By the time Zhong Wan would return to Prince Qian An’s temporary estate, dawn had broken through the skies. Because he had yet to come back, most of the people inside were still awake. The moment the carriage turned into the street, someone came out to greet it. As the servants of Prince Qian An’s estate realized it was a carriage from Prince Yu’s estate approaching, they shared a frightened look.

“I-I’m fine…” Zhong Wan disembarked from the horse-drawn carriage. He felt faint from head to toe. Supported by a servant, he made his way into the estate and whispered, “Go tell His Highness and…the two little masters that I am fine.” 

A servant at the side quickly agreed and rushed in to spread the message. Meanwhile, Zhong Wan was starting to black out. He was afraid that once he closed his eyes, he wouldn’t be able to wake up for a while. Trying his best to keep conscious, he said, “Before I wake, close the estate doors and do not receive any guests. Tell Uncle Shu to find a way to call… to call the mute for a visit. I have something to ask him.”

Not quite understanding, the servant whispered, “Who’s the mute?”

“Uncle Yan will know…” He coughed twice. “If he comes, be sure to rouse me.”

The servant agreed in a helpless manner, and a wave of relief washed over Zhong Wan. Then he lost consciousness. 

There were many things hidden in his heart. Even asleep, he could not fully succumb to slumber, still somewhat aware of the surroundings. His heart was troubled. He fell through dream after dream, his sleep uneasy to say the least.

A moment later, he dreamed that Emperor Chongan bestowed them a feast, and he was forced to compete with the stubborn Xuan Jing over who could drink the most. One toast gave birth to another, and another.

At that time, Zhong Wan was easy to instigate. He was essentially inflexible and did not know how to hide his emotions. After he had drunk to the point of intoxication, Xuan Jing still forced him to drink. In the end… Thankfully Yu She had a light word with Xuan Jing. That he should not lose proprietary in front of His Majesty. After that, Xuan Jing was afraid he would embarrass himself, and stopped with much unwillingness.

Shortly after, Zhong Wan dreamed about the moment news of Prince Ning’s defection had arrived. A thick mist of anxiety and fear had enveloped the whole household. He himself was framed for passing messages to Prince Ning and was thrown in jail. 

The spring exams were being held back then. He had obtained the position of Huiyuan last fall, and for the past three months he was kept in old Tutor Shi’s residence to prepare for the spring exam season. Every day, he had to write an essay. He spent the lunar new year at his tutor’s residence too. He did not leave the residence for three months, so how could he have passed messages to Prince Ning?

Zhong Wan was clear about this: those people were only trying to get from him, this “adopted son,” the evidence of Prince Ning’s defection. Although he had been young, he possessed a scholarly honor. Those people did not dare to physically torture him. Instead, they fed him poor meals. They called him in day and night repeatedly for interrogation, for intimidation, and three months passed like that.

They threatened him: “Young Master Zhong, you’ve kept quiet all this time. As such, we can only request His Majesty to have the Imperial Clan Court help us with this investigation. When that time comes, we can also interrogate the heir Xuan Rui.”

They tried to lure him by promise of gain: “If you’ve been tricked by Prince Ning, just say it! His Majesty has ordered that in light of watching you grow up and his like for you, he would naturally look at your accomplishments and forgive your mistakes. He would not make things difficult for your honored self. Young Master Zhong… You’re only one step away from the Palace Exam. In ten days, the Palace Exam will begin. As long as you admit that you passed messages to Prince Ning, all of this would be forgotten…” 

Zhong Wan resisted for a month. He grew so thin his appearance changed. After hearing the words of the interrogators, he dropped his head, and with a voice hoarse and unlike that of a human, he said, “Xuan Rui is His Highness’ full-blooded son. Now that His Highness encountered this great disaster, he will be implicated without a doubt. I can’t help him with the suffering that he will naturally experience. I can bear the punishment that is warranted. He can as well.

“You can request for the Imperial Clan Court all you want. I also want to know… if they would dare to interrogate a ten-year-old child.

“The Palace Exam will be held after eleven days. I know that better than you. You’ll send me to take the Palace Exam? Heh… I have already lost all my titles, yet you can actually send me to the Palace Exam? You’re truly capable…”

After another month, Zhong Wan still did not relent, admitting to nothing. After enduring such hard times, he fell into a dazed state. His interrogators thought they were one step away from getting him to confess. They sent someone to stand outside his cell, chanting, “Yesterday Prince Ning had already confessed. Yesterday Prince Ning had already confessed. Yesterday Prince Ning had already confessed.” 

They just needed to wait until Zhong Wan’s mental breakdown, and he’d confess to anything they said.

Zhong Wan knew he could not fall insane. If he slipped up, everyone in Prince Ning’s household would definitely lose their lives.

Zhong Wan was clear on the fact that Prince Ning did not defect. In his heart lay a hint of hope. That Prince Ning was still alive. That he was certainly enduring much suffering right now.

Prince Ning could hold on, so how could he not? 

At that time, Zhong Wan was tormented to the point he could not even eat a bite of rice. He was afraid he would lose his mind, and desperately tried to find something to occupy himself. Zhong Wan leaned against the wall, ripping the plain buns given them him into thin shreds. Expressionless, he threw the shreds through the gaps of the cell door. Onto the face of the person utilizing psychological warfare against him.

It spooked the person who was chanting so much, he could not even react. A long time passed before he finally burst into anger and yelled at Zhong Wan. But Zhong Wan retaliated by hurling his meal and soup at him, and unable to dodge, that person was soaked from head to toe.

Those interrogating him did not dare to let him starve. They delivered another meal shortly after. Zhong Wan rose to his feet and beat up anyone who came.

Half a month later, the Minister of Justice finally came in person to question him. Zhong Wan reported to the minister the fraudulent practices of his interrogators, accusing them of exploiting their power for personal gains and manipulating the imperial examinations. The next day, those who had said they would bring him to the Palace Exam were detained. And they were jailed in a cell right next to Zhong Wan. Every day, he threw his meal and soup at those people. 

Another month rolled along. And Prince Ning passed away in Beijiang. In his cell, red mist sprayed from Zhong Wan’s lips. The next day, he was stripped of his civilian status. Thrown into slavery.

Ktja j qfgrbc ilxf Itbcu Qjc tjv yfmbwf j rijnf, rbwf kfgf lcvlucjca. Yatfgr gfugfaoei. Valii batfgr rlutfv klat fwbalbc. Dea jr wjcs qfbqif kfgf rswqjatfalm abkjgv Itbcu Qjc, fnfc wbgf kfgf fcpbslcu atf fzmlafwfca.

Lf tjv bcis yffc lc tlr affcr, tlr tjcvrbwf jqqfjgjcmf ojwber atgbeutbea. Deslcu jcv rfiilcu boolmljir jcv rfgnjcar ktb tjv mbwwlaafv mglwfr kjr mbwwbcqijmf. Dea ktfc la mjwf ab tlw, la tfiv j yla wbgf bo jc jwylueber wfjclcu.

Zhong Wan’s scholarly talent was renowned in the capital. To purchase such a person for their estate and step on him was without a doubt something worth being proud of. 

Some influential and prominent families didn’t care about this matter. But there were also many families with special inclinations. Once news of Zhong Wan’s finished case spread, the crowds of people trying to enter the jail almost broke the front doors.

Back then, Zhong Wan only had half a life left. He faintly heard that someone wanted to purchase him to expand their theatrical troupe.

Weak and weary, Zhong Wan thought, Alright, I’ll sing and play the part of a little widow visiting her dead husband’s grave.

He also heard that someone from a wealthy Jiangnan family wanted to purchase him. And Zhong Wan thought, No way. He didn’t want to leave the capital. 

Moreover, he heard that the Fourth Prince, Xuan Jing, sent people over. But he accidentally let his mother find out, and she captured him and lectured him an earful.

These past few months, Zhong Wan tasted the warm sweetness and cold tang of human nature. After hearing that Xuan Jing wanted to buy him, he couldn’t help but crack a smile.

Xuan Jing did not show any special interest in him. Even after being beaten by his mother, he still wanted to purchase him. It wasn’t as simple as wanting to humiliate him.

It wasn’t worth it for Xuan Jing. 

It was evident Xuan Jing didn’t dislike him that much.

Zhong Wan felt faintly grateful. Felt that this wine buddy of his was a true friend. He had Xuan Jing’s servant pass on a message: for the rest of your life, your scholarly talents will never compare to mine.

These words made Xuan Jing almost burst an artery from anger.

There was a constant stream of visitors wanting to do business with the jail. It put Zhong Wan in a state of awe. Turned out so many people wanted to screw him. 

…He really wasn’t sure if he should be happy or sad.

Zhong Wan waited without a sound. Afraid that he would commit suicide, the prison bailiff watched over him day and night.

He sneered. Why would he kill himself?

He wasn’t a woman. Even if he were, things were already at this point. Would he even still care about things like reputation and integrity? 

Those three children… He still had no clue what had happened to them.

Zhong Wan did not have the time to think about his own situation. He just wanted to quickly leave this place.

After he waited a few more days, someone finally came to pick him up.

The person who had purchased him appeared to be from a prominent, influential, and aristocratic family. He possessed great etiquette and was very tight-lipped. Zhong Wan couldn’t get a word out of him. The carriage rocked for a long time, before finally arriving at the destination. 

He disembarked from the carriage, and the moment he lifted his head, Zhong Wan almost spat out blood once more.

Prince Yu’s estate.

He had calculated countless times, yet never had Zhong Wan expected Yu She also wanted to screw him!

It’s true that one could not judge a person by their appearance, and one could not measure how big the sea was with a bucket. 

Xuan Jing would be beaten if he wanted to purchase him. But Yu She could resist both Princess Anguo and Prince Yu, bringing Zhong Wan over without an issue. Indeed, heroes were born from young men.

Among his dreams, Zhong Wan smiled. Then he frowned and turned over, feeling someone pull his hand.

After exerting much effort, Zhong Wan opened his eyes. And it took him a while to realize Lin Si was here.

Lin Si’s expression was the picture of urgency. He once again felt for Zhong Wan’s pulse, touching the latter’s forehead. Zhong Wan forced a smile. “I’m fine… I just caught a cold. Help me up.” 

Falling to a half-kneel, Lin Si supported Zhong Wan to sit up.

Zhong Wan did not know how long he had been sleeping. His fever had already dissipated. He was back to vitality.

Please visit

He pointed to his desk. “Go… grab some paper and a brush. I have something to ask you.”

After Lin Si brought the items over, Zhong Wan took them for himself. It turned out he would be the one writing. 

Emperor Chongan had arranged this temporary estate for them. As such, Zhong Wan was wary of speaking these words aloud.

Wasting no time, he wrote, “That year, you were the last one who had seen His Highness. Write down His Highness’ last words again. Don’t make even one word of mistake.”

A pause, and Lin Si took Zhong Wan’s brush. He wrote, “Tell Guiyan that the end is already here and to take care of himself. Don’t do anything stupid for my sake. And ask him to take good care of my three to four blood relatives.”

Drawing his brows together slightly, Zhong Wan wrote, “Three to four blood relatives?” 

Lin Si nodded.

Zhong Wan picked up the brush once more. “Her Highness, the princess consort, passed away early. His Highness clearly only had three children. Why didn’t he say three, but say three to four?”

Before Prince Ning’s death, there had been many irrelevant people surrounding him. Could it be that there was something he did not finish saying yet could not say clearly, and as such relied on these few sentences to relay Zhong Wan a message?

Lin Si frowned. 

Zhong Wan wrote, “Have you ever suspected this?”

Lin Si nodded.

“A few years ago, why did you fall into the hands of Yu She?” wrote Zhong Wan.

Using sign language, Lin Si said, “An unfortunate life experience.” 

As expected, thought Zhong Wan.

“It wasn’t because of His Highness’ dying words,” signaled Lin Si. “The Fourth Prince had many questions regarding Young Prince Yu’s birth. He sent me to investigate. Naturally, I also wanted to know.”

Zhong Wan wrote, “What were the results?”

Lin Si shook his head. He had yet to unearth anything. 

Leaning against the bed, Zhong Wan fell into his thoughts.

With sign language, Lin Si asked, “Master suspects that Young Prince Yu is His Highness’ son?”

Zhong Wan muttered to himself, “I have my suspicions… but it doesn’t make any sense.”

It was too much of a stretch to link the two together just because of Prince Ning’s phrase of “three to four.” 

Not to mention, Yu She was born the year the previous emperor had left the world. That year, Prince Ning had only just turned fifteen. A pregnancy spanned ten months. Which meant Prince Ning would have only been fourteen at the time of conception…

Zhong Wan could not help but laugh. How could that be possible?

Piecing out most of Zhong Wan’s thoughts, Lin Si gestured honestly and frankly, “It’s not completely impossible at fourteen.”

An awkward smile spread across Zhong Wan’s lips. He didn’t want to talk about such things regarding his uncle. A moment of thought, and he wrote, “Back then, His Highness was the most favored Sixth Prince, brought up by the previous emperor himself and likely to inherit the throne. The previous emperor would not have allowed him to suddenly have a child before he was wed. Furthermore, if Princess Anguo and Prince Yu were raising a son for Prince Ning, would they expend so much effort?” 

Lin Si nodded and gestured, “Impossible. His Majesty is even afraid of Xuan Rui. How could he leave the older Young Prince Yu alone?”

Zhong Wan let out a sigh. Something wasn’t right regarding Prince Qing’s blood-related children. So what was really going on?

Had he just casually said “three to four blood relatives,” or was there a deeper meaning to it?

“Maybe that part about ‘four’ refers to you, master,” said Lin Si with sign language. 

Laughing in spite of himself, Zhong Wan wrote, “I’m one year older than Yu She! So did His Highness sleep with someone at thirteen then? What are you thinking?! Although our Zhong family estate is no more, I was definitely born from my parents.”

Lowering his head, Lin Si smiled.

“Who really is that person…?”

Lin Si signaled, “If master wants to know, I can continue investigating. I’m not in a hurry to return to the south.” 

“No,” said Zhong Wan, shaking his head. “Just a while ago, he mentioned you to me. If you fall into his hands again, he definitely won’t spare you.”

As Lin Si stood there helplessly, Zhong Wan thought for a moment, before saying, “Or… After His Majesty’s birthday, we can switch places. You will accompany them back to Qian An and I will remain in the capital.”

Furrowing his brows, Lin Si said with sign language, “Didn’t master say that after this time, we won’t have to do anything anymore?”

Zhong Wan fell silent. If the three children were safe, he would be worthy of Prince Ning’s rearing and grace. Then in his later years, perhaps he could… 

Not wanting Zhong Wan to fall into a pit of trouble, unable to climb out, Lin Si quickly gestured, “The two little masters are only ten years old.”

A bitter smile graced Zhong Wan’s lips. It was true.

Ever since Prince Ning had passed away, his life had not been his own. How could he have the freedom to think about other things?