen him?" Shisui didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either. But soon he seemed to think of something, he was still young when the Nine-Tails Incident, but that didn't mean he didn't know what happened!

"Naturally, I have seen him, I wish I could kill him!" Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and said, "I understand, I will help you, although there is Uchiha Kai to help plan, but it is far better than our direct contact! Tell me, What did he tell you?"

Indeed, it is not very easy for Uchiha Kai to show up directly in this matter, especially after Obito has been in contact with Shishui, Uchiha Kai is even more inconvenient.

After all, he needs to let Shishui make some bad voices in the Uchiha family, and also to prevent some guys from peeping.

Just like Hei Jue, although he can be sure that with his Samsara Eye and Immortal Mode, that guy can't escape at all.

But others watched him and Shishui from a distance, and as long as they weren't stupid, they could guess some problems.

Therefore, it is the best thing for Shisui and Sarutobi Hizen to communicate and plan.

Shishui's psychology obviously understands that it seems that after experiencing the consideration of the 'Night of Clan Extermination' in the illusion, his whole person has become abnormally mature.

Although his thinking logic may not have reached a peak, it will definitely not be as naive as before.

He didn't tell Uchiha Kai about this, it was a decision he made by himself, but he believed that even if he told Uchiha Kai, he would be supported.

He didn't hide it, and quickly told Sarutobi Hizan about these things.

"It's kind of interesting." Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help but nodded after hearing this: "It seems that Uchiha has a good control over it, which made that guy misunderstand all this. Then I will strengthen my treatment of you. Intimacy, and you have to show the tangled emotions you should have, let this thing continue to expand, and finally... complete the task you should complete!"

"Yes, I understand, everything is mobilized by Hokage-sama." Zhishui nodded directly, indicating that he understood: "So, I'm business as usual?"

"Yes, it's business as usual." Hiruzen Sarutobi picked up the cigarette bag and put it next to the candlelight.

The cigarette bag was quickly lit, and wisps of blue smoke slowly floated from the cigarette butt.

Sarutobi Hizan took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

He stared at Zhishui, and it took him a long time to ask, "I have a question that I have always wanted to ask you."

"Hokage-sama, please speak directly." Zhishui still remained respectful.

"Do you consider me your teacher?"

"Although our positions are different, you and I have our own plans to become masters and apprentices, but until today...I have always viewed this..."


Uchiha Shisui and Sarutobi Hiizan matter, Uchiha Kai did not pay attention, and is not quite sure what happened.

But what makes him interesting is that since that day, Shishui has rarely returned to the Uchiha clan.

In addition to the necessary training with Sasuke and Itachi, he is more training with Sarutobi Hijn and performing some extremely dangerous tasks.

The talent of this guy Zhishui is good, especially with the progress of the mission in the past few months, he has also made a big name in the ninja world - Shunjin Zhishui.

Because his telekinesis was too exaggerated, the suffocating telekinesis even reminded some people of Kai Uchiha.

But no one will compare him with Uchiha Kai, and even the resentment against him within the Uchiha clan has followed up.

The reason is very simple, that is, this guy has basically shown that he is not the same as this family.

In the eyes of all Uchiha clan members, he is a betrayal!

Betrayal, not worthy of respect.

If it wasn't for Uchiha Fuyue forcibly suppressing this matter, I am afraid the trouble caused would be even more troublesome.

Because Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage, the two captains of the security department, have already thought of attacking this guy.

Uchiha Kai didn't care about these things, although he could just rely on one sentence to immediately let the Uchihas who belonged to the security department be honest.

But he would not be the manager of the clan, and the clan's affairs were left to the clan chief, which had long been agreed upon.

Even at the family meeting, Uchiha Kai would not give any opinion.

Now the clan of the Uchiha clan is no longer what it used to be, and all those who can participate in the clan are Joinin.

It can be said that since the introduction of this regulation a few years ago, the core figures of the Uchiha family have been reduced a lot.

However, since the number of Jōnin in Uchiha is the largest among the Konoha family, there are still nearly 20 participants.

It is not the first time that Uchiha Fuyue has asked Uchiha to help him, because this matter is really troublesome, and he feels that he can't suppress the anger in the clan.

Emotions need to be brewed, which is true, but brewing too long will have bad consequences sooner or later.

Uchiha Fuyue really doubted whether he was trapped by Uchiha.

But he wouldn't complain about this kind of thing, he took this opportunity to find three generations of Hokage to quarrel.

"Although this has raised a lot of my prestige within the clan, but if it goes on like this, I am afraid that some people will actually do it privately."

"Don't worry, they won't be Shishui's opponents. After all, Shishui is the only one other than you and me who has a kaleidoscope."

In the face of Uchiha Kai's attitude and explanation, Uchiha Fuyue finally didn't bother to pay attention.

He is really busy now. In addition to controlling the emotional orientation of the family, he also has to control the emotions of his two sons.

The two of them must not be exposed to some bad information, and the two of them must not feel bad about Shishui because of the emotions of the family.

But unfortunately, the second point will not be a problem even if he doesn't do it.

And first, he found that he really couldn't control it.

The current level of cohesion of the Uchiha clan is terrifying. In such an atmosphere of unprecedented unity, there are traitors like Uchiha Shisui, and all kinds of information will still be passed on.

No matter how hard Uchiha Fuyue tries to control it, there is no way to really control the attitude of the clansmen.

Although he got a good reputation - treating every clan as family, he really couldn't stop this matter.

Fortunately, the relationship between Shisui and Itachi and Sasuke is really good and unbelievable.

Although they are not real brothers, they are only limited by blood, and they are already real brothers emotionally.

Although the two of them were also very skeptical and puzzled, why did Zhishui make such a move.

But this kid Sasuke always believed that Shishui must have his own purpose.

And Itachi couldn't understand, but he felt that there might be a problem.

For example, what the three generations of Hokage have mastered, forcing Zhishui to submit, he has to find out these things!

Uchiha Kai always looks at matters within the family from the perspective of a bystander.

He didn't intend to get himself into it, but he also knew that he would not get caught in it, because this matter was nothing but his plan from beginning to end.

However, after spending his 21st birthday, Uchiha Kai has made considerable progress in other aspects.

His reincarnation eye chakra mode, after several months of training, has been relatively proficient in transforming and balancing the chakras of the three attributes.

Although there are only three, but for him, this is a very good result.

And Hyuga Aya also seriously began to debug the experimental body. This thing, as their back-up, must be taken seriously even if it is not used.

And Hyuga Aya seems to feel now that her eyes are approaching the first fetal movement period.

As for Nohara Lin, this woman is still the same, but after a few months of yin and yang reconciliation, her yin and yang seem to have become a lot more solid.

However, there is still a huge gap between such a state and waking up.

In addition, Iori is still analyzing the bloodline of the Yui family. According to her, she has found clues of four kinds of Chakra fusion.

However, such a clue is just a clue, and many things still require a lot of research and experiments The final result can be obtained.

On Imai Kenta's side, he is still strengthening his own abilities, such as comprehending the Nine Tails' Chakra, helping Nohara Rin to recover, and improving his sealing technique.

He is still very interested in extending the time for peak combat power, especially since he himself does not know whether he can reach the step of Otsutsuki.

With the invention of Uchiha Kai, he can't be unmoved. As long as there is enough time to accumulate, he believes that he can do it too!

But in addition to the sealing technique, he also has other headaches.

Just like that **** material, he still hasn't solved this problem.

Materials are the foundation of carrying these forces.

But now he has no time to think about it, because Konoha has already completed some negotiations...


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