Chapter 748: uninvited guest

It was approaching early in the morning, when Kai Uchiha hugged Aya Hyuga and slowly fell asleep.

After a crazy night, the two of them were not tired.

But I have long been accustomed to the natural work and rest time, how could I not give myself a good rest for a while?

Of course, the most important thing was that Aya Hyuga couldn't take it anymore.

This time, Uchiha Kai "tricked" her out again, which made her look unhappy.

At this point in time, she certainly didn't want to continue.

Uchiha Qi wouldn't be too embarrassed for her, he rolled his eyes before continuing, it was definitely himself who suffered.

Closing his eyes, he hugged Aya Hyuga who was curled up in his arms, and he slowly entered the dream.

But soon, he was stunned to find that he didn't fall asleep in the true sense!

His body has entered a state of dormancy, but his consciousness is extremely active, which is something that should not happen to him at all.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, especially when he noticed that a figure not far from him was slowly condensing.

"Is it the consciousness space again?"

Uchiha Qi realized that at this moment he actually entered the consciousness space again.

This is not the first time, the last time this happened was years ago when I was having a headache with the wedge.

At that time, it was the guy Otsutsuki Yui who appeared and helped him seal the will of Otsutsuki in the wedge, so that he could prepare everything he needed to prepare with peace of mind.

To be honest, he still has some gratitude for this guy in his heart, although he doubted the authenticity of Yu Yi, and even after the inspection, he was still a little suspicious.

But after a few years, he gradually believed that he had really met the ancestor who created the ninja system in the ninja world, the Otsutsuki Yui known as the Six Path Immortal.

Only this time, Uchiha Keiko was very unhappy, doesn't this guy know what he is doing?

Although he has no evidence that the old ghost Hamura has raped him, after all, this guy has been completely bound to Chakra.

But it is because of the existence of Chakra that Uchiha Kai is particularly uneasy.

All he can do is to believe this old ghost and know what is called 'see no evil' and 'listen to no evil'.

But now the performance of this old ghost seems to be that he doesn't know the meaning of these two idioms at all, perhaps because there is no such idiom in this world?

"It's you?" Uchiha Kai's figure slowly condensed, and his face was very clearly written that he was not happy: "Why are you here?"

"Do you think I want to come?" Otsutsuki Yui was not polite this time, and even had a temper: "Your expression tells me that you seem to think that I have done something that I shouldn't do. Don't worry, I didn't. You're so boring! And if I could, I wouldn't even want to come to you!"

Looking at this legendary immortal of the Six Paths is completely different from the attitude towards Sasuke Naruto in his memory and his attitude towards himself a few years ago.

Uchiha Qi seemed to realize that the situation this time was probably not quite right, and he thought of the most likely reason for this guy's appearance.

Immediately, Uchiha Qi's own face began to sink, and he knew that it was really not time for this guy to come to him.

"Is that group of guys here?" Uchiha Qi frowned and asked, "When did you arrive? Where is the direction?"

"As soon as I find out, I'll come directly to you." Yui Otsutsuki said quickly: "As for where to go, I don't know, at least not for the time being. Moreover, if they hide themselves, I'm afraid I won't be able to detect them. , think about Otsutsuki's style."

Uchiha Qi nodded silently. Indeed, if these guys hide, I am afraid that the Six Path Immortals will have nothing to do.

After all, strictly speaking, these guys are at the level of Six Paths, and even the weakest Six Paths may be killed by Kai.

But the essence is at one level, they want to hide, you really don't have a way to catch people. It's not a good situation, it's even terrible!

"What do you want me to do?" Silai was interested, and Uchiha Qi slowly asked, "What is the purpose of those guys running here? Looking for your mother, or Otsutsuki?"

"It's all possible, I'm not sure, and they may even choose to grab the tailed beast after they discover the tailed beast!" Yui Otsutsuki thought for a while before slowly saying: "You know, the fusion of nine tailed beasts can be The strength of the ten tails is condensed, and the body of the ten tails can't hide at all."

"Are you worried that they will collect tailed beasts and then summon the sacred tree?" Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "What a bunch of lunatics, what are they trying to do?"

"I'm not quite sure about this question, maybe it's for strength?" Otsutsuki Yui shook his head: "I heard my mother say once that their purpose is very terrifying, and life is just a supplement to them. These supplements are handed over to the divine tree to absorb and devour, so as to condense more powerful fruits."

"What do you mean? Do they want to devour the universe and become the only god?"

"It shouldn't be, is it possible that they will devour themselves later? But they regard each planet as Muyuan, and they are indeed a group of lunatics in terms of wanton destruction and destruction."

Devour yourself?

Why not?

Uchiha Kai shook his head, too lazy to deny Otsutsuki Yui's words.

As long as the heart is ruthless, not afraid of having no peers, and surrendering all the others of your own kind will not give them a chance to leave a wedge.

Then sacrifice them directly to the divine tree, so as to condense powerful fruits, and there is no room for manipulation.

However, Uchiha Kai thinks that even if these guys are crazy, they shouldn't be that crazy, right?

Moreover, the universe is so big, it is impossible for your family to have such strength, right?

Even if there is no one who is more powerful than you, there are always Otsutsuki with different positions, right?

Take a look at the Six Paths Immortal in front of you, isn't that a clear difference from their stance?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi didn't bother to think about this issue. It doesn't make any sense to think about it if his strength is not in place.

The most important thing for him now is to get rid of those two outsiders!

"How many people are here this time?" Uchiha Qi thought for a while and asked directly, "Is there any information about them?"

"There are only two here. As for the information, maybe you can ask my mother." Otsutsuki Yui was a little embarrassed: "But you know, this time the incident was detonated by her, so I'm afraid she won't help us~www red envelopes] Follow the public..public account [Book Friends Base Camp draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"As expected, although I am a little disappointed." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "But since you are here, you should have their appearance, right? I don't want to find the wrong person."

It is fake to find the wrong person. After all, the Otsutsugi clan's clothes and appearance are so obvious. If they can admit that they are wrong, it is a ghost.

Uchiha Kei wanted to see what those two guys looked like, just to judge whether they were people he was familiar with!

If so, then he can also make a good plan, and then find a way to kill them.

Otsutsuki Yui didn't know what Uchiha Kai was thinking, he closed his eyes for a while and then opened them.

In an instant, Uchiha Kai's entire consciousness space changed.

This is a scene in space, where you can clearly see the two strange figures standing in the starry sky, and you can even see what he looks like!

Uchiha Kai's heart trembled slightly, and then he couldn't help but be happy.

It's them, it's really the two of them!

Otsutsuki Peach Style and Otsutsuki Gold Style, this time Uchiha Kai's luck is really good!

"I understand." Squeezing his inner excitement, Uchiha Qi nodded indifferently: "I will pay attention to them, and even if there is a chance, I will attract them."

"Attracted to you?" Otsutsuki Yui gave him a strange look: "What are you going to do?"

"Of course it is to release one's own breath." Uchiha Qi said seriously: "You may not be aware that this time, the Ninja village where I live will hold a ninja assessment and selection meeting. Moreover, as far as I know, as far as I know Probably all the key people in the big village may come over. So..."

"So, you want to use this battle to sound the alarm for them?" Otsutsuki Yui immediately knew what Uchiha Kai was thinking, but he frowned again soon: "Are you sure? If you miss, This trouble is not ordinary, and you may even miss some opportunities to integrate the ninja world!"

"I never thought that relying on this to integrate the ninja world, I just want to let them know that this world is not peaceful." Uchiha Qi shook his head.

"Only when it really makes them feel the pain, will they cooperate with me thoroughly, and unanimously go out to the outside world, and finally bring peace to the ninja world.

As for Otsutsuki, I have Aya, Kenta, and even I can use chakra mode.

It's hard to say victory, but it's okay to make them dare not act rashly. "

Yui Otsutsuki looked at Kai Uchiha quietly, and it took him a long time before he nodded earnestly, as he agreed with this statement.

Indeed, Uchiha Kai's strength is not weak now, and he is only one step away from crossing that ceiling.

Even, he has already stepped on the Chakra mode now, but he can't control it.

Winning, or even killing those two guys, is unlikely.

Aside from the issue of power, the mere existence of the wedge is a huge problem.

But if you can make these two guys dare not act rashly, they have to lie dormant.

At the same time, relying on their existence makes the entire ninja world feel threatened, maybe there is no need to implement some of the following opportunities at all, the plan that may make the ninja world fight.

It's a pity that Otsutsuki Yui didn't know what Uchiha Kai was thinking at all, and he didn't even know that this guy had information on these two people.

Otherwise, he would never think like that.

"Since you have a plan, then I will leave." The news of Otsutsuki Yui was delivered in place, so he naturally planned to leave: "Ninja World, it's up to you."

"Don't say rely on me, I'm just for myself. If the ninja world is gone, where should I go?" Uchiha Qi shook his head, his voice was very flat.

"That's right." Yui Otsutsuki nodded, then turned to leave, but he stopped just as he turned around, as if thinking of something: "By the way, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Uchiha Kai was a little puzzled.

"You and the descendant of Hamura have already entered the stage of Otsutsuki, and it is not easy to have children."


"Don't do unnecessary reproduction. If you really want children, I can tell you how to do it."


Who told you specifically that I want children?


The summer wind is slightly drunk, and the cicadas cling to the treetops tirelessly and noisy, adding a bit of heat to the already scorching weather.

In a few days, we will enter July, which will usher in the hottest year of the year.

The prosperity of Konoha Village is still the same, but there are some special things today.

With the arrival of midsummer, the pace of the Chunin exam is getting closer and closer, and at the same time, there are also ninjas dressed in different clothes in Konoha and carrying forehead protection from other villages.

However, these foreign ninjas are almost negligible under the huge population base of Konoha. At most, they have become the way for Konoha residents to learn about other villages.

In fact, the residents of Konoha did not know that those outsiders were also deeply stimulated by the prosperity of Konoha.

Such a peaceful, prosperous, and full of vigor and vitality of the village, as soon as they compared their own village, they suddenly felt like they were stuck in their throats.

However, the enthusiasm of the residents of Konoha still made them feel something different, which made them more and more envious of everything in Konoha Village.

Outside the gate of Konoha, a group of special guys came today.

The head of the head is wrapped in white cloth, and the style of clothes is dark, which is very different from the ninja of Konoha.

A lot of their faces are painted to look like a local feature, or they want to use this method to prevent their skin from getting sunburned.

There were about 30 of them, and they all stood quietly and honestly at the entrance of Konoha's village, quietly waiting for the ninja review from the security department at the entrance of the village.

"Hmph, it really deserves to be the No. 1 big village in the ninja world. Teacher Maki personally brought it right. We all have to undergo such a long period of review. This is obviously not trusting us. Since this is the case, what kind of chunin exam is going on." , a ninja dressed in black whispered.

His face was heavily painted with oil paint, and behind his back was something wrapped in white cloth, very mysterious.

"Kankuro, don't say a word. If an outsider comes to our Shayin Village, the scrutiny will be stricter. There is nothing to complain about." Beside him, a girl with white clothes and yellow hair whispered in dissatisfaction. A sentence back.

Behind her is a closed big folding fan, and on the shoulders of her white clothes is a mesh-like black gauze, which looks distinctive.

"Humph!" The boy called Kankuro snorted coldly, but didn't say much.

"If you have any dissatisfaction, you can try to complain." Just then, a ninja wearing the Uchiha clan's emblem came over: "If you wantonly slander our work, then we can also bring you Drive away you..." Kankuro's face darkened, but just when he was about to say something, a cold snort suddenly came over.

Kankuro's body froze when he heard this voice, and the Uchiha ninja also looked up.

This is a red-haired boy with an indifferent expression, no eyebrows, and obvious black bags around his eyes.

He also carried a huge gourd on his back. Uchiha Ninja glanced at it and knew that this jar was filled with chakra processed things.

But it didn't matter to him, the kid caught his attention.

Especially on the forehead of the left eye, a blood-red love character marked his identity.

This made him seem to think of something, this kid is probably the son of the four generations of Kazekage who has been trying to kill him.

One-tailed human column force, sand waterfall Gaara, right?
