Chapter 713: hotel morning

In the early morning, when the sunlight slowly shone into the room from the windowsill, and then extended from the ground to the sheets, Aya Hyuga opened her eyes in confusion.

The first time she woke up, her body froze.

Unfamiliar environment, strange smell like heather, and your body seems to be in pain?

It's not pain, but an indescribable feeling of exhaustion?

Hyuga Aya now feels a little swollen in her head, a feeling she has never experienced before.

The most important thing is that she can't seem to remember what she did last night.

"What's going on? My body is a little tired, and I don't even want to move. My head is swollen, and my memory seems to be lacking. What's wrong with me? Also, this place is obviously not my home. Hotels, things like that, and that smell…”

Hyuga Aya looked inexplicable, but when she was a little awake, her body froze again.

Because she suddenly realized that there seemed to be a person behind her, and this person was hugging her from behind.

Especially now, she seems to have found that she still has this guy's arm under her neck?

At this moment, Hyuga Aya suddenly felt that her memory seemed to come back, and all the scenes from last night came back to her mind.

Last night, probably because of alcohol, she didn't mean to reject Kai Uchiha.

After some expressions like a confession and a promise, the two of them completely kissed together!

"Damn, it's no wonder that there are three bans for ninjas, alcohol is really a mistake!" Hyuga Aya scolded inwardly: "And Uchiha Kai, this bastard, he actually...he actually..."

Aya Hyuga's mentality scolded Uchiha Keiwan for sneak attack, actually taking advantage of the danger?

But thinking of their respective performances on the battlefield, it seems that they have turned sneak attacks into instincts.

As long as they seize the opportunity, they will never miss it.

Thinking of this, Aya Hyuga was even more angry inside. Are the two of them enemies?

Only soon, Hyuga Aya was stunned again, because the things that followed slowly began to emerge in her brain.

" it myself?"

Hyuga Aya's face was full of incredulity. She never expected that things would turn out like this!

In her mind, the moonlight was still bright, and a young man and woman hugged and kissed. When the dark clouds blocked the moonlight, the young man asked the woman softly if she wanted to go back.

But that woman seemed to be a little hot all over, and her mind was also a little less sober after being hit by various messages.

So she made a decision, that is, she doesn't need to go back.

"Are you sure?" the young man asked: "Not going home at night is no big deal for me, but for you..."

"It's not the first time." The woman said softly with a blurred look in her eyes: "Last time, didn't you let me go back?"

"I understand." The young man seemed to show a slight smile, and he nodded lightly: "Then, let's find a place to rest."

"Well, it's up to you..." The woman still seemed a little confused, she didn't have any resistance to the decision made by the young man.

Then they came to a hotel in her memory, which seemed to be the property of the young family.

She remembered that the service staff here seemed to recognize them and showed them a very... ambiguous expression?

She doesn't remember a little. All in all, the expressions of those people looked very strange, and they all seemed to be smiling?

As for what happened after that...she was suddenly a little stunned, because she still remembered what happened after that very clearly!


Hyuga Aya covered her face, she felt a little ashamed.

She quietly took the hand off her lower abdomen, and then she crept up.

Her face was flushed, she really couldn't imagine that she agreed last night, agreeing to be with this guy...

Thinking of this, Hyuga Aya felt question marks all over her head.

Although she really does not reject Uchiha Kai, even she herself is sure that she should live with this guy in the future.

But the problem is, she never thought that she would actually accomplish such a thing when she was drunk.

"It's really a mistake to drink, I would have known that I would use Chakra to dispel those alcohol smells!"

Aya Hyuga broke away from Kai Uchiha's embrace, looked back at Kai Uchiha, who was still sleeping, and snorted at this guy.

"What a bastard, knowing that I drank too much, but taking advantage of the danger, have you forgotten all the three ninja bans?"

Shattered, Hyuga Aya turned around to find her clothes, but she was stunned.

Looking at the tattered white cloth that was thrown on the ground, at this moment, she really wanted to tear up this **** Uchiha Kai!

Just do it, what are you excited about?

Are you satisfied that you have to tear all my clothes off?

Turning his head, he glared at Kai Uchiha again, and Aya Hyuga could clearly see the corners of this guy's eyes beating?

This discovery made her feel both angry and funny, what about this guy?

Picking up a piece of clothing on the ground, Aya Hyuga turned around to look at Kai Uchiha, her tone was so cold that people didn't know what she was thinking: "Since you're awake, why are you pretending to be asleep?"

"Uh, good morning." Uchiha opened his eyes, he knew he couldn't hold on anymore.

Actually, Aki Uchiha woke up a long time ago, even earlier than Aya Hyuga. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

It's just that when he woke up and found his current situation, his face was a little dull.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

But he drank far less alcohol than Aya Hyuga. He didn't forget what happened last night, and the clear memory flooded into his heart completely.

While this made him a little unpredictable, his heart was more.... aftertaste.

That's right, it's just reminiscing.

The Uchiha Kai in the previous life was not a little bird, but after coming to this world for more than 20 years, he had some fantasies except when he first started, and after that, he didn't miss anything at all.

Twenty years have passed, and he almost forgot this feeling. Now once he tries it, he really has some indescribable feeling.

But after thinking about it for a while, he felt that he might be in trouble.

Taking advantage of the danger of others, who is this?

If you put it in the previous life, it doesn't seem to be such a big deal, but here it seems that the situation is a bit special.

The profession of ninja, or all people in this ninja world, is actually a very extreme but relatively conservative existence.

To put it simply, a five-year-old child can go to war, but they are not allowed to drink. Who can understand this kind of thing?

In addition, the attitude towards the world of women is also very strange.

As a ninja, sometimes women need to pay a lot, such as exchanging their bodies for information, which can definitely be done in some villages and some departments.

This can be regarded as 'extremely unrestrained'. Of course, this statement is also very wrong. After all, it involves personal will and the interests of the village.

However, even if female ninjas have such a task, they are very persistent in what they love, and they also value their bodies very seriously.

It can be said that such a contradiction is really unimaginable.

Kai Uchiha knew that even if he and Aya Hyuga were basically determined, they would definitely be together in the future.

But he wasn't sure if what happened to him and her last night would have any negative effects.

He is also a little puzzled now, why can't he control himself after drinking a little wine?

Or, he didn't think about controlling himself at all, and the atmosphere was suitable, so he was wrong?

Thinking of these things, Uchiha Kei also had a headache, but just holding this woman gave him unusual peace of mind.

However, this peace of mind did not last long, because he found that the woman had woken up.

This discovery immediately made him close his eyes. He was embarrassed right now. Of course, he wouldn't hesitate if he had to say something.

Treat it as a buffer time for this woman, right?

It's just that he didn't think that he seemed to be too curious about this woman's state, but this time his acting skills failed.

"What are you pretending to do? Since you wake up, don't pretend."

Aya Hyuga didn't care that she wasn't wearing anything at all. She faced Kei Uchiha and said slowly while wearing the clothes she picked up from the ground.

"I really didn't expect you to be such a person."

"This kind of people?"

Uchiha Kei sat up and looked at Aya Hyuga up and down.

He felt a little strange, but he couldn't say what was wrong all of a sudden.

Shaking his head helplessly, Kai Uchiha said softly, "Sorry, I drank too much last night, so I couldn't control myself."

"Ha, that's a nice talk."

Hyuga Aya had completely put on her clothes at this time, and then her eyes turned to the completely broken clothes on the ground.

Insert an app: a perfect replica of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi Reading.

"Also, I just discovered how rude you are."

"Uh..." Uchiha Qi naturally remembered what he did last night.

Hyuga Aya's kimono was almost forcibly torn apart by herself. The main reason was that he thought it was troublesome, and he didn't think much about it at the time.

But now that this matter was pulled out, it really gave him a headache and embarrassment, because it seemed that he was particularly anxious?


Uchiha Kai frowned. He felt more and more that something was not right, but he couldn't remember what was wrong for a while.

"Forget it, just treat it as cheap."

Aya Hyuga got dressed, then glanced at Kai Uchiha, and there was even a hint of mockery at the corner of her mouth.

"I once showed how skilled I was, and it made me look forward to it.

As a result, this is it? "

After saying these words, Aya Hyuga turned around quickly and walked to the door with Shi Shiran. She opened the door under the blank expression on Uchiha Kai's face.


The voice fell, and Aya Hyuga left the room, but the coldness no longer existed when she closed the door.

Her face was a little red, and it was the first time to do this, but her personality made her unwilling to show a shy look.

Taking a deep breath, Hyuga Aya actually didn't blame Uchiha Kai too much in her heart.

Things have already happened, and this man is not the person you like, why do you want to appear wronged?

"And..." Hyuga Aya frowned: "It seems to be feeling pretty good? Just a little... tired?"

Feeling that her body didn't seem to have completely recovered, Hyuga Aya sighed, and she decided to go home.

Although when she thought about going home, she would definitely have to ask questions. If it was someone else, she probably wouldn't care.

But her mother didn't dare, she just hoped that her mother still couldn't see anything better.

Anyway, if you want to ask, let's wait until you have enough rest.

After Aya Hyuga left, Kei Uchiha fell into a momentary daze.

But soon a smile appeared on his face, and he had already figured out what this woman meant.

Although she is leaving now, the biggest reason is probably that she is a little shy, and she intends to take it easy, right?

However, Uchiha Kei knew that Hyuga Aya did not have any negative effects because of what happened between them.

After he figured out all this, he was naturally in a good mood. Although this incident was a bit too unexpected, the result was still good!

"It seems that I should also prepare to ask Fuyue to help me take a trip to the Hyuga clan."

Uchiha Kai leaned on the bed with a smile all over his face. Since things have come to this point, it is only natural to go further.

It's just that when he saw the black mark on his hand, it made his happy mood a little heavy again.

Wedge, this thing really makes people feel extremely troublesome.

However, he soon dissipated the negative emotions brought by this thing. After all, people have to look forward.

After all the ups and downs, all the way through life and death, he has come to this point. Could it be that he can still be stumped by the so-called 'Otsutsuki's resurrection method'?

Otsutsuki Yui, the old guy who has been reluctant to show his face for ten thousand years, has personally come out to help him. He now has so much intelligence and information. If he really can't do it, then he can kill himself!

Especially now, he has a sense of responsibility in his heart.

This sense of responsibility turned into the most primitive motivation, filling his heart with energy.

Isn't it just a large tube of wood?

Isn't it just a wedge?

For Ci Xian, his strength was probably five to five to five. Even when Ci Xian untied the wedge, he couldn't handle it.

Isn't this kind of existence still solved by him?

He has time now. Even if he doesn't know what the concept of time is, he believes that he can definitely do it!

"For my little life, for Aya, for all of this, I have to work hard."

Uchiha Qi stood up. Although it was worth taking a moment to remember, he knew that he had more important things to do.

"I seem to understand Naruto's future thoughts now. Once people have feelings, and as the feelings deepen, they will unconsciously want to protect and protect everything.

Although my heart has been cold to the point because of the war, but someone like me has feelings, I am afraid it is even stronger?

After all, I am also a Uchiha. "

Uchiha Kai laughed at himself. He always thought that he was a transmigrator, and because his surname was Uchiha, he would not have the same feelings as Uchiha.

In fact, he found that he was no different from those Uchihas.

The difference lies in whether he approves or not. Now he seems to have experienced his approval.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai was about to put on his clothes and leave here, but the next moment he was completely dumbfounded.

"I said why there is a weird feeling, so..."

"Aya took my clothes off!"
