“Who in fact spread such rumors…?”

Lying on a couch, Zhong Wan let escape a drawn-out sigh. 

In just a few days, the rumors moved from the female ghost taking a life to Emperor Chongan’s imperial throne coming from fraudulent origins. Zhong Wan believed someone had been behind it.

The direction that the rumors were taking brought him unease.

When it came to the throne of Emperor Chongan, that people thought of Prince Ning was inevitable. And once they had, it was inevitable that they would think of the people of Prince Qian An’s estate.

These past few years, Zhong Wan wracked his brains to keep Xuan Rui and the others away from all the conflict. He absolutely did not want to be a part of it. 

But the way things were going now, it was evident that Emperor Chongan did not seem to have any other thoughts regarding Xuan Rui and the others. Zhong Wan was fully aware that Xuan Rui did not want to make an appearance Yet recently, he forced the youth to pay Third Prince a visit every day with the other imperial clan members. Xuan Rui’s fearful and worried appearance was their best life-saving charm.

How the rumors would progress was anyone’s guess. Zhong Wan did not want to take any risks. As he left, he summoned Yan Pingshan.

Once that person had arrived, Zhong Wan said straightforwardly, “I want Xuan Rui and the rest to return to Qian An earlier.”

It were as if Yan Pingshan had heard a joke. “His Majesty’s birthday has yet to arrive. It’s unknown when Third Prince will leave the world. How can we leave early?” 

After a moment of thought, Yan Pingshan said, “Are you worried because of the rumors? Aren’t you being too careful? Who would think about us?”

“It’s better to be careful.” Zhong Wan’s tone proved restless. “The circumstances at the capital change often. Who knows who’ll try to attack us from the shadows?”

If by any chance another prince found themselves in trouble, Zhong Wan wasn’t certain if the aged Emperor Chongan would grow suspicious of Prince Qian An’s estate.

Yan Pingshan hesitated before saying, “Do you really think something would happen to the emperor’s sons again?” 

“I’m not sure. Hopefully not.” Zhong Wan furrowed his brows. “But I’m certain there is a pair of hands pushing things into action secretly.”

Confused, Yan Pingshan asked, “Pushing for what?”

Zhong Wan wasn’t sure as well. However, ever since he uncovered a bit about Yu She’s birth, his heart had been in unease. Otherwise, he would not risk his life wading in the muddy water to stay in the capital.

Such words could not be said to Yan Pingshan. Instead, Zhong Wan said, “I want to give Xuan Rui some medicine to make him sick for a while. What do you think?” 

Yan Pingshan stood there, shocked. “What kind of medicine? You… You want His Highness to eat poison?”

“Of course, it wouldn’t be something that would harm the body too much,” said Zhong Wan helplessly. “If I could use the excuse of me falling ill to bring us back to Qian An, then I naturally would not have him do this. But… right now, even if I have to drink a bowl of poison, they also won’t be able to escape unscathed.”

“What good words!” said Yan Pingshan, his words laced with resentment.

A smile graced Zhong Wan’s  lips. “The two younger ones are too young. We can’t act recklessly with them. That’s why… Xuan Rui will have to suffer.” 

“Could we feign an illness?” asked Yan Pingshan, after some hesitation.  

Itbcu Qjc rtbbx tlr tfjv. “Ycmf Wejc Eel ojiir lii, atf fwqfgbg kbeiv vfolclafis rfcv rbwfbcf ab mtfmx bc tlw. Ktfgf’r cb kjs ab obbi jcsbcf. Po kf ufa oluegfv bea, atfc atf rlaejalbc klii yfmbwf wbgf rfglber.

“Qf pera cffv ab qijs eq j wliv liicfrr ilxf tf’r rfglberis rlmx. Ca atja alwf, kf’ii rjs Wejc Eel mjccba yfjg atf mbiv milwjaf bo atf cbgat, jcv yfu atf fwqfgbg ab ifa er gfaegc ab Hljc Cc rb atja tf mjc gfmbnfg. Ktfgf’ii yf jc 80% mtjcmf kf mjc ifjnf ilxf atlr.”

Yan Pingshan’s eyes widened. “80%?” 

Zhong Wan smiled. “In this world, how could there be anything that’s guaranteed? Prepare the medicine first. I’ll discuss this with Xuan Rui and see what he thinks.”

“Alright, but…” Yan Pingshan suddenly thought of something. “Are you not going to return with His Highness to Qian An? I heard you wanted to stay here and discuss your marriage.”

“My marriage?” Realization struck Zhong Wan and he smiled mockingly toward himself. “Yes… I’ll be discussing my marriage.”

“What in the world are you planning this time? How long would discussing marriage even take, that you’ll have to stay here especially?” Yan Pingshan was an old steward of Prince Ning’s estate. As such, he was more knowledgeable of the matters concerning marriage, funerals, and birth than Zhong Wan. He wasn’t like those young ones: easily tricked. “Which family is it? It’s not like you’ll be the one talking to them. Have you hired a matchmaker? You don’t have an elder, so who’s handling this for you? What did the other family say?” 

Amidst Yan Pingshan’s interrogation, Zhong Wan could not answer even one question. Halfheartedly, he said, “We’re not observing a lot of etiquette. There’s no need for an elder and we did not hire a matchmaker…”

“How could this be?! No wonder you can’t get this match-making thing settled,” Yan Pingshan resentfully said. “Your etiquette is so unsatisfactory. It’s disrespectful to that young miss! It’s already good that that family did not throw you out! Who would do things like you for an official marriage? Tell me, which family is it? I’ll help you arrange the matters…”

“No need.” Zhong Wan absolutely had no clue what the etiquette of a marriage consisted of. He could only thicken his face and continue to bullsh*t. “Besides, we’re not getting officially married…”

Once again, Yan Pingshan’s eyes popped. “If you don’t want an official marriage, then what do you want?! Are you telling me you’re trying to swindle her over here?!” 

Vexed, Zhong Wan said, “No! I… I’m taking her as a concubine. How could it be that troublesome?”

“Oh. So you just wanted to take a concubine… You’re no longer young. It’s about time to find someone to take care of you. How’s that girl? Where’s she from? How old is she? Would she love you?”

Zhong Wan had a splitting headache. He made an excuse that he needed to discuss something with Xuan Rui, and ran off.

In the main chamber of Prince Qian An’s estate, Xuan Rui paced back and forth, heart heavy with unease and worry. “I… I’ll eat the medicine, but what if someone finds out?” 

“They won’t,” Zhong Wan reassured him. “The symptoms aren’t much different from a normal cold’s. The imperial physicians won’t be able to tell the difference.”

“Would it be very harmful to the body?”

“Nope.” Zhong Wan thought for a moment. “It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. I’ve eaten it a few times in the past. It looks scary, but once you stop taking the medicine, you’ll be fine in half a month.”

Xuan Rui looked at Zhong Wan. He was even more worried now. “Your body…” 

Laughter spilled from Zhong Wan’s lips. “Right now, my body is in bad state. But it wasn’t because of this medicine. Why would I lie to you…?”

“Why so much talking?” Xuan Congxin was in the inner chamber busy with needlework. After listening to them for a while, she couldn’t help but impatiently say behind the divider screen, “Bring the medicine over. I’ll take it!”

Xuan Rui was cowardly and feminine. After his own little sister had admonished him, he did not grow angry. He only furrowed his brows and said, “When did you come? This is none of your business. Return to your room!”

After hearing such words, Xuan Congxin grew more furious. “Weren’t you the one who told me to make you a fox-fur coat?!” 

Zhong Wan tried to hold back his smile. Attempted to smooth things over. “I will escort Young Miss back.”

Xuan Congxin threw aside the needle and thread in her hands. She rose to her feet and followed Zhong Wan out.

Restraining the fire in her heart, Xuan Congxin said in a low voice as they walked, “Why don’t you just tell me directly?”

Zhong Wan approached Xuan Congxin’s back. Raised his hand to measure how tall she was. And he suddenly realized that she had grown taller. She was even half a head taller than Xuan Yu. 

“What kind of medicine is it? Bring it here in a little while. Just let me take it.

“Don’t let Xuan Yu know. He can’t keep secrets. Just let him think I am actually sick.

“Zhong Wan?”

Finally, Zhong Wan jumped out of his thoughts. Smiled. “What nonsense are you spouting? With your two brothers around, when will it become your turn?” 

Pestered beyond endurance, Xuan Congxin said, “Then can you convince him?”

“His Highness is only being careful. Since young, he had suffered too much hardship, and is now an easily frightened person,” said Zhong Wan near whisper. “Congxin, don’t talk about your brother like that.”

Xuan Congxin cast a glance at Zhong Wan. Cold enough to freeze, she said, “Yes. He has suffered way more than you, feeling apprehensive for so many years. How pitiful.”

A sigh escaped Zhong Wan’s lips. 

He regretted that he had been too young back then, ignorant of the world. After he had brought the children to Qian An, he didn’t even know to employ some nannies to take care of Xuan Congxin.

At that time, he had only been a teenager and careless. Often exhausted from worrying and managing everything. And he placed the two youngest ones together. Everywhere he went, he would bring them along, teaching and raising them. Until the time Xuan Congxin, at seven years old, shoved Xuan Yu to the ground to teach him a lesson. Only then did Zhong Wan realize he needed to find a female servant to teach this young girl. He specially had Lin Si hire a nanny from the capital for Qian An. But it was already too late.

Xuan Congxin’s appearance resembled that of Princess Consort Ning to an immense degree. But her temperament and that of her mother who had received an untimely death were as different as heaven and earth.

After Xuan Congxin talked badly about her elder brother, she did not speak again. A moment later, she said, “You said you ate this medicine when you were young. When was that?” 

“When I was sixteen.”

“That’s just a bit older than me.” A wave of relief washed over her. “If you’re too lazy to speak nonsense with my elder brother, then send the medicine to me. It’s better than wasting time. Also…”

Zhong Wan lowered his head to stare at her.

Xuan Congxin fell silent. With her gaze cast down, she said, “My elder brother is cowardly and slow-witted. I’m afraid his words might hurt your feelings. Don’t feel sad. I understand that back then, you… suffered a lot of hardship because of us. 

“People cannot only consider their own life as a life. Or else, would other people’s lives not be considered lives as well?” Red lightly rimmed her eyes. “I’m not someone who’s unable to tell good from bad. Nor am I ungrateful. Right now, I’m just helping you a little. Compared to what you’ve done for us in the past, it’s nothing. If you need my help, just let me know. Don’t treat me like a little child, alright?”

Just now, Zhong Wan actually didn’t mind those things at all. However, after he heard what Xuan Congxin said, his heart immediately softened.

He nodded. “Alright.”

Xuan Congxin turned around and continued on her way back to her courtyard. As she walked, she said, “What were the symptoms of that medicine you ate in the past? How long did it take for you to recover? Who took care of you during it? Is it safe?” 

“It’s similar to a regular cold. It hits you like a tidal wave…” He recalled the past, the corners of his lips tilting upward. “My paramour took care of me very well…”

In the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate, Yu She pinched the sore tip of his nose.

He drank a sip of tea, expression gloomy. “Continue speaking.”

A person dressed as a personal guard knelt on one knee. He reported without leaving out any detail, “They ate the evening meal together, with an old steward standing at the side as he serviced them. The old steward said, ‘you shouldn’t be so careless with taking a concubine either. I already prepared some gifts. Have a look once you return.’ 

“The young miss was shocked. She said, ‘didn’t you say you were marrying a wife? When did it become taking a concubine?’

“Prince Qian An nodded and said, ‘at this age and at this height, it’s more appropriate that she’s a concubine.’

“Then the old steward asked, ‘what age and what height? Why do you all know this already?’

“The young master said, ‘the new sister-in-law is nine chi and very old with a serious temperament and indomitable spirit. Extremely strong. Perhaps the descendant of the prehistoric god, Kuafu.’” 

Yu She was struck speechless.

He narrowed his eyes, staring at his spy. “Are. You. Trying. To. Make. Me. Laugh?”

Bitterness filled the spy but could not complain about it. He had risked his for Yu She for many years, going through fire and water. He had relied on all the battle scars on his body to climb to this current position. Now, for some reason, he was sent to investigate such a small matter. And because of such a bizarre thing, he lost Yu She’s trust of many years!

How would he know why Zhong Wan would marry a descendant of Kuafu?! 

He also did not understand!

After the spy kowtowed, he said, “If there’s a word of lie in there, may this lowly one be struck five times by lightning!”

Then he took out the short dagger from his waist. Lifted it and was about to stab it into his leg. But before he could, Yu She waved. “Enough.”

The short dagger fell to the ground. Tears flowed from the determined man. “Heir…” 

Yu She slowly said, “Go investigate which immortal that descendant of Kuafu is.”