Chapter 680: why so troublesome

"Okay, the next group of Sasuke and Naruto, you are out."

In the ninja school, Iruka looked at the list in his hand and shouted loudly, and soon Naruto and Sasuke walked out of the crowd together.

The time has come to the afternoon. After enjoying the lunch, a few people came here to wait for the exam after a good rest.

Naruto and Sasuke already knew who their opponent was, and even if no one told them, they knew it in their hearts.

So when they heard the name, they went straight out of the list. For them, they were actually used to it.

Sasuke looks high-spirited, because his inner goal makes him have to work hard, he must get this first place!

His brother was the number one back then, and because he was too good, he could actually leave the school at the age of six, and then he was valued by Kakashi, the Minister of Anbu.

My other brother, Zhishui, also performed exceptionally well in school.

Moreover, he also graduated early, and was finally guided by Mr. Qi's leader Kamijin Fujiu Hangping for a period of time.

Although Brother Zhishui is now...

It seemed a little strange, and it became a little incomprehensible what he was thinking.

But the master believes in his brother, and believes that Zhishui can prove himself one by one!

But before that, Sasuke needs to prove himself. The three brothers seem to have the most mediocre performance.

Even in school, his grades are not the best. Just as good as him is the guy Naruto.

In addition, there are perverts like Shikamaru in the written test.

"It's our group again, Naruto." Sasuke raised his head, and he whispered, "This time, I will definitely win!"

"Really?" Naruto also laughed: "It's useless to talk without practice, Sasuke, I'd like to see your unique skills."

After Naruto said these words, he made a posture of opposing seals, and at the same time his mind began to restrain.

But soon, Naruto noticed something was wrong, because he seemed to see...

Shadow of Anbu?

Anbu came to Ninja School?

What is this for?

Naruto frowned and thought, honestly, everything today seemed unusual.

First this exam was unusual, and then Anbu appeared.

Could it be, what happened?

I have to say that Minato Namikaze and Kushina are still alive, and they are really dedicated to Naruto's teaching.

While giving Naruto a happy childhood, he also taught him many qualities that ninjas should have.

If it weren't for Naruto's lack of vision, and not many things he could see, maybe he could have guessed it by now.

Shaking his head, Naruto decided that he still didn't want these messes.

Anyway, his father is Hokage, so he believes that his father can do these things well.

That's the person he wants to surpass, and Hokage.... is also what he desires!

Naruto hopes to be recognized, not only because he is the son of the fourth Naruto, but also because he is recognized as Naruto Naruto, a Konoha ninja!

And in the future, by virtue of his recognition, he will become Hokage!

Turning to Sasuke, Naruto suddenly thought of something.

This guy Sasuke has an older brother named Uchiha Shisui, and this Shisui brother Naruto is quite familiar with. After all, I hear Sasuke say their names every day, even if they are not familiar with them.

It's just that as the son of Hokage, Naruto happens to know something even unintentionally.

For example, this brother Zhishui seems to have a relationship with his father...

Naruto was a little annoyed, he didn't know how to describe it.

In fact, he just doesn't understand, they are all ninjas in Konoha Village. Isn't everyone the same, why can they be separated from each other?

Of course, he can only keep these things in his heart, and there are some questions he can't ask.

But he remembered that his mother told him that it was best not to get too close to this brother Zhishui.

Naruto still can't understand the reason, and he can't say it when facing Sasuke.

"Are you distracted?" At this moment, Sasuke's slightly unhappy voice rang in Naruto's ears: "What are you looking like?"

"Ah? Sorry?" Naruto touched the back of his head apologetically, then he immediately became serious: "Then, come on!"

After speaking, the two of them rushed towards each other at almost the same time.

In just a moment, the two of them were already intertwined.

The speed of the two of them was so fast that the other students couldn't see their battle clearly.

In fact, it's quite normal. Naruto and Sasuke's current level is really not bad. It's more than enough to graduate directly to the present.

And the little guys of the same age can only be said to be developing normally. How can they see the battle between two guys who can be ninjas?

"The two of them are really strong!"

"Yeah, Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun are so handsome!"

"It would be great if I could join them in the future, even if it was just one of them."

"Cut, maybe others can graduate early."


The battle between the two immediately aroused discussion among everyone present. After all, these two guys are so good that no one can be jealous.

Not only the students of the same grade, but even the students in the first year of high school couldn't help but look over. After all, such battles are quite rare.

However, there are some people who don't seem to care about all this, such as Neji Hyuga.

Although he also thinks that these two guys are fighting more fiercely, he still has his own pride as a student of Hyuga Aya!

While the students were discussing, the fight between the two guys escalated as they started to use ninjutsu.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Naruto found that Sasuke was very difficult, so he quickly formed a group of clones, and then went to attack Sasuke together.

And Sasuke is also very calm, although he didn't open the wheel, but that doesn't mean he can't deal with it.

After blocking a Naruto attack, Sasuke immediately retreated, and then his hands quickly formed seals.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

A huge flame spewed out of Sasuke's mouth, and all Naruto passing through the fireball turned into smoke.

After all, He Itachi and Shisui have been training for so long, and with the careful teaching of Uchiha Fuyake, how could his performance be poor?

However, Sasuke was not at all proud, and even his face became solemn.

Because he found that his fire escape was too easy, and the most important thing was that he didn't find Naruto's figure!

"caught you!"

Suddenly, Naruto's voice sounded behind Sasuke, and a leaf on the ground instantly turned into Naruto's appearance, and then punched Sasuke fiercely.

Sasuke reacted fundamentally, and then was hit by a punch and flew out.

This scene suddenly made the students burst into amazement, and even Iruka was taken aback.

Transformation is one of the basic three-body techniques, but he himself didn't know exactly when Naruto used it.

In addition to this, he also felt a little helpless. He really hated this kind of actual combat class, because sometimes this kind of actual combat class was completely beyond his control.

For example, now, the two boys Uchiha Sasuke and Naruto Naruto are almost all regular ninja fighting modes.

When these two little guys fought, even he sometimes felt embarrassed. If it wasn't for the fact that they really wanted to be ranked first and second, Iruka would have given them two direct and excellent ratings, right?


At this moment, Sasuke who flew out turned into a piece of wood, and the real Sasuke scuffled with Naruto again.

Naruto obviously knew Sasuke's abilities, so he didn't seem surprised. After a fierce battle, the two of them involuntarily distanced themselves.

"It seems that it is difficult to tell the winner." Naruto said with a smile: "Then, I will use my unique trick!"

"Hmph, idiot." Sasuke squatted down slightly, and at the same time began to form a seal: "It seems that only you have a unique trick!"

By coincidence, both of them decided to use their strongest moves to solve the battle.

Chakra swayed on the two of them, and Naruto's right hand already had a blue Chakra ball of light.

And Sasuke's left hand also jumped the arc, and the harsh chirping sound resounded throughout the audience.

When Iruka saw this scene, his face changed suddenly, how could he not know these two techniques?

That is the trick of the fourth Hokage-sama, and...

Kai-sama also has Kakashi's tricks!

It's a pity that he didn't have time to stop it, Naruto and Sasuke had already rushed towards each other, which instantly made Iruka's face turn pale.


This sentence reverberated in Iruka's heart. If something really went wrong with these two little guys, even if he wasn't punished, his conscience would definitely not be able to survive.

This is his student, his own student has a problem, then he is the culprit!

However, just when he was most desperate, a white-haired figure appeared instantly.

When Sasuke and Naruto were about to collide, the figure grabbed Sasuke with one hand and Naruto with the other.

For a time, these two boys couldn't move an inch!

"I said, you two little guys, it's too much."



Nagato inconceivably felt the avatar of the **** that had been destroyed, and then seemed to be a little silent.

He still knows that there is no virtuous person under the reputation, but in his opinion, Uchiha Kai may be like that.

It's not that he didn't get some information about Uchiha Kai before. He knew that Uchiha Kai was fast and was good at using ninja swords. Besides that, the most powerful one seemed to be that Susanoo.

According to legend, Uchiha Kai's Susanoo and that mysterious Uchiha's Susanoo have the same color!

However, no matter what the relationship between the two people is, one thing Nagato can be sure of is that the Uchiha Kai in front of him is definitely beyond his imagination, and his intelligence is also wrong.

The speed of that mysterious Uchiha is not slow, but it is definitely not as fast as the guy in front of him.

He seems to know now, that mysterious guy is better at large-scale destruction, and this Uchiha Kai is better at ultra-high-speed combat!

"The six bodies respond quickly, and the vision is shared." Uchiha Qi pulled a knife and said plainly: "Since it is controlled by one person, but it is divided into six, it can only explain one problem. Your own body may be You can't bear these powers, so you need puppets, and these puppets are not very good, so you have to separate your powers. However, it is still so vulnerable."

"Do you know my information?" Nagato couldn't help frowning when he heard the words: "So you took the lead in defeating the **** realm, so you won't let me recover?"

"The way of hell?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, looking like he didn't know why: "The corpse that I destroyed was called the way of hell? Look at that guy, I remember that I read his information, He is the leader of an unknown religion who teaches people to avoid disasters by praying in troubled times. It's not useful, if prayer is useful, what would a ninja do?"

"It's interesting." Nagato said indifferently: "Although I know you are troublesome, but next, you will not have any chance!"

After the words were closed, the animal road suddenly formed a seal with his hands, and countless strange psychic beasts were summoned by him.

Shura Road also summoned a special attack weapon. In front of Shura Road is a puppet master who is very good at controlling these things.

Hungry Ghost Road is waiting for an opportunity. Hungry Ghost Road's ability is to absorb Chakra. He must find an opportunity to contact Uchiha Kai.

As for the Dao of Humanity and Dao of Heaven, they are temporarily standing at the back.

Human Dao masters the ability to probe the soul, and the combat ability is not outstanding.

And Tiandao has to guard against the terrifying speed of Uchiha Kai's violent surprise attack again.

Uchiha Qi looked at all this indifferently, and then he took a step forward gently.

Having already figured out a battle strategy, he will definitely not wait for the enemy to take action slowly.

Now there are only five puppets left, and one of them has no real fighting ability, which means that he has only four to solve.

And apart from Heavenly Dao, which will make him feel a little troublesome, he won't care about the rest!

Following his movements, Shura Dao also took the lead in launching an attack Countless things like missiles infused with Chakra flew towards him.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly, and the snowflakes in the sky were still slowly falling. It would be very disappointing if such a beauty was broken.

The snowflakes are still falling slowly, and the missile-like thing that is flying is getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, the snow flakes solidified in the air, as did the missiles that came quickly.

Time seems to have completely stopped at this moment, everything is suspended, it looks so weird, so heart-pounding.

The most incredible thing is that Uchiha Kai did not stop his footsteps, he moved towards the six Paynes step by step.

He could take it slow, but he didn't want to be too troublesome.

That being the case, it's enough to face one alone...  


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