Chapter 672: unbreakable

Imai Kenta's words really gave Uchiha Kai a huge inspiration. He really didn't expect that he would have such a misjudgment one day.

Indeed, because of the living environment and her personal growth experience, Hyuga Aya has such a proud and inferior character, she will never be an active person!

In the same way, if Uchiha Qi himself would be wrong and dare not take the initiative to attack, or if he simply behaves more tough sometimes, then the marathon between the two of them really has no end in sight.

As for Aya Hyuga herself going on a blind date to stimulate Kei Uchiha, he believed that this woman would definitely do it, but Kei Uchiha would never let this happen.

But if you want to completely take this woman down, you really can't be in a hurry.

It's not that Kai Uchiha himself is cowardly again, but because this woman has really entered a very critical period now.

Fetal movement, the word does not seem so reasonable when used in the eyes.

But the fact is that Tenseikan needs to grow in this peculiar eye, and must experience this experience three times.

Hyuga Aya's strength is still improving, but her eyes often have some symptoms.

Under such circumstances, Uchiha Kai naturally wouldn't bother her.

And Uchiha Kai himself felt that he had to speed up, his strength has always been the strongest among the three.

But after Xiang Ling had Tenseigan on that day, there was a faint sense of crisis in his heart.

It's not that he can't accept that others are better than him. To be honest, there were many people who were stronger than him back then, and he didn't show much dissatisfaction.

The most important thing is that he feels that he doesn't seem to be able to accept that Hyuga Aya is better than him.

After all, it involves a family status issue. It's not unacceptable for him to eat soft rice, but he always feels awkward.

It was as if he had been riding on her head all the time, and was suddenly mounted on it for no reason. He wouldn't like this feeling.

If you want not to be ridden under your body, then you can only do your best.

Fortunately, he knew the way forward. Although it was extremely difficult, there was still a way for him to go.

"It looks a little reluctant."

Uchiha Kai's whole body is full of blue light, and in this blue light, the breath of three kinds of chakras is constantly circulating.

He has been able to convert the Chakra of Samsara Eye into Chakra of three different attributes in an instant.

But unfortunately, this is obviously not enough. Even if Hyuga Aya's Tenseiyan Chakra mode is weak, she can condense a jade of seeking the Tao.

But Uchiha Qi is not talking about begging for jade now, he can't even balance Chakra.

To be honest, he really envied Uzumaki Naruto, no, now he should be called Naruto Naruto Naruto.

In the original book, although he only accepted the ultimate Yang Dun Chakra, don't forget that he has the power of all tailed beasts in his body.

The power of these tailed beasts brought the chakra in his body to an extreme balance, plus he had been pulled away because of the nine tails of the sun, and the reincarnated Namikaze Minato gave him the nine tails of the yin.

In such a situation, using the nine-tailed chakra mode instantly reached the point of balance between yin and yang, so he directly condensed the Taoist jade!

It can be said that in this state, he has reached the level of Six Paths.

Sasuke is actually the same. It is a pity that he does not have the power of Yang Dun, but the extreme Yin Dun in cooperation has allowed him to obtain a reincarnation writing wheel eye.

With this eye, he naturally reached a state of extreme strength.

But obviously, in this state, he is actually no match for Naruto, but his eyes are too exaggerated.

The Susanoo used under these eyes definitely reached the level of the Six Paths!

What really made him and Naruto reach the same level was that he used Susanoo to integrate the chakra collective of the nine-tailed beasts into it, and this was the final battle that was comparable to the destruction of the world.

And this battle also established the pattern of the ninja world.

Uchiha Qi didn't want him to be the same as the future Sasuke, and he didn't even show the Daoyu. It is conceivable how partial Sasuke is.

Of course, it can also be seen as how lucky Naruto is.

The nine tails that changed one attribute at a time of death, coupled with the plug-in sent by the immortals of the six paths, directly brought him to that point.

The only pity is that when his experience card ends, he can no longer use the Qiudao jade.

Uchiha Kai will never wish him to be so unlucky, he will definitely open his own quest jade.

Seriously, Naruto Sasuke is really envious, after all, someone sent a plug-in to them.

But what I really envy is that the ghost next door knows how it will end, and the vest king who has a one in a billion chance to open his Tenseisen.

Although the degree of tragic he is is unimaginable, and his chakra has never been enough, he is always inexplicably reversed.

But people's luck is really good, and using the Tenseiyan Chakra mode for the first time seems to be able to condense a few Taoist jade.

"But then again, I also have Hyuga Kyou here, it seems that she is still my classmate from the same period."

Uchiha Qi turned off his reincarnation eye chakra mode, touched his chin and thought.

"But this guy is obviously not the guy I remembered. It seems that he is still a Chunin. Of course, it's not bad to live a peaceful life..."

In the ninja world, as a ninja and a ninja who has experienced the war in the ninja world, it is really a perfect blessing to live a peaceful life.

After all, the war may make you die, even if you do not die in the war, but the sequelae left behind may make you suffer for a lifetime.

Whether it's mental or physical, these may break people down, and even a ninja with a firm will will feel very difficult.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai was too lazy to think about these inexplicable things.

Standing up, Uchiha Kai was about to leave the laboratory, but at this moment, Imai Kenta suddenly ran over out of breath.

Uchiha Qi is still a little strange, what is going on with this guy, especially when he is holding a turtle shell-like thing in his hand.

Clearly, though, the shells seemed odd, as they were clearly cut.

"Then why are you in a hurry?" Uchiha Qi asked curiously: "And, what is the thing in your hand."

"Don't worry, let me slow down..." Imai Kenta held the door with one hand and breathed continuously, and it took him a long time to relax: "I'm exhausted, it's really not easy to run all the way here. ."

"Why don't you use Flying Thunder God?" Uchiha Qi asked curiously: "I don't remember, there are seeds to clear you."

"It's not Aya's work.... Forget it, let's not talk about this." Imai Ken shook his head helplessly, and then he quickly picked up the turtle shell in his hand: "I finally found a good material, you see this!"

"Material? You said the material of the time seal scroll? If I read it right, isn't this thing a turtle shell?"

"It's a turtle shell, but do you know whose shell it is?"

"Wang Ba?"

"You bastard! This is the shell of an island turtle! It's an island turtle!"


"You actually believe in such a boring thing?"

In the underground of the ancestral hall of the Uchiha family, Obito and Shisui stood in front of a stone tablet.

This is the first time Shishui has come here, and what he can see is only what the kaleidoscope can see, but this is enough.

Here is what it takes for an ordinary writing wheel to evolve into a kaleidoscope. The easiest and most direct way is to kill your dearest person!

Shishui's kaleidoscope opened, just like what was said here, even in illusion, Shishui did exactly that.

And the content recorded by the kaleidoscope began to change. There is only one way to get the kaleidoscope without blindness, and that is to get the eyes of the brothers.

Or, try to obtain the power of all things, and the power of all things involves some obscure things, that is, unlimited monthly reading.

It's a pity that his eyes are just a kaleidoscope, he can't see the whole picture of the content, but he can also vaguely feel something.

For example, let the world enter into a beautiful peace.

Shishui was also thinking about how to make this world without war and only peace.

But after being on-demand by Uchiha Kai, he knew that the world wants peace only through his own efforts, not using any technique.

In addition, he already knew about the so-called infinite monthly reading before that, so he didn't believe these nonsense at all.

Compared with Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato, or compared to Konoha, how could he believe the words of these guys.

"Believe it or not, you will always know in the future." Obito said indifferently.

Although he himself doesn't believe in these nonsense, but now he doesn't plan to reveal his identity, especially the guy in front of him doesn't like him at all.

So now the role he plays is still a heinous, Uchiha Madara from a mysterious organization who once attacked Konoha.

Obito is very proficient in using this identity and role, and recently he has always imitated some of Uchiha Kai's behavior. Yes, his role looks more three-dimensional.

"Hmph, what's the use of such a world?" Shisui raised his head indifferently, he stared at Obito and said, "Although I thank you for your invitation, I am also very resentful of Yuzhi. Bo Qi's actions, but your words, I don't believe at all!"

"What do you know?" Obito shook his head, he recalled things about Madara Uchiha, and then said directly: "The era I lived in was countless times more chaotic than the war in the ninja world, there was no village, no Faith, war is everywhere. War is one of the languages ​​we usually communicate, death is a common phenomenon, the law of the jungle is a habit at that time, and pain is as common as breathing.”

"You seem to be Madara Uchiha." Shisui frowned, but soon he continued to ask: "So, what about Konoha? Legend has it that you and the first-generation Hokage-sama established Konoha together. ."

"Konoha, that's my failed work." Although Obito didn't want to say this in his heart, he said directly: "In that environment, we grew up, and we were fed up with the hell-like world. That's why Konoha was born, hoping to change this sad world. But it turns out that the world is still like this, and I was betrayed by Senju."

Obito's homework is still very good, or this guy has been collecting information on Uchiha Madara since he regarded Uchiha Madara as his enemy.

In the past, strength information, he has not let go of everything, whether it is the library of the Uchiha family or from Hei Jue.

The current Obito's understanding of Uchiha Madara is probably as good as other people who also know these materials.

To be honest, Obito really admires this guy, but no amount of admiration can change that this guy is his own enemy.

"That's why we have to keep working hard to maintain peace." Shisui didn't know what Obito was thinking, he said without hesitation, "But what you're doing is destroying peace. If you keep doing this, sooner or later you will start a war with the entire ninja world, and you are the one who started the war!"

"Young junior, don't look at me with your short-sighted eyes." Obito shook his head, his voice still calm without any fluctuations.

"This world has not been so-called perfect from the very beginning, and your persistence is just a pointless struggle.

There is no hope in the ninja world for a long time. All people are fighting each other for their own interests and for the interests of the village. What is the use of such a false peace?

Indeed, if we develop to the back, perhaps we will be the enemy of the entire ninja world.

But so what?

What does it matter to overthrow this hopeless world and build a peaceful, dream-filled world? "

Speaking of this, Obito walked before the stone tablet, and he stared at the stone tablet as if he was lost in thought.

In fact, he was thinking, and he seemed to understand a little bit now, why Madara Uchiha was deceived.

The Warring States Period was indeed too terrifying and bloody. No wonder this guy always wanted to establish a peaceful order.

But unfortunately, this guy went the wrong way.

Obito knew the truth, whether it was Rin's truth or the world's truth, he would never agree to it Although I have always hated a junior, that guy is Uchiha Kai. "

Obito continued to speak, and his words immediately caught Shisui's attention.

"But I have to say that this junior is definitely the most powerful junior I have ever seen in my life.

He has a saying, what he said when he dealt with those Uchiha clansmen back then, it was neither broken nor established.

This world is already hell, then we will break this **** and rebuild a brand new world, even if it is an enemy of the world! "

"Even if..." When Zhi Shui heard this sentence, he understood that it was time: "Is it the enemy of the world... Although I still can't agree with the infinite monthly reading plan, but..."

"I think, if my experience in Konoha is what you said, then it's not impossible for me to join you..."


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