From time to time, Yu She grew lost in thought. Not once did he declare his decision. Anxious, Steward Feng asked, “Heir doesn’t want to grow old together with Young Master Zhong?”

Yu She muttered, “Grow old together, grow old together…” 

For some reason, these three words struck Yu She’s heart. His face lost the trace of warmth it originally held, gaze freezing over completely.

Then, the corners of his lips faintly tilted up into a smile. “I don’t know how long I can live. How could I grow old with anyone?”

What Steward Feng feared most was hearing Yu She utter such things. He said with urgency, “Why does your honored self keep thinking this? Heir is healthy. As long as you don’t do anything that can frighten people, how could you not live until a hundred?”

Indifference lacing his words, Yu She said, “But I like to do things that frighten people. I also don’t want to suffer a hundred years’ worth of torture.” 

Steward Feng stood there, frustrated to the extreme.

“Don’t make decisions on your own and do unnecessary things behind my back.” Yu She cast down his gaze. “And don’t try to scheme against him. You can’t win against him.”

Steward Feng felt exhausted to the bone. Yu She, this person, could not be persuaded through soft measures or by force. Moreover, he was different from normal people. If one said even a word wrong, he would fly into a craze. It made others unsure how to persuade him. In Steward Feng’s opinion, Zhong Wan was the best person to deal with this matter. After a moment of thought, he struggled to say, “Then… can Heir be a bit nicer to Young Master Zhong?”

If Yu She could treat Zhong Wan well, Steward Feng felt that this situation could still work out. 

Yu She furrowed his brows. “Treat him a bit nicer? How do you mean?”

Helpless, Steward Feng replied, “If you could take out a little of the gentleness you had shown him in the past, that would be enough.”

“You want to persuade him to stay?” Yu She hit the nail on the head regarding his intention. He said in a cold voice, “Didn’t I treat him well enough back then? And didn’t he still leave without saying anything?”

Steward Feng practically could not speak reason anymore. “Prince Ning had raised Young Master Zhong since he was a little child. His kindness toward Young Master Zhong was immense. In the situation back then, he had to leave! Also…” 

He wanted to say something else but didn’t dare to. His voice grew many levels softer. “In those couple of days, it was Heir that removed all the guards from the side courtyard and had people place many paper bills in plain sight. It was clearly to let him escape.”

When Yu She recalled the past, his expression grew more unsightly. He leaned against the back of his chair, countenance gloomy. “Withdraw.”

Fear struck Steward Feng’s heart. But he still held on to his courage. “What if Young Master Zhong himself wanted to stay?”

Yu She did not even waste a second to think. “Impossible.” 

But Steward Feng just wouldn’t give up. “If Young Master Zhong doesn’t leave with the people of Prince Qian An’s estate and wants to stay at our estate, then what should we do? This old slave cannot possibly drive him away, right?”

Yu She stared at Steward Feng, stunned.

Steward Feng steeled his heart. “At that time, when Young Master Zhong Wan brings his luggage with him, and is firmly set on moving into Heir’s inner chamber, what should we do? May Heir give this old slave an answer. If we don’t let him stay even like that, this slave will have the estate soldiers burn his luggage and beat him soundly before driving him away!”

Yu She stared in a daze for a while. Then he frowned and asked, “Have you been with me for too long that you’ve grown mad like me?” 

Steward Feng stood his ground. “This old slave is only hoping for an answer from Heir.”

Yu She’s gaze proved overcast and unstable. He stared at Steward Feng, rose to his feet, and left.

Ktlr alwf, Te Vtf vlv cba ulnf j gfpfmalbc. Vafkjgv Mfcu gfifjrfv j ygfjat bo gfilfo.  Ktfgf kjr ralii j rilnfg bo tbqf. Coafg atlcxlcu j yla wbgf, tf gertfv ab kglaf j cbaf. Lf lcragemafv rbwfbcf ab jnblv Te Vtf abwbggbk jcv vfilnfg atlr cbaf ab Uglcmf Hljc Cc’r frajaf. Pcab Itbcu Qjc’r tjcvr.

The next day, in Prince Qian An’s estate, Zhong Wan read the note. For a long while, he did not speak. 

Steward Feng had said that if he had any plans on remaining in the capital, there was no need to tell Yu She ahead of time. Once he had sent off the people of Prince Qian An’s estate, he should directly move into the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate with his luggage. It’d be great if he could move into Yu She’s inner chamber and live together.

Zhong Wan was honestly startled.

Did Steward Feng know how embarrassed he had been yesterday?

After Yu She had merely hugged him, he almost… 

Not only that, but to “live together” with Yu She. Wouldn’t Yu She think he had gone crazy in benefiting from his expense?

It wasn’t just this. Steward Feng had specially added one statement: that Zhong Wan mustn’t be apprehensive. That as long as he kept sticking to Yu She, that would be enough.

Kept sticking to Yu She?


Did he have to pull aside Yu She’s blankets and undress him in the middle of the night?

Wouldn’t Yu She stab him?

Zhong Wan crushed the note in his hand. For a while, his heart was incapable of calming.

This was too irritating! 

He burned the note. Muttered to himself, “Is it really that hard to stay in the capital…?”

As he spoke, a servant knocked on the door outside. They asked if he had packed up already.

Zhong Wan broke free from his thoughts. Nodded. “Yes.”

Today, he must enter the palace. 

Xuan Rui’s illness grew progressively worse. As such, Emperor Chongan wanted to ask someone why that was so. Among Prince Qian An’s estate, only Zhong Wan could go.

Xuan Congxin waited in the main hall. As soon as she saw Zhong Wan arrive, she stood. Extremely uneasy, she grumbled in a soft voice, “Why is it so troublesome? What can he not just ask the imperial physicians?”

“It’s good that he wants to ask me about this,” said Zhong Wan with a smile. “If the emperor doesn’t ask, then how could I mention your request to return to Qian An?”

Xuan Congxin recalled the last time they had entered the palace, and she brooded. “Back then, he suddenly asked to see you. Once he had summoned you, a long time passed before you came out. I waited by the palace doors anxiously and almost went inside to search for you.” 

Staring blankly, Zhong Wan recalled the past.

He thought about the time he had escorted Xuan Congxin into the palace. After Yu She had seized him by force in the library pavilion…

He couldn’t help but remember the words in Steward Feng’s note.

Just what did Steward Feng mean by them? 

After he had sent off Xuan Rui and the others, he had to directly move into the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate?

Just directly… go over like that?

Zhong Wan didn’t have much luggage on him. There was no need to rent a carriage.

So did Steward Feng already prepare everything for him over there? 

Oh right, he also had to stick to Yu She everywhere.

And even had to wrap around him at night.

How was that possible?

In order to prevent Yu She from stabbing him, shouldn’t he tie him up in advance? 

But Zhong Wan couldn’t win against him in a fight.

Should he drug him ahead of time?

Zhong Wan was guilty of drugging Yu She in the past. He merely dripped a few drops of sleeping drugs in his tea, and the young Yu She slept like a pig, allowing anyone to fiddle with him.

The Yu She of the past was already very handsome. Compared to his present self, his eyes used to be a shade more gentle. But when he slept, his expression seemed cold. At that time, when Zhong Wan had looked at the sleeping Yu She, he had held his hand, cheeks red from embarrassment. 

The current Yu She…

Zhong Wan swallowed. He found himself even less daring.

Even if the current Yu She were drugged, he would probably still appear quite terrifying.

“Zhong Wan? Zhong Wan?” 

Zhong Wan snapped out of his reverie. “Yes? What is it?”

Xuan Congxin felt helpless. She gave him her handheld brazier. “Get there early and return early. It’ll be best if His Majesty allows us to leave. If not… we can figure out another plan. Don’t provoke his anger.”

A smile graced his lips. “Of course. Don’t worry. It’ll take at most four hours before I return.”

After Zhong Wan had received the handheld brazier, he turned and left. 

His hopes weren’t that high. Emperor Chongan was unlikely to care whether Xuan Rui died or lived. For Emperor Chongan to urge them to stay a few days was only for his own reputation. And Zhong Wan was to accompany him in this show. If he’s not successful this time, then they would have to remain in the capital for a few days. But the emperor would definitely allow them to leave in the end.

They just needed to leave the capital before the death of Third Prince, Xuan Jin.

There were many of Yu She’s spies among the people of Prince Qian An’s estate. The moment Zhong Wan left the estate, Yu She received news of it.

In a low voice, Yu She said, “Help me change clothes. I want to enter the palace.” 

In an instant, the servant attending to Yu She left to fetch his clothes.

Yu She’s identity was different from those of other people. Since young, he never had to inform anyone whenever he entered or left the imperial palace. Even the imperial princes could not compare to him.

But once he had entered the palace, Yu She did not deliberately look for Zhong Wan.

Yu She himself wasn’t sure why he had come here in the first place. 

Steward Feng’s words had caused him to be distraught. It made his mind even more unclear than it had been in the past.

He did not want Zhong Wan to remain in the capital. But once he thought Zhong Wan could live together with him like he had done in his youth, Yu She started to waver.

However, didn’t Zhong Wan leave back then?

Why was Steward Feng so hung up on this? Yu She was clear on the reason why. 

Lowering his head, he smiled. No matter the reason, it was very strange that everyone didn’t want him to die.

Without realizing it, Yu She had walked to Guanjing Pavilion, which was near the edge of Bibo Pond. He stared at the withered lotuses in a daze.

It was warm in the imperial palace. The few ponds in the palace did not freeze over.

Yu She stared at the dark pond water. Turned around and left Guanjing Pavilion. He walked directly to the edge of the pond, gazing blankly at the unfathomable depths. 

If he jumped over like this and died, how nice would that be?

Then everyone would be washed clean.

From the pavilion rang many footsteps. A frown slid its way across Yu She’s lips.

Someone would always appear at a time like this.