Chapter 760: come

"This is....."

When Uchiha Qi saw the blood mist that filled the sky, and saw the Otsutsuki Jinshi whose body was almost broken, his face immediately changed.

The reincarnation in the eyes began to rotate slightly, and the Otsutsuki Jin-style body suddenly froze in midair, and then his body collapsed faster and faster!

"The Leap of Time", this technique Uchiha Kai can not only be used to accelerate himself, even if it is used to deal with the enemy, there is absolutely no problem.

"Don't even think about it!"

Just when Otsutsuki's Jin-style body was about to collapse completely, Peach-style shouted loudly, and the Jin-style collapse immediately stopped under the interference of his chakra.

Not only that, the space that made Otsutsuki Jinshi unable to move an inch has also changed at this moment, and the chaos of time seems to have been corrected.

With such help, Jin Shi finally reached Tao Shi's side smoothly, but he was also dying.

Even if he can recover, such a period of cultivation is not something a person can imagine!

"Lord Peach, take my power." Otsutsuki Jinshi said weakly, "Just like my guardian back then, who gave me his power..."

"Why do you need to say that?" The peach-style face was full of crazy looks: "Your power is mine!"

Without any hesitation and pity, and without even giving the Otsutsuki Gold Pose the time to prepare the wedge, the Otsutsuki Peach Pose went straight to the action!

The reincarnation eye in the palm of the hand shone with light, and the light dissipated after a while.

The huge body of the paulownia wood golden style suddenly disappeared, and in the hand of the peach style, a fruit similar to a peach appeared.

Uchiha Qi wanted to stop it, but he couldn't do anything, because he was also a little tired now, and the most terrible thing was that the time in this area was also modified by Otsutsuki Momoji!

In fact, Uchiha Kai himself really didn't expect why this guy Otsutsuki Momo-style also has the ability to space.

It seems that when I watched the theatrical version, it seemed that there was no such thing at all?

But after thinking about it, he felt that everything was normal.

After all, after the strength reaches this point, it is not impossible to feel the existence of time and make a slight modification.

Look at this guy Otsutsuki Hamura, can't he also reverse time to restore the moon?

Even Uchiha Kai himself, who originally had no talent for space ninjutsu, can see the flow of space with the Samsara Eye after not using the Samsara Eye Chakra mode.

And now, he can clearly discover the nodes of space.

He has a feeling that if he opens the nodes of the space at this time, he can use the power of these spaces!

But he didn't dare to do it, he didn't dare to try the unknown power easily.

You can do things that you have never been able to do before, so although Otsutsuki Momo-style is only a relatively weak six-path level, but no matter what, he has been at this stage for so long.

It is not strange that he can detect and affect the power of time!

Datong Mu Tao Shi quickly took two or three bites of the 'peaches', as if what he ate was not his guardian at all, but just a piece of food!

As he quickly ate the 'peaches clean', an unimaginable chakra erupted from his body.


The sound of the heart beating clearly sounded, and as the beating of the heart became more and more powerful, the body of the paulownia peach-style began to undergo amazing changes.

The unique yin and yang chakra became stronger and stronger, and his body kept growing.

The muscles in his arms bulged, his forehead opened violently, and a purple reincarnation eye appeared in it.

As if feeling the constant surging of his own strength, Otsutsuki Momo-shi raised his head like a monster and laughed loudly, and then his eyes stared at Uchiha Kai.

"Now, do you still dare to say that you can eat me?"

Otsutsuki Taoshi grinned cruelly and waved his hand, and a giant axe emitting a red light suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Although the current state is not perfect, after all, the body also needs to fully absorb these forces.

But it doesn't matter. After killing you, I have time to slowly recover to the best state. Although this appearance is ugly, I can accept it! "

The voice fell, and Otsutsuki Momo-style dodged and rushed directly in front of Uchiha Kai!

His speed is faster than before, and his strength is even more exaggerated. The giant axe slashes down fiercely, and it can still make people feel that there are some traces of skill in it.

The race of Otsutsuki is indeed the one that is favored in this world. Their talent and strength are really terrifying.

This guy, after devouring the Otsutsuki Jinshi, actually made up for the deficiencies in that body art.

This really made Uchiha Qi start to think, if one person completely devoured all the Otsutsuki one by one, would he be able to create an unstoppable monster?

No one knew the answer, and now was not the time for him to think.

The ninja blade that Qiu Daoyu condensed emitted a blue light, and the ultimate yin and yang escaped attached to the ninja knife, and slashed towards the big tube wood peach style fiercely!

The red and black rays of light collided with the azure blue, and in an instant a storm madly gathered around them.

This storm generally spreads everywhere, and any material that touches it will be smashed into pieces in an instant, but the storm seems to be bound up, but it solidifies in this extremely small area.

The space became extremely fragile at this moment, as if it could collapse with a single poke.

After a long time, Uchiha Kai and Otsutsuki Momo all flew upside down.

A trace of blood was left on the corner of Uchiha Kai's mouth, but it soon disappeared.

As for the Otsutsuki peach style, there was no problem, and the bloodthirsty light on his face became even more brilliant.

He could naturally see that he had the upper hand this time.

After fighting for so long, I almost never really suppressed this guy.

But this time is different. Although it was strictly a draw just now, the key is that he has the ability of the golden style, and his physique has become stronger.

But this Uchiha Kai doesn't have such a strong physique. Just now, the blood peach style was clearly seen!

Even though this kid manipulated time to rewind briefly, bringing him back to before he was not injured.

But the pair of reincarnation eyes on the peach-style forehead have already seen that this guy's pupil power and chakra are no longer at the peak!

Even if he is not injured, even if he is not injured, it is absolutely impossible for this kid to have the same fighting power as before.

"Boy, I have to say that you really surprised me."

Perhaps it was because he felt that he was winning, even if he used energy to win, Otsutsuki Momo-style did not continue to attack but looked at Uchiha Kai indifferently.

"To be able to force me to devour the golden style, I don't even have time to let him leave the wedge. But it doesn't matter, as long as I can kill you and devour you, everything will be fine!"

"Humph!" Uchiha Kai's expression has become extremely solemn.

In the current situation of this guy, no matter how strong he is, he still feels a little powerless.

He doesn't have Sasuke's Heavenly Hands, nor does Naruto's ability to master spiral pills to the extreme.

There is no Boren boy, who can use the ability of invisible spiral pills.

To deal with his plan, Uchiha Kai is not without it, but it is too troublesome to actually display it.

This time the battle, although he is not sure how many people died.

But as far as the scope of their influence is concerned, I am afraid that the civilians, residents, students and civilian ninjas in the underground fortifications will not have any good results!

So many people died, although this was all within the expectations of Uchiha Kai, after all, the battle with Otsutsuki was definitely not a fluke.

Even if he doesn't really care that much, he is in his position, and he has to deal with these damned guys.

Then he can't be so cold-blooded, he has to save those people!

Thanks to his original world, let him know that this world still has the power to bring people back to life.

That is one of the powers of the eye of reincarnation, reincarnation is born!

It is impossible for Uchiha Kai to use his own eyes, and it is even more impossible to use his own power to resurrect these people.

He has the power. After all, he has cultivated a lot of Bai Jue's bodies that have been reincarnated and resurrected with dirty soil. He only needs to control one.

But in terms of eyes, he didn't dare to be the slightest careless.

To use and definitely use this peach-style reincarnation eye, so he didn't dare to destroy it at all.

From the beginning of the battle, he didn't dare to hit the eyes on this guy's hands!

Nagato does have a pair of Samsara eyes, but those eyes belong to Madara Uchiha.

These guys are the only ones who can deal with these damned Otsutsuki, whether they are good or bad!

Madara Uchiha is obviously one of his alternatives. No matter how he looks at it, his strength is worthy of recognition. The most important thing is that this guy has been deceived enough.

Let him lead the group of Xiao, to deal with those **** Otsutsuki, it is suitable, it can also be regarded as the redemption of the previous generation of Indra.

Of course, ideals always require a compromise with reality.

If there is really no other way, then he can only consider destroying Otsutsuki Momo's reincarnation eye, and then replace it with Uchiha Madara's eyes!

Nagato used it once, and the sequelae didn't seem to show, because the guy died directly.

Uchiha Qi himself has these eyes. He knows that this will hurt him a lot. Although it can be repaired slowly, the time for such a repair is absolutely unimaginable.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai brewed Chakra for a new round of attacks.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a special power descend on him!

In front of his eyes, the monster-like figure of Otsutsuki Jinshi gradually disappeared, replaced by a black space.

Within this space, a vague figure began to slowly condense......


In the dense forest outside Konoha Village, Konoha's new generation of twelve young men gathered, and they quickly shuttled through the forest.

Violent earthquakes and huge chakra spills made them feel very bad.

Even sometimes they couldn't stand firm on the branches, and they fell headfirst under the violent tremor.

But none of them gave up the mission, and continued to quickly follow Akamaru to the front.

"I can already see their figures." At this moment, Neji suddenly said, "It's just that there are a lot of people responding to them, so I'm afraid we will have some trouble."

"How can this mission be trouble-free." Sasuke said disdainfully: "The mission assigned by Lord Qi will definitely not be an easy one. If you are afraid, you can go back first. Anyway, this time, Lord Qi didn't say anything. Come with you."

"Shut up, now is not the time to be fooling around with your temper." Neji ignored Sasuke at all, his white eyes still fixed on the front: "It seems that we are going to separate, otherwise we will not be able to carry out this task at all."

Neji and the others did not receive instructions to carry out this mission, but when their team noticed Naruto's movements, they immediately followed after a little discussion.

Everyone is acquaintances, and the current situation is so complicated, Naruto will naturally not have any intention of rejecting.

Many people are powerful, and Naruto is very clear about this.

Especially this time is obviously not a simple matter, this is a war, and they naturally need to work together!

"I also agree with what Neji said." Shikamaru thought for a while, then nodded and said, "The task given by Master Qi is to help Naruto to recover Shayin's Renzhuli, and the main executor of this task is Naruto. People. Then we will play our coping role and create opportunities for Naruto and the others."

"Shukamaru, what are you going to do?" Naruto asked quickly: "If it's too dangerous, let's gather together, otherwise..."

"In that case, the other party will run away." Shikamaru shook his head and said very calmly: "We can't give up such a task, and we can't have any problems. Neji, how many of them are there?"

"Ten, and ambushed." Neji said quickly: "Now we are planning to ambush us, and we have no way to get around."

"Is that so?" Shikamaru nodded: "Then the nine of us will deal with them, Naruto, your team will continue to pursue, and with Hinata's help, you will not follow each other."

The team configuration of Naruto is so perfect, almost all of them have the tracking, detection and assault capabilities.

In addition to lack of medical ability, other aspects are not lacking.

What's more, their team is the most suitable for assault missions, there is really no need to bring a medical ninja with little combat effectiveness.

This task is handed over to Naruto and the others. It can not only complete the arrangement of Uchiha Kai, but also complete it more easily and quickly.

"Everyone... in this case..." Naruto was still a little hesitant.

Nine genin dealt with ten sand ninjas. Although Neji didn't make it clear, it was already a war. They were basically all adult ninjas. How could Naruto feel at ease?

"Don't worry, Naruto, I'll leave it to you." At this moment, Xiao Li suddenly smiled at Naruto. He gave a thumbs-up smile, and Tian Tian nodded beside him.

"You guys should hurry up and complete this task." Ya also said: "Although it is very uncomfortable, it is best to leave this task to our team, but since Lord Qiqi said it is you, it is you."

"Come on, finish this task." Shino was a little taciturn, he just expressed his blessing in the simplest way.

"You guys have to cheer up, Naruto." Ding Ci also said with a smile: "Leave the rest to us."

"Come on, let's go Naruto."

"Be careful that Sasuke gets hurt, or I'll go back and tell your mother!"

"come on!"

Naruto looked at the smiles of the group of classmates and friends and listened to their blessings, which made Naruto take a deep breath.

"We know, we will definitely complete the task!"


The pursuit mission of Naruto and others is not destined to be smooth, but it will definitely not be as difficult as the original.

At least they didn't need Asma's rescue to save Shikamaru.

"Sober me up, you bastard!"

In the middle of the forest, Naruto punched Gaara hard in the face.

With the bang, Gaara's face was distorted, blood splashed from the corners of his mouth, and the murderous emotion in the black eye rims seemed to dissipate a little.

He is tired now, very tired. This kind of fatigue does not come from the body, but a feeling from the heart.

Naruto Naruto, this guy with the same birth and fate as himself, has a completely different result from himself.

Gaara couldn't help thinking, why did things turn out like this?

He couldn't understand, the anger towards Naruto in the depths of his heart was quietly fading at this moment.

He was thinking, why is he so cruel to this guy, is it because of jealousy?

Slowly, Gaara discovered that he was really jealous of this guy.

Jealous of why he got such results, jealous of why he lived the life he dreamed of.

"I love Luo!" At this moment, a voice came from not far away.

This voice was full of concern for Gaara, which made Gaara feel very strange.

Why would anyone care about a monster like me?

Could it be because he was worried about the monster in his body?

Are you worried that you will be killed by this guy Naruto and can't continue to serve the village?

Turning his head, Gaara clearly saw a familiar face.

That's my own...Sister, that face is full of anxiety, and those eyes seem to reveal some emotions...

Is that caring?

It's just that my sister is not doing well.

With the help and cover of the other three teams, the seventh squad finally caught up with the Gaara team.

But there are two guys like Temari and Kankuro by Gaara's side, so it's obviously not realistic to want to capture Gaara directly.

So Hinata and Sasuke made a choice, that is, they deal with one enemy alone.

Hinata is facing Temari, a heroic ninja who is good at wind escape and will perform in the future.

Sasuke was facing Kankuro. The puppet master met the user of Sharinyan, one can imagine how unfortunate it was.

With little resistance, Kankuro was put down by Sasuke!

You know, Sasuke has no intention of holding back at this moment.

Kankuro is not Konoha's ninja, this guy is the enemy, the one who brought Konoha into the war.

Treating this kind of person, it is the real strange thing that he will keep his hand!

"Be awake, Gaara!" Naruto walked to Gaara's side and grabbed his clothes with his hands: "Don't run away, you have already lost, you are all lost."

"Don't talk to me in such an arrogant manner..." Gaara turned to look at Naruto, his expression was a bit complicated: "I admit that we lost, that's all. "

"No, you didn't get my point..."

Naruto let go of his hand at this moment, he looked straight at Gaara, and it took him a long time to stretch out a fist.

"Although you may think that I am inexplicable, you may think that there is something wrong with my brain.

But I don't know why, but when I saw you, I made up my mind. Rather than say, let's fight each other. "


Gaara looked at Naruto, although he didn't say that he looked at the mentally retarded, but now he really feels that this guy has a problem with his brain?

I made up my mind, but I didn't say what I was determined to do, and I was vague about what I wanted to do.

Just looking at Naruto with his fist raised in front of him, and looking at this guy's firm eyes, Gaara sighed slightly.

Extending his fist, Gaara collided his fist with Naruto, and it was such a collision that his face changed slightly.

Chakra, once again connected to each other, such a feeling, he has experienced before!

"A person is very lonely, that kind of life without friends, no relatives, and everything you have to bear by yourself, it is difficult to endure."

Suddenly, Naruto's voice rang in Gaara's mind.

Gaara didn't speak, but raised his head slightly. In such a Chakra consciousness space, he seemed to see everything in his past.

So lonely, so sad, even his own father wanted to kill him!

All of this made Gaara feel very sad. This is what he has experienced in his life.

"A real ninja can understand the inner thoughts of the opponent when he punches."

At this moment, Naruto's voice sounded again, and at the same time he appeared beside Gaara.

"I'm sorry I can't experience such loneliness, but I could feel the sadness and loneliness in your heart when we first chakra collided..."

"Enough!" Gaara interrupted Naruto forcibly without waiting for Naruto to finish.

"what do you know?

You don't know anything at all!

You have never experienced that kind of life, everyone thinks you are a monster, everyone wants you to die!

Even the people closest to you can't wait to kill you feeling, you haven't experienced it, you've never experienced it!

You don't have the right to say that, you don't! "

Facing such a hysterical Gaara, Naruto did not stop there.

He stretched out his hand slightly, grabbed Gaara, and then said with a smile: "Indeed, I haven't experienced it, but because I haven't experienced it, I see some things much more clearly than you. In fact, you Not alone."

Speaking of this, the corner of Naruto's mouth rose, revealing a cheerful smile that Gaara has never forgotten in his life.

That smile was like a ray of light piercing Gaara's dark heart.

Gaara has been unusually lacking in emotion since he was a child. He has never seen such a cheerful and warm smile.

Such a smile, as if from a friend's general feeling.

It's just that he doesn't understand, why does this guy say that he is not alone?

"Actually, the people who care about you are by your side." Naruto smiled and pointed to the sky.

Suddenly, the chakra in this consciousness space changed, and the two figures began to congeal.

Kankuro, Temari.

The scenes of these two desperately trying to protect themselves from falling into the hands of Konoha Ninja began to emerge.

These two, their elder brother and enchantment, are they people who really care about them?

Gaara didn't quite know, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.

Especially when he thought of what Yashamaru did, he really didn't dare to believe such feelings.

"And..." Naruto looked at Gaara again, his voice was very soft: "The sand on your body is protecting you all the time, in fact, it's not Shouhe at all... That's the power of that guy."

"What?" Gaara's expression changed slightly when she heard this.

"Yes, not the power of one tail." Naruto said with great certainty.

"This is what the Kurama told me, oh, the Kurama is the big fox inside me.

He was my father's comrade-in-arms and they were very good friends.

He is very familiar with the power of Shouhe, and he can make the most correct judgment. "

"Isn't it...Ichiao's power?"

Gaara lowered his head, feeling the sand that was constantly flowing, and was a little speechless.

"Yeah, those are not Shouhe's power. And those sands are full of a special emotion, which has been thoroughly engraved into the chakra.

I don't know who protects you with these powers, but I know that the person who protects you absolutely loves you deeply...

You are never alone! "


"what's going on?"

Uchiha Kai stood there, looking at the silhouette that was constantly condensing in the distance, his face became a little weird.

He seems to have recognized it, and the place where he is now is not unfamiliar, because this is in the consciousness space.

And that figure that keeps condensing is obviously the old man Otsutsuki Yui!

It's just, why did he drag himself to this place at this point in time, didn't he know he was fighting?

Thinking of this, his body felt a little chilly, and he was now facing Otsutsuki Peach Style.

Even at this time, he and Tao Shi have already caused an incomparable mess.

But if that guy really launched an attack, the messy time is really not useless!

What does this **** old man want to do?

If it's a plug-in, then everything is fine, but if you just run over to watch the show, then...

"Boy, I can feel that your heart is full of criticism towards me."

At this moment, Otsutsuki Yui said directly: "Although I know that your emotions are normal.

If you were an ordinary person, maybe I wouldn't take it to heart.

But you are my descendant, and you are getting closer and closer to us, it is difficult for me to ignore it. "

"Then what do you want?" Uchiha Qi was not polite at all, his face was not good-looking: "Can't you see what I'm doing now? And I'm..."

"I'm at a disadvantage, right?" Yui Otsutsuki looked at Kai Uchiha, and suddenly showed a smile: "Actually, I can feel that you can defeat him, but I don't know why, you've always been a little constrained."

"Because, I need his eyes." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "So many people have died, so naturally there is a need for an explanation. If the home is gone, it can be rebuilt, but if the people are gone... "

Having said that, Uchiha Kai is not talking nonsense.

Otsutsuki Yui obviously watched for a long time, and he could definitely see that he was actually sure of killing this guy.

Even if he obtained the power of the golden style to supplement the weak physical skills, his state is not perfect now. To put it bluntly, he has not completely mastered his own power at all.

In this case, even if he becomes stronger, if Uchiha thinks of some ways, he can also restrain his ability.

For example, in the process of fighting against physical skills, he blinded the eyes in his hands!

In fact, in the first duel, when Uchiha Kai was fully fired, Otsutsuki Yui noticed that this kid wanted to stab the eyes in Tao Shi's hands several times.

Moreover, he also created such opportunities many times, but in the end he gave up such opportunities and did not really start.

At that time, there was a guess in his heart, and now he seems to have got the answer.

"Yeah, if people are gone, then everything will be completely destroyed." Otsutsuki Yui nodded seriously: "So here I am, I will help you solve this problem."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Uchiha Qi raised his brows.

He really never dreamed that one day, the old man Otsutsuki Yui, who was selling add-ons, would actually find himself here?

But the problem is that he is neither the reincarnation of Indra nor the reincarnation of Asura, what can this old man give him?

Could it be that Chakra, the source of Indra and Asura?

Even if you give it to yourself now, it seems that you can't fully grasp it?

"Don't think too much, Chakra of Indra and Ashura, think of your own way."

As if seeing through Uchiha Kai's thoughts, Otsutsuki Yui said directly: "Although I never want you to use these two forces, I know that this can't stop you, and I also know that you will not be completely rooted. Break these two forces, so I indulge your behavior."

"The strength of Indra and Asura is the key to making up for what I am missing now." Uchiha Qi looked at Otsutsuki Yui flatly.

"It's absolutely impossible for you to let me give up.

But there is one thing you didn't say, those two children, I will never let them be ordinary for a lifetime, because I also need their strength to fight against these damned guys. "

Naruto and Sasuke, Uchiha Qi has long thought about it, even if they want to extract their chakras, they will never let them lose these chakras completely.

Just like what he said, he still needs the strength of these two children, and also needs them to fight against these Otsutsuki in the future.

Only the more concentrated the force, the more the scale of victory will move closer to their side.

"Okay, after talking so much nonsense, I'm worried now that my body has been attacked." Uchiha Kai shook his head and asked with a serious look: "Now we can say, What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple, I'm here to help you." Yui Otsutsuki smiled: "Do you believe me?"

"I don't quite believe it." Uchiha Qi bluntly said: "You should know that, except for a few people, I will not completely believe in anyone."

"Okay, okay, it seems that you are indeed overly cautious." Yui Otsutsuki smiled indifferently.

"However, try to trust people more and you will feel that the world will be different.

Well, let's not talk about these useless things, in fact, whether you believe it or not, you can't resist.

I came here just to tell you this, and believe me. "

"What the **** are you going to do?"

"Relax, leave everything to me..."
