Chapter 273

Name:This World Needs a Hero Author:
Chapter 273


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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This winter was harsher than last year’s.


No, over the past few years, the world had been becoming increasingly unforgiving to humans.


The man who had been running breathlessly finally came to a halt.

The villagers who were fleeing with him also stopped.

The threat pursuing them hadn’t disappeared.

They simply had no strength left to keep running.


Beyond the man’s ragged breaths, monstrous aberrations growled.

There wasn’t just one.

Dozens of red eyes glowed in the darkness.

Crunch—the sound of footsteps on the snow made the man crouch down and sit helplessly.



Until a few years ago, he had thought they were unrelated to someone like him, a resident of the continent’s central region.

Sure, they were occasionally sighted, but they were quickly exterminated.

But now, the monsters invaded his home, tore apart his family and neighbors, and were threatening his own life.


A mantis-like monster raised its scythe-like foreleg.

Sharp enough to slice through human flesh and bone in one swift motion.

As the man sensed death approaching, his face turned pale.



The sound of something being severed and falling to the ground echoed.

The man, who had shut his eyes tight, cautiously felt around his neck.

It was still attached.

Then what was that sound?

“What... is this....”

The man, mustering his courage, opened his eyes to see a monster lying on its side, spraying black blood.

Its head was gone.

It wasn’t just the monster in front; nearly half of the ones lurking behind, baring their teeth, were also sliced diagonally and collapsed on the ground.

As if a giant, invisible blade had swept through them.


Belatedly, monstrous cries erupted.

Simultaneously, rough footsteps approached quickly.

“Step back!”

It was a young man wielding a greatsword almost as tall as himself.

Despite diving into the horde of monsters several times larger than him, there was no fear in his crimson eyes.

His long, tied-back black hair fluttered fiercely.


The man watching shivered.

He could hardly follow the youth’s movements with his eyes.

As the youth darted among the monsters with agile, animal-like movements, the terrifying monsters fell like autumn leaves.


The following group’s prowess was equally formidable.


Among them, a menacing youth wielding a dark spear made a sound like a swarm of bees.

No matter how resilient the monsters were, they couldn’t survive with a dozen head-sized holes in their bodies.

Despite monsters approaching him from behind, the youth didn’t retreat but instead drove his spear into the shadow on the ground.


Then, holes appeared in the monsters’ bodies as black blood sprayed into the sky.

“Gerald! I told you not to charge ahead alone!”


With a clear voice, a rain of arrows was unleashed.

The monsters tried to dodge quickly, but the arrows curved at odd angles to pursue them.


Exploding upon impact, the arrows turned the monsters into shreds on the ground.

Since the disappearance of the ‘fake hero’, humanity had been plunged into an unprecedented dark age due to the relentless onslaught of demons.

‘We’ve lost the first district of the Demon Realm to Theo again, and stakes have sprouted all over the west.’

The so-called Monster Wave had hit the Western Continent for the first time in decades.

Civilian casualties were particularly severe.

Cities of a certain size were relatively safe, but small towns and villages were exposed to extreme danger.

Many places were massacred overnight, and those who barely survived often died unable to find a new place to settle.

The Empire tried to come up with countermeasures, but most of its resources were already being used to fend off the main Demon Army, making the situation difficult.

Thus, Pia stepped forward.

Armed personnel hired with her immense wealth guarded the Sanctuary branches, and her numerous connections, built as an Awaken developer, offered support.

‘Even the professors who left Rosenstark with us have provided support.’

As a result, Pia’s status, once just a teaching assistant at Rosenstark, had risen to unimaginable heights.

Even Barun, previously known as the ‘Saintess of the Lowest,’ had praised her, saying she deserved the title of Saintess more.

“What, what do we have to pay to go there?”

“There’s no payment needed. You might have to do some work within the branch, but it won’t be too hard.”


Tears of relief welled up in the eyes of the woman holding the child.

The other villagers also looked at each other with joy.

Evergreen, smiling kindly at them, gestured to the silhouettes in the distance.

“Our juniors will safely escort you.”

Silhouettes waiting in the distance hurriedly ran over.

They were the juniors of the knights, ranging from first-year students to freshmen.

With strict expressions and postures, they stood between Evergreen and the villagers.

Gerald whispered sternly.

“Do a good job. This is an important mission.”

““Yes, Senior!””

As the juniors moved away, the knights turned and headed back to their base.

They had set up a temporary camp due to the frequent monster attacks in the area recently.

As they approached the clustered tents, their expressions grew serious.

Karen was the first to sigh.

“It feels like the frequency of monster attacks is increasing. How many times has it been just this week?”

“...It can’t be helped. The frontlines are gradually being pushed back.”

“The Sanctuary is almost at full capacity too.”

Currently, all members of the Lotus Knights had taken a leave of absence from Rosenstark. After the hero left, the academy had lost its significance as an educational institution for them.

Despite a major overhaul of the faculty, there was nothing for them to learn from those who followed.

Instead of wasting time, they decided to gain real combat experience and contribute to humanity by heading to the battlefield.

It had already been over two years since they made that decision.

“...Everyone, you’ve worked hard. Let’s get some rest. Tomorrow will be tough too.”

“Thanks, Deputy Commander. Good night!”

“Good night!”

After sending the members to their tents, Luke headed towards the center of the camp.

Their commander had called a meeting of the knights’ officers.

“I’m coming in.”

In front of the largest tent, Evergreen, Karen, Gerald, and Luke stood.

A low, firm voice responded almost immediately.

“Come in.”

The commander of the Lotus Knights, Ban Dietrich, was waiting for them with a large map spread out on a round table.

His once bushy brown hair was now cropped short up to his forehead, emphasizing his strong features.

Beneath his prominent eyebrows, his deep eyes gleamed.

His sharp jawline, no longer softened by youthful chubbiness, looked strong and resolute.

The young man, who once always had a smile on his face, now wore a look of determination like his friends.

‘...He’s always impressive.’

Ban was already a large man, but the confidence radiating from him made him seem even larger.

Luke and the others took their seats around the table.

Luke spoke first.

“...So, what’s the agenda?”

Ban, seemingly lost in thought, stared intently at the map before slowly reaching out.

His hand landed on the northern region.

“I’ve heard a ‘hero’ has appeared in the north.”


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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