“After His Majesty’s birthday, return to Qian An with me,” said Zhong Wan.

They must spare no time in entering the capital. “If there’s something you have yet to attend to, hurry and get it done.” 

Lin Si stood there, shocked. He said with sign language, “I cannot leave. I want to stay in the capital to help you.”

“No need.” Zhong Wan shook his head. “After His Majesty sees Xuan Rui and Xuan Yu, he should feel completely at ease. It’s pointless for you to stay here. Why not follow me back to Nanjiang, where it’s carefree, and pass your days with me in peace and stability?”

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Without waiting for Lin Si to respond, Zhong Wan said, “You said before that Yu She will not consider past friendships. Last time, he spared you because he didn’t care about you. Furthermore, Fourth Prince and Fifth Prince are currently fighting for the position of Crown Prince. Fifth Prince has Prince Yu’s estate backing him. Fourth Prince might not be able to win. You won’t be safe in their estate. I can’t bear to let you stay there.”

Lin Si fell into his thoughts for a moment. Then he did not persist any further and nodded, his action speaking of hesitation. 

Zhong Wan patted his shoulder. “You’re dismissed.”

Lin Si dropped to his knees, kowtowing to Zhong Wan. He left like he had arrived: silently. Zhong Wan lifted the door flap, gazing at the capital gates that were not too far away. He adjusted his clothes and crown.

The fear that he would be interrogated plagued Zhong Wan’s mind. As such, he did not disembark from the carriage. Outside, Yan Pingshan made his way to the group of low-ranking officials of the Ministry of Rites and the other officials of the capital. And he handed them the official papers of Prince Qian An’s estate. Half a month ago, these officials had already received news that Prince Qian An’s estate would arrive at the capital. These officials did not make it hard on Zhong Wan and his group. From afar, they paid respects to Xuan Rui’s carriage. After lightly asking the servants marching alongside the carriages how many people were with them, they allowed the group to leave.

The emperor had seized Prince Ning’s manor that was in the capital. After the manor had been repaired, it became the prince estate of the Fifth Prince, Xuan Qiong. As they passed by the previous estate of Prince Ning, Zhong Wan lifted the door flap. 

When the current emperor had first ascended the throne, at the very least, he treated his younger brother generously, conferring him as a Prince of the First Rank and bestowing him his own estate. Furthermore, the emperor had personally chose daughters of aristocratic families for him, acting as a father-figure.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Back then, the family of Prince Ning’s in-laws, the Zhong family, had already committed a crime. The Zhong family had many daughters and few sons. They were able to produce two consorts of the imperial harem. Still, their amount of sons were lacking. The ones that could be counted had been implicated by their family’s crime. The only son this family had left was one from a side branch, and he was very young. Because of this, he escaped being implicated by a hairsbreadth. Later on, Prince Ning took the child into his estate and recognized him as a son. That way, he muzzled the mouths of the Imperial Censors.

Under Prince Ning’s protection, Zhong Wan was able to grow up normally.

After he had received such a plentiful grace from Prince Ning, Prince Ning’s downfall transpired, and Zhong Wan nearly failed in protecting Xuan Rui. Therefore, he did not have the face to look at the place where he had grown up. After taking a deep breath, he dropped the door flap. 

They were led to a different estate. It wasn’t spacious but could be considered refined.

Yan Pingshan wasn’t used to communicating with these low-ranking officials. Zhong Wan slipped a few purses into his sleeve. He hopped off the carriage. Approached the group of officials to greet them. He caused the officials from the Ministry of Rites to be full of smiles.

“May His Highness find comfort in resting here. It’s best to quickly wash up,” advised a low-ranking official with a smile. “After Shen Shi, the servants of the palace will come to invite you.”

Itbcu Qjc qgfrfcafv j qegrf ab tlw. “Ktjcx sbe.” 

Coafg mbegafberis rfcvlcu boo atf qfbqif ogbw atf Zlclrags bo Elafr, Itbcu Qjc vlvc’a fnfc tjnf atf alwf ab gfra. Lf wjrrjufv tlr rbgf cfmx jcv rtbeivfgr, fcafgfv atf lccfg mbegasjgv, jcv lcragemafv atf rfgnjcar ab qgfqjgf atf Tbecu Zlrr’ lccfg mtjwyfg olgra. Itbcu Qjc rabbv yftlcv atf megajlc tjculcu ogbw atf vbbgkjs jcv jrxfv, “Gbfr Tbecu Zlrr ilxf atf ijsbea jcv vfmbgjalbcr bo atf gbbw?”

He had watched Xuan Congxin grow up, so he wasn’t as worried about his actions arousing suspicion. She left the room holding a cloak made of fox fur. “I was making this on the road. Now it’s finally done. See if it fits you.”

Zhong Wan wasted no time in receiving it. A smile graced his lips. “So you were making this for me these past few days? I thought it was for your elder brother…”

“You’re weaker to the cold.” Compared to her naive and naughty younger brother, Xuan Congxin matured earlier. She had a cold temperament. Even when she was worried about someone, her tone would be light. “It’s truly chilly in the capital. You should go back inside earlier, or else you’d fall ill on our way home.” 

“Yeah, yeah.” Zhong Wan smiled as he draped the cloak over his shoulders. “Then let’s go.”

Xuan Congxin looked at the cloak from all angles, memorizing his measurements without a word. “There’s no time to adjust it. Just wear it for now. Have someone send it to me at night and I’ll fix the collar.”

Zhong Wan was unsure whether to laugh or cry. “You might as well kill me.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the period they had been together, Xuan Congxin had not spoken much, and now she turned around to return to her chambers. 

Zhong Wan could not spare a moment to relax. He spun on his heel and made for Xuan Rui’s courtyard.

Xuan Rui’s expression was unsightly to the extreme.

As he had been recalling the past events in the capital, Zhong Wan’s appearance gave him a fright.

Never had Zhong Wan thought that Xuan Rui, who was no longer a child, was this easily scared. Slightly ashamed, he leaned on the doorway, a smile tugging on his lips. “How does Your Highness want to meet the emperor? His Majesty thinks that we from Prince Qian An’s estate are impoverished to the point where even Your Highness cannot have a good meal.” 

Xuan Rui was aware that Zhong Wan was only teasing him. Yet, he could not muster a smile. He pursed his dry lips, eyes dull with worry. “I’ve been nervous ever since I entered the capital. In my mind were only the memories of seven years ago, when I alone had been kept under house arrest in our old estate. Father had left and you had been taken away. I…”

Zhong Wan sighed.

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In a low voice, he said, “I’m the one who was useless. At that time, I really wanted to find you, but it was hard for news to enter and leave Prince Yu’s estate. I… Enough. These things have already passed.”

Worry still coursing through his veins, Xuan Rui said, “He wants to ask me… ask me…” 

“He won’t ask any questions that will trouble you. He doesn’t want to mention the things of the past more than you don’t.” Then Zhong Wan’s countenance turned stern. “He wants peace of mind. So just give him that. If he truly wanted to kill you, then he would send a pitcher of poisoned wine to Prince Qian An’s estate. Why would he specifically invite you to the capital? Do you think history books don’t have enough to write about?”

Once Xuan Rui had heard those words, his expression lightened. “These things are already in the past,” said Zhong Wan in a soft voice. “When you return… Nevermind. I’ll escort you all into the palace.”

“Really?” Xuan Rui’s eyes flashed. “You’ll accompany me there?”

“Of course not.” Zhong Wan smiled. “I do want to, but can I actually? I’ll just wait outside.” 

Xuan Rui broke into a helpless smile. But his worry had lessened.

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Once Shen Shi arrived, the imperial palace indeed sent some people over. But they only invited Xuan Rui and Xuan Yu.

Zhong Wan pretended to be a servant and followed them. But before he could even enter the gates, the guards blocked him. Xuan Rui and Xuan Yu disembarked from their horse-drawn carriage, the servants of the palace leading them inside.

The two followed the eunuchs with care, and after turning many corners and walking for who knew how long, they finally saw the emperor. And as soon as they did, they kowtowed. 

Xuan Rui did not dare to lift his head. He answered whatever he was asked, voice just a sliver louder than a mosquito’s. He even had to rely on an old eunuch to announce what he had said in a louder voice.

In comparison, little Xuan Yu responded better. He had only been two to three years old during Prince Ning’s downfall. As such, he did not remember it much, and grew up normally these past few years. He was braver than his elder brother by a large margin. When the emperor had asked him questions, he actually lifted his head to glance at the emperor, feeling slightly surprised as soon as he did.

This “Emperor-Uncle” looked older than he had expected. He seemed to be sixty years old, and could even be Xuan Yu’s grandfather.

These past few years, Emperor Chongan had slowly shown signs of aging in both his appearance and bearing. It didn’t seem like he had enough air in his lungs as he spoke. He studied little Xuan Yu, smiled kindly and amiably, and asked him about his studies. 

Before Xuan Yu could speak, cold sweat sprang from Xuan Rui’s entire body.

Back then, Emperor Chongan had also asked Xuan Rui this. The next day, he and Zhong Wan were sent into the imperial palace.

Would Emperor Chongan… use this reason to keep Xuan Yu in the capital?

As Xuan Rui was left perturbed, Emperor Chongan casually quizzed Xuan Yu a few things. Xuan Yu answered them all. 

Satisfied, Emperor Chongan nodded. In a gentle tone, he said, “Very good. Is the teacher that your elder brother hired for you decent? How learned is he? Is he strict?”

Xuan Yu lowered his head and said, “We didn’t hire a tutor. I learned…”

Although Xuan Yu was young, he still instinctively knew not to name Zhong Wan. A pause, and he said, “I learned from a literate steward in the estate.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

A while passed without Emperor Chongan uttering a word. Then he asked, “Was it Guiyan who had taught you?” 

Guiyan was Zhong Wan’s courtesy name.

Confused, Xuan Yu furrowed his brows. How did he know this?

Emperor Chongan slowly said, “If he’s teaching you, then there will naturally be no mistakes.”

Truly, Emperor Chongan’s words were very slow, as if his thoughts had wandered elsewhere. A while later, he said, “In the past, if he had participated in the Palace Exam…” 

Not a word left little Xuan Yu’s lips as he listened, not daring to say anything. Emperor Chongan did not continue speaking even after a long while. He waved and no longer asked about the studies of the two brothers. And Xuan Rui secretly let out a sigh of relief.

After a period of small talk, the sky started to grow dark, and Emperor Chongan grew tired. He bestowed the two a table full of fine food and had an old eunuch escort them to it.

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The old eunuch led Xuan Rui and Xuan Yu to a small but warm pavilion, before stepping foot outside. There was no one else around. In a soft voice, Xuan Yu asked, “How come the moment after His Majesty heard about Zhong Wan, he—”