Chapter 700: Battle Upgrades (Happy New Years to All)

"Lord Tuying, this is the place."

Inside the country of Sugi, and the outer area near the battlefields of Uchiha Kai and Jizuru, Ohnogi and Gono Masao are standing here.

Behind them, there is a dense army of ninjas that can't be seen at a glance!

There are definitely a lot of troops deployed by Yanyin in the country of Sugi. After all, this is the place bordering Yunyin. It can be said that this is the front line of Yanyin facing Yunyin.

Once this place falls, I am afraid that Yun Yin will swagger into the land of the earth.

The reverse is also true, once the war begins, this is definitely a bridgehead for attacking Yunyin.

If Yunyin wanted to attack Yanyin, he had to knock down this place first, so that they could drive straight in.

It can be said that this country of Sugi is one of the most important strategic junction points between the two countries.

Yanyin took a lot of advantage in this place, but he couldn't make him careless if he took advantage of it.

The army that Yanyin has deployed here is actually the most at any border.

"Well, what's going on inside now?" Onogi nodded, and then asked quietly, "Are there any signs of them coming out?"

"Not yet, the demolition team has used the clay eagle to go in to investigate the information, but so far there is no feedback." Masao Gono said respectfully: "But there is a piece of information, that is, the chakra inside is chaotic, which makes the clay eagle unable to approach. .Because once you get close, it will lose its effect. I'm afraid..."

Gono Masao didn't finish his words, but Ohnogi already knew what he was talking about.

That is, there is probably a terrible battle inside, and such a battle also makes it impossible for the clay eagle to get close.

What made Ohnogi a little bit puzzled was that such a battle should be huge.

Even though they did feel some slight tremors not long ago, such tremors really didn't attract Ohnogi's attention.

For him, he can easily achieve this effect with some techniques.

And while he achieved this effect, there was no way to make the clay eagle lose its effect.

The quality of those clay eagles is definitely not bad. If you want to make them invalid, you can only use high-quality chakras that can be called terrifying.

But for now, it seems that the battle has not reached that level, at least from the current fluctuations, it has not reached that level at all.

"It's really weird." Onomu thought for a long time, then finally shook his head and said, "Forget it, since the troops have been assembled, let's go in."

"Lord Tsuchikage, isn't it too dangerous?" Masao Gono thought for a while and said, "A lot of things are still unclear, how about we wait for new information?"

"No need, it's not necessary." Onogi said in a low voice: "They have four generations of Raikage to follow, and they probably already know our actions. In this case, let's go and see what the **** they are doing, comparable. It’s much better to be sneaky.” First post www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

"If they jump off the wall in a hurry..." Masao Gono was very cautious: "I'm afraid that time will not be a good thing for Lord Tsuchikage."

"That's why I brought so many people here. Pick Anbu and prepare flares for them all. If something goes wrong, act immediately when you see the flares, you know?"

" is, Tsuchikage-sama."

Gono Masao was still going to persuade him, but when he saw Ohnogi's unquestionable expression, he nodded directly to show that he knew.

Although he thinks Ohnogi's approach is a bit risky, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the best choice.

Masao Gono will never deny Yunyin's defense against Yanyin, just like their defense against Yunyin has reached the ultimate level!

Now that a decision has been made, Masao Gono immediately informed him. In this case, as the commander, he would not dare to let Tsukage go in alone.

Although he knew that Onogi's strength was very strong, even if he did his best, he might not be an opponent.

But the problem is that as a subordinate, you still have to have the attitude you should have.

It's just that he hasn't had time to inform about these things. Suddenly, the mountains shook, chakra poured out like a torrent, and the terrifying and suffocating power permeated the entire mountain!

"This.... what's going on here?"

Ohnogi was startled, the cold chakra made Ohnogi feel numb on his scalp.

This level of gloom and coldness seemed to come from hell. This feeling directly reminded him of how he felt when he faced Madara Uchiha 50 or 60 years ago!

That kind of despair, that kind of depression, that kind of feeling that made him feel like he was in hell.

Suddenly, Ohnogi suddenly woke up, Madara Uchiha was already dead!


Onogi clenched his fists involuntarily. This power seems to be more terrifying than the cold chakra when he faced Madara Uchiha!

How is this going?

What exactly is going on!

Suddenly, Ohnogi seemed to think of something, Madara Uchiha is dead, but there is still another Uchiha in this mountain!

Kei Uchiha, the guy who almost destroyed his son, the poisonous snake in the ninja world.

In the ninja world, Uchiha Kai's name grew gradually with the security department, and was gradually understood and analyzed by the world.

Although the results obtained by high-level analysis of Ninja villages in many other countries are not the same, there is still a detailed conclusion after all.

That is, all the means used by this guy will never be anything aboveboard, this guy's darkness is simply disgusting!

In addition, this guy also killed Shimura Danzo, who was known as the Darkness of the Ninja World, and he became Konoha's actual number two character, so the nickname of the viper gradually spread in the upper circles. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

From Ohnogi's point of view, Uchiha Kei is a poisonous snake, a gloomy one, and the people who have bitten are all poisonous snakes that are either dead or crippled!

"Is it this guy?"

Onogi was a little unbelievable, but his heart seemed to have been determined, it was this guy!

It seems that such chakras can only be produced by people from the Uchiha family, and only people from this family can be so gloomy!

"Lord Tsuchikage, what should we do now?" Masao Gono's expression also became extremely solemn: "I think it's better for us to avoid it. This power is really unusual."

"It's really unusual, but..." Ohnogi took a deep breath: "Obviously, this chakra is fighting, if I guess correctly, this chakra should belong to Uchiha Kai, then... ..."

"It belongs to Kai Uchiha?" Masao Gono's face changed: "Lord Tsuchikage means you..."

"Let's go and see what he's doing, if we're lucky..."

"Maybe, our mission will become easier!"


Facing these black tombstones with the ultimate yin and yang escape, Uchiha Qi knew that their defensiveness was too strong.

And their existence is not only to suppress the use of Uchiha Kai's ninjutsu, but also to suppress the overall environment and the ability of Uchiha Kai.

Just like the Rashomon used by Senju Hashirama in those days, they can not only resist the attack of the tailed beast jade, but also can be transformed to trap the tailed beast!

Moreover, this thing can also block the perception ability!

Uchiha Kai's immortal mode was obviously restrained by this thing, and even his eternal kaleidoscope was slightly affected.

I have to say that this Otsutsuki is indeed dangerous, and it is so dangerous that he feels a little uncomfortable.

This guy's methods are too weird, and the information he can know is too little.

Looking at the black tombstones that began to rotate, Uchiha Kai noticed that they were about to move, as if they were waiting to attack!

"Looks like I'm really going to play first."

Uchiha Qi sighed faintly, he absolutely did not want to be suppressed by such a technique.

He even felt that even if he used Susanoo, the effect would be mediocre.

So he didn't plan to wait for the opponent to take action, even if revealing his strength in advance would not be a good thing for him.

Because their strength has reached their level, it is basically irrational to strike first and become stronger.

But when he slowly cracks this guy's failure to suppress, the ghost knows what abnormal situation will occur.

Taking a deep breath, the Eternal Eye in Uchiha Kai's eyes began to spin rapidly.

The ultimate yin and yang escape seemed to burst out at this moment, and the chakra, which was colder and more terrifying than before, swept the entire mountain range!

Under the shroud of this chakra, the fourth Raikage in the distance felt a strong sense of suffocation for a while.

They really didn't expect that their sight and perception were affected by the black tombstone, and they even decided to rush over to rescue them!

However, at this moment, such chakra has completely overflowed the blockade of the black tombstone, and spread wildly around!

With such a chakra, the fourth Raikage felt a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart.

What kind of power is this, and why is there such a chakra?

When he looked at the Konoha people, his expression was even more astonished, because the Konoha people didn't have any other expressions except their serious expressions!

what is this?

Is this kind of chakra a normal performance in your opinion?


Ci Xian's face changed slightly, this chakra made him feel a deadly threat!

However, his expression soon changed again, this time with excitement!

With the power of Otsutsuki, Ci Xian clearly felt the power that belonged to Otsutsuki.

This guy, this guy, he actually possesses such a strong power of Otsutsuki!

This kind of discovery made Ci Xian seem a little hard to control his emotions.

Although there is no way to check the bloodline of this guy, but Uchiha, who can inspire such power, is probably not bad in terms of bloodline.

Even if he has not completely reached the level of Otsutsuki, he is not weaker than or even surpassed Indra back then, right?

But Ci Xian quickly calmed down. He didn't forget Kaguya's power explosion last year. Could it be that the power explosion was actually because of this guy?

Thinking of this, Ci Xian slightly restrained his emotions.

Regardless of the outcome, all he has to do now is beat this guy and...

Leave a wedge on this guy!

"I have to say, you really amazed me, as the best reward..." Ci Xian looked at Kai Uchiha who had completely exploded in front of him, and the chakra in his body suddenly exploded: "I will make You see my true power, my power!"

The voice fell, and the black mark on Ci Xian's body once again filled the air. This time, his whole body was covered with such a blue-black mark.

An extremely exaggerated force began to appear, and this force was even more desperate than the chakra burst out by Uchiha.

At the same time, a long horn appeared on Ci Xian's forehead inexplicably, as if to tell that his body had begun to assimilate in an incredible direction!

"That wedge seems to be more active!" Uchiha Qi watched quietly, but soon he shook his head: "It seems that this guy does not intend to take advantage of me, or he is worried about What an accident. That's fine, then..."

Uchiha Kai stretched out his right hand, the yin and yang in his body suddenly began to vibrate, and a black ninja sword quickly appeared in his hand.

He grabbed the ninja sword and shook it lightly. The quality was very average. It couldn't compare to the black stick in the hands of this guy like Ci Xian, but it was enough.

Even if Yin Yang Dun is not condensed enough and pure, there is no difference in nature, at most it is only the difference in quality.

At least, he doesn't need to worry too much about this weapon now.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha activated. His figure was indistinct, and it seemed that only a trace of afterimage could be seen. The next moment, he appeared beside Ci Xian!

The ninja sword, which was purely formed by the convergence of yin and yang, suddenly burst out, and the power that had completely surpassed the understanding of the ninja world attacked Cixian brazenly.

However, Ci Xian didn't seem to care. He seemed to have captured the traces of Uchiha Qi's movement, and the black long stick was lifted up when the ninja knife was slashed.


When the ninja sword and the black stick collided again, the space seemed to be shocked by their power, and the surrounding space began to distort!

Those blue-black tombstones that were completely condensed by yin and yang were directly shattered in this collision of forces.

The endless power began to spread wildly, even the Fourth Raikage and Aya Hyuga had to evacuate quickly, because they couldn't bear the spread of this power!

"What exactly is this?"

The fourth Raikage's face became a little ugly. He really couldn't imagine what kind of power this was. Is it really a power that humans can use?

However, this is just the beginning.

When the two figures began to crazily stagger and collide continuously, the entire mountain seemed to collapse.

Because the power that spills out at this time is really terrifying...
