Zhong Wan invited Steward Feng into the small study. As they waited for the servants to bring tea, the two stared at each other in silence, before looking away. Then they accidentally looked each other in the eye again, and quickly averted their gazes.

It was incomparably awkward. 

Zhong Wan felt ashamed.

When he was still young, he truly hadn’t been human. He had lived in the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate for half a year, yet always brought Steward Feng trouble.

Steward Yan personally steeped a pot of good tea for them to drink and sent it over. Zhong Wan glanced at Steward Yan, catching his attention. Steward Yan brought the other servants out.

Zhong Wan reflected on his words and actions of the past few days. He didn’t know how he had offended Yu She that he had to send someone to their estate in the middle of the night. 

And deliberately sent the person he was afraid of the most: Steward Feng. Did he want Steward Feng to scold him?

Zhong Wan poured tea. Probingly said, “However… What does Young Prince Yu want me to do?

Steward Feng hurriedly shook his head. “Nothing. I intentionally snuck out after Heir retired for the night.”

Zhong Wan thought, you’re trying too hard to avoid suspicion. Yet with a guileless expression, he said, “Oh, really?” 

“After His Majesty’s birthday, will Young Master Zhong accompany the people of Prince Qian An’s estate back to your feudal fiefdom?” asked Steward Feng.

Zhong Wan did not intend to return. However, he said, “Of course.”

A sigh escaped Steward Feng’s lips.

Zhong Wan drank a sip of tea. Gently and cautiously, he said, “Does Steward Feng think I’m leaving too late?” 

Steward Feng quickly shook his head. “No, no. Young Master Zhong is thinking too much.”

Then he slowly said, “Once Young Master Zhong leaves… you most likely will not return to the capital, right?”

Zhong Wan nodded. “Of course.”

Steward Feng’s gaze proved complicated. A moment later, he said, “If this old slave may be so bold to ask a favor, in light of this old slave taking care of your honored self before, would Young Master Zhong manage a few things for me?” 


Steward Feng thought for a long time. His face flushed so red it seemed purple. “If Young Master Zhong is free, is it possible… to reside in the capital for a while?”

Zhong Wan almost said this was exactly what he had been waiting for him to say. But because he wanted to hear Steward Feng say more, he swallowed the words. Feigned reluctance. “That wouldn’t be good.

“I’ve long since had no family members in the capital. Moreover, my identity is awkward. Whenever I encounter old friends and acquaintances, it’s embarrassing. Also…” Zhong Wan looked at Steward Feng. “You should be clear that in the past, Young Prince Yu swindled me into going to his estate. Truth to tell, I’m quite scared of him now.” 

“Right now, we are only talking about Heir.” Steward Feng bitterly laughed. “A straightforward person does not resort to insinuations. The circumstances of Heir these past few years… Young Master Zhong naturally should be somewhat aware.”

Countless thoughts zipped through Zhong Wan’s mind. However, his mouth remained watertight. “I’ve only heard that Heir’s temperament changed a little. He’s not as gentle as he had been in his youth.”

“More than that.” Steward Feng was so worried. “I’ll be honest with Young Master. That Heir could live until now was… was not easy.”

Cczlfas oliifv Itbcu Qjc’r tfjga. Tfa, tlr fzqgfrrlbc gfwjlcfv cfeagji. Ktfc, tf oflucfv regqglrf. “Yc atf abq, Llr Zjpfras qgbafmar Tbecu Uglcmf Te. Yc atf ybaabw, Uglcmfrr Ebsji jcv Uglcmf Te mtfglrt tlw. Vb tbk mbeiv atlr yf qbrrlyif?” 

Vafkjgv Mfcu rffwfv ab tjnf wjcs kbgvr raemx lc tlr yfiis. Lf rtbbx tlr tfjv. “P’w ecmifjg jybea atf wjaafgr gfujgvlcu atf lwqfglji mijc. Pc yglfo… Rbkjvjsr, Lflg mjccba rajs lvif.”

Zhong Wan furrowed his brows. “He can’t stay idle?”

“If Heir is idle, he would definitely cause some trouble.” Whenever Steward Feng recalled past events, fear would fill his heart. “In addition, he would do something big each time… A few years ago, His Majesty brought the imperial clan members hunting in the fall. Princess Royal worried that a stray arrow would hit someone, and did not want Heir to participate. Can your honored self guess what happened?”

Unconsciously, Zhong Wan thought something bad had transpired. 

Steward Feng still had lingering fear. “Heir shook off the people guarding him. He did not carry a bow and arrow or a long saber. He only brought along a dagger, riding his horse like the wind into the hunting ground. When he came out… his body was covered in blood. Thank goodness he had only suffered light injuries. However, no one knew what had happened to him after he had entered the hunting ground by himself. Nor did they know if it was fortunate that he had come out alive.

“That year, the princess estate had been renovating their garden and constructed a three-story greenhouse. The day it was finished being built, even the emperor came to take a look. Princess Royal took care of the matters inside and outside the estate and did not pay attention to Heir. She also didn’t know what Heir saw or heard. He went to the top of the greenhouse. Drank until half drunk. And he sat outside of the handrails! If he were just a bit careless and fell down, he definitely would have died! Princess Royal almost fainted from fear. On the contrary, it was our Prince who was calm. He had some of the guards that were behind him slowly ascend the stairs to the top floor, and bring Heir back down.

“There was also another occasion when Heir had time on his hands for a string of consecutive days. He heard that a new snake tamer had arrived in Fifth Prince’s estate. He went to Fifth Prince’s estate to watch the snake tamer play a song and had the snake dance. For some reason, Heir found and grabbed a poisonous snake by himself, shaking it around. And the snake bit his upper arm! Fortunately, the snake’s venom wasn’t fatal. Not to mention, the imperial physician provided critical care immediately. However… because of this, His Majesty lectured Fifth Prince an earful.

“There are countless similar examples. These past few years, Heir… has taken every step toward a dangerous situation. If it weren’t for His Majesty and Princess Royal watching him so intently, who knows how many more incidents would have occurred? And this is often the case… As long as he’s idle for a few days, it‘s inevitable that Heir would find something dangerous to do. This old slave… is scared witless every day.” 

Zhong Wan firmly held on to the handrests of his chair. He sucked in a breath. Tried his best to speak in a natural tone. “Young Prince Yu… why is he treating himself like this? As if he doesn’t cherish himself?”

Steward Feng lifted the teacup, the contents that had already gone cold, and took a sip. His lips moved. Yet not a word escaped.

“That you looked for me today seems to imply that you somewhat trust me.” Zhong Wan said in a low voice, “I don’t dare to decline your request for help. However, I still need to know how I can help you.”

“Just keeping him busy is enough,” Steward Feng blurted. “Divert his attention elsewhere. Don’t give him time to torment himself!” 

Zhong Wan hesitated as he said, “Are you sure… that I can distract him?”

“Yes!” exclaimed Steward Feng, confident. “Definitely yes! Young Master Zhong doesn’t know, but Heir is very serious when it comes to your matters.”

A dry smile spread across Zhong Wan’s lips. He did not believe it.

“You’re overestimating me.” 

Steward Feng quickly said, “It’s the truth! Does Your Master remember the last time, when that prefecture magistrate surnamed Xing had entered the capital for official duty? He came to the estate, using the excuse of an official visit to build connections. And Heir seriously agreed to his request on the spot! Although after that prefecture magistrate had left, Heir fell into a tantrum and found an excuse to make trouble for Fourth Prince and argued with him, I could tell that Heir was in a good mood in the days following!”

Zhong Wan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Back then, Yu She had helped hide Zhong Wan in the capital. He had agreed tacitly to their love affair, which existed as a knot in Zhong Wan’s heart. Every time he thought about it, he would feel very guilty. He wanted to ask Yu She clearly about how he felt, but was too embarrassed.

Why shower affection on an unintereted party like this? 

Zhong Wan raised his gaze. Stared at Steward Feng. Hardening his heart, he said, “Then I have something to ask…”

Steward Feng blurted, “May Young Master go on.”

No longer caring about how he’d look, Zhong Wan said, “Ziyou… holds affection for me?”

Steward Feng sat there, ill at ease. “In the past, your honored self and Heir had interacted day and night… How could you not know? Heir had treated you so well back then. Why is it… that you weren’t aware?” 

Zhong Wan shook his head.

Actually, he had asked Yu She before.

Back then, Yu She had just broken off his engagement. Zhong Wan insinuated that this time he successfully broke the engagement, but what about next time?

The young Yushe automatically said, “This time, we were both unwilling. Naturally, the engagement should have ended. Next time, if we are compatible, then the wedding will proceed.” 

The young Zhong Wan dryly said, “Yes.”

Zhong Wan had seared those words into memory. From then on, he no longer dared to think of other things.

He knew clearly in his heart, but for some reason, he still wanted to ask one more time. “I want to know if he has that intention. Only then… Only then can I find something to occupy him.”

After a moment of careful thought, Steward Feng smacked the table. “I think it’s true.” 

Zhong Wan looked up. Steward Feng didn’t care about keeping up proprietary anymore. He shamelessly said, “The first year that you had left, Heir had a difficult time. He nearly didn’t make it. One day, Heir indulged in alcohol, and I overhead some words he had meant to only say to himself.”

Immediately, Zhong Wan asked, “What did he say?”

“He said…”

The young Yu She drunkenly sat on the ground, holding a small jar of wine, head tossed back as he chugged it down. 

“No one wants me alive… Father isn’t mine. Mother isn’t mine… My real father isn’t mine. My birth mother isn’t mine. My brothers aren’t mine. My sisters aren’t mine…” Young Yu She swallowed the strong wine. Choked. Then hoarsely said, “Yuangui… also isn’t mine.”

Steward Feng hid the beginning of those words from Zhong Wan, only telling him the end.

Then in a soft voice, Steward Feng said, “This old slave remembers that Young Master’s courtesy name is Guiyuan.”

Zhong Wan closed his eyes, turning his head, not letting Steward Feng look at his face. 

Back then, you clearly said you wanted to marry someone. 

Zhong Wan spent a long time calming himself. He nodded.

Within Steward Feng existed a trace of hope. “That’s why I wished back then, Heir had said your name, Young Master.

“In fact, in fact!” blurted Steward Feng, after thinking of something else. “The next day, I used an indirect approach to figure something out! I asked Heir if he regretted letting Young Master go. If he couldn’t bear to part with Young Master after being together for so long. And Heir said…” 

Steward Feng carefully thought over his words. “At that time, Heir had been completely disheartened. He said, ‘if I attain it, such is luck; if I do not, such is fate.’

“He also said, ‘there are some things that must be buried in the heart, never to be told to others for the rest of the life.’

“He’s like this. So are you.”

Steward Feng paused and stuttered, before saying, “Then, a few days later, news arrived… As it turned out, you told someone in Qian An the matters regarding you and Heir.” 

Zhong Wan concealed the anguish in his heart. Coughed. He raised his teacup and took a sip.

Fearing that Zhong Wan thought he was mocking him, Steward Feng once again rushed to say, “Young Master is mistaken. Ever since these kinds of rumors popped up, Heir became more energetic!”

After hearing his words, Zhong Wan contemplated in what period this had occurred. And he realized it was during the most unbearable times of both of their lives.

Due to a freak combination of factors, two people, one in the capital and one in Nanjiang, unexpectedly relied on each other. 

In a low voice, Zhong Wan said, “What do you want me to do? Just tell me. I can do anything.”

Steward Feng was overjoyed. “Then does this mean you agree? You won’t head back to Qian An yet?”

Zhong Wan nodded. “Before I can guarantee he will be fine, I won’t leave.

“However… even if Young Prince Yu had felt a bit of affection toward me, it’s not certain right now.” Zhong Wan took a deep breath. “If in the future, he’s grown tired of me, please for the sake of our friendship, have Young Prince Yu allow me to keep a full corpse.” 

“Of course,” Steward Feng swiftly said.

The next day, right after Yu She had taken his morning meal, he stared at Steward Feng, astonished. “You went to find Zhong Wan late last night?”

On the edge, Steward Feng said, “Yes.”

A stretch of silence. Then Yu She said, “I told you to investigate, and you go directly to ask him?” 

Steward Feng staked it all. “I thought Heir was feeling anxious to know, so I went to ask him directly!”

For a moment, Yu She stood at a loss for words.

He suspected that he had infected Steward Feng with a bad habit.

“Then…” Yu She stared at Steward Feng in a complicated manner, unable to express himself succinctly. “Then what did he say? Did he think you had gone mad like me?” 

Steward Feng wiped at his sweat. “No. Young Master Zhong said… said… said…”

Yu She found him simply baffling. He impatiently said, “What did he say?!”

Steward Feng hardened his heart and yelled, “Young Master Zhong said that ever since he returned to the capital, Heir has treated him too coldly, completely not valuing the affection of the past! His heart has died, and as such, he decided to abandon himself in despair. He wants to take in more than ten concubines, so that everyone in the world will know that at the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate, the clouds above are green!”

The pupils of Yu She faintly trembled, carrying a tinge of red. 

Although Yu She was extremely angry, he burst into laughter. “He actually thinks I’m treating him too coldly? Good… Very good. Then I’ll let him know what it really means to be affectionate.”