Chapter 12: Flying Thunder God

The group of people that Xia Yan was thinking about was indeed a trouble.

The entire Konoha has the most talents, and the talents are more emotional than rational, and at the same time are not very popular. In fact, it seems that there are only that group of people.

That is the Uchiha clan in charge of the Konoha Security Department!

I have to say that these Uchihas are indeed a fertile field, and their talents and talents are unimaginable.

But the problem is, the situation of these people is also very bad, and even Xia Yan feels that he has too much contact with them, and he himself will cause trouble.

They have long been divided internally, and one party is shouting that it has been treated unfairly, and is considering using violence to gain the recognition of the village.

However, one party felt that violence could not solve the problem, and wanted to talk openly and honestly with the village in a peaceful way.

In fact, in Xia Yan's view, no matter what kind of result they are, it will not be good.

Go to war with Konoha?

Konoha is indeed weak, but how much power does Uchiha have now?

Xia Yan felt that if he remembered correctly, Uchiha at this moment may not even have a kaleidoscope.

Even if there is, there is only one pair, and that is Uchiha Fuyake.

It is true that Uchiha will have more than one pair of kaleidoscopes in the future, but the problem is that two of them have been brainwashed and skewed.

And what kind of character Uchiha Fuyue is like, look at the whole clan in the original book was destroyed, he honestly waited to be killed by Uchiha Itachi.

Therefore, in terms of shadow-level power, there is almost no need to consider it.

As for the power comparison between the middle and lower levels, even if Uchiha's members are elites, how many ninjas are there in Konoha?

With the addition of Sarutobi Hidden who inherited Chishou Tobirama's strategy to deal with Uchiha, Uchiha and Konoha have long been split, and there are many people who hate them.

"This is simply an unequal war. No wonder Uchiha Fuyue didn't catch a cold from beginning to end. If there was no way for him to be forced in the end, he might have to go on."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help shaking his head. As for the peace talks with Konoha?

This is not impossible, but the question is whether anyone is willing to talk to them.

The only person who accepts them and can talk to them for a reason is the fourth Hokage wave Feng Minato.

However, this Hokage-sama died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

In this way, the people who can let Uchiha see hope are dead, and they really have no bright future.

"Do you want to contact Uchiha?" Xia Yan thought silently.

In terms of talent and potential, if he can win over Uchiha, then this will be of great help to his mission.

But the problem is that he is now only an Anbu team leader. In addition, the relationship between Qianshou and Uchiha is placed there again.

In less than a year, once the fourth Hokage died, he would have no basis to win over these people.

"It's really a bit of a headache, let's take a step by step. It's really not good, just contact the two guys who can enter Anbu in the future."

The people Uchiha can enter Anbu, one is Uchiha Shisui, and the other is Uchiha Itachi.

To be honest, Xia Yan's cold to the two of them is very general, and the most important thing is some of their practices.

Of course, if they only focus on a village and a family, some of the choices they make are not so strange.

In the final analysis, they are just ninjas, not a decision maker. The real problem is Uchiha Fugaku.

"Of course, there are some issues with their own worldview and values.

If entering Anbu has not been completely brainwashed, maybe I can touch it.

If it has been remodeled, then forget it..."

Xia Yan quickly made a decision. If the Uchiha family's fertile fields can, he really doesn't plan to give up.

But the people he can contact are really limited, and the infectious power of the "will of fire" is too strong, he doesn't want to make himself uncomfortable.

You must know that after so many years, whether in school or in Anbu, Xia Yan has acted as a person who perfectly fits the will of fire.

Every time his dream is mentioned, his answer is also textbook - protect the village and work hard to become Hokage.

He wouldn't say anything to protect so-and-so, and he didn't believe in the future's "fetters" during the war.

There are wartime policies in wartime, and peacetime policies in peacetime.

Once the war is lost, the price is indescribable, so there is the tragedy of Hatake Su Shigeru.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Kakashi's father's prestige has completely surpassed the limit that Sarutobi Hizan and the others can tolerate.

Hatake Sakumo doesn't seem to belong to the master-apprentice system of the second-generation Hokage at all, and the public opinion at that time was very bad for him.

It is said that even the people he saved hated his actions!

How many people behind this are fueling the flames is completely clear at a glance.

Because Hatake Sakumo really rose, he was definitely a fatal blow to the second and third Hokage's mentoring system.

Xia Yan can't learn from him, and he didn't make up for his teammates who were holding him back. He felt that his teammates should thank him.

This is political correctness.

"Knock knock knock..."

Just when Xia Yan was thinking about it, there was a knock on his door, which brought him back to his senses immediately.

He still remembered that the elder told him that he had prepared a gift for him, but Xia Yan didn't know too much about the gift.

He only knew that people of their family could choose to learn some specific ninjutsu after reaching a certain age.

The Qianshou clan had rich ancestors after all, even though many techniques were given to Konoha Village 'free' for various reasons.

But even if it is handed over, there will still be a lot of backups left, and even some things are not handed over at all.

For example, things like immortality, the Thousand Hands Clan never handed over them.

Of course, Konoha Bacheng is also very clear, but the cultivation of immortal mode is too difficult, they can know from Jiraiya.

Moreover, Konoha himself has to pay attention to the appearance of food, too ugly may lead to some troubles.

Even if they aren't afraid, everyone who doesn't want to do it has grudges.

In particular, this incident may also radiate to other families, which is a bit of a loss.

Opening the door, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Xia Yan.

This middle-aged man's name is Shangshanyuan, and Xia Yan is relatively familiar with him.

Although he was taken care of by the elders since he was a child, the basic teaching of ninja was completed by this Uesugi Yuan.

"Uncle Yuan." Xia Yan immediately showed a gentle smile, and then bowed slightly: "The elder said it before, but I didn't expect it to be my uncle."

"I live relatively close, and I haven't seen you for a while." Uesugi Yuan also said with a smile, and then he patted Xia Yan's shoulder with a mysterious smile: "I think you also know that I'm here. Purpose, guess what, what did I get you?"

"Are there more secret techniques of the second generation of adults?" Xia Yan blinked and asked uncertainly.

When he was training at the time, he had mentioned a second-generation secret technique in passing, which was something that people yearned for.

Before Orochimaru the first developer of the ninja world is no joke.

Even now, Senju Tobirama's art still has a lot of influence on the entire ninja world.

Xia Yan hopes to get it, even if it is just one of them.

Those water escapes he practiced were not secret techniques at all, they could only be regarded as powerful water escapes.

"What are you thinking, you can only learn one at this age." Uesugiyuan shook his head, and then directly handed the scroll to Xia Yan: "Here, although.... But I hope you can work harder."

"Strength?" Xia Yan was a little puzzled.

Just after he opened the scroll, he instantly understood what Uesugiyuan meant.

Because there are a few words clearly written on this scroll, the technique of flying thunder god!


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