Chapter 768: The power of Indra and Asura!

"Uchiha...stop the water!"

Standing in front of the two of them, Sasuke's complicated and unspeakable eyes finally turned into hatred.

He will never be able to forget all that once, he thought he could restrain himself.

But in fact, he only now knows that when he really faces this person comparable to Uchiha Itachi, he has no way to restrain his emotions.

It was a betrayal, it was a heart-wrenching feeling!


Shisui saw Sasuke who suddenly appeared, and only felt that his scalp was a little numb.

It's not that he didn't think about who was following the two of them, maybe someone from Anbu, maybe someone from the security department.

And the worst among these two groups is to meet the members of the Uchiha clan.

The people in the same village are enough to make him uncomfortable. If it is still from his own family, then all this will probably make him even more embarrassed.

It's just that what he never expected was that the situation that was already so bad in his expectation didn't seem to be so bad in fact.

Because the worst thing is that he actually met this guy Sasuke!

This is his younger brother, and this is one of the people he is most unwilling to face.

Why does this kid appear here?

Shishui was a little dazed, and he didn't even know what to do at this moment.

If there is only Shisui alone, or only Sasuke alone, then none of this matters.

But the problem is, Sasuke obviously didn't come alone, there was a guy hiding not far away.

Gui Shark and Zhi Shui are not blind, so how could they not feel the obvious existence?

And Zhi Shui is not alone, he is also accompanied by a ghost shark, this guy is a real villain, a real thug.

If this guy goes crazy, it's all going to suck!

Shishui is now suffering from a terrible headache, how exactly should he deal with this time.

However, what Zhishui didn't know, the guy next to him, whom he regarded as a villain and a thug, also had a big head now.

Why did this kid come here?

Besides him, who is the other kid not far away?

They really don't know much, and they haven't paid much attention to the grouping of these young people.

Therefore, they don't even know what kind of monsters are in Uchiha Sasuke's group.

If they knew, I am afraid that now they will really draw their weapons and attack each other!

But even if he didn't know it, the ghost shark's brain was swollen now, and he still knew about the kid Sasuke.

He knew very well what the identity of this kid was, and even more knew how good the relationship between the kid's father and Uchiha Kai was.

Knowing some things that others don't know, such as Sasuke's relationship with Shisui, seems to be too good, like a brother.

But Uchiha Shisui, this **** villain chose to betray, he betrayed his family, betrayed Uchiha Kai, and betrayed the entire Konoha!

Now that he meets the little devil Sasuke, the ghost knows whether he will kill the killer.

Thinking of this question, the ghost shark really trembled, and he even planned to attack directly.

Quietly put his hand behind his back, his chakra has begun to condense.

As long as Shishui, the damned guy, has any troubles, he will immediately do it!

However, Zhishui seems to be more vigilant than him now. The moment the ghost shark stretched out his hand, Zhishui opened his mouth.

"Stop." Zhi Shui's voice was unusually indifferent: "This is my business, this guy is my brother."

"Oh?" Ghost Shark raised his brows: "I didn't expect you to have a younger brother."

Shishui's tone is very flat, but in this flatness, you can feel a strong warning.

The ghost shark loosened the hand that held the big knife, and seemed to tell his partner with practical actions that he would not interfere with his family affairs.

It's been discovered, what else can he do?

However, his eyes are always locked on these two people. If there is any problem, he will immediately take action, even if his identity is exposed.

Coincidentally, Shishui also thinks so...

"I'm not your brother!" Sasuke gritted his teeth and stared at Shisui: "My brother is a hero, a Konoha ninja, and someone who guards the village! And you are not, you are just a traitor, a traitor !"

"so what?"

Seeing Sasuke being so hysterical, Shishui felt a little sour in his heart, but he still said calmly and indifferently.

"Your eyes can't see very far, you have no idea of ​​my thoughts and considerations.

What if I am a traitor? And you know you're right and I'm wrong? "

"My eyes..." Sasuke had put his hand on the ninja sword while speaking, and his chakra was surging frantically.

The blue electric arc was shining in him, and his hand clenched the ninja sword at his waist at this moment.

The blue light combined with the pair of scarlet three hook jades looks so stern and fierce!

"I have already seen the future, and I have seen your right and wrong!"

When the words fell, Sasuke's figure disappeared in a flash, and his speed was so fast that he was in front of Shishui almost in the blink of an eye!

The blade was unsheathed at this moment, and the tyrannical power that seemed to cut off everything spread at this moment.

"This is...Lanqi?" Zhi Shui and Gui Sha immediately recognized the knife when they saw it.

To some extent, the technique of Lan cutting is quite famous.

With the continuous use of Uchiha Kai and Kakashi, the difficulty of this technique is indeed not small, and many strong people have fallen under this technique.

The popularity of this technique has become more and more exaggerated, and to some extent it has even competed with Chidori in the original book!

And Sasuke, this kid, doesn't know if it's because of the uncontrollable anger in his heart.

In addition to his hard training for this sword technique, at this moment, this technique has actually been sublimated under this kind of anger!

Sasuke's super-level performance here is fast, but in the face of Shishui, Sasuke's performance is still a little tender.

But in order to prevent all accidents, he turned on his kaleidoscope writing wheel almost immediately.

Huge pupil power swayed along with the water-stopping chakra, and in an instant, the green chakra light had covered him.

Susanoh, Shishui displayed Susanoh without hesitation at all!


When Sasuke's ninja sword and Susanoo collided, Sasuke suddenly felt a force that he couldn't resist at all.

His hands seemed to begin to swell, and his body began to respond with pain. The next moment he couldn't resist the rebound of such power, and he flew out in an instant!


Naruto, who was hiding behind, couldn't stand it anymore, and he immediately jumped out to catch Sasuke.

However, his appearance made Zhi Shui and Gui Sha's faces even more ugly.

Damn, the son of a Uchiha clan chief is not finished, and now there is another son of Hokage?

Is this telling them that they have to make a decision today?

Just when they were hesitating, they suddenly froze.

The next moment, the two of them quickly charged towards Sasuke and Naruto...


In Konoha, in the tent where the meeting was held before, several people were already sitting there.

And these people, without exception, have the deepest relationship with Namikaze Minato.

Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hizu were sitting together, and the two of them came in early.

Probably because they don't have a job, so they are more leisurely than others.

In addition to them, Nara Shikahisa has arrived, and Kakashi and Imai Kenta are also sitting inside.

And Uchiha Kai took Hyuga Aya over, which was already the slowest.

In fact, the important content of this meeting is not too much, that is, the conversation with the other two shadows before.

But these contents are extremely important, because these things can basically establish the future Konoha, and even what kind of route the Ninja world will take.

It's not surprising that Ohnogi and the Fourth Raikage were a little hesitant about Uchiha's plan.

Because of the plan proposed by Uchiha, but clearly told them one thing.

That is, there will probably be a huge war in the ninja world in the future, and it is also an internal war!

Yes, this is a civil war within the ninja world, and if there are no accidents, this will be the fourth ninja war.

Although Uchiha Kai tried his best to avoid this war, he has to say that sometimes the existence of war has some other values ​​besides destruction.

Political factors aside, because this time he didn't even think about taking advantage of it.

With his strength, if he breaks the rules, he can completely override the entire world.

So some things are not necessary at all, all he needs is to make the whole ninja world move and have a good 'final exercise'!

The Fourth Ninja World War was actually, to some extent, an exercise in actual combat in his opinion, and there was no other meaning beyond that.

However, in such actual combat, bloodshed is bound to occur, and death is also a normal thing.

Such a loss, if Uchiha Qi is willing to take action to resurrect everyone, then it will be fine.

However, Uchiha Qi was obviously very hesitant about this matter, and he also seemed very resistant, which made Ohnogi and the Fourth Raikage naturally a little unacceptable.

However, this guy Uchiha Kai just showed his strength comparable to a god. It is no exaggeration to admit that this guy is the **** of the world!

They really dare not directly reject so many things in front of this godlike fellow.

And they also know that after more than ten years of peace, if they want to return to the state of war more than ten years ago, it is really not possible to rely on joint exercises.

And Uchiha Kai also said that this war has other very necessary results.

For example, let all ninjas know that there are some people with unimaginable strengths in this world.

Having a clear understanding and understanding the gap between the opponent's strength and one's own will make everyone dare not slack off in the slightest.

And there is the existence of Uchiha Kai and others, so that they still have infinite hope to resist, rather than despair to give up.

It is precisely because of this that Oh Yemu and the others are just tangled and uncomfortable now, instead of thinking about how to reject all this without offending others.

It's just that what Ohnogi and the others don't know is that Uchiha Kai has other purposes in it.

Otsutsuki Yui has already said that he hopes to use this incident to try to reach a certain degree of reconciliation with his mother Kaguya.

The focus of the conflict between Kaguya Otsutsuki and the brothers Otsutsuki Yui is actually on the point of 'whether humans can resist Otsutsuki'.

Kaguya obviously didn't believe it, so she used her own method, that is, Infinite Moon to create an army.

And the Otsutsuki Yui brothers obviously chose to believe, which is why they were hostile to Kaguya.

If there is someone in the ninja world who can defeat or even seal Kaguya.

No matter who this person is or how many people there are, this is at least a reason to convince Kaguya.

If the operation is good, even in their camp, one more person can help them, and it can even be regarded as a trump card-like existence!

Uchiha Kai and Otsutsuki Yui thought of this at almost the same time, so that guy didn't mean to refuse.

The talks continued, and it was time for Konoha to make his own decision.

To make such a decision, Konoha's decision-making level is also very entangled.

But at this moment, an orange figure suddenly came in from outside their hood.

This orange figure looks a little fat, but strangely, it doesn't seem to be affected at all by its fatness.

It walked quickly and the document rushed directly in front of Kakashi. Now everyone can see clearly what this guy is.

"Uh, this is..." Uchiha Fuyue looked a little stunned: "Our ninja cat? It seems, is it the one of Sasuke?"

"Master Patriarch." The orange ninja cat saw Fuyue and immediately said, "Oh, and Master Qi, you are also there."

"Well, you are Sasuke's ninja cat?" Uchiha Qi nodded lightly: "Why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

"That's right, Lord Patriarch, Lord Qi." Although the cat ran back in a hurry, it was a little breathless, but it didn't dare to slack off.

"Master Sasuke found out that there are outsiders around the village, and it is said that Kyuubi is also afraid. Therefore, he asked me to come back and notify Kakashi-sama, so that he will be ready to support at any time."

Encountered outsiders in the village, and was the guy that even the Nine Tails feared?

Hearing this sentence, almost everyone stood up, especially Uchiha Fuyue and Kakashi, the two of them even planned to chase them out.

The person who makes the Nine-Tails feel jealous will definitely not be something simple. Sasuke and the others, I am afraid they are in danger!

"I'll go." Before they could act, Uchiha Kai suddenly said: "Actually, I'm staying here, I'm afraid I can't let you guys have a meeting with peace of mind. Why don't I take a look at the situation. You can also put down all your burdens and have a good discussion. The content of this meeting.”

"As for the guys who make the Nine-Tails feel jealous, I think I'm the one who can deal with them the fastest."


Leaving the tent of the meeting, Uchiha Kai jumped up and ran in the direction that Ninja said.

He didn't use the ability to fly, not because he didn't want to use it, but when he didn't turn on the Chakra mode of Samsara Eye, he couldn't fly so easily.

It's not impossible to use the repulsive force of the Samsara Eye, but he is not Nagato. His Samsara Eye can be opened and closed, and naturally it won't be so ostentatiously open all the time.

Anyway, his speed is not slow, and he won't be much slower when he runs over.

But he is also thinking, is it because people can't think so much, and go to Konoha to find trouble for him?

Sandy people?

Uchiha Kai is not sure, but he thinks it should not be.

The guy who makes the nine tails throb is not absent in the ninja world, but almost every one of Uchiha Kai still has some images.

And these people, he didn't think they would come to this place to do tricks.

Because they either know their own strength and are ready to ally with themselves.

Either he hides and doesn't dare to cause trouble, or he is already equal to his subordinates.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't dare to be careless. After all, he originally thought that the final boss was just a female lunatic, Kaguya Otsutsuki.

The ghost knows that the world has become bizarre and eccentric now with the disturbance of his own meal.

His enemies are no longer the simple Kaguya Otsutsuki, but those aliens from the Otsutsuki family.

His mind was full of crazy thoughts, but his footsteps were not slow at all, but in the blink of an eye he had come to the place where the ninja cat was instructed.

It's just that he just got here, he couldn't help but raise his brows, and then he was a little bit dumbfounded.

It turned out that these two guys ran into Konoha.

After realizing that Shisui and Oni Shark came to Konoha, Uchiha Qi also slowed down his pace. He really didn't know how these two guys came.

However, it doesn't matter if they come, he has already guessed the purpose of these two guys coming to Konoha.

After all, according to Orochimaru, they were the ones responsible for killing the fourth Kazekage.

The illusion of this kid Zhishui is still very good, even if because of his own intervention, he has no such terrifying things as other gods.

But with the basic illusion and his current kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, he can definitely easily interrogate the information he wants.

Quietly sneaked into the forest, and looked at the two guys who were embarrassed but at the same time as each other, Uchiha Kai did not show up directly.

He knew that Obito hadn't told them the actual situation, so the two seemed to dislike each other from beginning to end, and they were even on guard indefinitely.

Uchiha Kai wasn't very interested in this kind of thing, but he didn't mean to disrupt Obito's arrangement.

If Obito wants to play, let him play, the Akatsuki organization is his.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai simply turned on the writing wheel, and the silent illusion cooperated with Chakra to instantly invade the bodies of Shisui and Gui Shark!

His illusion has long since improved with the strength, and is no longer limited to seeing his eyes, or receiving any hints.

He only needs the yin escape released by his eyes to cooperate with Chakra to achieve the use of some simple illusions!

Although the lethality of doing so will definitely not reach the intensity of looking at each other, but now he does not want to fight.

"Knock them out, then split up and come to me. Don't worry, I'll be staring at the other person and there won't be any danger."

Uchiha Kai performed illusion surgery on Shisui and Ghost Shark, and left a message so that they could find themselves separately at that time.

After doing all this, he directly cast the shadow clone, and then began to wait silently.

When Gui Sha and Zhi Shui received this information, they both froze for a while, but soon they gave action.

Although the little guys Sasuke and Naruto are very strong, they seem a little powerless in the face of Oni Shark and He Zhishui.

Although they can't go all out, the fighting effect of the ghost shark and Shishui in the battle against these two little guys is almost crushing!

Facing Shishui's attack, Sasuke was completely powerless to fight back, especially the suppression on Sharinyan was infinitely magnified.

And Naruto's situation is a little better. He has the help of the nine tails and it will not be so embarrassing, but how the ghost shark has the help of the shark muscle, and Naruto can't last long.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the two boys to be defeated.

And Hinata was also intercepted by Uchiha Qi on the way over, and finally used an illusion to stun.

After dealing with this matter, his shadow avatar has also been in contact with the ghost shark and Shishui.

These two guys seem to be quite cautious, for fear that the other party is nearby.

But when they saw Uchiha Kai appear, they were completely relieved.

To the north, the moment Zhishui saw Uchiha Kai, he immediately knelt on the ground on one knee: "Master Kai."

"Well." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly: "Why did you return to Konoha?"

"Master Qi, we were asked by Orochimaru to assist him in attacking the Fourth Kazekage, and the actual controller of the Akatsuki organization also agreed with this decision." Shishui lowered his head and said quickly: "So we decided to come back to inform, and the result... ..."

"So it is." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly, which was almost no different from what he had guessed.

It can be said unceremoniously that there is really no problem if Zhishui chooses to come back. If this guy doesn't choose to come back and report the matter, then there is a real problem.

Although for them, Konoha's raid on Shayin was like playing, but some things were principled, and it was necessary to think about it.

Nodding lightly, Uchiha Qi turned and went: "Okay, we can actually guess what happened this time, and let me give you a hint, Orochimaru is actually our person, and he came to Konoha to help us complete it. It's just a mission."

"Mission?" Zhishui frowned: "You mean, the third Hokage..."

"Yes." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Many years ago, you should remember the meeting I had with the third Hokage, and I think you should understand the ending of the third Hokage."

"Yes, my lord." Zhi Shui lowered his head, he really knew about it. It's just that he wasn't sure whether Sandyin's attack was necessary or not, or whether it was an unexpected decision.

"Then there's no problem, this time is really unexpected." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "A guy like this popped up..."

"Sir, is that guy Otsutsuki?"

"Well, yeah. Unbelievably strong, isn't it?"

"Like Lord Qi, it's unbelievably strong..."


The two shadow clones came into contact with Shisui and Shishui to varying degrees, but whether it was Shisui or Shisui, the level of respect shown by the two of them satisfied Kai Uchiha.

This guy Shisui was very amazed at the strength of Uchiha Kai, and although the ghost shark also felt incredible.

But his eyes are still more focused on those who died because of the battle, but were resurrected by Uchiha Kai using a special technique.

Maybe the ghost shark has really found his own place. His concern for Konoha is very high, which is unimaginable.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't mean to embarrass him, and told him all the situation directly.

Especially about the disciple he cultivated, and now he has become a leader of Joinin, Uchiha Qi also spent a lot of pen and ink to describe.

All this makes Gui Shao feel at ease, and he is also proud of his disciples.

Although he was a little puzzled, his disciple who became the leader of the team might collide with him head-on.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that when he was in Anbu, the probability of this was not small, so the ghost shark didn't think too much.

After Shishui and Ghost Shark wanted to know what they wanted to know and what they wanted to report, they quickly left the place.

Uchiha Qi didn't care about them, or he didn't have the time and energy to care about what his shadow avatar said to them.

Because he's really scared now, and he's too busy right now.

Uchiha Kai really didn't think of one thing, that is, Indra and Ashura Chakra in Naruto and Sasuke have awakened to this point!

"These two little devils, what's the situation?"

Uchiha Qi didn't even think about it clearly, what the **** was going on.

He just followed the decision he made during the Chunin exam, now to check the situation of these two brats.

However, when he opened his reincarnation eye to see the situation of these two guys, he could already clearly see the special chakra contained in their bodies, although still obscure but still really growing!

what's going on?

Uchiha Qi knew that the chakra in their bodies had begun to be active, but he clearly remembered when he observed it, but it was not as strong as it is now!

If it was said that when he discovered it, it could only be regarded as a stream, so he did not dare to intercept this kind of power arbitrarily.

So now, this power has completely turned into a majestic river. Although it has not completely turned into an ocean, he only needs to control the strength of the interception a little to get what he wants.

There is no need to worry about what bad things will happen to these two little ghosts because they intercepted their power.

"What's the situation?" Uchiha Kai stood there, he was really confused now.

"The current intensity, slowly guiding them can definitely reach an unimaginable peak.

Even now, as long as you understand the true meaning of these chakras, you can gain incredible power.

It's just that they are still so young now, and these chakras fit them well. Are they already so powerful at their age? "

This idea had just emerged, and he was quickly extinguished by him.

If they really master these powers, it is not them who are lying here in a coma at this moment, but Zhishui and Ghost Shark!

These forces have not yet fully exerted their effect, but if they want to really burst out, I am afraid it will only take a few months or even weeks and days.

That is to say, these forces appeared once and only recently.

Uchiha Qi has always believed that the power of Indra and Asura is constantly biased towards these two people with the ideas and beliefs of the host.

Perhaps it was influenced by Chakra, or perhaps they were born with such a will, and the burst of these powers is also gradual and gradual, making people stronger step by step.

Look at Senshou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara, the two of them were not directly strong enough to be jaw-dropping at first.

Their growth was accompanied by the unfolding of one thing after another, and with the firming of their beliefs again and again, they came to the last two to overwhelm the entire ninja world!

And like Naruto and Sasuke in the original book, they didn't seem so powerful at first.

But it was with them that they strengthened their beliefs again and again, and they struggled with life and death again and again to become the last savior of the ninja world.

Such a powerful chakra burst out at one time like now, this situation really makes Uchiha Qi puzzled.

"Could it be that something special happened?" Uchiha Qi thought for a long time, and finally he shook his head helplessly.

No matter what the outcome is, this is a good thing for him!

With so many Chakras of Indra and Ashura, he can intercept these powers well, and then make some preparations for himself.

Moreover, in such a situation, Uchiha Kai even felt that by doing so, he was really helping these two little devils.

How far the Chakras of Indra and Ashura can grow, he doesn't know.

But what he knows, the future encounter of these two little devils, and some changes in the ninja world in the future, may make them less dependent on these Chakras.

Because the old man Otsutsuki Yuyi is likely to 'sell it' for them!

However, such a plug-in is really risky. In the blink of an eye, it is the treatment of 'Eternal Seal', and it will not be easy for anyone to change it.

But no matter what the result is, in the process of battle, such a plug-in is still very useful.

"Moreover, no one can be sure that Otsutsuki Yui will still take back those powers."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi quickly took out a scroll, and the gouyu in his eyes began to spin with the circle of reincarnation.

It's been so long since I came here, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, it's better to clear things up quickly.

When the time comes, someone else will come over He has to spend time and energy to explain some things.

With a quick seal, Uchiha Kai put his hands on Sasuke and Naruto's stomachs.

In an instant, two chakras of different colors began to flow out along with the rotation of his eyes.

At first they were reluctant, even with this fierce resistance.

However, under his coercion, such resistance is not worth mentioning at all!

The chakra overflowed quickly, and when a sufficient amount of chakra poured into the scroll, Uchiha Qi decisively disconnected the two chakras.

Collecting too much is not a good thing for these two little guys, and I don't necessarily need so much!

Looking at the two scrolls on the ground, Uchiha Kai's eyes became a little frantic.

After waiting for so long, it is finally here!
