Chapter 784: The 4th Ninja World War!

Uchiha Kai has always been an activist, and since he has determined what he is going to do, he will definitely not wait for long.


He controlled his consciousness and entered the wedge, but in an instant he seemed to have entered a terrifying chakra ocean!


He has been to the inside of the wedge many times, but every time he comes in, the situation he sees is different.


When he first came in, what he saw was an arrogant figure with an obvious Otsutsuki temperament and a huge power in control.


Even if he can't see who this figure is, he can be sure that this guy is definitely the one who once controlled Ci Xian and fought with him!


At that time, this guy's consciousness seemed to be still in a deep sleep, and he didn't wake up to do anything to Uchiha Kai.


But when he came for the second time, Uchiha Kai could clearly see this guy's pair of white eyes and began to look at him.


And the third time, when he came with Otsutsuki Yui, Uchiha Kai could clearly see his appearance, and he could clearly see that this guy was sealed.


The last time he came in, it was to deal with Otsutsuki's consciousness, but after that time he imprisoned the consciousness of Shiki in his own consciousness space, and he didn't pay too much attention to the situation inside the wedge.


And coming here today, Uchiha Qi was stunned to find that this place has turned into a vast ocean, and it completely carries all the chakra's ocean!


Perhaps because the owner of the wedge is no longer there, everything in this wedge has lost control and management, these forces are completely confined in a small seal, and the planning results are completely invalid.


Therefore, these chakras began to surge out in a frenzy, and finally became the complete sea of ​​chakras.


"This is really..."


Seeing this scene in front of him, Uchiha Kai himself was a little dumbfounded. His original intention was to solve the problem of this wedge, so that they could accept his control.


But from the current point of view, the troubles he faces are much bigger than he imagined.


Because he was stunned to find that he didn't seem to have the space to do it at all, and he didn't know what to do.


"Is it possible that you want me to immerse myself in this chakra ocean?"


Uchiha Kai was a little dazed. He had never seen such a scene before, and he had never thought about it. He needed to jump into such a place by himself to control the power inside.


After thinking for a long time, Uchiha Kai finally could only control his consciousness and came to the top of this chakra ocean.


Then he slightly manipulated his consciousness to make contact with this ocean. If he dared not even make simple contact, then he would be even more uncertain about the state and nature of these forces.


"It seems, it's not as difficult as you think?"


When Uchiha Kai came into contact with a part of these chakra oceans, he was a little surprised to find that these forces were not as troublesome as he thought.


It was probably some unmaintained power, Otsutsuki's consciousness had been stripped away by him, and these powers did not have any confrontation with Uchiha Kai.


Maybe it's because their carriers have been in their bodies for too long and are already familiar with and accustomed to their own power?


Uchiha Qi didn't know this, but he knew that this was definitely a good opportunity. Since none of these powers resisted him, why didn't he try to master all these powers?


What's more, Uchiha Qi also clearly noticed that there are all kinds of chakras in these powers.


Whether it is the chakra of the five attributes alone, or the chakra of the five attributes that has been completely integrated.


Or he could feel his heart palpitations when he was completely intact, that Chakra, the blood-snapping snares with seven attributes!


Once such a huge number of Chakras are mastered by him, even if it is only a part, it is simply unimaginable for his development!


He can definitely easily use these powers to completely master the Chakra in his body to a very high level, and completely complete the transformation of the blood following the snare!


"Also, I'm definitely converting much faster than anyone else who's gotten a wedge!"


Uchiha Qixin thought to himself that it was indeed the case. After all, his body had already been baptized and transformed by the essential power of Otsutsuki, and he could already be regarded as a normal descendant of Otsutsuki.


Except that he didn't evolve anything like tentacles, and his appearance was completely close to that of a human being, in other respects, he was not much different from ordinary Otsutsuki.


Therefore, he does not need to carry out the transformation of Otsutsuki at all, so his body can fully withstand these huge and unimaginable chakras, and he does not need to waste time on other aspects.


"In that case..."


Uchiha Kai was stunned, the speed of transformation of the power in his body is really slow, and now there is a large source of unowned power, if you don't use it properly, you will be really sorry for yourself.


Slowly let his consciousness completely immerse in this sea of ​​chakras, Uchiha Qi clearly felt that those chakras seemed to have found their masters, and began to contact him slowly, and then quickly contacted him consciousness resonates.


"It seems to be the same as what I thought, so it can be a little bigger..."


Thinking like this, at the same time, his consciousness began to absorb these chakras faster, so that these chakras resonated with him at a faster speed, and finally became his own power!


This piece of chakra, like the ocean, was originally very calm, but as his speed began to speed up, there were some waves in Wang Yang, followed by a small whirlpool.


This whirlpool is getting bigger and bigger and more urgent, and the image of consciousness Uchiha Kai presents in the wedge also begins to slowly sink into this ocean.


A huge vortex is formed in the ocean, and the center of this vortex is Kai Uchiha himself!


It's just that this expanse of ocean is so huge that it's hard to imagine that it is not easy and fast for Uchiha to completely absorb this expanse of ocean.


It's just that now he probably doesn't have this awareness anymore, because the five-attribute chakra in his body has also begun to jump.


He can only control his own resonance and absorb these chakras, while making the originally silent chakras in his body start to move and merge with each other.


His breath also began to change drastically, and with the chakra that was deposited in his body, which could not be used but could be regarded as a blood stalk, it also began to vibrate slightly.


Along with their vibrations, the tailed beast Chakra, which hides Uchiha Kaisusanoo, seems to have started to merge with each other uncontrollably at this moment.




"Strange, what about Kai?"


Imai Ken too slowly walked into the underground laboratory, he looked a little strange, because Uchiha Kai and this guy didn't show up for a day.


Kei Uchiha is currently Konoha's agent Hokage. It's definitely not a good thing for this guy to disappear suddenly.


However, Kenta Imai didn't think this guy would disappear. After all, in his opinion, there were very few people in the ninja world who could deal with him. Even if Otsutsuki didn't show up, no one could deal with him at all.


Then, in the opinion of Imai Kenta, there is probably only one, and that is that this guy is being lazy again.


Or it was dragged down by something important, so it didn't appear.


Therefore, Imai Kenta had to run over and look for it himself, and he was quite doubtful in his heart.


Because according to what this guy did in the past, he basically left a shadow clone to prevent himself from running out of time.


But this time, he didn't even leave a shadow clone, and this could only let Kenta Imai come over to find someone by himself.


"It should be here."


Imai Kenta walked down the stairs, but soon he frowned, and he could feel the powerful chakra rushing down below.


With such a quality of chakra, even today's Kenta Imai can feel a deep sense of fear. This kind of chakra is probably the so-called fusion of seven familiar chakras, right?


Thinking of this, Kenta Imai walked along this chakra source, and soon he stopped at the door of a room.


Standing at the door of this room, Imai Kenta could feel a suffocating chakra surging out, and this chakra was like a substance that made him unable to move at all.


"what's going on?"


Imai Kenta's face is a little weird, this power is very strange, they seem to belong to Uchiha Kai, because a few chakras have his breath.


But more chakras are like unowned things, they are huge but can be controlled, they are powerful but can be absorbed by Uchiha Kai.


Surrounded by such chakras, Imai Kenta really found himself like a child standing in the rapids of the river, and there was no way to stop the impact of these rivers.


He's already caught in it, and he can't move at all!




Suddenly, Imai Kenta's expression changed slightly, because he noticed that the Chakra in his body seemed to have changed at this moment.


It's not that he wants to fuse into the blood snares, but the chakra that has been sealed in his body and has nine different tailed beasts. At this moment, accompanied by that mysterious and powerful force, he began to fuse himself. .


"This is really... Strange things happen again and again."


Imai Kenta is a bit baffled. Although he regretted why he came to this ghost place before, he is now in a dilemma.


But now he is very fortunate that he is here, because the fusion of the tailed beast Chakra has always been a problem that has troubled him, the biggest problem!


The five-attribute chakras in his body are almost fused, so he can also prepare to try to fuse the blood snares.


His fusion progress has always been the fastest and the most efficient among the three. Aya Hyuga can't compare to him at this point, and Kai Uchiha is the tail of the crane among the three.


But no matter how fast the fusion is, it is really difficult for him to deal with the problem of tailed beasts.


Tailed beast chakras are not ordinary chakras. They also carry the consciousness of beasts, and their instinctive resistance merges with each other, which Imai Kenta is also powerless.


The most terrible thing is that he still doesn't have any reference to give him a reference.


Namikaze Minato also uses the power of the tailed beast, but others use the nine tails themselves, and they only have the power of a pure tailed beast.


Hyuga Aya simply didn't need one of the tailed beasts, she rejected all of this very early on.


Obito is definitely the same guy as Kenta, who sealed nine kinds of tailed beast Chakra by himself, but Kenta is not familiar with that guy, and Kenta is also convinced that Obito is definitely not as fast as his fusion progress.


And this guy, Kai, doesn't even need to look forward to it. This **** just sealed the tailed beast in Susanoo, which is completely different from his own route, so he can't be trusted at all!


Therefore, in terms of the fusion of the tailed beast Chakra, his progress was also forced to stagnate.


This kind of stagnation made him helpless, but he also had to make such a choice, forcibly integrating him to worry about what went wrong.


But today's situation is different. He didn't do anything at all. He simply stayed here. While feeling this terrifying Chakra, the tailed beast Chakra in his body merged with himself.


Kenta Imai has never thought about such a situation, but he is not stupid, he will never let himself miss it in such a situation!


Isn't it the agent Hokage who disappeared?


Little meaning, Konoha can't be at peace now, the big deal is that he can use a clone to help him if he is tired.


Are you not here anymore?


What is this, a wooden avatar or a shadow avatar can easily deal with all this!


Compared with seizing such an opportunity and improving his strength in an all-round way, Kenta Imai really doesn't think that Konoha can be considered a troublesome thing.


Therefore, without any hesitation, he quickly separated out the two wooden clones, and then he simply sat down on the spot.


One of the two wooden avatars turned into the appearance of Kai Uchiha, and the other remained Kenta Imai's own appearance, and then the two avatars left the same place together.


"I hope this time, this guy Qi can help me."


Imai Kenta also quickly closed his eyes. He found that practicing next to Kai Uchiha seemed to improve his practice in all aspects very quickly.


"At least, let me complete the chakra fusion of the Nine Tailed Beasts..."




At the same time, in the country of iron, Obito was sitting in a dilapidated meeting room.


He glanced coldly at everyone in front of him, and then said calmly in a low and hoarse voice.


"Then, I declare that the Fourth Ninja World War will be declared!"




With the words of Obito falling, it can be declared that the world of ninja has undergone tremendous changes.


Those deep and powerful words made even Ohnogi and the Fourth Raikage, who knew the outcome of the matter in advance, have some emotions in it.


The ninja world has been peaceful for sixteen years and seven years, and now all this peace seems to be over.


Even though they themselves know that saying that the ninja world is peaceful is just a self-deception statement, as long as there is interest, there will always be competition, and naturally there is no peace at all.


Maybe there won't be any large-scale action. This is the best balance for these big countries and big villages.


But now, the last layer of fig leaf has been rudely torn up, and the war is about to come again in this ninja world that has been calm for decades, and it is still unfolding in such a rude way.


However, the situation this time is very different, because such a war is not a contest between countries, villages and villages, but a way of cooperating and uniting the entire ninja world to face the enemy together.


I have to say that this kind of feeling is very wonderful. A never-before-seen alliance is born like this, and never-before-seen cooperation is unfolded like this. Although the ninja world is not peaceful, the villages are really peaceful!


They are not stupid, especially the fourth generation Raikage and Onogi are even more talented, even if it is just Namikaze Minato who said 'starting from today to form a ninja alliance, gather all the forces of the ninja world to build a ninja alliance', they have already thought of this sentence Lots of things in the future.


Alliance is not an alliance, but a more profound and profound topic.


With such an alliance formed, the ninja world may have experienced this operation, and in the future recovery process, I am afraid they will not be willing to leave this alliance easily, right?


More material coordination, more resources to use, more good living environment, all of these show how wonderful the world will be after the alliance.


After the alliance, is the village still independent?


Neither Onogi nor the Fourth Raikage knew about this issue, but they knew very well that even if they were like, they shouldn't, nor were they qualified to think about it!


How terrifying the external enemy is, they are very clear in their hearts.


And how exaggerated the inner absolute core main force is, they are also clear in their hearts.


The existence of these two parties is almost doomed that they should not think about these things at all.


It is also doomed that they are really not qualified to consider these things.


All they can do is to assist in the birth of the alliance and find a way to gain a higher status in this alliance.


"For future generations to have a better living environment, and for the spirit of the village not to be swallowed up, we can only do what we can do ourselves."


Onogi and the Fourth Raikage had such an idea in their hearts almost at the same time. The general trend is that if the wheel of history is blocked, it will definitely not be crushed by them, nor by a few people.


But there are a lot of people who will follow in their footsteps, and there are even a lot of innocent people.


Man Yue has a face full of indifference. For him, the situation is almost the same.


He is now the water shadow of Wuyin Village. This conference made it very clear that it was a meeting between shadows.


With the help of Konoha for so many years, this boy Manyue has basically been regarded as unbeatable in his position in Kiriyin.


In fact, even without this meeting, the full moon can still sit firmly in the position of the water shadow.


The meeting this time was not an accelerator, but at least it allowed him to wear a water shadow hat on his head.


The moment Obito appeared just now, he had already recognized this guy, and of course he knew what it all meant.


But what about this?


For him, he has got everything he wants, even if he forms an alliance, it doesn't matter.


Anyway, in a strict sense, he is also under the leadership of Konoha to control Kirigakushi, not to mention that after they are really united, Kirigakushi can get more resources and care.


At this moment, I am afraid that the only one who is a little confused is Temari.


After all, she can be regarded as a relatively pure political amateur, and she can't think of so many things at once.


And the information given by Obito just now was very exaggerated. Her mind was full of Moon Eye plans, and she asked directly for things like Nine-Tails and Eight-Tails.


Temari thought she had seen many crazy people, but it was the first time she had seen such a crazy person.


Such a level of madness, to treat the entire ninja world as nothing, she really never imagined.


However, she soon calmed down, and quickly agreed to the ninja alliance proposed by the fourth Hokage.


In her opinion, unite the ninja world to fight against this lunatic, especially since this lunatic has mastered all the other tailed beasts except the eight-tailed and nine-tailed.


For this kind of crazy and dangerous guy, it is the best choice for the entire ninja world to face them together.


As for the difference between an alliance and an alliance, she didn't figure it out for a while.


"It seems that we have to prepare well." Temari stood up and said calmly, "This time we are facing a real lunatic, and I have to go back and prepare well."


"I really have to go back and get ready." Ohnogi said flatly.


"This action really made people's blood boil. All the ninjas in the entire ninja world are not for their own interests, but for the interests of the entire ninja world. Tsk tsk, just thinking about it makes people excited."


"Don't speak so yin and yang, there is no need for that."


Fourth Raikage glanced at Ohnogi and shook his head: "Go back and prepare. At least we have to prepare for the battle and prepare for future problems."


"Che, boring old guy." Ghost Lantern Manyue stretched: "You guys can make trouble slowly, I'm going back to prepare, I don't have time to play charades with you."


"You two, you don't need to be so pessimistic."


Namikaze Minato also stood up. Although his expression was serious, he was extraordinarily kind under the sunlight.


"Our alliance will be very fair, and in the same way our alliance will defeat anyone who wants to destroy the ninja world, I promise you."


Namifeng Minato's words were extraordinarily serious and gave people an indescribable sense of trust.


Onogi and Shidai Raikage looked at each other, although they couldn't help but nodded.


Temari, on the other hand, glanced at the four of them with some doubts. She was a little confused about what was going on, but she was very smart. She found that she couldn't speak about this kind of thing, so she simply kept silent.


Sometimes silence is better than nonsense...




"Are you going to start?"


After Namikaze Minato and the others returned to Konoha with the group, Uchiha Fugaku and the others also learned what the current form was like.


Everything is going according to plan, Obito has decisively declared war on all the villages.


I have to say that the convening of the Five Shadows Conference is an excellent platform for him, a platform that allows his voice to be completely transmitted to the entire ninja world, and at the same time, it is not dare to be ignored!


It's just that what people can't know is that this incident is actually a long-planned thing, even a thing that was deliberately created by people. Fortunately, no one knows about it, otherwise God knows how they would think about it. .


"Well, let's begin." Minato Minato nods while sitting at the desk.


"After all the preparation, I didn't feel anything strange when it actually started. Please let me know. Whether it is to form the Ninja World Alliance or declare war with the Akatsuki organization, everyone must know these things. "


"I see, Hokage-sama." Nara Shikahisa immediately bowed and said.


He didn't participate in the Five Shadows Conference this time. After all, Konoha still has so many things to deal with, he really doesn't have that skill.


What made him extremely depressed was that he didn't know what was going on, that guy Uchiha Kai suddenly didn't care about things at all, and left everything to himself, which made Lu Jiu busy with work these days. volume increased directly.


However, Kei Uchiha was acting as Hokage, and as the Minister of Government Affairs, Shikahisa could only recognize it by pinching his nose.


Fortunately, Minato Namikaze finally came back, and he can be considered to have climbed out of the 'document hell'.


But now he doesn't have the time to think about those things, but he remembers a word in his ear, that is alliance.


The alliance is not an alliance. The meaning of this word is much more profound, and it also shows the greater ambition of Minato.


He immediately reacted. The existence of this alliance is probably not just for the Akatsuki organization, but there are more ideas in it, right?


But even if he knew, Lu Jiu wouldn't think too much about it. He knew that there were many secrets between Minato Namikaze and Kai Uchiha, and many secrets that would not be easily revealed.


Even him, it is impossible to come into contact with these secrets.


But he doesn't care either. Sooner or later, these secrets will be told to himself. Although he can't be the first echelon, he can still stand at the head of the second echelon and even at the end of the first echelon.


Soon, Shikaku left the office, and there were only Uchiha Fugaku and Namikaze Minato and others in the office.


"It's strange, where has Kai been going recently?" Minato Minato Namika asked directly, "Although Kenta's wooden avatar is very powerful, we are too familiar with Kaito and Mrs. Ken, so he can't lie to us at all. what."


"Maybe, Kai also has his own affairs to deal with. After all, it has come to this stage." Uchiha Fuyue shook his head, he really didn't know where Uchiha Kai was.


After they came back, they met Kei and Kenta, but Minato Minato Namikaze immediately recognized that he wasn't him at all, and this meeting wasn't particularly important, so he didn't ask them to attend.


"Yeah, after all, Kai has a lot of things to do, so maybe he's doing some preparations." Minato shook his head lightly, and then saw Uchiha Fugaku: "Then what about you? Are you ready?"


"It's ready, but there's one more thing to take care of before that." Uchiha Fuyue pondered for a moment: "Perhaps, when I'm all ready here, we'll get a bigger boost."


After leaving Naruto's office, Uchiha Fugaku was also thinking about a problem along the way, that is, let Sasuke's eyes evolve!


This question was raised by Kai Uchiha a long time ago, but Uchiha Fugaku hesitated, and finally suppressed it temporarily because Sasuke was still not used to his eyes.


But now the war is about to start, even if the actual meaning of this war is not as everyone thinks, but he knows about Qi, I am afraid that this time he will definitely not take it lightly.


And given the importance this guy places on Sasuke, I'm afraid he won't easily let the kid Sasuke hide behind.


Instead, it will let him go to the front line to experience terrifying battles, and in the end there will be no mercy!


For the sake of his children, Fuyue also thinks it is time to do something.


This time at the Five Shadows Conference, this kid Obito brought all the members of Akatsuki's organization together, so this kid Sasuke also got a full fight.


He made good use of this battle to adapt to his kaleidoscope.


And what made Fuyue extremely helpless was that this kid didn't have the slightest restraint on the use of the kaleidoscope.


In that battle, he almost used the power of the kaleidoscope to write the Analects quickly and frantically to adapt himself to these new eyes.


But the result of this is that it is said that it has started to become a little vague.


In Fuyue's psychology, he actually prefers to let Itachi get a pair of eternal eyes, while Sasuke gets his own pair of eternal eyes.


Because Itachi's performance is more stable and trustworthy than Sasuke's, and Sasuke is sometimes really impulsive.


It's a pity that under Uchiha's attention, there is also Sasuke's quick grasp of power, and the child Itachi may only think about giving the best to his younger brother.


Therefore, Fuyue can only helplessly accept this reality, that is, let Sasuke get the Eternal Eye that is most suitable for his own strength, and Itachi inherits his own pair of Eternal Eyes.


In addition, Fuyue himself will get back the eyes that belonged to him at that moment, his own native kaleidoscope!


"I hope there will be enough time." Uchiha Fuyue thought silently as he walked towards the house: "According to Kai, this kind of integration may take a month, and it is really hard to say if it is slow."


"However, as long as Qi Neng can help you watch, according to his experience and his strength, then nothing will be a problem. Qi, the little devil who was on the edge of the family back then, is now a 'God in the World'!"


"However, where did this guy Qi go?"

