Chapter 703: And 1 10 tails?

The majestic force rolled down, and the entire space had a sinking feeling.

Black and white meet, sweeping across the four directions, in the burst of light, there is no difference between strong and weak.

The blade is heavy, and it seems that all the power is condensed on the tip of the sword, and in the vagueness, a pitch-black terrifying vortex looms, and then slashes down.

This knife, even Uchiha Qi himself did not expect that such power could burst out!

It was a surprise for him.

However, Ci Xian is obviously not an easy person. Before Uchiha activated his hand, he had already noticed that the opponent in front of him seemed to be more terrifying than he imagined!

He saw how the ninja world showed the peak fighting power after the death of the woman's two sons.

In his opinion, it is very good. Although the bloodline and final strength have not reached the level of Otsutsuki, their use of skills has surpassed Otsutsuki.

But skills are only skills, and their essential strength has not reached their level. Although there is a chance of defeating them, in his opinion, such a probability is simply minimal.

The strength of Kaguya's two sons really made Ci Xian feel a little tricky!

Because the two of them have little essential strength to reach their level, and even the use of magic has reached an unimaginable level.

However, it seems that these two guys don't know where they went, except for some conditions. Maybe they really died as rumored?

Of course, Ci Xian didn't care whether he lived or died. He had never met these two guys. In addition to his current situation, he didn't need to worry about the leakage of his chakra at all.

Whether his opponent is alive or dead, his situation cannot be exposed. After all, he is also guarding the two guys from hiding in a dark corner and looking for him.

Seeing this guy whose bloodline is constantly evolving towards Otsutsuki in front of him, feeling the majestic power, Ci Xian's aura suddenly rose.

And when Uchiha Qi took action and made this shocking sword, he was stunned to find that this guy had surpassed the power that belonged to the pinnacle of the ninja world in his memory back then!

This Uchiha Kai, although he has not yet reached the attitude that Otsutsuki should have at his peak, is giving him enough time to grow...

Ci Xian didn't dare to think about it anymore, this terrifying knife had already made him feel a deadly threat.

Although being killed is no big deal to him, he absolutely cannot accept resurrection with this body.

And.... the current one has not completely reached its peak, and because of the resurrection of this body in a hurry, he feels that he will definitely not survive for a month.

It is even possible that the resurrection caused his breath to be discovered by the two guys he was afraid of!

Almost instantly, Ci Xian channeled his pupil power into the ninja sword that Uchiha Kai's fusion of yin and yang escaped.

Visible to the naked eye, the ninja knife was directly shrunk, and at the same time he directly raised the black stick to block it.


The mountains swayed suddenly, the birds fell abruptly, and a dazzling white light quickly spread from the air, filling every corner within a hundred miles.

Within the range of the white light, the mountain peaks seemed to be made of flour, first collapsed, and then completely shattered into dust.

The scorching high temperature turned into a raging wind and waves, and the vast forest on the ground burst into flames, and the next moment it turned into coke under the overwhelming energy!

Outside the mountain range, an ambush rock ninja army had almost no resistance at all, and instantly turned into nothingness.

This thousand-man army was here to stop Uchiha Kai and the others, but they didn't even know it happened, they just disappeared completely in an instant! New 81 Chinese website update fastest computer: https://www.@x81zw@@

Uchiha Qi clenched his teeth and suddenly lost the weapon in his hand. He was not too panicked.

After knowing the capabilities of this fellow Ci Xian, he was already mentally prepared, so this situation was not beyond his expectations.

But this time around, he seemed to have discovered something interesting, something about himself.

That is, after using this reincarnation eye chakra mode, his other attribute chakra seems to be temporarily blocked.

This kind of situation has not occurred before, and it is most likely because you have not really touched it, right?

Now that he has done it himself, the only Chakra he can perceive and can use is the Chakra that he has completed the transformation.

In addition to these chakras, his celestial chakra seems to be balanced with the power of the eye of reincarnation, and...

The chakra of the Tenseiyan in his eyes also seemed to become active.

It's slowly starting to be incorporated into Kai Uchiha's Tenseigan mode, which is a special case, but it's a good thing for me, right?

"Also, I seem to be able to use some more interesting powers. Although it is still an art, it may still be reduced by this guy, but this state..."

With a backward toss, Uchiha Qi fell steadily to the ground, and he now felt a little numb in his right hand.

However, he didn't take it too seriously, quickly forming the seal, the surging chakra started to run in an instant.

I'm afraid Uchiha Kai himself doesn't know, at this moment, the gouyu that should have been hidden on his body has surfaced on his chakra coat!

"Yin-Yang Escape: The Art of Kowloon's Singing!"

With the seal of Uchiha Kai, the nine black dragons roared and condensed in the air, exuding the will to destroy everything!

Under the control of Kai Uchiha, the nine black dragons flew towards the location of Ci Xian frantically. Wherever it was contaminated, dark flames overflowed and spread rapidly.

Ci Xian also stood firm, looking at the crazy dragon, he snorted coldly.

The next moment his words began to turn, and the three giant dragons were instantly shrunk to the point where they were almost invisible to the naked eye.

But only three giant dragons were shrunk by him, and there were six that he couldn't continue!

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai couldn't help showing a little smile.

Sure enough, he guessed right, his strength in this state is really doubling and improving, and that guy named Ci Xian can't completely shrink his skills.

This shrinkage is really beyond his expectations. Its shrinkage is not only a reduction in size, but even the power to explode is also reduced with the size.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that this guy can restore or even enlarge the things he has shrunk.

This also means that if he is the same as Otsutsuki Peach, then he will bounce back and at the same time increase the power of the technique!

It's practical, but also eerie, and elusive.

But now...

Ci Xian's face was a little ugly. Obviously, he didn't expect this kid named Uchiha Kai to actually be able to improve his strength to this level!

He is now the second state of the wedge, almost to the extreme!

In a further step, that is to completely release the wedge and bring itself back to life.

But he is obviously not willing to do this, he has not planned to let himself use this body to live.

This body will never satisfy his thoughts, nor will he be able to recover to his peak when he survives. This will definitely not support him in defeating Kaguya Otsutsuki and her son.

He doesn't want to, and he doesn't want to!

Ci Xian's fighting consciousness was still very strong, the chakra burst out suddenly, and the black space ripples suddenly rippled around him.

The three pitch-black fire dragons were swallowed up in this weird space in an instant, and he jumped up, showing his terrifying physical skills in an instant.

The only three remaining black dragons fell apart under the attack of his black stick or fist, and divided into small black flames and quickly extinguished.

And just when Ci Xian started, Uchiha Qi had quietly appeared beside him, and the ninja sword that was condensed in his hand was cut out in an instant!

"Blade of Time!"

Uchiha Kai's speed is very fast, surpassing the limit of time quickly, the yin and yang on the ninja sword are flowing, this is a deadly technique!

The space oscillated, and in the earth-shattering sound, the aftermath stronger than the previous wave erupted, and the ring-shaped rays of light shot out, covering the ubiquitous rays of light in the space.

Under the rolling energy flow, all tangible and intangible substances are smashed.

The strangest thing is that the destruction of these substances is not simply caused by the surging of power, they look more like the baptism of time, and finally shattered!

Ci Xian's face changed greatly, this power, of course, he knew that the **** guy in front of him was good at manipulating time.

But he really didn't expect that he actually has such a hand, which can stretch and stop a person's time line!

What is he most afraid of now?ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

That is because of various reasons, the reincarnated person he occupied died, and he was completely resurrected.

And this damned guy is even more extreme than he imagined.

This is no longer as simple as death, this is a power that may be deeply affected even if you are resurrected!

At the moment of being locked in time, Ci Xian gritted his teeth, and his eyes began to roll wildly.

At this moment, he didn't pay much attention anymore, because Kai Uchiha's move would really kill him!

Now being eroded by the power of time, his lifespan has begun to shrink. As long as he avoids it, there must be room for recovery.

If you don't dodge...the consequences are unimaginable!

With a roar, Ci Xian's body changed further, and his body almost began to show the same black hook jade as Uchiha Kai.

But these gouyu are obviously illusory, and there seems to be a line between vagueness and reality.

A pitch-black space channel appeared beside him, and Ci Xian's body shrank to the extreme in an instant, and he could hardly be seen at all.

In just a moment, time was reversed, as if after countless cycles, he suddenly appeared in the same place.

His body seemed to be in a strange state, an inexplicable state, but he seemed to have grown a lot older almost visible to the naked eye.

Suddenly, Ci Xian held the sky black stick and slashed down. In the space, darkness couldn't help but the condensed power of yin and yang rushed straight in. There was no aftermath, but there was a kind of trembling in the depths of his soul.

The dark Chakra instantly covered Kai Uchiha's body, and the ninja sword, which converged with Yin and Yang, blocked forward.

But at the next moment, Ci Xian kicked over, and this time, the speed was completely beyond imagination!

He just cast the Blade of Time, and he couldn't continue to maintain the 'speeding' state for a short time, and he could directly take action to resist.

But this time, he found out by surprise that Ci Xian's power has become smaller!

The weakening of power means that this guy's state may not be optimistic, so this is the opportunity for Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Kai has already figured out how to deal with this guy, that is the seal.

Killing him is equivalent to releasing a monster, but it will obviously cause huge trouble if you dare not drop him and let him run around.

The best way is to grab him directly and seal him!

If the plan is successful, then Uchiha Kai can explore and understand more deeply, the so-called Otsutsuki's secret.

"Looks like you're not good enough."

Uchiha Qi held Ci Xian's stick with one hand and blocked his feet with the other, with a little mockery at the corner of his mouth.

"Your body is just an ordinary person, the poor guy is controlled by you, and your consciousness is taken away by you.

There is no resistance in the face of you, but that's why you occupy his body, which also causes you to be unable to exert your full strength at all.

You don't even dare to use his body to resurrect! "

"Indeed, and even resurrecting is no big deal, but unfortunately I still have a lot of preparations to finish."

Ci Xian's indifferent opening, not only his body has shown signs of aging, but also his voice.

"You really amazed me, so... even if I lose part of this body's lifespan, I have to make some preparations!"

"What do you mean?" Uchiha Kai's eyes were slightly blank He didn't quite understand what this guy was talking about.

"It's nothing, it's just a big gift for you." Ci Xian's voice was still old, but he was starting to get angry: "You will thank me!"

Speaking of this, Ci Xian's body, which he didn't look at, began to recover suddenly, and Uchiha Qi almost clearly saw that the chakra bursting out of the wedge in his body was even more terrifying.

The most terrifying thing was that he noticed that this chakra seemed so familiar!

This is... This is the chakra belonging to the tail beast?

How is it possible, how can there be tailed beasts?

what's going on?

And this chakra is more terrifying and... powerful than the nine-tailed, eight-tailed and so on?

"Ten tails?" Uchiha Kai said incredulously: "How is it possible? Ten tails?"

"Well, yes." Ci Xian's body faintly showed some luster, and then the strength under his feet surged wildly.

In just an instant, Uchiha Kai was kicked and flew out!

Fortunately, the entire mountain range was almost shattered by them. He barely touched anything and stood firm.

The next moment, a black hole appeared in front of his eyes, and Ci Xian's figure slowly walked out of it.

It is still the same old appearance, but the overflowing chakra is so powerful that it is unimaginable!

Ten tails?

Uchiha Kai's face is gloomy, why is there still a ten-tailed?

"I'm curious?" Ci Xian seemed to see his doubts, and his steps were steady and slow: "The tailed beast is not the only one, and the sacred tree has ten tails. Is it strange? Of course, not everyone has it. Juwei, I can only say that your luck is very bad!"

Not bad, just terrible!

Tou Tai, this guy...
