Chapter 732: man hiding in the dark

"It's really underwhelming."

Uchiha Kai looked at Nagato, who was slumped to the ground, unable to resist, and finally shook his head.

This guy is really a good sandbag.

Although Uchiha Kai did not fight with too much power, he even deliberately made his outbreak lower.

But in general, he has figured out what the upper limit of his attack is.

The transformed Yahiko's body is quite strong, and because it is a corpse, he is not afraid of pain at all.

Moreover, this body also has the power of Samsara Eye, which can be used to offset some of the damage caused by itself as much as possible.

But even so, Payne at this time has been beaten badly.

The broken body, the body in a strangely twisted state, and the forest that has been completely destroyed.

This all shows how badly this guy was beaten. He can still move now, and he is completely grateful to Obito or Hei Jue for teaching him some yin and yang escapes.

Let him cooperate with Samsara Eye and save himself as much as possible.

But it's a pity, whether it's Obito or Hei Jue, the Yin-Yang Escape that taught him is an inferior product.

Even if it was taught by Obito, it would be something even more inferior.

Such defective products are really vulnerable to the yin and yang escapes that can be completed by relying on their own perception and learning.

And in the reincarnation eye mode, Uchiha Qi has mastered the Taoist jade, and the impact of this Taoist jade on Payne's body is even more unimaginable!

"You **** bastard!"

Payne's voice was still indifferent and cold. Although the voice was a bit loud, there was still no change in emotion.

However, in the distance, the real Nagato was full of anger and despair, and he really didn't even have the ability to fight now.

He knew that this mysterious guy who claimed to be Uchiha Quanna was terrifying, but he was so terrified that he had the reincarnation eye, and he was powerless to resist. This was something he really never imagined.

He really couldn't understand why there were such monsters in this world.

He also once regarded this guy who also had Samsara eyes as his old enemy.

But now it seems, the nemesis?

I am afraid that in the eyes of the other party, he is really just a mouse that can struggle a little!

Probably, only that guy Uchiha Kai is this guy's real enemy, right?

Thinking of this, Nagato suddenly felt a sense of belief collapse in his heart.

Through Jiraiya's teaching, he always felt that he was the "Son of Destiny", the **** who came to guide the ninja world to peace!

Otherwise, why would these eyes belonging to the Six Path Immortals appear on his body?

But now it seems that it is just a joke for him, he is nothing at all.

Maybe it's because he has no way to fully display the power of these eyes?

That's why this guy appeared, this guy who also has the eye of reincarnation.

However, in order to prevent this guy from going astray, the genius created a long-term enemy that belongs to him - Uchiha Kai.

That poisonous snake who changed Konoha with cold and **** methods, although what he did was really unimaginable and unacceptable, it was undeniable that he created a new system.

Under this system, Konoha becomes better and stronger, and the shadow of peace blooms inside Konoha.

"A person who has the eye of reincarnation, but is destroying the world of ninja. A guy who is born cold-blooded, but is creating a scene of real peace. These two people are indeed a pair of old enemies, natural enemies!"

Thinking of this, Nagato seems to have come to a realization.

That's right, what these two people have acquired, they have completely opposite personalities, and what they do is also quite different.

But what I have to say is that this Uchiha Izuna with reincarnation eyes is really a guy who destroys the ninja world!

Wuyin Village, Yunyin Village, so many lives were taken away by him, and he even let their Xiao organization take the blame.

And what about Kai Uchiha?

From the intelligence point of view, this guy dares to engage in surveillance and cleaning of his own clan, including but not limited to surveillance, and is even more vicious to other people in Konoha.

But this guy did so many bad things, but he made Konoha jump up and take off like crazy.

Even now, Nagato still knows some information, that is, Konoha took the initiative to help the country of waves and the country of tea.

Both economically and militarily, they are helping these two countries, and even helping them build their own Ninja villages.

Naturally, the elders were not concerned with these. What he was more concerned about was that Konoha killed a lot of dissenting voices, and even supported a person who favored him as a ninja.

But if you look carefully and think about it, Nagato also found that the Konoha system was promoted in such a place, and the three villages cooperated with each other.

Then the land of fire, the land of tea and the land of waves are natural allies, and the peace between the three parties will be very long.

As long as the head of the Ninja Village in the Land of Waves and the Land of Tea is kept in favor of Konoha, then all the problems will be solved easily!

After figuring out these things, Nagato sighed helplessly.

He just hated himself a little bit, why didn't he figure it out until now?

Why have I been educated by these two people who are closest to God, and I haven't found out that the person who "changes the ninja world" is no longer me, but decided between these two?

Nagato didn't know what the purpose of this mysterious Uchiha's collection of tailed beasts was, but he felt that this would definitely not be a good thing!

And Uchiha Kai, although this guy is cold and cunning, everything he does is actually valuable and meaningful.

Uchiha Qi looked at Nagato indifferently, he didn't know that this guy had opened his mind and was thinking wildly.

Shaking his head, he sighed slightly, and then said boredly, "Go away, don't let me see you."

"Huh?" Nagato was originally thinking about Kai Uchiha, but now he was stunned when he heard this: " guy..."

"I said let you go." Uchiha Qi shook his head indifferently: "There are not many things that can bring me fun in this ninja world, and I still need you to continue to help me take the blame. It's not interesting. So honestly disappear in front of my eyes, or I will find you."

"Is it fun..." Nagato's fists were already clenched, he was a little unwilling and a little low, and finally he asked in a low voice: "For you, I'm afraid Uchiha Kei is your opponent, right?"

My opponent is myself?

Uchiha Kai's eyes changed slightly, he always felt that this guy was mocking him.

But after thinking about it, he was a little funny. This guy knows who the ghost is, even if he knows that he is dead or not, what can he do?

Even if he has accepted the account, he has yet to take a Nagato into account. Today's battle has given him great confidence.

He already knew what his ceiling was, depreciation and totally adequate.

"Ki Uchiha, that guy." After thinking for a while, he said slowly: "A very inexplicable guy, a junior who is against me all day long. He is almost the only one who can be my opponent."

Nagato stared at Uchiha Kai, and finally asked coldly: "So, have you defeated him?"

"If it's other wrestling, I've won and lost." Uchiha Qi felt that this guy was inexplicable, but he didn't mind giving himself a reputation: "As for strength, he didn't beat me, and I didn't beat him either. Also, aren't you going to leave?

I don't mind, one more pair of reincarnation eyes..."


Kakashi walked back silently, and he didn't seem to be in high spirits at this time.

Even though he witnessed the destruction of this forest and countless trees and gravels passed by him, he did not have any emotional fluctuations.

When he returned to Uchiha Kai's side, he couldn't help but sat on the ground, he didn't speak, and didn't ask too many questions.

He now feels that his mind is very messy, very messy, and the sentence "I am a Konoha ninja" still seems to be echoing in his mind.

"What's wrong?" Uchiha Qi was a little puzzled: "The meeting with Lin didn't go well?"

Uchiha Qi looked at this guy's mood, and probably guessed something, that is, he may have confirmed the identity of Obito.

As for how much you know, it's a bit of a mystery.

But he doesn't regret letting Kakashi know, to put it bluntly, he did it on purpose.

Kakashi can know some secrets. His identity and position are still alive with the four generations of Hokage, and he helped him at the beginning. It can be said that he is the most stable person on his side.

However, what makes him depressed is that this guy's performance is too inexplicable, right?

I have to say that today he has met two inexplicable guys.

That Nagato also had a problem with his brain, and he actually asked himself a lot of questions about this enemy.

If he hadn't known that Payne's body was only controlled by him, he would have doubted whether this guy had broken his own brain.

And Kakashi is also inexplicable, meeting and recognizing Obito should be a happy thing for him, right?

Could it be that there were some misunderstandings between the two?

"It's okay, I know a lot of things, a lot of things that make me feel incredible." Kakashi was silent for a long time, and finally he said slowly: "You know who he is, right? You have always known, Is it right?"

"Well, yes, I know." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I know from the beginning to the end, not only me, but Captain Minato also understands all this."

"Back then, he was the one who attacked Konoha, right?" Suddenly, Kakashi raised his head and looked at Kai Uchiha.

Even though this guy was wearing a mask, his eyes through the mask seemed a little pleading.

This question made Kai Uchiha a little silent. Obviously, Kakashi saw some of Obito's abilities.

In addition to his ability to write round eyes, and his experience in following and protecting Kushina's production as Anbu back then, he almost confirmed one thing.

That is, the person who attacked Konoha and released the Nine Tails was his close friend, Uchiha Obito!

Helplessly patted Kakashi on the shoulder, this question really gave me some headaches.

But fortunately, there is no room for rescue.

After all, by letting Obito take the blame, he ran to attack the patrol of the Hinata clan, but now it has become one of the things that let Obito get rid of the crime.

But this matter, Uchiha Qi thought for a while and decided to tell Kakashi. Even if he doesn't say it, I'm afraid Obito will say it in the future.

"It's him." Uchiha Ki nodded, and Kakashi almost felt his heart stop for a split second.

"Is it really him..." Kakashi took a deep breath: "What the **** is going on, why is this happening? Also, why is this guy now..."

"There are a lot of things involved here, a lot of secrets." Uchiha Qi shook his head, then stood up and made a seal, which is for sound insulation: "Your previous position, your strength is not qualified to go. Knowing these things. For your protection, and for his protection, so we have nothing."

"What about now?" Kakashi stared at Kai Uchiha: "I am the Minister of Anbu now, although my strength is not as good as you, but..."

Kakashi is still a proud person in the end, and his current status and strength have reached a level that was not envisaged in the original work.

The combination of kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and sword technique, as well as the use of the technique of flying thunder god, and the ability of Shenwei, all make his strength surpass the original book by too much.

You know, in the original book, this guy is dragging a kaleidoscope to write a wheel eye, and using Uchiha's fighting style, he can fight with anyone.

After the world was taught by Uchiha, his combat mode was more concise, and he was still learning the fairy mode.

"Indeed You are very strong now." Uchiha Kai smiled: "So, can you protect the secret?"

"Of course!" Kakashi nodded seriously: "I can, of course I can!"

"Well, I believe you." Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and suddenly he said, "So, I can too."

"..." Kakashi was stunned, and then he looked a little dazed.

Fortunately, Uchiha Kai was just joking with him.

Soon, he told Kakashi all about these things.

Whether Obito was rescued by Madara Uchiha, or Lin's death was actually a game.

And Obito saw everything, he hunted down Obito at first, brought back Lin's body to discover the conspiracy, persuaded Obito in the Nine-Tails Incident, and so on.

He didn't hide everything this time, even Obito's current mission, and the incarnation of Uchiha Lin to return to Konoha, he explained it clearly.

"So..." Kakashi's voice was a little excited, but also a little worried: "Obito, he is redeeming, and using the most dangerous way?"

"Yes, but you understand it's okay to take revenge." Uchiha Kai nodded: "His love for Nohara Rin transcends everything, so for the village's redemption, Rin's redemption, and Uchiha Madara's revenge , he's going to do it!"

"I see, that's how it all works"

"Yeah, so Obito is a hero."

"Well, he's a hero. He's been all along, and I

It looks more like a piece of junk."