After he had someone send away the pastries, not even thirty minutes later, Yu She threw aside the book, distraught. He furrowed his brows. “Did they send it away yet? If not, then forget about it!”

Thinking Yu She was annoyed that the servants were too slow, Steward Feng rushed into the room to say, “We’ve sent it away, we’ve sent it away. No one dares to delay.” 

Who would have known that after Yu She had heard these words, his expression would grow more unsightly?

Frightened and on edge, Steward Feng said, “Heir… what’s wrong?”

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What’s wrong? What else would it be? He was regretting it.

Steward Feng had guessed this, but dared not express his thoughts aloud. After a moment of consideration, he tried to console Yu She by saying, “Heir is too serious. Young Master merely sent over a few things, yet you also forbid it.” 

Yu She felt restless. In a soft voice, he said, “I’m afraid if I indulge him too much, he would soon…”

Steward Feng said, “Would soon what?”

Yu She said with indifference, “He would soon take it to the next level.”

Steward Feng cursed in his heart, if you’re unwilling, who would dare to take it to the next level? 

Yu She picked up another book. Sat down and flipped a couple pages. Annoyed, he asked, “Did you open up the meal box to see what’s inside?”

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Steward Feng nodded in a daze. “I did.”

Indifferently, Yu She asked, “How’d it look?”

Shocked, he stammered, “It… it’s different from what we usually eat. The pastries weren’t as fine as the ones our cooks make, but smelled fragrant.” 

Yu She drew his brows together. “Since it smelled so good, why didn’t you tell me?!”

Steward Feng was struck speechless. Then he expended a lot of energy to say, “Heir often avoided evil influences in such a way, so this old slave thought you would not allow yourself to smell those pastries.”

Five viscera and six bowels uncomfortable, Yu She turned around and did not speak again.

Since Yu She did not explain anything, Steward Feng retreated. 

A few days later, the servants of the side courtyard of Prince Yu’s estate stood frightened to silence. Feared that if they were not careful, they would anger Young Prince Yu.

Yc atf atlgv cluta, j agerafv jlvf bo Te Vtf tjv jc egufca wfrrjuf obg tlw. Ugfnlberis, Vafkjgv Mfcu tjv lcobgwfv atlr agerafv jlvf ab gfwfwyfg atja cb wjaafg ktja, tf wera cba yglcu eq atf kbgv “qjraglfr.”

Djooifv, atf agerafv jlvf tjv jugffv.

Te Vtf tjv jigfjvs ojiifc jriffq. Vb bcmf tf kjr kbxfc eq, tlr fzqgfrrlbc kjr rb ecrlutais atja la afgglolfv batfgr. Llr tjlg kjr lc vlrjggjs, ujhf jr mbiv jr lmf jr tf rajgfv vbkc tlr agerafv jlvf. “Qtja?” 

This was someone Yu She had inserted by Xuan Qiong’s side.  If it wasn’t something important, he wouldn’t have come.

The trusted aide saluted and rose to his feet. “Last month I informed Heir that Fifth Prince went through numerous twists and turns before finding those few servants who had kept watch in the Royal Mausoleum.”

Yu She impatiently said, “So what? Did you finally find those people?”

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The trusted aide nodded. “This subordinate is incompetent. Fifth Prince hid those people in a place that was very hard to find. Many times, I was at a loss. For one month, I was unable to unearth any clues. But today, for some reason…” 

The trusted aide hesitated, before saying, “A clue suddenly appeared. The three servants who used to watch over the Royal Mausoleum were all brought away.”

Anger flaring in his chest, Yu She said, “What?!”

The trusted aide also could not wrap his mind around it. “This time, Fifth Prince was especially careful. Even Prince Yu did not know he had hidden these people. Because Fourth Prince was still investigating, at most Fourth Prince would pick up a few things, but there would not be any more people who were aware of this. However, during Yin Shi, before the sky could brighten, guests arrived at the estate. Once these strangers closed the door, they spoke with Fifth Prince for a little while. Then, after they had exited, Fifth Prince paled and did not speak for a moment. Those people brought Fifth Prince’s trusted aide to the edge of the city to a pawn shop. The three servants from the Royal Mausoleum were actually hidden in the basement there. After that… those people who met with Fifth Prince and the trusted aide left.”

Yu She frowned. 

The trusted aide said, “This matter is very strange. Our people and Fourth Prince’s people are both investigating in the dark, to bring those servants to our side. And Fifth Prince treats these servants as if they’re his lifeblood. Three sides have competed for so long. Never would anyone have imagined such an unforeseen event to occur.”

Yu She sneered. “Who brought the servants to the pawn shop? Don’t tell me you don’t know?”

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“It’s unclear what happened in the early morning.” The trusted aide lowered his head in shame. “Everyone in the estate was still asleep, and I did not dare to get up and investigate. Once the sky brightened, those people had already been moved. After one day of investigation, this subordinate discovered that those people who came to speak with Fifth Prince were the emperor’s close imperial guards.”

Shock collided with Yu She’s form. 

He had long since ordered to capture those three servants alive. The trusted aide feared carrying the responsibility of failure and said, “Heir, this matter doesn’t make sense. Three sides aimed to capture the same people. No one dared to allow any bit of information to spread, in fear of this matter blowing up. Perhaps those at the top found out, or Fifth Prince was anxious to silence people, or… So who’s the one behind this? This subordinate is always in Fifth Prince’s estate and doesn’t have much communication with Heir. Could there have been someone by Heir’s side who accidentally did something they should not have done?”

Yu She’s expression darkened. “I never ordered anyone to do anything.”

In low spirits, the trusted aide said, “Then this subordinate is unsure. At this moment, three sides are fighting in the dark, and all of a sudden, someone swept everything clean.”

“It wasn’t me or Xuan Qiong,” muttered Yu She. “Who else could it be?” 

The trusted aide could not figure it out. “This subordinate is incompetent. At present, His Majesty has already acted. Gales and showers can wash everything clean. In this way, this will become an unresolved case. Yet… Although this subordinate is not exonerating myself, Heir, this is the most advantageous case for us.”

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Cold as ice, Yu She said, “Naturally.”

In the beginning, Yu She absolutely wanted them alive. But that was because he wanted to inquire carefully about past events. However, if those servants fell into the hands of Xuan Jing or Xuan Qiong, they would be the sharp weapons in which to deal with Yu She in the future.

Nevertheless, the trusted aide still did not give up. He summoned all his courage and asked, “Even if this subordinate dies ten thousand times, this subordinate would still ask Heir once more: does Heir have other people in Fifth Prince’s estate? Because this matter… seems like something done by our people.” 

Yu She did not grow angry. He shook his head. “I don’t have any other spies there.”

A wave of relief washed over the trusted aide. But then he grew worried again. “This subordinate is unsure if these are merely groundless fears, but after this incident, this subordinate feels that a new force has risen in the capital. Yet it’s unclear who they are.”

Yu She’s expression turned gloomy. A long while later, he sneered. “Don’t know. However, these people are really not upright and honest, flipping the chessboard when defeat was inevitable… Such an approach is a bit wild.”

Worried, the trusted aide said, “Originally, this subordinate thought that after Third Prince’s passing, the situation at the capital would clear up. Unexpectedly, a new force would appear.” 

“How interesting… Carefully investigate.” From the start, Yu She wanted to muddy up the water even more. He didn’t care just how many people wanted the throne. “Take note of a few things. I want to know who’s interfering.”

The trusted aide kowtowed, stealthily retreating.

In Prince Qian An’s estate, Zhong Wan lay in bed weak and sickly, listening to Xuan Congxin nag at him.

These past few days, Zhong Wan kept leaving the estate. Although after Xuan Rui had left, no one paid attention to them anymore, he still was careful. Every time he left the estate, it would either be early in the morning or late at night. Whenever it was the coldest, he would go out, and after repeating this for a few days, he fell ill. At night, he suddenly grew a fever. After drinking two servings of medicine, he recovered a little. 

All along, Xuan Yu had taken care of Zhong Wan by his bedside. He listened to Xuan Congxin admonish Zhong Wan. Once he grew bold enough to help explain for Zhong Wan, he received Xuan Congxin’s admonishment as well.

A wet towel lay on Zhong Wan’s forehead. He pursed his chapped lips and smiled. “Young Miss has been admonishing me for so long. Are you thirsty?”

Xuan Congxin frowned. “No.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“But I am.” Zhong Wan used a lot of energy to smile. A sigh escaped his lips. “May I trouble Young Miss to give me a cup of tea…?” 

“You’re eating medicine. How could you drink tea?” Xuan Congxin ordered people to give Zhong Wan a bowl of white fungus soup. “Once you’ve drank your medicine, drink this soup.”

Zhong Wan smiled. After drinking that bowl of soup, he felt a lot more comfortable.

“You went out a lot these past few days,” whispered Xuan Yu. “Were you meeting with Kuafu?”

Although Zhong Wan was sick, as soon as he had heard those words, he became more lively. He smiled and whispered, “Yes, otherwise why would I go out when it’s so cold?” 

Admiration flashing in his eyes, Xuan Yu asked, “Did you coax her?”

“Not yet.” Zhong Wan sighed. Carelessly said, “It’ll probably be hard to do so even after three to five years—”

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Startled, Xuan Congxin said, “Just what kind of person did you fall for?!”

Zhong Wan couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m just talking nonsense. It won’t be that hard to coax them.” 

Yet Xuang Congxin found it hard to believe. “I still hope you marry a wife soon, and then we return to Qian An together. You… What kind of luck do you have to bump into such a person?”

“What did I bump into? A southern wall?” Zhong Wan smiled. “Enough. Young Miss has lectured me for a while. There are germs in the room, so you people should not be here. Return to your own courtyards.” Deflecting and coaxing the brother and sister pair to leave, he said, “Haven’t I already woken up? After I lie down for a few more days, I’ll be better. After the third set of seven days, there’ll be no need to kneel daily anymore. Xuan Yu, you ought to study. I’ll quiz you later. Now go.”

Expending a lot of effort, he removed his wet inner garments and changed into a new set. He lay down on the bed, a deep sigh escaping him.