Tang Ming seemed to notice Zhong Wan’s hesitation. He slowly stated, “Princess Royal Anguo is His Majesty’s younger sister and also His Majesty’s only sibling. She has Prince Yu as a husband as well. Even considering those that lived during the previous emperor’s rule, there isn’t another princess as honorable or powerful as her. Such a person naturally can’t be fooled so easily, not to mention…”

Tang Ming’s voice became a few decibels softer. He smiled. “Not to mention, she’s currently helping His Majesty raise an imperial prince.” 

Zhong Wan’s expression instantly changed.

Tang Ming gave Zhong Wan a placating look. He kindly said, “There’s no need to become panicked, Shidi. Since Teacher told me to care for you before his passing, I naturally won’t hide anything from you. Some things… I had already known during my time as an Imperial Court Scribe. Others were things that Teacher told me prior to his death. If you want to know anything now, as long as I have an answer, I will share my knowledge with you.”

Zhong Wan had spent several days visiting old acquaintances. This was his first time seeing someone so open. He temporarily didn’t know how to react. Zhong Wan still didn’t dare to say too much. He responded with a question, “Sh-shixiong said just now that Princess Royal Anguo is currently raising an imperial prince for His Majesty. Regarding this… please be more detailed.”

Tang Ming took a good, long look at Zhong Wan. The words didn’t need to be spoken: You don’t trust me. 

Zhong Wan pretended he didn’t notice. This was related to Yu She. He couldn’t not be careful.

Tang Ming was unbothered. While brewing tea, he said, “This story begins during the previous emperor’s rule…

“Back when His Majesty was still a prince, his eldest son and second son both died, one after the other. The third son that he managed to keep alive, with much difficulty, was extremely weak as well. He would fall over as soon as the wind blew. The imperial doctors all said that he didn’t have long to live. During that time, the previous emperor was extremely worried about His Majesty, worried that he would be fated to not have sons or grandsons. The reason the previous emperor hesitated and didn’t declare a crown prince for a long time was also because of this.”

Zhong Wan froze. This was his first time hearing this.

“At the time, His Majesty was already thirty four. He only had one sickly son under his name. The previous emperor was anxious for him; His Majesty was also anxious for himself. That child…” Tang Ming paused, then continued, “Was conceived during that time.”

“I don’t actually know who that child’s biological mother is. I can only guess… that her identity must be somewhat special.” Tang Ming looked up at Zhong Wan. “Do you know who she is?”

Zhong Wan shook his head. “No. I really don’t! It’s not that I refuse to say.”

Tang Ming smiled. “No matter. Shidi, first listen to me say this… Think about it, Shidi. Disregarding everything else, if you were His Majesty, already thirty-something, and had finally managed to conceive a child that might be a son, would you keep it?” 

Zhong Wan furrowed his eyebrows and nodded.

“Dea tbk?” Ktf kjafg rajgafv yblilcu. Kjcu Zlcu qea bea atf olgf. “Vlcmf atf mtliv’r ylgat wbatfg mbeivc’a yf rffc ys batfgr, atfs cffvfv ab olcv tlw rbwfbcf klat jc lvfcalas atja mbeiv ab yf tlr wbatfg. Llr Zjpfras vlvc’a agera jcsbcf firf, rb… tf atbeuta bo tlr sbecufg, ylbibulmji rlrafg.”

Zhong Wan said in a low voice, “This is exactly the part that I don’t understand. If His Majesty really viewed that child as important, even if he couldn’t allow the birth mother to be seen, he could always give the child to any other consort to raise. Why…”

“This answer comes in two parts,” Tang Ming slowly started. “First, at the time, there were already rumors that Second Prince… who is the current emperor, couldn’t keep his kids alive. His Majesty probably somewhat believed it too, so didn’t dare to have the child remain under his name. Naturally, this supernatural reason is a bit unbelievable. The most important thing was…” 

Tang Ming poured a cup of tea for Zhong Wan. He continued, “His Majesty had already had intentions to fight for the throne. His Majesty is someone who looks three steps ahead for every step he takes. With this move, he was planning for his future.”

Zhong Wan accepted the teacup. He furrowed his brows. “Princess Royal Anguo had already married Prince Yu at the time. Prince Yu’s estate supported him. What else did he need to plan for?”

“No. Back then, though His Majesty wasn’t crown prince yet, he already had complete confidence that he would be. His plans weren’t to gain the support of Prince Yu’s estate anymore. Instead…” Tang Ming lowered his voice, “How to take back this prince of a different surname’s title.”

Tang Ming held his hands out. “Shidi is knowledgeable about all the past and present texts, so naturally would know that princes of different surnames are only named when the nation is unstable and the imperial family doesn’t have enough power. As soon as the emperor can stand on his own two feet, isn’t his first order of business to kill those who have made great achievements? To have kept the title for so long, Old Prince Yu and the current Prince Yu are both smart people. This has already been quite difficult.” 

Something dark flashed through Zhong Wan’s eyes. He ground his teeth. “Prince Yu isn’t an idiot. He…”

“Prince Yu obviously isn’t an idiot, but he had already married Princess Royal Anguo many years ago. All his power and wealth had long since been placed on the bet that was Second Prince… no, the current emperor, I mean. By this time, he could no longer back out.” Tang Ming smiled. “This is an emperor.”

Tang Ming added, “Naturally, His Majesty is mellow in his actions. Just that same year, he gifted Prince Yu two noble consorts.”

Zhong Wan thought back on all the times he had interacted with Emperor Chongan in these past years. He broke out in cold sweat. 

Zhong Wan lowered his voice to say, “After being tricked like this by His Majesty, there’s no guarantee that Prince Yu doesn’t feel hateful. These years… Perhaps he has long since created his own plan.”

“Naturally.” Tang Ming nodded. “But they will continue acting like they get along. As long as…”

Zhong Wan clenched his teeth. “As long as Yu She, the chess piece that keeps them both in check, is still alive.”

Tang Ming observed Zhong Wan’s expression. After a brief silence, he chuckled. “Shidi’s current state… I daren’t say anymore.” 

Zhong Wan controlled his expression. He lowered his head and said, “Shixiong, please continue.”

“Shidi asked about Princess Royal Anguo, so I’ll stick to talking about the princess,” Tang Ming drawled out. “You already know about the events of the past, so definitely must understand that Princess Royal Anguo’s situation was very tricky. However, Princess Royal Anguo was born in the imperial clan, so learned quite early on that ‘father’ and ‘brother’ were the most important. Her entire life needed to be dedicated to the throne first and foremost. So, when His Majesty told her to adopt this child, Princess Royal Anguo was extremely unwilling, but still did so. After all… at that time, she had just lost her own child. And, the imperial doctor had said that she would no longer be able to become pregnant.”

Zhong Wan softly said, “In my youth, I once spent time with Yu She for half a year. I could tell… Princess Royal Anguo truly doted on him.”

“Doted?” Tang Ming shook his head and smiled. He stated, “By then, I had already quit being an official for many years. I don’t dare to speak of the specifics. But later on, Teacher told me one thing. Does Shidi want to hear?” 

Zhong Wan said, “Naturally. Shixiong, please continue.”

Tang Ming said, “According to rumors, Young Prince Yu’s temperament suddenly changed six years ago. Does Shidi know why?”

Zhong Wan shook his head. “I’m unsure. At that time, I had already headed to Qian An. I can only guess that he found out the truth about his own identity then.”

Tang Ming asked, “Why did he find out?” 

Zhong Wan froze. “This… I believe he looked into it.”

Tang Ming asked again, “So why did Young Prince Yu suddenly decide to look into it?”

Zhong Wan had no answer.

Tang Ming sighed. “This is what Teacher told me. Teacher said that one day, for some unknown reason, Princess Royal Anguo suddenly refused to see Young Prince Yu for several days. Later on, she unwillingly saw him…. and, during a disagreement, slapped Young Prince Yu across the face. She even punished him to kneel in the hall for many consecutive days.” 

Zhong Wan was speechless and in disbelief. “Princess Royal punished Yu She? Why?”

Tang Ming sighed again. “Because someone told Princess Royal that the child she had been pregnant with that year hadn’t been lost because of her poor health. Instead, there had been a ploy created by His Majesty to cause her to miscarry.”

With a snap, Zhong Wan shattered the tea cup in his grasp with his bare hands.

The porcelain stabbed his palm. Zhong Wan closed his eyes. The blood streamed down the lines along his palm. 


Tang Ming suffered a great fright. He rushed to help bandage Zhong Wan up, but Zhong Wan only clenched his teeth tightly together. A pause later, he said, “No worries. I’d like to ask Shixiong to go into detail.”

Tang Ming lamented, “Princess Royal had doted on Young Prince Yu so much before that. With such a sudden change in attitude, Young Prince Yu would definitely feel panicked and confused. Since his birth, the rumors about his identity had never ceased. Young Prince Yu thought of this too. He… decided to find out the truth.”

Zhong Wan inhaled deeply. His face was ashen pale. “Princess Royal’s child truly…” 

Tang Ming gasped sharply. He shook his head and said, ‘No. The worst thing is, all of this had only been someone’s trap. Princess Royal’s child had truly been lost because of an accident on her own part, but after Princess Royal Anguo finally got to the bottom of this case and realized everything… Paper could no longer contain the fire. Young Prince Yu… had already learned the whole truth.”

Zhong Wan squeezed the pieces of porcelain in his hand tightly. He felt like all his organs had switched places. Zhong Wan suffered silently. After a long time, he finally slightly recovered.

When leaving the manor, a sudden thought struck Zhong Wan. He abruptly asked Tang Ming, “All the past events that Shixiong shared with me were focused on Ziyou, as if you knew I came here for him. Shixiong… How could you have such a clear grasp on my thoughts?”

Tang Ming looked exasperated. “Shidi still doesn’t trust me. But today, I did all the talking. You didn’t reveal even half a secret. What are you scared of?” 

Zhong Wan’s eyes were dark. “On matters relating to Ziyou, I cannot afford to not be cautious.”

“This is our first time meeting. It’s reasonable that you would still be suspicious about me.” Tang Ming was completely uncaring of how guarded Zhong Wan was. He said, “As for why I knew you came for Young Prince Yu, it’s because Teacher once told me…”

Zhong Wan was on high alert. “What did he say?”

Tang Ming smiled faintly. “Because Teacher once told me, back in the day, when you still attended lessons in the palace with the princes of Prince Qian An’s estate, you cared nothing for matters outside of academia. You were proud and arrogant, disdainful of getting caught up with anyone else. Except… you would occasionally blank out. Blank out and only stare at Ziyou.”