Chapter 738: The respective changes (on)

"Qi, you are here."

When Kai Uchiha came to a conference room in the Hokage Building, Minato Namikaze greeted him with a smile.

At this time, a lot of ninjas have gathered in this conference room, a small number of them are Chunin, and most of them are Shangnin.

Aside from the minister-level jounin, and the existence of the head of the family, the rest of the jounin are obviously guys without students.

In fact, this meeting can be regarded as a kind of 'splitting the spoils' to some extent. They all came here to rob students.

"Lord Hokage."

Uchiha Kei nodded slightly with a smile, then walked over to Aya Hyuga and sat down.

He also had Kakashi and Imai Kenta beside him, obviously they reserved a place for themselves.

However, Uchiha Kei seemed to have noticed that Kakashi was not in a high mood, and the moment he was only exposed, his eyes were rolling over the eyes of a dead fish.

This made Kei Uchiha think of something, shouldn't this unlucky guy really want to take students?

Shaking his head, Kai Uchiha was too lazy to think about it.

This guy taking students, especially the class of Sasuke and Naruto, is actually the best choice!

He is the disciple of Minato Minato, and Naruto is the son of Minato. With this level of relationship, the two are naturally close.

In addition, the two of them have known each other since childhood, and their relationship seems to have always been good.

Although Sasuke belongs to the Uchiha family, the relationship between Kakashi and Uchiha Kai is no joke, and he is also Uchiha Itachi's teacher.

And before that, Kakashi and Obito were also close friends, and even Obito gave him a writing wheel "before he died".

After so many years, Kakashi has touched the ability of this eye to a relatively good level.

Although his use of this eye is not the same as Obito's, he has more of a way of figuring out an attack.

But for him, this is enough. His understanding of Sharinyan is even better than some Uchihas.

Besides, Chidori, the most suitable series of ninjutsu for Uchiha, was invented by him.

It can be said that although Kakashi does not have a surname Uchiha, it is completely okay to regard him as a Uchiha with his own fighting characteristics.

This guy is going to teach Naruto and Sasuke, whether it is identity or ability, he can fully meet the requirements.

Apart from this guy's own wishes, there really seems to be no better choice.

"The worst thing is, this guy can also teach Naruto Immortal Mode and Flying Thunder God."

Quietly held Aya Hyuga's hand, ignoring the woman's staring at him, Uchiha Kei continued to think silently.

Kakashi's growth has completely surpassed the same period in the original book, and even in the future, he may not be able to compare with him in this world.

Mastered the power of the kaleidoscope in advance, and developed it with the help of Uchiha Kai.

Knowing that Obito was still alive and still a Konoha ninja, some of the scars in his heart were almost smoothed out. Even if there was a little bit of it, it was Rin Nohara's problem. This can be completely smoothed out.

After so many years of tossing, Nohara Rin is basically fine.

The main reason why this woman hasn't woken up is that her soul is still completely matching and adapting to her body. I'm afraid she might wake up in a few months!

In addition to this, the experiments of Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai were also successful.

After taking so long, they finally allowed Kai Uchiha's pupil technique to exert 80% of its power after it was sealed. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

This is already very terrifying, and even now Nohara Rin looks like she is thirteen or fourteen years old!

It can be said that it is not difficult for Kakashi to make up the last wound in his heart, and it can even be done this year.

A Kakashi without the slightest inner wound is definitely an extremely terrifying existence.

Originally, he was a genius, who graduated early and entered the battlefield at the age of five. If such a guy hadn't had too much burden in his heart, how could he have become a half-baked person?

"Hey, are you going to be a teacher?" Glancing at Minato Minato, who was talking on the stage, Uchiha Qi quietly pointed his head towards Kakashi and asked, "Otherwise, why do you look like this? "

"Yeah, I'm going to be a teacher." Kakashi rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "It's really troublesome."

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows: "It's the son of Captain Minato and the son of Clan Fuyue? Isn't it good? You are Itachi's teacher, so it would be good to have Sasuke. Captain Watergate taught back and forth, now you can teach his son, what's wrong?"

"Ah?" Kakashi glanced at Kai Uchiha inexplicably: "Don't you know?"

do not know?

Kei Uchiha is also a bit baffled, what do you know?

Looking back at Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, they didn't seem to know very well either, which made Kei Uchiha even more strange.

No matter what Konoha said, he is also the number two person among them, and it is impossible to avoid his eyes if there is any news.

He actually didn't know what was going on this time, not only him, but also Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

"What's the matter?" Uchiha Qi asked curiously, "Don't be so mysterious, just say it directly."

"It looks like I'm really hiding it from you this time." Kakashi's dead fish eyes immediately turned into crescent moons: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's your Fuyue Patriarch and Sunzu Patriarch who went to find Minato together. Teacher, I hope you will be the teacher of Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata."

"What?" Uchiha Qi was suddenly stunned: "Wait, why me? What do you want me to do? I'm so busy, where do I have the time. Talk, how about you? How do I think you are the most suitable teacher? "

"Me?" Kakashi's crescent eyes turned into dead fish eyes again: "If there is no accident, it should be to teach the descendants of Zhuludie?"

Descendants of Pig Deer Butterfly?

Kei Uchiha thought for a while, and then he almost knew what it meant.

Although the influence of Zhuludie in Konoha is still very large, it is really not comparable to Uchiha and Hinata.

After all, they have only one Minister of State Affairs in the three-in-one, and the others are the squad leaders or captains of some slightly more important places.

No matter how many people they have and how much influence they have, there is still a big gap in the overall quality.

And what about Uchiha and Hinata?

Not to mention that Uchiha Kei and Hyuga Aya are the ministers of the security department and the medical department ministers.

The Uchiha family and the Hinata family have more than 50 joinin together, and the Chunin and the lower family together have nearly 300 or 400 people.

Although it is the reason why the two families are combined, no one thinks there is any problem with this. After all, Aya Hyuga and Kei Uchiha can basically be regarded as a combination.

If it spreads, Imai Kenta, the actual controller of the Thousand Hands clan, counts, then their political influence is even more terrifying.

The Qianshou Clan has recovered in the past ten years of development. Although it is still a lot worse than the peak period, it has reached a good level.

There are more than ten Shangnin in the Qianshou family, and there are nearly a hundred people in the Chunin and the lower ninjas, which can be said to be the level of a big family.

The reason why no one wants to count Chiju, Uchiha and Hinata together is mainly due to historical research and some self-deceiving thoughts.

After all, have Uchiha and Senju always been at odds?

Besides, they are also reluctant to think about how terrifying Uchiha and Hinata, who are already united, plus a huge thousand hands.

The alliance of the Big Three has actually been formed, and it's not that they don't think about it.

But it's a pity that the baby boomer Qianshou really didn't catch up after the face-to-face war.

After all, at that time, they were very close to each other, so the students who graduated this year did not have any high-quality Qianshou figure.

Uchiha and Hinata have both, and there is also the son of the fourth Hokage.

Isn't the combination of these three people more influential than Zhuludie?

The three generations of Hokage in the original book asked Sarutobi Asma to bring a pig and a deer butterfly. The purpose is actually very obvious.

It's just that who would have thought that Asma would avenge her friend, find the undead duo in a fit of rage, and give him away directly. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

Otherwise, when Tsunade is in a coma, I'm afraid there will be nothing to recommend Kakashi and Danzo to usurp Naruto's authority.

As for now, no matter how you look at it, it seems that you are paving the way for yourself. This is simply asking yourself to bring the most influential people.

As for Sakura, I'm afraid there's really no drama. It's not hard to find that Naruto Sasuke's group has actually been appointed by default, and Hinata has also been added.

"I'm really busy, so I won't go." Uchiha Kai shook his head, although he said very directly: "No matter who comes to me, I won't go anyway, I'm very busy."

"Oh?" Hyuga Aya couldn't help it when she heard this sentence: "Why do I never think you are busy? Otherwise, why would you have a lot of time to come over to trouble me?"

Aya Hyuga's temperament has completely changed at this time. It is hard to say that such a change was caused by Kai Uchiha or Tenseigan.

At this time, she has successfully passed through the two fetal movement periods, and the power of Tenseigan is getting stronger and stronger.

After entering the Tenseigan Chakra mode, she can already get four questing jewels.

If nothing else, once she has completely completed the last fetal movement, she will be able to master the six seeking jades!

And as her Tenseigan continued to grow, she began to move more and more towards Otsutsuki.

Her appearance may not have changed too much, but her temperament is already somewhat similar to Kaguya Otsutsuki, which is still not the case of turning on the reincarnation eye or immortal mode.

And once it is turned on, that kind of temperament is deadly to Uchiha Kai.

Therefore, after returning from Kirigakura, he really did not miss the 'trouble' of looking for Hyuga Aya.

But what's going on? Even if Aya Hyuga doesn't have 'on call' now, she's not so resistant.

"Is it possible, want me to take a group of little devils to catch cats?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "Or let me take the three of them to go to Mist, Iwan, or Sand to play? Even if I Don’t do anything, do these villages dare to let me in? Really let me bring these little devils in, can these little guys help?”

"You guy..." Kakashi lost his temper immediately, not only he lost his temper, but also Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai.

Because what Kei Uchiha said is true.

The guy Uchiha Kai leads the team and has a very good reputation in the ninja world.

Konoha Viper is really no joke. Who knows if this guy will play any tricks, not to mention his terrifying strength.

In fact, Uchiha Kai himself doesn't know it, and the entire ninja world, except for Sandyin, doesn't know his strength at all.

The other four senior Shinobi village executives are more or less aware of it, especially Konoha, Yunyin, and Yanyin, who have seen him shoot directly.

Even if Sa Yin is not clear, he can't let Kai Uchiha lead people to his sphere of influence.

Konoha's acting Hokage, the real-power head of the security department ran there, what are you doing?

It took Sa Luo so many years to finally suppress the incident when the secret art library was attacked.

If Uchiha starts to wander around the border, the nerves of this guy will be tense again, and then there will be political and diplomatic turmoil.

Obviously, Uchiha Kai is not a very good teacher who can lead a team of ninjas.

Even if he wants to pave the way, he probably doesn't need to do it for him.

The reason why Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hizu proposed, I am afraid that more is to hope that through this method let Uchiha Qi Neng teach their children more, right?

As for Namikaze Minato, he couldn't have thought of it, but even if he thought about it, he might have planned to let Uchiha Kai try it.

After all, Kai Uchiha's strength is really too strong, and it would be a good thing if he could bring Naruto to a lot of knowledge.

But it's a pity, I'm afraid Kei Uchiha won't agree to this at all.

In fact, in his opinion, the best person to teach that kid Naruto is Naikaze Minato himself.

After all, the two of them have the same route of advancement, and the way they use their power is also similar.

Under such circumstances, asking Uchiha to teach is simply a matter of many times.

By the way, the strength of Namikaze Minato is already very terrifying.

He has modified the seal to make the Nine-Tails more free, and at the same time exchanged half of the Nine-Tails Chakra with Naruto, so that the Nine-Tails in both of them have both Yin and Yang attributes.

In the end, after so many years of unremitting efforts, the bond between him and Kuo became deeper and deeper, so their resonance became more lasting.

With the immortal mode, Namikaze Minato has probably reached an unimaginable level.

At least, according to Uchiha Kai, the current Namikaze Minato is probably no worse than Naruto before the Six Paths Immortals gave the plug-in situation!

Rather than leave it to himself to repeat the path of Minato, it's better to let him cultivate it by himself...
